1928 CONGRESSIONAL ,RECORD-HOUSE 179 PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON Sara A. Conrath to be postmaster at Dixonville, Pa., in place John F. Moyer to be postmaster at College Place, Wash., in of S. A. Conrath. Incumbent's commission expires December place of J. F. Moyer. Incumbent's commission expired February 10, 1928. 13, 1928. David M. Gilbert to be postmaster at Hellam, Pa., in place Thurston B. Stidham to be postmaster at Doty, Wash., in place of D. M. Gilbert. Incumbent's commission expired June 6, 1928. of T. B. Stidham. Incumbent's commission expires December 9, James .:M:atchette to be postmaster at Hokendauqua, Pa., in 1928. place of James 1\latchette. Incumbent's commission expires William C. Hubbard to be postmaster at Klickitat, Wash., in December 9, 1928. place of W. C. Hubbard. Incumbent's commission expires De- - l\learl W. Smith to be postmaster at Wehrum, Pa., in place cember 9, 1928. of A. E. Chick, deceased. WISCONSIN Charles B. Rothenberger to be postmaster at West Leesport, Marion L. Lundmark to be postmaster at Balsam Lake, Wis., Pa. Office became presidential July 1, 1928. in place of J. E. Lundmark, deceased. PORTO RIOO WYOMING Leonor G. Rodriguez to be postmaster at Guayanllla, P. R., in John G. Bruce to be postmaster at Lander, Wyo., in place of place of L. G. Rodriguez. Incumbent's commission expires De­ J. G. Bruce. Incumbent's commission expires December 9, 1928. cember 1Q, 1928. Arturo G. Molina to be postmaster at Juncos, P. R., in place of A. G. Molina. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1928. Teodoro M. Lopez to be postmaster at Vega Baja, P. R., in THURSDAY, December 6, 1928 place of T. M. Lopez. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, 1928. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. souTH CAROLINA The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered the following prayer : Melvin L. Sipe to be postmast~r at Fountain Inn, S. C., in place of M. L. Sipe. Incumbent's commission expires December 0 God, our Heavenly Father, if we have taken our daily 10, 1928. bread and it brought us no message; if we have enjoyed a Albert H. Askins to be postmaster at Timmonsville, S. C., in night's rest and we are not grateful; if we have received en­ place of A. H. Askins. Incumbent's commission expires Decem­ couraging news and we are not more hallowed ; if we have had ber 9, 1928. enjoyment and have failed to see Thee, 0 Lord, forgive us and Jasper E.' Watson to be postmaster at Travellers Rest, S. C., open our eyes now. Make of these blessings a glorious ministry in place of J. E. Watson. Incumbent's commission expires De­ and send us on our way and make it glow with Thy presence. cember 10, 1928. Oh, may we see Thee in the creation, preservation, and in the • James J. Vernon, jr., to be postmaster at Wellford, S. C., in redemption of the great, wide world. May we know Thee in place of J. J. ·Vernon, jr. Incumbent's commission expires De­ the nearness and sanctity of true friendship. The power of cember 10, 1928. God is on the side of him whQ battles for truth's sake. Glory TENNESSEE be to Thy holy name. Amen. Hattie B. Huskins to be postmaster at Petros, Tenn. Office The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and became presidential July 1, 1~. approved. TEXAS MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Jefferson F. House to be postmaster at Bridgeport, Tex., in Sundry messages in writing from the President of the United place of J. F. House. Incumbent's commission expires Decem- States were communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of ber 10, 1928. his secretaiies. Ralph B. Martin to be postmaster at Camden, Tex., in place SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS R.EFE.RRED of R. B. Martin. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, Joint resolutions of the Senate of the following titles were 1928. taken from the Speaker's table and under the rule referred as De·witt T. Cook to be postmaster at Centerville, Tex., in place follows : of D. T. Cook. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, S. J. Res.102. Joint resolution authorizing the erection of a 1928. memorial building to commemorate the winning of the Oregon John W. Claiborne to be postmaster at Charlotte, Tex., in country for the United States; to the Committee on the Library. place of J. W. Claiborne. Incumbent's commission expires De- S. J. Res.139. Joint resolution for the relief of the Iowa Tribe cember 10, 1928. of Indians ; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. William R. Dickens to be postmaster at Eden, Tex., in place RESIGNATION oF A MEMBER of W. R. Dickens. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, 1928. The SPEAKER laid before the House the following com- William E. Barron to be postmaster at Iola, Tex., in place of munication, which was read by the Clerk : DECEMBER 1, 1928. W. E. Barron. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, Hon. NICHOLAS LONGWORTH, 1928. • Speaker House of Represetttati:ves, WasMngtot1, D. 0. Edmund A. Giese to be postmaster at Lagrange, Tex., in place DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby give nO"tification of my resignation as a of E. A. Giese. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, Member of the House of Representatives, to take effect as of December 1928. 15, 1928. This resignation bas already been lodged with the Governor John L. Vaughan to be postmaster at Lubbock, Tex., in place of the State of Ohio. of J . L. Vaughan. Incumbent's commission expires December Very respectfully yours, 10, 1928. THEODORE E. BURTON. Henry 0. Wilson to be postmaster at Marshall, Tex., in place of H. 0. Wilson. Incumbent'S commission expires December 10, DEATH OF THE LATE REPRESENTATIVES GEORGE M. WERTZ AND WARREN 1928. WORTH BAILEY, OF PENNSYLVANIA Marion Zercher to be postmaster at Mount Vernon, Tex., in Mr. LEECH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ad­ place of l\Ia1ion Zercher. Incumbent's commission expires De­ dress the House for two minutes. cember 10, 1928. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania asks John R. Wnre to be postmaster at Nederland, Tex., in place of unanimous consent to address the House for two minutes. Is J. R. Ware. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, 1928. there objection? Millard H. Edwards to be postmaster at Nixon, Tex., in place There was no objection. of 1\f. H. Edwards. Incumbent's commission expires December Mr. LEECH. 1\Ir. Speaker, it is my regret to announce the 10, 1928. death during the recent recess of the Hon. George 1\f. Wertz Robert L. Mobley to be postmaster at Santa Anna, Tex., in and the Hon. Warren Worth Bailey, both of Johnstown, Pa., place of R. L. Mobley. Incumbent's commission expires Decem­ the two remaining ex-Members of this House from the twentieth ber 10, 1928. district of Pennsylvania, the district which it is my honor to Pearl B. Monke to be postmaster at Weinert, Tex., in place of represent. P. B. Monke. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, Mr. Wertz, a Member of the Sixty-eighth Congress, who died 1928. November 19, 1928, was a life-long Republican of the old school. Hugh F. Skelton to be postmaster at Wylie, Tex., in place of He was a consistent friend and supporter of the late Senator H. F. Skelton. Incumbent's commission expires December 10, Penrose, whose confidence he held during the lifetime of that 1928. great Republican leader. Mr. Wertz was successively sheriff, 180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- HOUSE DEOEl\fBER 6 State senator1 county controller, and Congressman from Cam­ I repeat that through the courtesy of the Speaker we were able bria County, which now composes the twentieth district of to pass the bill that I have already referred to. I want to Pennsylvania. His outstanding ability and leadership were in­ thank our able Speaker for the courtesy and assistance he ex­ dicated by the fact that he became president pro tempore of the tended to my colleague [Mr. DRANE] and my elf. In 1925 my Senate of Pennsylvania during his first term in that body. colleague [Mr. DRANE]. introduced a special bill, but no relief Senator Wertz was honest, absolutely fearless, outspoken, and could be secured on that bill, and in 1926 there was a flood brilliant in his mental attainments as well as his political that cost the loss of lives of two or three hundred people. leadership. His passing marks the close of an epoch in politics We then secured the passage of this bill in 1927. In 1928 in the di trict~ a period that was graced by leadership of several more than 2,000 pe<>ple in that area lost their lives, and many types of men, but none who had the deserved respect of our of them were northern people. Over the long-distance telephone county to a more marked degree than my friend, George M. to-day one of my good Republican friends wanted to know Wertz. whether I would work for relief down there. I told him that Warren Worth Bailey died November 9, 1928. Mr. Bailey I had been working for relief and that I would continue to served in the Sixty-third and Sixty-fourth Congresses and was do so. the first Democrat ever to repr~ent that district. He was as I have just introduced a bill asking for other and further coni tent a Democrat as Mr. Wertz was a Republican. He relief in that flooded section in order that more lives may not was a real.Democrat to the end, never having relinqui hed the be lost and that no more property may be de troyed because of position of free trade his party early accepted, and was also tho e conditions.
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