March 15, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3201 not be considered to be a hazardous COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. ‘‘(3) the alleged offender is an alien law- substance, pollutant, or contaminant. 857, a bill to redesignate the project for fully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (as that term is defined in S. 821 navigation, Saco River, Maine, as an section 101 of the Immigration and Nation- At the request of Mr. SMITH, the anchorage area. ality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)); name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. S. 882 ‘‘(4) the alleged offender is a stateless per- DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the son whose habitual residence is in the United 821, a bill to amend section 402 of the names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. States; or Personal Responsibility and Work Op- DURBIN) and the Senator from Massa- ‘‘(5) after the conduct required for the of- portunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to chusetts (Mr. KERRY) were added as co- fense occurs, the alleged offender is brought provide for an extension of eligibility sponsors of S. 882, a bill to require a into, or found in, the United States, even if for supplemental security income that conduct occurred outside the United pilot program on the facilitation of the States.’’. through fiscal year 2010 for refugees, transition of members of the Armed Mr. COBURN. Mr. President, I rise asylees, and certain other humani- Forces to receipt of veterans health today as the lead Republican sponsor of tarian immigrants. care benefits upon completion of mili- the Genocide Accountability Act of S. 831 tary service, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the 2007. I thank my colleague, Senator S.J. RES. 5 name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. DURBIN, for introducing this important BROWNBACK) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the piece of legislation. of S. 831, a bill to authorize States and name of the Senator from Maryland Senator DURBIN serves as the chair- local governments to prohibit the in- (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor man and I serve as the ranking member vestment of State assets in any com- of S.J. Res. 5, a joint resolution pro- of the new Subcommittee on Human pany that has a qualifying business re- claiming Casimir Pulaski to be an hon- Rights and the Law in the Senate Judi- lationship with Sudan. orary citizen of the United States post- ciary Committee. We held our first S. 844 humously. hearing, entitled ‘‘Genocide and the At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the S. RES. 65 Rule of Law,’’ on February 5, 2007. name of the Senator from Wisconsin At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the There could not be a more appropriate (Mr. KOHL) was added as a cosponsor of name of the Senator from Rhode Island way to begin examining the law as it S. 844, a bill to provide for the protec- (Mr. REED) was added as a cosponsor of relates to human rights than to deter- tion of unaccompanied alien children, S. Res. 65, a resolution condemning the mine what we can and must do to pre- and for other purposes. murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist vent and stop genocide. The United S. 849 and human rights advocate Hrant Dink States is a signatory of the Convention At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the and urging the people of Turkey to on the Prevention and Punishment of names of the Senator from Pennsyl- honor his legacy of tolerance. the Crime of Genocide. This convention vania (Mr. SPECTER), the Senator from S. RES. 95 provides that the contracting parties Wisconsin (Mr. FEINGOLD) and the Sen- At the request of Mr. SPECTER, the must ‘‘undertake to prevent and to ator from Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY) name of the Senator from Vermont punish’’ the crime of genocide. We have were added as cosponsors of S. 849, a (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor also passed a law implementing the bill to promote accessibility, account- of S. Res. 95, a resolution designating Genocide Convention. ability, and openness in Government March 25, 2007, as ‘‘Greek Independence However, our hearing demonstrated by strengthening section 552 of title 5, Day: A National Day of Celebration of that there are changes that need to be United States Code (commonly referred Greek and American Democracy’’. made in law and foreign policy to re- to as the Freedom of Information Act), spond to the ongoing genocide in Sudan f and for other purposes. and to any genocide that may occur S. 852 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED elsewhere in the future. Fortunately, At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS two of these changes can be accom- name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. plished right now. COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. COBURN, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. The first change can be accomplished 852, a bill to deauthorize the project for CORNYN, and Mr. FEINGOLD): through a bill Senators DURBIN and navigation, Tenants Harbor, Maine. S. 888. A bill to amend section 1091 of CORNYN introduced last week, of which S. 853 title 18, United States Code, to allow I am a cosponsor. That bill, the Sudan At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the the prosecution of genocide in appro- Divestment Authorization Act of 2007, name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. priate circumstances; to the Com- will allow State and local governments COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. mittee on the Judiciary. to prohibit the investment of State as- 853, a bill to deauthorize the project for Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask sets in the Government of Sudan or navigation, Northeast Harbor, Maine. unanimous consent that the text of the companies with certain business rela- S. 854 bill be printed in the RECORD. tionships with Sudan, while the Gov- At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the There being no objection, the bill was ernment of Sudan is subject to sanc- name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as tions under U.S. law. The second COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. follows: change can be accomplished through 854, a bill to modify the project for S. 888 the bill we are introducing today, the navigation, Union River, Maine. Genocide Accountability Act of 2007. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- S. 855 resentatives of the United States of America in This act will ensure that our justice At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the Congress assembled, system has the authority to prosecute name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. someone who has committed genocide COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Genocide if that person is found or brought into 855, a bill to deauthorize a certain por- Accountability Act of 2007’’. the United States. tion of the project for navigation, SEC. 2. GENOCIDE. Under current law, the United States Rockland Harbor, Maine. Section 1091 of title 18, United States Code, can deny admission to and exclude S. 856 is amended by striking subsection (d) and in- aliens from the United States on At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the serting the following: human rights grounds. The Attorney name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. ‘‘(d) REQUIRED CIRCUMSTANCE FOR OF- General can also consider avenues for COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. FENSES.—The circumstance referred to in the prosecution of aliens who have 856, a bill to terminate authorization subsections (a) and (c) is that— committed certain crimes, including for the project for navigation, Rock- ‘‘(1) the offense is committed in whole or in genocide. However, the Attorney Gen- part within the United States; port Harbor, Maine. ‘‘(2) the alleged offender is a national of eral can only prosecute a perpetrator S. 857 the United States (as that term is defined in of genocide if he committed his crimes At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the section 101 of the Immigration and Nation- within the United States or is a U.S. name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. ality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)); national. VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:44 Mar 16, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MR6.051 S15MRPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC60 with SENATE S3202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 15, 2007 What does this mean? It means that sites in the District of Columbia. In and ended the Korean War. President if a person who plans or participates in 2005, it selected a site between the De- Eisenhower desegregated the District the genocide occurring right now in partment of Education and the Na- of Columbia and sent Federal troops Darfur travels to the United States on tional Air and Space Museum, two in- into Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce vacation, business, or even to live here stitutions resulting from and greatly school integration. He defused inter- for an extended period of time—as a influenced by President Eisenhower’s national crises and inaugurated the na- refugee or student, for instance—a leadership. tional security policies that guided the court in the United States cannot In 2006, Congress approved the memo- nation for the next three decades, lead- touch him. The best our justice system rial’s location within Area I, in compli- ing to the peaceful end of the Cold War.
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