National Park Service, Interior § 7.91 not apply to a person under 10 years of § 7.90 [Reserved] age. (b) What is public nudity? Public nu- § 7.91 Whiskeytown Unit, dity is a person’s failure, when in a Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity Na- public place, to cover with a fully tional Recreation Area. opaque covering that person’s genitals, (a) Water sanitation. (1) Vessels with pubic areas, rectal area or female marine toilets so constructed as to per- breast below a point immediately mit wastes to be discharged directly above the top of the areola. into the water shall have such facili- (c) What is a public place? A public ties sealed to prevent discharge. place is any area of Federal land or (2) Chemical or other type marine water subject to Federal jurisdiction toilets with approved holding tanks or within the boundaries of Kaloko- storage containers will be permitted, Honokohau National Historical Park, but will be discharged or emptied only except the enclosed portions of rest- at designated sanitary pumping sta- rooms or other structures designed for tions. privacy or similar purposes. (b) Overnight occupancy of a vessel on the Whiskeytown Lake is prohib- [64 FR 19483, Apr. 21, 1999] ited. (c) Powerless flight. The use of devices § 7.88 Indiana Dunes National Lake- shore. designed to carry persons through the air in powerless flight is allowed at (a) Fishing. Unless otherwise des- times and locations designated by the ignated, fishing in a manner authorized superintendent, pursuant to the terms under applicable State law is allowed. and conditions of a permit. (b) Powerless flight. The use of devices (d) Gold Panning. (1) As used in this to carry persons through the air in section, the term ‘‘gold panning’’ powerless flight is allowed at times and means the attempted or actual removal locations designated by the super- of gold from a stream by using either a intendent pursuant to the terms and metal or plastic gold pan and a trowel, conditions of a permit. spoon or other digging implement hav- [49 FR 18451, Apr. 30, 1984] ing a blade surface not exceeding 4 inches wide and 8 inches long. § 7.89 New River Gorge National River. (2)(i) Unless otherwise designated by (a) Hunting—(1) May I hunt within the superintendent, gold panning is al- New River Gorge National River? Yes, lowed on all streams. Streams, or por- you may hunt if you: tions thereof, that are designated (i) Possess a valid West Virginia closed to gold panning are marked on a State hunting license or permit, or are map available for public inspection at exempt under provisions of West Vir- the office of the superintendent, or by ginia law. the posting of signs, or both. (ii) Comply with the hunting seasons, (ii) Prior to engaging in gold pan- harvest limits, and any other condi- ning, a person shall register with, and tions established by the State of West pay a special recreation permit fee to, Virginia. the superintendent. The super- intendent shall establish the special (iii) Do not violate any closures or recreation permit fee in accordance limitations established by the Super- with regulations in part 71 of this chap- intendent for reasons of public safety, ter. resource protection, or other manage- (iii) A person may remove gold from ment considerations. the Unit only in accordance with these (2) Do West Virginia state hunting laws regulations. apply within New River Gorge National (3) The following are prohibited: River? Yes, non-conflicting State hunt- (i) Removing gold by any method ing laws are adopted as part of the reg- other than gold panning, including, but ulations in this section and apply with- not limited to, the use of suction, a in New River Gorge National River. crevice cleaner, screen separator, view (b) [Reserved] box, sluice box, rocker, dredge or any [68 FR 55317, Sept. 25, 2003] other mechanical or hydraulic device, 145 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:59 Aug 05, 2010 Jkt 220136 PO 00000 Frm 00155 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220136.XXX 220136 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR § 7.92 36 CFR Ch. I (7–1–10 Edition) or skin diving equipment such as a motor vehicles used by the public. snorkel, mask or wetsuit. These routes will be marked by signs, (ii) Using any toxic substance or snow poles or other appropriate means. chemical, including mercury, in gold The superintendent shall determine the panning activities. opening and closing dates for use of (iii) Conducting gold panning outside designated snowmobile routes each the confines of existing stream water year. Routes will be open to snow- levels, or digging into a stream bank, mobile travel when they are considered or digging that results in the disturb- to be safe for travel but not necessarily ance of the ground surface or the un- free of safety hazards. Snowmobiles dermining of any vegetation, historic may travel in these areas with the per- feature or bridge abutment. mission of the superintendent, but at [36 FR 14267, Aug. 3, 1971, as amended at 38 their own risk. FR 5245, Feb. 27, 1973; 49 FR 18452, Apr. 30, (3) Snowmobile use outside des- 1984; 54 FR 23649, June 2, 1989] ignated routes is prohibited. (c) Fishing. Unless otherwise des- § 7.92 Bighorn Canyon National Recre- ignated, fishing in any manner author- ation Area. ized under applicable State law is al- (a) Aircraft-designated airstrip. (1) Fort lowed. Smith landing strip, located at approx- (d) Personal Watercraft (PWC). (1) imate latitude 45°19′ N., approximate PWC use is allowed in Bighorn Canyon longitude 107°55′41″ W. in the National Recreation Area, except in S1⁄2S1⁄2SE1⁄4 sec. 8, and the S1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4 the following areas: sec. 9, T. 6 S., R. 31 E., Montana Prin- (i) In the gated area south of cipal Meridian. Yellowtail Dam’s west side to spillway (2) [Reserved] entrance works and Bighorn River (b) Snowmobiles. (1) Designated routes from Yellowtail Dam to cable 3,500 feet to be open to snowmobile use: On the north. west side of Bighorn Lake, beginning (ii) At Afterbay Dam from fenced immediately east of the Wyoming areas on west side of dam up to the Game and Fish Department Residence dam. on the Pond 5 road northeast to the (iii) In Afterbay Lake, the area be- Kane Cemetery. North along the main tween dam intake works and buoy/ traveled road past Mormon Point, Jim cable line 100 feet west. Creek, along the Big Fork Canal, cross- (iv) At Government docks as posted. ing said canal and terminating on the (v) At the Ok-A-Beh gas dock, except south shore of Horseshoe Bend, and the for customers. marked lakeshore access roads leading off this main route to Mormon Point, (vi) From Yellowtail Dam upstream north and south mouth of Jim Creek, to the log boom. South Narrows, and the lakeshore road (vii) In Bighorn Lake and shoreline between Mormon Point and the south south of the area known as the South mouth of Jim Creek. On the east side Narrows (legal description R94W, T57N of Bighorn Lake beginning at the junc- at the SE corner of Section 6, the SW tion of U.S. Highway 14A and the John corner of Section 5, the NE corner of Blue road, northerly on the John Blue Section 7, and the NW corner of Sec- road to the first road to the left, on tion 8). Personal watercraft users are said road in a westerly direction to its required to stay north of the boundary terminus at the shoreline of Bighorn delineated by park installed buoys. Lake. All frozen lake surfaces are (2) The Superintendent may tempo- closed to snowmobiling. rarily limit, restrict, or terminate ac- (2) On roads designated for snow- cess to the areas designated for PWC mobile use only that portion of the use after taking into consideration road or parking area intended for other public health and safety, natural and motor vehicle use may be used by cultural resource protection, and other snowmobiles. Such roadway is avail- management activities and objectives. able for snowmobile use only when the [36 FR 21666, Nov. 12, 1971, as amended at 48 designated road or parking area is FR 29845, June 30, 1983; 52 FR 34777, Sept. 15, closed by snow depth to all other 1987; 70 FR 31353, June 1, 2005] 146 VerDate Mar<15>2010 08:59 Aug 05, 2010 Jkt 220136 PO 00000 Frm 00156 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220136.XXX 220136 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR.
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