THE I EDITION SICHOS YISROEL מטות-מסעי A Vaccine That Really Works! Sponsored by Toras FROM THE SHIURIM OF Avigdor staff, for the continued success of שליט“א HARAV YISROEL BROG ROSH HAYESHIVA, YESHIVAS TIFERES AVIGDOR Sichos Yisroel SICHOS YISROEL SEFER SPONSORSHIP $3 , 6 0 0 PARSHA SPONSORSHIP $360 TO SPONSOR: VISIT YTATORAH.ORG QUICKPAYZELLE: [email protected] SCAN HERE TO DONATE SUBSCRIBE TO SICHOS YISROEL VISIT YTATORAH.ORG OR EMAIL: YTATORAHGMAIL.COM TO RECEIVE BEFORE SHABBOS! SCAN HERE TO SUBSCRIBE DISTRIBUTED IN LAKEWOOD - LOS ANGELES - FLATBUSH - CHICAGO CLEVELAND - DETROIT - MIAMI - DEAL - BALTIMORE BROOKLYN - BELLE HARBOR - PASSAIC - MONSEY FOR ASSISTANCE WITH DISTRIBUTION PLEASE CALL / TEXT 713.542 .5648 HaRav Yisroel Brog, Shlita Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshivas Tiferes Avigdor (Shiur presented in 5780) Immunization for Bein Hazmanim The Yeitzer is Also Excited About Bein Hazmanim Before we begin bein hazmanim, I would like to share some information with all of you on how to keep yourselves “above water” and prevent the Yeitzer Hora from taking away all that you have gained.1 No one should imagine that the Yeitzer Hora is any less excited about Bein Hazmanim than you are. During Bein Hazmanim, the Yeitzer Hora is much more excited than you are because he has a large pool of “good customers.” He knows that everybody's looking for a vacation, and once you go on vacation, he already has you doing things that are truly unbecoming of Bnei Torah or frum Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvos, and he convinces you that this is part of your vacation. For some of you, he gets you to participate in mixed swimming, whether it's at a hotel in a swimming pool or at a beach and of course he is morei heter that this is “only” your sister-in-law or your cousin, it’s all family.” A Six-Year Old’s Shaila About Mixed Swimming Everytime I think about this challenge, I always remember a wonderful family who was very secular when they grew up and actually thought they were non-Jews, but in reality, they came from a very Chassidic background. Their parents, who were Holocaust survivors, never told their children that they were Jewish. Then the Six-Day War came, and the father, who was very proud of “his boys,” said, “Kids, we are Jewish!” Eventually, I merited to learn with their 1 Though these shiurim are said in front of Bnei Yeshiva, the topic of “bein hazmanim” is applicable for any B’nei Aliya who want to understand how to grow during their summer break, vacation, etc. 1 │ שיחות ישראל: פרשת מטות- מ ס ע י son who was a grown man by that time, and a doctor; his wife was also a doctor. They had a few young children (two boys and one girl), and all of them eventually became frum. Their dedication to Torah was amazing - it was a beautiful thing to watch. Their little 6-year old girl once sent me a sheila. I was learning with her father and he brought a cute note from her, which read, “Dear, Rabbi Brog, am I allowed to go swimming in the ocean, because maybe - on the other side of the world - there is a boy in the water at the same time?” And I said, “Boy, I hope this kid never ‘loses it’!” And she didn't. She grew up to be a tzadeikes, and she married a ben achar ben, of none other than the holy R’ Akiva Eiger (1761-1837). Her chasson had the same name, Akiva Ganz, which was the birth name of R’ Akiva Eiger. Amazing! He is a true ben Torah, and a real ben Aliya. Finding Protective Measures And then you have your Yeshiva bochurim who are challenged during bein hazmanim. Usually zman tefillah and zman krias shema fall by the wayside. Talmud Torah also falls by the wayside. These boys become drunk in their own drunkenness and wildness, trying to stay busy running from one thing to the next, and it's really tragic and sad. And they really think it's temporary fun, but these blocks of time play a big role in people's lives and they cause a tremendous yerida. The Yeitzer tells you, “It's either this, or there’s no bein hazmanin at all.” A person has to know that there are protective measures that he can take to salvage his bein hazmanin. One can have a good time and relax, and at the same time, not only maintain his Judaism, but also enhance his growth. There are spiritual growth opportunities that a person can have during bein hazmanin. Even if one is not a masmid, one can make certain minimum commitments. Yaakov Avinu’s Immunization Program In the Torah, we find that Yaakov Avinu, who was already in his sixties and an “ish tam yoshev ohalim,” was sent by his parents from Be’er Sheva to go to Haran, to look for a shidduch. And on the way to Haran he stopped at the Yeshiva of Shem and Ever, where he learned for 14 years. He was sixty-three years old at the time. Now, the obvious question is: is this the right time to go to learn in a Yeshiva? The man was a super masmid! And besides that, his father told him to go to Charan to find a shidduch, so how could he not listen to his father? He had a mitzvah of Kibud Av! The Chofetz Chaim presents this question (in Sefer Shmiras HaLashon, Gate of Torah), and he says 2 │ שיחות ישראל: פרשת מטות- מ ס ע י a fundamental answer: he says that Elifaz (son of Eisav) robbed Yaakov of all his worldly assets and Yaakov became a poor man through this episode. But Yaakov also knew, at that point, that he wasn't going to make a quick entrance and exit from Lavan’s home. He knew that if he was going to find a wife there, it was going to be at a great price; he would have to live there. Yaakov Avinu understood that he would have to stay there, so he decided to prepare himself with fourteen years of intense learning to “immunize” himself against the influence of Lavan, until Yosef was born who would become a counterpart of Eisav.2 But what the Chofetz Chaim doesn't tell us is why all the learning that Yaakov did in the first sixty-three years of his life didn’t suffice! So R’ Yaakov Kaminetsky, zt”l, discusses this topic in Emes L'Yaakov (Bereishis 28:11) and proposes an interesting answer. He says that Yaakov Avinu spent his life learning the Torah of Avraham and Yitzchak and he was immersed in the Torah that they transmitted to him. But now, when he was leaving that great house, and forced to enter a place devoid of kedusha, a place full of tumah, he needed to learn Torah from someone who had faced the challenge of being surrounded and influenced by the world and overcame it. The yeshiva of Shem and Ever was such a Yeshiva, says R’ Yaakov Kaminensky. Shem and Ever were individuals who lived in the world where everyone was running away from Hashem. Shem lived during the Generation of the Flood. Ever lived in the following generation, the Dor Haflagah. As a result, they learned Torah from the perspective of preparing and strengthening themselves for those challenges.3 2 וְהָ יָה יָרֵ א יַﬠֲקֹב אָבִ ינוּ לָרֶדֶ ת אֶצְ לוֹ וּלְהִתְ ﬠַ כֵּב שָׁמָּ ה, כִּי יָדַ ע אֶ ת לָבָ ן כִּי רַמַּ אי הוּא, וְגַם יִרְ צֶה לְהַ אֲבִ ידוֹ מִ ן הָ עוֹלָם, וּכְמוֹ שֶׁהֵﬠִ יד ﬠָלָיו הַ כָּתוּב לְבַ סּוֹף, שֶׁרָדַ ף אַחֲרָ יו וְרָ צָה לְהָרְ גוֹ, לוּלֵ א שֶׁ אֱ�קֵּ י אַבְרָהָ ם הָ יָה בְּ ﬠֶזְ רוֹ וְהִ צִּ ילוֹ, וְגַם בֵּ יתוֹ מָ לֵ א טֻמְ אַ ת תְּרָפִ ים, וְאֵ ין בְּ כֹחוֹ לַﬠֲמֹד נֶגֶד טֻמְ אָ ה רַ בָּ ה כָּזוֹ, בִּלְתִּ י בִּ זְכוּת קְ דֻשַּׁ ת הַ תּוֹרָ ה, וּבְבֵ ית לָבָ ן לֹא יִהְ יֶה בְּאֶפְשָׁ רוּתוֹ לִהְ יוֹת דָּ בוּק לַתּוֹרָ ה. וְﬠַל כֵּן הִקְדִּ ים אֶ ת ﬠַצְ מוֹ וְנָס אֵצֶל שֵׁ ם וְﬠֵבֶ ר אַרְ בַּ ע ﬠֶשְׂ רֵ ה שָׁ נָה וְלָמַ ד שָׁ ם בְּהַתְ מָדָ ה רַ בָּ ה, כִּי כָּל הָאַרְ בַּ ע ﬠֶשְׂרֵ ה שָׁ נָה לֹא שָׁ כַב לִ ישֹׁן פַּﬠַ ם אַחַ ת שֵׁ נַת קֶ בַ ע, כְּמוֹ שֶׁהֵﬠִ יד ﬠָלָ יו הַ כָּתוּב (בראשית כ"ח י"א): "וַיִּשְׁ כַּב בַּמָּ קוֹם הַ הוּא", וּכְפֵרוּשׁ רַשִּׁ "י שָׁ ם. וּבְלִ מּוּד כָּ זֶה, אַ ף כִּי יִתְ ﬠַכֵּב אַחַ ר כָּ� בְּבֵ ית לָבָן אֵ יזֶה שָׁ נִים, לֹא יַזִּ יק לוֹ מְ אוּמָ ה. [וּבִדְ בָרֵ נוּ יִהְ יֶה נָכוֹן מְ אֹד הַחֶשְׁ בּוֹן אַרְ בַּ ע ﬠֶשְׂרֵ ה שָׁ נָה, כִּי אַחַ ר שֶׁהֵ ם תְּ מוּ רַ ת הַ שָּׁ נִ י ם שֶׁ ה וּ א מֻכְרָ ח לִהְ יוֹת אַחַ ר כָּ� בְּבֵ ית לָ בָ ן, וְיָדַ ע שֶׁבְּבֵ ית לָבָ ן יִהְ יֶה ﬠַל כָּל פָּנִים אַרְ בַּ ע ﬠֶשְׂרֵ ה שָׁ נָה, כְּמוֹ שֶׁ יָּדוּﬠַ, שֶׁאִ י אֶפְשָׁר הָ יָה לוֹ לָשׁוּב לְבֵ יתוֹ כָּל זְמַ ן שֶׁ לֹּא נוֹלַד לוֹ יוֹסֵ ף, כִּי הוּא כְּלֶהָבָ ה וּבֵ ית ﬠֵשָׂ ו לְקַ שׁ, וּכְמוֹ שֶׁ כָּתוּב (בראשית ל' כ"ה): "וַיְהִ י כַּאֲשֶׁ ר יָלְדָ ה רָ חֵ ל אֶ ת יוֹסֵ ף, וַיֹּאמֶ ר וְכוּ' שַׁלְחֵ נִי וְאֵלְ כָה" וְגוֹ', וּכְפֵרוּשׁ רַשִּׁ "י, וְיָדוּﬠַ, שֶׁ יּוֹסֵ ף נוֹלַ ד בִּ זְמַ ן שְׁ נַת אַרְ בָּﬠָה ﬠָשָׂ ר, וּכְמוֹ שֶׁ כָּתוּב (בראשית ל"א מ"א): "ﬠֲבַדְתִּ י� אַרְ בַּ ע ﬠֶשְׂרֵ ה שָׁ נָ ה בִּשְׁ תֵּ י בְּ נוֹתֶ י�" וְגוֹ'.
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