Bulletin Zoologisch Museum S3 (glNIVERSITElT VAN AMSTERDAM H Vol. 3 no. 12 30-VIII-1973 Whale-lice (Amphipoda: Cyamidae) in Dutch waters Jan H. Stock Abstract (ZMA). As a result of this study, the occurrence in our waters could be ascertained of three Three species of whale-lice are recorded from of Dutch waters: Platycyamus thompsoni (Gosse, 1855), species Cyamidae, which are reported upon Cyamus catodontis Margolis, 1954, and Isocyamus below. delphinii (Guérin-Méneville, 1836). Cyamus cato- dontis is recorded moreover for the first time from several subantarctic localities. Isocyamus recorded from delphinii is a new host, Phocoena 1) Platycyamus thompsoni (Gosse, 1855) phocoena (Linnaeus, 1758). The records for C. catodontis and I. delphinii constitute consider- References.- See Wolff, 1958: 2-3, and Leung, able extensions of the known range. 1967: 288. Material.- Clinging to a Bottlenose Whale, INTRODUCTION Hyperoodon ampullatus (Forster, 1770), stranded near Waarde (province of Zeeland) on Nov. 18, 1931. Two specimens in ZMA, two others in RMNH. ZMA Two Harbour Porpoises, Phocoena phocoena The specimens have been mentioned in a paper by Stock & Bloklander, 1952: 8. (Linnaeus, 1758), caught in the last few months in Dutch waters, yielded a number of whale-lice. Remarks.- Although Wolff, 1958: 12, does not This find stimulated me to check the whale-louse refer to the Dutch record, it is clear from his samples from the Netherlands, preserved in the paper that the Netherlands fall well within the two large natural history museums in the country, known range of P. thompsoni: from England to the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historié, Leiden Spitzbergen. Hyperoodon ampullatus is the normal (RMNH) and the Zoôlogisch Museum, Amsterdam host for this species of cyamid. 74 catodontis in C. whereas in C. baha- 2) Cyamus Margolis, 1954 shaped") catod.on.tisj mondei it is stated (Buzeta, 1963: 131) to be catodontis C. Margolis, 195U: 320-32lt, figs. I-II; "not transformed, but wider than in the male" Margolis, 1955: 127-129» figs. 13-19» Leung, 1967= which that (translation mine), appears to mean 287, fig. 5c. 1892: (non it is in C. boopis var. physeteris Pouchet, 99 bieuspidate as the male. However, 1888: C. physeteris Pouchet, 698-699). Buzeta's figure 1, wanting in details as it is, C. - ( boopis Boschma, 1938: 33 non C. boopis Lutken, 1870: 280). seems to indicate a leaf-shaped structure, very similar to that found in C. catodontis. If this Material.- More than 100 specimens secured from a Sperm Whale, Physeter macrocephala Linnaeus, proves to be the fact, C. bahamondei would almost . ( = P.. catodon ), stranded near Terneuzen 1758_ , be reduced to of C. certainly a junior synonym (province of Zeeland) on Feb. 27, 1937 (RMNH). catodontis. Remarks.- The Dutch record is published in a For the present study, I have examined somewhat obscure way, in the annual report of the material of C. catodontis from the Netherlands, Director of the Leiden Museum (Boschma, 1938: 33) mentioned above, and moreover four samples under the name of Cyamus boopis Liitken, 1870. secured from Sperm Whales caught by the whaler Later studies (Margolis, 1955) of the whale-lice "Willem Barendsz" at the following positions: on Physeter have shown that most if not all — 0U° 56°33' S 1*8' E, Dec. 3, 1 some 50 “C. records of boopis” from Sperm Whales are re- specimens (ZMA); — 16° 55°20' S 30' E, Nov. 18, some 50 ferable to C. boopis var. physeteris Pouchet, specimens (ZMA); 1 1892, and that this taxon deserves full specific — 5^°58 S 16°53.5' E, NOV. 16, 2<f, 19 (ZMA). rank. Since the name physeteris Pouchet, 1892 — 61°00' 1+2° 1+6 1*0 S 1 W, Mar. 11, 1959, some is, however, preoccupied for a different species specimens (ZMA). of cyamid C.( physeteris Pouchet, 1888), Margolis (1954) proposed the name C. catodontis for the These records from a considerable extension Sperm Whale parasites. of the known range of C. catodontis, to the North C. catodontis is a rarely recorded species. Sea in the North and to subantarctic waters in Pouchet's material came from the island of Flores the South. (Azores); Barnard's record (1932: 312, as C. boopis, but according to Margolis, 1955: 128 3) Isocyamus delphinii (Guérin-Méneville, 1836) possibly referable to C. catodontis) is from the Indian Ocean off Durban. Margolis based his de- Refs.: cf. Leung, 1Ç6J: 288. scriptions on material from British Columbia. Material.- 101 secured from specimens (ZMA), a The of accessory gills C. catodontis, which female Harbour Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena (Linnaeus, 1758), caught "between Petten and are one of the salient identification characters, Callantsoog (province of North-Holland) in the are clearly illustrated for the male sex only period of 2h to 31 August 1972. The whale-lice were predominantly located in old, partly healed (Margolis, 1955, fig. 19; Leung, 1967, fig. 5c). wounds, but also in the mouth, the genital aper- Those of the female are briefly but correctly de- ture, and at the implantation of the pectoral fins. scribed by Margolis (195*1: 321), who calls the male Harbour 26, 19, from a Porpoise, stranded in posterior ramus "leaf-shaped". The accessory Het Zwin, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (province of Zee- land), April 3, 1973 (ZMA). 6 9 gills of and of C. catodontis are figured in the present paper (figs. 12-13); that of the fe- Remarks.- I. delphinii (syn. Cyamus globicipitis male is wider than long, asymnetrical, and its Lutken, 1873) is known from a score of different distal margin is irregularly toothed or crenulat- smaller Odontoceti, but not yet from Phocoena. It ed. has been recorded from "dolphins" in general (a Leung, 1967: 283 (in a key to the species, rather vague indication, under which various couplet 11) calls the posterior ramus "biramous" different species of whales may hide), further- for 9 C. catodontis and for 9 C. baha- more frcm from », "simple" Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758, This mondei Buzeta, 1963- must be due to confu- Pseudorca crassidens (Owen, 1846), from Grampus sion, since this appendage is si pie ("leaf- griseus G. Cuvier, 1812, and from Globicephala 75 the Dutch of catodontis, and to melaena (Traill, l809) (references in Bowman, specimens Cyamus Dr. W.L. van Utrecht, of the Zoologisch Laborato- The on these hosts 1955: 318). occurrence was material the rium, Amsterdam, for the cyamid from established in several localities (Azores, Cape whaler "Willem Barendsz". Verde Islands, western part of the Mediterranean region, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico), all situated in the tropical to warm-temperate parts of the REFERENCES Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In addition, BARNARD, K.H., 1932. Amphipoda. Discovery Reps., thére is one record from Japan (Hiro, 1938: 77), £: 1-326. Am- from Globicephala macrorhynchus Gray, 1846 BUZETA, B., Ramon, 1963- Cyamidae (Crustacea: phipoda) en Physeter catodon L. capturados en ( = scammoni Cope). Chile con descripciôn de una nueva especie Cyamus The present finds from the Netherlands thus bahamondei. Montemar, J_1_: 126-135- BOSCHMA, H., 1938. Verslag omtrent het Rijksmu- constitue a new host record and a considerable te de seum van Natuurlijke Historié Leiden over extension of 1936 1937 : 1-U2 northward of the known range the jaren en (Brill, Leiden). A and BOWMAN, Thomas E., 1955- new genus species parasite. of Whale-louse (Amphipoda: Cyamidae) from the Although hundreds of Harbour Porpoises have False Killer Whale. Bull. mar. sci. Gulf Caribbe- an, 5 (b): 315-320. been examined at the various zoology departments HIRO, Fujio, 1938. Cyamus elongatus n. sp., a new of the University of Amsterdam during the last Whale-lice from Japan. Annot. zool. Japon., 21 (1): 71-77• decade, for anatomical and systematic studies, no LEUNG, Yuk-Maan, 1967- An illustrated key to the whale-lice were ever found on them before. It is species of Whale-lice (Amphipoda: Cyamidae), ec- toparasites of Cetacea, with a guide to the lite- rather surprising, therefore, that on two animals rature. Crustaceana, 12_ (3): 279-291- obtained in the last few months these parasites LUTKEN, Chr.Fr., 1870. Conspectus Cyamidarum bo- realium hujusque cognitarum. Vidensk. Selsk. For- were found. It is known that several other marine handl. Christiania, J_3: 279-280. animals from southern have invaded the 1873. Bidrag til kundskab om arterne af origin , slaegten Cyamus Latr. eller hvallusene. Skr. vi- Boreal zone in recent years, but it is premature densk. Selsk. (5) (naturvid. math. to assume a similar invasion for Isocyamus on the Afd. ) JO B (III): 231-281», i-iii, pis. I-IV. MARGOLIS, Leo, 195*». Three kinds of Whale-lice basis of the present two records. (Cyamidae: Amphipoda) from the Pacific coast of Res. Since I am not aware of the existence of Canada, including a new species. Journ. Fish. Bd. Canada, _1_l_ (3): 319-325. detailed figures of the mouth parts of Isocyamus 1955. Notes on the morphology, taxonomy , of delphinii, a number of illustrations showing the and synonymy of several species Whale-lice (Cyamidae: Amphipoda). Journ. Fish. Res. Bd. Cana- salient features of the species, is incorporated da, 12 (1): 121-133. in the present paper (figs. 1-11). POUCHET, Georges, 1888. Sur un nouveau Cyamus parasite du Cachalot. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 107: 698-699• ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Contribution à l'histoire des Cyames. , Journ. Anat. Physiol, norm. path. Homme Animaux, The author to Dr. is indebted P.J.H. van Bree, 28: 99-108, pis. VI-VIII. of the Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam, who brought STOCK, Jan H., & A.E.M.H. BLOKLANDER, 1952. the parasites of the Harbour Porpoise under his Notes on adventive Amphipoda (Crustacea, Malacos- 10) notice, and who provided the correct scientific traca) on the Dutch coast. Beaufortia, _1_ ( : 1 —9- names for the various cetacean hosts recorded in WOLFF, Torben, 1958.
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