REV. A. WALLACE, D. D., Editor, OCEAN GROVE, N/J., SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1894. VOL; XX No, 15. " B e s t . ” ho that belle voth not on tlio Bon. sh nil not State constabulary to enforco prohibition The Lord is M y Portion. P. Cunningham Scott, Tree-J’janting Day, see life, but the wrath of (iod nbideth on in cities liko ..Council Bluffs and Des ITho follow in g cxqnthltc Ut*lo pnom w as repre­ - ' IIV W. II. CUKK. sented ne anonvrnoiw { hut It appears tlio author, him. • Moines, she could speedily demonstrate its The.visit o f tliis young missionary, who The day lixed for this interesting annual Mary;Wnotsey Howland,' who died In- J801. wiw • — - spent last Sabbath ot Ocean Grove; and ^festival is Wednesdiiy, April 2.V A very w ell known. W o consider it well worth repenting.) practicability. But this Darlington and . ; . Je«u«. Thmi iirt IhodcareHt; .Sunshine in the Soul. Florence insurrection shows what might Uo Thou to rno tlie nearest; . •. addressed three or four different meet brief, simple and informal sejvlco will ; V I lay me down to sle ep,. Llfo'a darkest night Thou cheered. With Itltlo caro be expected; ings in Park and Grove, wns made a bless­ held at Qentennial Park at 1 0 a , h ., also UY M US. F A N NIK II. CAItJl. With Thy. West light. Whether my waking And Already this violence is being quoted in ing to ,everyone who listened to his won­ the usual tree planting exersises a t . St; Mo bore or thero. O may Thy sp.rlt giildo mo, •. derful words. H e seom'ed .utterly obllvr Paul's Church at T.yfJ i*. ai. ’ ‘ A mostemphattcrohiect lesson- was given England as an argument against the,tem* And if Thou \vii k besldo me, . ■ • . ’ “ A bowing. burdened head That only aj-ks to rfcu,, upon tho above ou the occasion of a recent j pernnce measures so earnestly advocated W hafover m«iy betido mo, ions of self in speakjpg of tlie years he Tlio price of trees, sef out, with proper Unquestioning, upon holiness convention held in' Philadelphia, A ll w ill bo right. • • had given to tlie service of Christ in earth.to Insure growth, will.be:— \ A loving brcafct, v. • in tho Commons, Tliis factalono should under the auspices o f what are known as O pen tho eyes'of nil American lovers of ' T h y nam e is over sWeete/a; Africa,;and so won tlie attention and hearts For good size thrifty wilver maples, $2.00 " My good right band forgeU T h y mercy is cdmplctcst I u cunning now ; the “ Heavenly Recruit?.*' Strictly speak­ law and order. Tho question Is very sim­ o f tho people that It is not. Improbable, For evergreens, according to size, ^ U o $2. For oft In lovo Thou meotest . To march tho weary march ing, the occasion was interdenominational, ple and direct: Which shall rule, the some one • m ay: volunteer to go. out with Persons desiring, trees set out on their I know not how. Thy w ayw ard c h ild .. ' as representatives from almost all the evan­ home or-the saloon? Governor Tillman liis sorrows nover spurptnc; him when he.again starts to the mission grounds will communicate with Capt. L. ** 1 am not eager, hold. N o r strung—all that Is past; gelical bodies wero present. As your cor­ ia fighting ihe battle of good government Ilia footsteps JieavennarU turning; field*. On Monday morning, after, his Balnear, Superintendent, Ocean Grove, I am ready not to do, respondent arose to address tbe meeting, against subtile and deadly anarchy. H e is ; T o w ard him T h ^ pHy yearning, Sabbath labors;a lady who lieard his plea At last, at last. N. J., immediately, as only the number the Andrew Jackson of the new order.— • tn lovo so the’ scene that met her eye was indeed a for tho salvation of the heathen, put a ordered w ill be purchased by us. " My half-day's work is done. Exchange. And thia ie (ill my part— unique one. If a sprinkling of faces in a Thus will I trust Thco over; check in hisitand to enable him the more E. I I . S to k k s , P m 't . I giro a patient God glvon audienco upon wliom rests what • . Thou w ilt forsake mo.nov.cr ; . successfully to prosecute the work, to II y patient heart; • Order is Heaven’s First Law. Arid nought below shall sever'. Joseph Cook calls the solar light, fur­ My Lord and I ; . which God lias called him. " And grapp Bin banner still, A rare opportunity Is afforded the resi­ •: • About tho' Grove. Though all tho biuo bo dim , nishes inspiration to tho speaker, what ForstJH Ills lovo unfolding,. dents of Ocean Grove nnd Asbury Park, In These stripes as well as stur* must tbe effect be o f several hundred faces ’ l shall, the Lamb beholding, • There is no abatement, but on the conr Lead after Him.” • Mrs. Benjamin’s instructions and parlia­ Mr, Uuss’s bathing establishment will . illuminated with “ the light wklclr.’was Walk tho bright pavement golden; tiary, a deeply increasing interest in the' mentary drills, to be giveu in Educational In yonder pky. evangelistic campaign now being carried be, as it always has been, in good condi­ never yet on land or sea,”. One could not March, 1891. Hall on the evenings of the lGtb, 17th nnd tion when the season opens. '• Scriptural Conversion. but conjecture what would be the eifect forward in New York city. All day long 18th. Parllameptary rules are the result and lute into the evening earnest and en­ Not a particle of the galvanized sheet T o compaea tbla “ ch ief • end o f man M upon a thoughtful observer—say from of'centuries of experience In conducting Bishop Uowman is London; thusiastic workers labor in the public iron roofing on the new Auditorium, was two parties, God and man, must unite and heathen lands, as he; gazed .Upon this sea proceedings of deliberative bodies, "while squares, in the-open streets and in tho displaced by the late: storm. • The few work together. Here la the process: of- upturned faces, beaming with a joy that JuBt as we anticipated, Says the Western ono person acts ns tho mouthpiece, keepB churches.anil hails in various sections of pieces which fell from the exposed roof I. GOD‘8 I'AHT. '■ . plainly Indicated there was indeed sun­ Christian Advocate, having heard Bishop matters well in hand, and iupartially gives this gieat city. A t all points' large audi­ w ere ly in g Hosoly tliere and are not dnm- 1. Redemption. Forasmuch aa ye know shine in tlieir souls.*’ , A s one listened to Newman, our English brethren change to every member, according to certain pre­ ences are the rule, nnd hundreds of peo­ nged. • that ye were not redeemed with corrupti­ the clear cut definite testimony concerning from their previous “As lie has attained to scribed regulations, a chance to bring for­ ple QBk for prayers that they may be con­ ble things, aa silver and gold . but with not only the power of'Christ to cleanse, considerable reputation as a preacher, our .. Few persons take into the account that ward their views, and to affect the deci­ verted and turned to the livin g God. In the precious blood of Chi let.— 1 Peter, lr but to keep, as ono heard how com pletely friends.will do well to hear him,” to this the new Auditorium now going up will be sions o f many people .of many minds. tlie churches and public halls scenes are 18,19. this wonderful salvation prepared men much heartier and more confident expres­ the largest audienco room in evangelical " Let everything; be done decently, and. In witnessed- beyond anything o f the kind , T lie Blood ia tlio purchase price o f inau’s and women to conquer in the battle o f life, sion, .” Bishop Newnian Is one o f the ablest Christendom. If any ono knows of a • order," is. a sacred command. ; W hat ever before' seen in the city., And the salvation; the Truth, the instrument; the which was emphasized from the first, that and most popular preachers in Am erica.” larger we should he..glad to know where cleanliness and neat arrangements are to a blessed work is. wldenlug and spreading - Holy Spirit, the superintendent; the this last winter, being one of almost un- T h e fact is, they now begin to know 'it stands, room, and ' what! good manners arevto an wonderfully every day. New poluts are . Church, the ageut. parnlelled distress, and .the great;majority, him. On the 5th o f March he dined with The largej tall, nnd very fine new elec- individual; just that, rules and regulations helrtg. multiplied, outdoor meetings are 2. Conviction: Nevertheless I tell you ] of those present belonging to the working Ex-Presiderit K e lle y and other' leading trie light poles are In place, and tlio wires are to an assembly. , Haven’t you seen in being held Jii new and convenient locali­ that It Is expedient for you that! go away; classes, had been special sufferers. As we ministers nt the London Book-room; tliat are being put on for the change of the . the organization to which you belong, just ties, nnd new h u lls and places of meeting for if I go not away, tile Comforter will heard their gladsome testimony, and had night .he u shed‘ tbe genial lustre .of his electric light system to that of the W est.
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