Document of The World Bank Group FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Report No. 95178-MW Public Disclosure Authorized INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING REVIEW Public Disclosure Authorized OF THE COUNTRY ASSISTANCE STRATEGY FOR THE REPUBLIC OF MALAWI FOR THE PERIOD FY13-FY16 March 25, 2015 Public Disclosure Authorized International Development Association Malawi Country Management Unit Africa Region International Finance Corporation Sub Saharan Africa Department Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Sub-Saharan Africa Department This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their Public Disclosure Authorized official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. The date of the last Country Assistance Strategy (Report No. 74159-MW) was December 12, 2012 FISCAL YEAR July 1 – June 30 CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange rate effective as of February 22, 2015) Currency Unit = Malawi Kwacha (MWK) US$1 = 454.5 MWK ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AAA Analytical and Advisory Activities ETG Export Trading Group AfDB African Development Bank EU European Union AgPER Agriculture Public Expenditure FDH First Discount House Review FISP Farm Input Subsidy Program AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency FM Financial Management Syndrome FMB First Merchant Bank APEI Accelerated Program for Economic FROIP Financial Reporting and Oversight Integration Improvement Project ASWAp Agriculture Sector Wide Approach FSTAP Financial Sector Technical ATS Automatic Transfer System Assistance Project BESTAP Business Environment GDP Gross Domestic Product Strengthening Technical Assistance GEF Global Environment Fund Project GFDRR Global Fund for Disaster Risk BTOR Back to Office Report Reduction CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture GMDP Global Media Development Development Program Program CABS Common Approach to Budget GP Global Practice Support GPE Global Partnership for Education CAS Country Assistance Strategy GPSA Global Partnership for Social CBN Community Based Nutrition Accountability CDS City Development Strategy HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus CMST Central Medical Supply Trust IC Investment Climate COMSIP Community Savings and IFA Inputs for Assets Investment Promotion ICR Implementation Completion CPF Country Partnership Framework Review CPPR Country Portfolio and Performance IDA International Development Review Association CRW Crisis Response Window IFC International Finance Corporation CSO Civil Society Organization IFMIS Integrated Financial Management DB Doing Business Information System DLI Disbursement-Linked Indicator IHPS Integrated Household Panel Survey DPO Development Policy Operation IHS Integrated Household Survey DPP Democratic Progressive Party IHPS Integrated Household Panel Survey DTIS Diagnostic Trade Integration Study IMF International Monetary Fund EIB European Investment Bank IRLADP Irrigation, Rural Livelihoods, and E-PAF Extraordinary Performance Agricultural Development Project Assessment Framework IP Implementation Progress ESCOM Electricity Supply Commission of ISR Implementation Status and Results Malawi Report ESIA Environmental and Social Impact JICA Japan International Cooperation Assessment Agency ESMP Environmental and Social LUANAR Lilongwe University of Agriculture Management Plan and Natural Resources ESW Economic and Sector Work M&E Monitoring and Evaluation ii MAP Multi-sectoral AIDS Project PPIAF Public-Private Infrastructure MASAF Malawi Social Action Fund Advisory Facility MDA Ministries, Departments and PPF Project Preparation Facility Agencies PPP Public-Private Partnership MDG Millennium Development Goal PSR Public Sector Reform MDTF Multi-donor Trust Fund PWSP Public Works Support Program MGDS II Second Malawi Growth and RBM Reserve Bank of Malawi Development Strategy RF Results Framework MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee SATTFP Southern Africa Trade and Agency Transport Facilitation Project MIS Management Information System SCD Systematic Country Diagnostic MP Member of Parliament SCT Social Cash Transfer NBS New Building Society SME Small and Medium Enterprise NHL Nico Holdings Limited SRBMP Shire River Basin Management NSP National Strategic Plan Project OAP Open Aid Partnership SVTP Shire Valley Transformation ODA Official Development Assistance Project OSBP One Stop Border Post TA Technical Assistance PAD Project Appraisal Document TF Trust Fund PET-QSDS Public Expenditure Tracking and TSA Treasury Single Account Quality of Service Delivery Study USAID United States Agency of PFM Public Financial Management International Development PFEMRP Public Finance and Economic WTP Willingness to Pay Management Reform Program WBG World Bank Group PIU Project Implementation Unit WBI World Bank Institute PLR Performance and Learning Review iii Acknowledgements The PLR was prepared under the guidance of Kundhavi Kadiresan, the Country Director. The core team was led by Laura Kullenberg, Country Manager and included Zafar Ahmed, Esther Lozo and Zione Kansinde. World Bank Group Country Team members based in Lilongwe, Washington D.C., and Zambia made significant contributions including Zeria Banda, Efrem Chilima, Trust Chimaliro, Mercy Chimpokosera, Stephen Davenport, Alejandro De la Fuente, Daniel Domelevo, Olivier Durand, Khurram Farooq, Douglas Graham, Malcolm Ehrenpreis, Craig Hammer, Ziauddin Hyder, Chrissie Kamwendo, Priscilla Kandoole, Praveen Kumar, Julita Manda, Keith McLean, Robin Mearns, Steven Mhone, Zachary Mills, John Makumba, Sandra Moscoro, Brian Mtonya, Menno Mulder-Sibanda, Francis Nkoka, Vijay Pillai, Peter Pojarski, Richard Record, Tijan Sallah, Deepa Sankar, Greshom Sichinga, Grace Soko, Pazhayannur Subramanian, Jeff Thindwa, Pieter Waalewijn, and Michael Webster. The IFC team was led by Saleem Karimjee and Aimilios Chatzinikolaou, and by Stephan Dreyhaupt from MIGA. The PLR benefited from discussions with parliamentarians, civil society and private sector representatives. Special thanks are extended to the Government of Malawi, for their contributions. IDA IFC Vice President: Makhtar Diop Karin Finkelston Country Director: Kundhavi Kadiresan Oumar Seydi Task Team Leaders: Laura Kullenberg Saleem Karimjee iv Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 II. MAIN CHANGES IN COUNTRY CONTEXT ................................................................ 1 A. The Country Context: “Cashgate”, a New Government and the Floods ............................... 1 B. Key Macroeconomic Developments ...................................................................................... 2 C. Poverty and Shared Prosperity ............................................................................................... 3 III. SUMMARY OF PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................... 4 A. Portfolio Performance and Implementation Issues ................................................................ 4 B. Overview of Progress towards Achieving CAS Objectives ................................................... 6 Theme 1: Promoting Sustainable, Diversified, and Inclusive Growth .................................. 7 Theme 2: Enhancing Human Capital and Reducing Vulnerabilities ..................................... 8 Theme 3: Mainstreaming Governance for Enhanced Development Effectiveness ............... 9 C. Analytical and Advisory Activities ...................................................................................... 10 IV. EMERGING LESSONS .................................................................................................... 11 V. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE COUNTRY ASSISTANCE STRATEGY .......................... 12 A. Proposed PLR Program ……………………………………………………………….….. 12 B. Modifications of the Results Framework ............................................................................. 16 C. Indicative WBG Program ..................................................................................................... 16 VI. RISKS TO CPF PROGRAM ........................................................................................... 19 v ANNEXES Annex 1: Updated CAS Results Matrix Annex 2: Matrix of Changes made to Original CAS Results Matrix Annex 3: Matrix Summarizing Progress towards FY13-FY16 CAS Objectives Annex 4: Detailed Review of Progress Annex 5: Planned and Actual Lending and Non-Lending FY13-17 Annex 6: Poverty Reduction and Shared Prosperity in Malawi Annex 7: IFC Country Program Annex 8 Financial Management Review Annex 9: List of Active Trust Funds Annex 10: Summary of CPPR Findings Annex 11: Review of Gender-informedness of the WBG’s Portfolio in Malawi Annex 12: Stakeholder Consultations and Client Survey List of Tables and Boxes Table 1: IFC Investments and Advisory Services during the CAS Period Table 2: Progress in Restoring PFM systems Table 3: Indicative Financing Program Table 4: Indicative Non-Lending Program Table 5: Revised Systematic Operations Risk-Rating Tool Box 1: Cross-sector Collaboration for Agricultural Transformation in Malawi CAS Standard Annex Tables Annex B2: Selected Indicators of Bank Portfolio Performance and Management Annex B8: Operations Portfolio (IBRD/IDA and Grants) MAP vi I. INTRODUCTION 1. The current Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for the period FY13-FY16 was discussed by the Board in January 2013 (Report No: 74159-MW). It has
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