FOUNDED J850-0VER 7,0()(•.GRADUATES Medical Department of the University of Nashville and the 1 University of Tennessee SIXTIETH SESSION, 1910-11 WILL OPEN 3EPT. 1Ii~ 1910~AND CLOSE MAY 1t 1911 3hv1lle-Tennessee Bulletin Volume I,lNo.3 Published quarterly: January, June, August and November, by the University of Nashville and the University of Tennessee, at Nashville, Tennessee. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 1\1ARCHJ 1910 2 Medical Department Trustees of the University of Nashville. I Hon. JAMES D. PORTER, A.M., LL.D., President, ,l ROBERT EWING, Secretary and Treasurer, His Excellency, THE GOVERNOR OF TENNESSEE, ex officiCl -JOHN M. BASS. HENRY M" DOAK. EDGAR JONES. Hon. MARK S. COCKRILL. Bon. JOHN M. THOMPSON. C. DEWEES BERRY. OVERTON LEA. G. H. BASKETTE. *R. L. C. WHITE, M.D • •Hon" M. B. HOWELL. Gen. G. P. THRUSTON. Hon. G. N. TILLMAN. Hon. J. WI' BONNER. JOHN M. GAUT. ROBERT EWING • •Deceased. • Index to Alumni Lists: Pages. University of Nashville, 1850-1909 11- 85 University of Nashville-Vanderbilt, 1875-1895 86-103 University of Tennessee, 187641909 104-143 Special Notice to Alumni 145 ERRATA. Additions to University of Nashville Alumni: Hudson, Laurence Doyle, 1909 -- Nashville, Tenn~ Sivert, John Lester, 1909 - - --- --:. -- -_ -- Captina, W. Va. Willard, Robert S.., 1909 ---- - Brock, Okla. Corrections: Bealle, James Samuel, 1906 __-- -- __- M --- - - Duhl, Ala. Carter, Uriah Darling, 1906 - -- - -- - - - - - Garden Valley" Texas. Chastain, Josiah S., 1903 - -- - -- ---- -- - - -- - -Prescott, Ark. Davis, Eldred Allany, 1908 - - -- - -- __- ~__Paris, Tenn. Goodloe, Ernest Reuel, 1903 - - -- --- -~ - - - -Smithland, Ky. Killion, Henry AUston, 1904 Tiptonville, 'llenn~ . Maples, Joseph Hemans, 1905 - - -- - - - -- -- - __- Elkmont, <Ala~ l\1"arshal1; Cyril Justin, 1907 - - - Lambert" l\Ilss. McCallum, Carl Lorraine, 1905 Garland, Texas. Rogers, I{arl E., 1007 -- _- - -- - - .Duckto,vn, Tenn. Thompson, Arnon Lynn, 1903 --Nebo, Ky. Witherington, Redding 4, 1909 __- __- Rutherford; Tenn. Changes in Board of Trustees University of Tennessee: District 1~Hugh G~ Kyle's term expiring July 1, 1921. District 7t George Campbell Brown, succeeding Z.. W. Ewing, deceased, term expiring July I, 1915.. District 10, Rowan A. Greer, succeeding ~iarye B. Trezevant term expiring July 1, 1981~ Ufti'trsittl oj Naah,CU, and U"i~er8ittl of T"'7Iu.e,. 3 Trustees of the University of Tennessee~ His Excellency, THE GOVERNOR OF TENNESSEE, ~ officio.. THE SpPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, ex officio. THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE. ex officio. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY, ex officio. Congressional Districts. Term Expires. 1. HUGH G. KYLEt Rogersville_-- __-- -- -- --- --- -- --_July 1, 1909. 2. EDWARD T. SANFORD, KnoxviIle __-------------Ju1y It 1911. 3. XENOPHON WHEELER, Chattanooga------------Ju1y 1, 1913. 4. HARRIS BROWN, GaUatin ---------------------Ju1y 1, 1915. 6. THOMAS R. MYERS, Shelbyville __...------- ..-------Ju1y It 1917. 6. T. F. P. ALLISON, Nashville--- ----- ----------_July 1, 1917. 7. Z. W. EWINGt Pulaski -- ....--------------------.-Ju1y 1t 1915. 8. HU C. ANDERSON, Jaekson -------------~-----luly 1. 1913. 9. SPENCER F. THOMAS, Brownsville ------------July 1, 1911. 10. MARYE B. TREZEVANT, Memphis_--------------Ju1y 1,1900. From the City of Knoxville. UU L .. 'AIcCLUNG, Knoxville ..__.---------- ..-- ..----1u1y 1. 1919. JAMES MAYNARD, Knoxville- ---------------July 1, 1919. Officers of the Board. BROWN AYERS, Ph.D., LL.D., D.C ..L. -------President. JAME S llA YN ARD ..__...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...-Treasurer. WILLIAll RULE- ---- --- ----...--- ---- _Secretary. 4 },fedieal Departmnd Committee on Medical Departmenl His Excellency, THE GOVERNOR OF TENNESSEE, ex offioio. BROWN AYRES, President University of Tennessee, Chairman. lAMES D. PORTER_ President University of Nashville. GEORGE N ..TILLMAN, Trustee of the University of Nashville. HARRIS BROWN, Trustee of the University of Tennessee. ROBERT EWING, Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICERS OF THE FACULTY. ROBERT OLIVER TUCKER, M.D., Dean. J06EPH P.. KELLER, A"B.., ?f.D., Secretary. EUGENE FREDERICK TURNER, Registrar. , FACULTY. 1 VlILLIAM ELI McCAMPBELL, A.M., If.DII' Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. HILLIARD WOOD, M.D., Professor of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat .. ~ CHARLES BROWER. M.D., Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgery. \ JAMES SAMUEL WARD, A.B., 11.D., Professor of Chemistry and l Demonstrator of the Chemical Laboratory. \ ROBERT OLIVER TUCKER, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and ~ Clinical Midwifery. ' PERRY BROMBERG, 1I.D., Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery and Venereal Diseases. Wll...LIAM DAVID HAGGARD, M.D., Professor of Abdominal Surgery and Clinical Surgery •. ALBERTO HUDSON, M..D., Professor of Anatomy. JOSEPH Pe KELLER, A.B., M.D., Professor of Physiology and Demonstrator of Physiological Laboratory. ARTHUR LESLIE SHARBER, M.D.t Professor of Surgical Anatomy' and Visceral Anatomf e . HAZLE PADGETT, 11.D., Professor of ClinIcal Medicine and Nerv- ' ous and Mental Diseases .. WILLIAM E. HmBETT, M.D., Professor of Diseases of Children. t ROBERT CALDWELL, M..D.t Professor of Practice and Operative' Surgery. EVANDER McIVER SANDERS. M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Demonstrator of Surgical Laboratory. ~ HOLLAND MeTYElRE TIGERT. M.D., Professor of Gynecology t and Materia Medica. THOMAS GEORGE POLLARD, lI.D., Professor of Principles of, Surg~~ •. CLINTON E. BRUSH, B.S., M.D., Professor of Principles of Medicinl:' and Clinical lIedicine" l WILLIAM ALEXANDER QUGHTERSON, M.D., ProCessor of Phys.~ ieal Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine, House ' Physician and Chief of Clinic of the Tennesse! Hospi tal.. GEORGE CONNOR TRA'VICK. M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Demonstrator of Midwifery. ~ NEWTON G. EVANS, B.S ..,.M.D., Professor of Pathology and Demon. strator of the Microscopical, BacteriologicL and Pathological Laboratories •. f.-- \ Ullieersittl 0/ Naah,ill, and U"ive,.it,l oj Te1l1&essee. 5 CHARLES NORRIS COWDEN~ M ..D ... Professor of Gynecology .. SAMUEL M. BLOOMSTEIN, M.D., Professor of Diseases of Children. JOHN IREDELL D. HINDS. A..B.., A.M .., COlE., LL.D ...Ph ..D., Pro .. fessor of Chemistry" DAVID R. NEIL, A.B., M.D ... Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. J.. WIlLIS BONNER, LL.D •• Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. JAMES DREW, M.D.~ Professor of Dermatology. ADAM GILLESPIE NICHOL, !wi.D.., Special Lecturer on Orthopedic Surgery .. WILLIAM BUTLER LEE. M.D., Assistant to the Chair of Diseases of the E;re, Ear, Nose and Throat. EDWIN LEE ROBERTS, A.M., 1\I..D., Assistant to the Chair of Dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. HERBERT THOMAS BROOKS, A..B.t M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of the Ph~siological Laboratory and Demon~ " stra tor of Pathology ~ , JOSEPH FRANCIS GALLAGHER, ~i.D", Demonstrator of Anatomy. MASON PRICE GUILL, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. JOHN M ..LEE. M.D .• Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy .. WILLIAM FRANK FESSEY. 11.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy •. CHARLES GREGORY GRIFFINt AI.D., Assistant Demonstrator of the lticroscopical, Bacteriological, and Path- ological Laboratories" " JOSEPH PERRY SCHELL, M.D •• Assistant Demonstrator of the Microscopical, Bacteriological, and Patho- logical Laboratories. DALLAS HARDEE NEIL, Ph ..G., Demonstrator of Pharmacy • • DAN RENON BROWN, 11..D., Assistant in Mental and Nervous Diseases. MONT ROYAL FARRAR, !tl..D .., Clinical Instructor of Electro-Ther- apeutics Bnd Radiography, and Lecturer on Medical Ethics and Medical Economics. :,EDWIN A. SAYERS. M..D.,Assistantto the Chair of 1tlateria Medica. Clinical Assistants ... " WILLIAM ABRAHAll HORAN, ll.D., Dispensing Physician. WILLIAM BUTLER LEE, M.D .• Eye, Ear, Nose..and Throat. "EDWIN LEE ROBERTS. A.M., M..D., Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. :'JOHN W. BAUhiAN. JR., M.D., lledicine. " HERBERT THO~-IAS BROOKS, A~B., M ..D", Medicine. CHARLES WATKINS BROWN. MOlD .., Surgery. Il HENRY B. PARRISH, M..D., Medicine. 'PAUL GUNKLE l.10RRISSEY, hl.D., lledieine. ; EDWIN CHILDRESS DeMOSSt 11.D., Surgery. ~JOHN B .. HASKINS, M.D., Abdominal Surgery." "BERNARD EUGENE BRITT, M.D., Surgery. ;JOSEPH PERRY SCHELL, M.D.t lIedicine. ROBERT L. HAYES, !.I.D., Obstetrics. MASON PRICE GUILL, M.D., Abdominal Surgery ... WILLIAl<l FRANK FESSEY. M.D .., Gynecology. JAMES W. BUCHANAN. M ..D"J Genito Urinary Diseases. ALBERT BARDILL, M.D .• Gynecology. 6 M,dical DeparlfMftJ Historical Sketch of the College. The Medical Department of the University of Nashville and the University of Tennessee was formed by the union of two of the oldest medical schools in the South. The Medical Department of the Uni- versity of Nashville was organized October 11, 1850.. It has graduated nearly five thousand physicians and Burgeons .. The Medical Depart .. ment of the University of Tennessee was organized in 1876. It has nearly three thousand alumni. The two medical schools were founded by the same men. the names of Dra ..1. Berrien Lindsley, Paul F. Eve, Sr. t and W. K. BowIing being prominent in the history of each. The University of Nashville and the University of Tennessee are and always have been sister insti tu tiona. As colleges, they were both established by the State of Tennessee to earry out the purposes of an Act of Congress, which granted to the State two townships of public lands~ which were to be sold and the proceeds applied to '"'the estab- lishment of two colleges, one in East and one in West Tennessee/' Thus arose East Tennessee College and Cumberland College, each based on a previous foundation, Blount College
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