A 439178 Form 26 (See Rule 4A) AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWIlH' NOMINATION PAPER IBEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR ELECTION TO HOUSE OF PEOPLE ... (NAME OF iTHE HOUSE) FROM 4-DHUBRI H. P. CONSTITUENCY. (NAME OF THE CONSTITUENCY) PART-A I, BADRUDDIN AJMAL, **SonI daugHter I wHe of .... LATE AJMAL:ALI aged 63 Years, resident gofVillage: DONKIGAON, P.O. & P.S. HOTAI, District - HOTAI,ASSAM, PIN - 782435. (mention full postal address), a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as Iunder: <' J~ (1) I am a candidate set up by ALL INDIA UNITED DEMOCRATIC FRONT. :~~. ~" (~name,ofthe politicalparty) t:am eeatesaag as aA lRdef:leRtieateaadiEiate. ~~~.~: ~: r- St,j)"i'out whichever is not applicable). , i~~"'l "I"l-,ttl ~~ '¢.\.~ t(\"',' . - - 9\'~ I ~ .\. J6" b'~~"'t! Q-- Page 1 of 16 ~ · ,p.o." 'r.i~\t'': , - d' U'mad ~~\e.q1)-" . I,;" '\ ":~.:':'l/i"~ Banaz In I"\n JtN~' I" '; .• ',,t.: ,:.:~.:;, t~'1;': ." NOT A R V ..... r- ..I~r ", 'I "!", tri • OhUUI" '.,', ; ~,.;~.~,r..,:'::h,' '., Ohubri Dis c... (ASsam), lndia • Regd. No.~OB'·3 .' (2) My name is enrolled in91- Hojai Legislative Assembly Constituency, Assam (name of the constituency and the state), at serial No. 774 in part No. 21. (3) My Contact Telephone number(s) is/ are, +91 9435561156,+919013180448and my e-mail id (if any) is [email protected] and my social media account(s) (if any) is/are (i) Facebook: Maulana Badruddin Ajmal @ MaulanaBadruddinAjmal. , .,', (ii) Instagram: mbajrnal_official (iii) Twitter: MBadruddinAjmal. (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income Tax return: SLNo Names PAN The financial year for Total income shown in" which the last Income- Income-tax return (in tax return has been Rupees) for the last filled five Financial Years completed (as on 3111t March) 1 Self AADPA6628D 2017-2018 (i) 2013-14 2,66,86,571/- (ii) 2014-15 1,95,92,840/- (iii) 2015-16 1,99,59,250/- (iv) 2016-17 4,29,34,730/- (v) 2017-18 4,29,00,270/- 2 Spouse AGPPA1608P 2017-2018 (i) 2013-14 (Rizwana Badruddin 33,070/- Ajmal) (ii) 2014-15 29,700/- (iii) 2015-16 28,610/- (iv) 2016-17 30,760/- (v) 20'17-18 7,850/- 3 HUF (If Candidate is Not Not Applicable (i) Not Applicable Karta/ Coparcener) Applicable (ii) (iii) (iv) ~,!\~ (v) , ,~,f', ~.o\ ~\'3\\~ I i7II~?J() Page 2 of 16 BahaiUddln Ahmed NOTARV Dhubri District. DhUbit. • (Assam), India Hegd. No.-Da,-3 \ '" ... 4 Dependent - 1 CLFPA5227H Not Applicable Not Applicable (Mohammed Ahmed Badruddin Ajmal) 5 Dependent - 2 No PAN Not Applicable Not Applicable (Valiullah Mohammed allotted Badruddin Ajmal) 6 Dependent - 3... Not Not Applicable Not Applicable Applicable Note: It is mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and in case of no PAN, it should be clearly stated "No PAN allotted". (5) Pending Criminal cases (i) I tleeliHe that there is Be peBtlittg erimiftal ease against me. (Tiek this altemaowe if tIIeN is Be eMilYl ease peRdiRg agaiRst tile CaRdidale aRd 'Write NOT 1'\PPLlCt""Bl:.i agaiRst altemaHve (ii) eelew) OR (ii)The following criminal cases are pending against me: (If there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases in the Table below) Table (a) FIR No. with DispurP.S. CR case no. Baghbar Nagaon Dhubri Pulibar Kokrajhar name and Case No. 59/2018 P.S. Case P.S. case P.S. case P.S.case P.S. case address of 3907/18 No. 51/16 No. 469/16 279/16 No. No. Police (Initially (Initially 331/15 141&'12 Station this case this case was was concerned. registered registered as Gita as Nagar P.S. Hatigaon Case No. P.S. Case 11/16) No. 55/16) Page 3 of 16 ~ ~A ~ ~ ! ~ Z Name:- d * "'I SahflL\}dn\n~~m~ ( ~ *Q MazoOhu'or:\ DIstrict 0- No.·OS\·3 ~ \ 0c;. Reg.o. ... >: ~. O~As~ ~ (b) Case No. Under In the Court Under Under Under Under Under with Name Investiga- ofJMFC, Investiga- Investiga- Investiga- Investiga Investiga- of the Court. tion Nagaon tion tion tion -tion tion (Pending for final disposal) (c) Section(s) of 294 /352/ 506 SOOIPC 12OB/154/ 294/500 181/420 295(A)/29 120B/ concerned IPC 153(A)/294f IPC IPC 8 IPC 153(A)j Acts/Codes 294(A) IPC 109 IPC involved (give no. of the Section, e.g. Section ... of IPC, etc.) (d) Brief The The The The The The The description complainan complainan complaina complaina complain complain complain of offence. t alleged in t alleged in nt alleged nt alleged ant ant ant the FIR that his case that that he in the FIR alleged in alleged alleged in Badruddin a news item show a that Mr. the FIR in the the FIR Ajmal appeared in news item Badruddin that Mr. FIR that that Mr. indulged in Axomiya in two Ajmalin a Badruddi Mr. Badruddi verbal pratidin in Assamese public nAjmal Badrudd nAjmal abuse, used its Newspape meeting at mentione in Ajmal delivered foul words 24.01.2018 rs Nagaon d his age outrage provocati and issue in regarding said that & number religious ve threaten to which Badruddin the of feelings speeches killa Badruddin Ajmal's complaina children of in BTAD journalist Ajmalsaid call upon nt differentl Hindus area during a that the Matriculati yin by instigatin media Rakibul Muslim on Affidavits making a gMuslim interaction Hossain Communit certificate submitted statemen to on sold Ivory ytobe is a fake along t that retaliate 26.12.2018at illegally united one. with whether against Manka char while he against the According Nominati PM Bodos. in Dhubri was forest Hindus in to the on ModiJi District. minister of a meeting complaina prepares eat beef Assam. at Baghbar. nt this a in while he According completely deferent was in to false, elections Pakistan. complainan misleading he t this is and contested. defamatory. insulting statement. (e) Whether NO NO NO NO NO NO NO charges have been framed t}~ (mention YESor~O) ~~,r:I~ , ..:; ~\~\ry ~ ?-- Page4 of 16 \;' '., ~ ~" • -t_ •• \..0'" ~~?j. ,:t 0::.._',,<. to ..'" , "\;' Ahmed ,.,."" Bahaat\fdd\nRY NOTA Dhubri District. Ohubrt. (ASsam), India R~gd.No.-DS\·3 .J (f) Ifanswe Not Not Not Not Not Not against (e) Applicable Applicable Applicable Applica• Applica• Applica• above is ble ble ble YES, then give the date on which charges were framed. (g) Whether any NO NO NO NO NO NO NO AppeaVAppl icationfor revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO (6) Cases of conviction V<i) I declare that I have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below) OR (ii) I have been convicted for the offences mentioned below: NOT APPLICABLE (If the candidate has been convicted, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table below) Table (a) Case No. ! NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE J!'l Name of the Court NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (c) Sections of Acts/Codes involved NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABI:E (give no. of the Section, e.g. I Section .......•... of IPC, etc.) (d) Brief description of offence for NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE which convicted (e) Dates of orders of conviction NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (f) Punishment imposed NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (g) Whether any Appeal has been NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE filed against conviction order (Mention YESor NO) (h) If answer to (g) above is YES,give ' NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE details and present status of I ~\;J appeal i q,?J''J Baha~A{mecf Page 5 of 16 NOTARY Dhubri District, D~ubrt.( (ASsam), lndla Ragd. No.-DB1-3 cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6). [Candidates to whom this item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN 5 (i) and 6 (i), above] Note: 1. Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters. 2. Details to be given separately for each case under different columns against each item. 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order, i.e., the latest case to be mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cases. 4. Additional sheet may be added if required. 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in compliance of Hon'ble Supreme Court's judgment in W.P (C) No. 536 of 2011. (7) That I give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself, my spouse and all dependents: A. Details of movable assets. Note: 1. Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given. Note: 2. In case of deposit /Investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date of deposit, the scheme, Name of the Bank/Institution and Branch are to be given. Note: 3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per the current market value in Stock Exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non-listed companies should be given. Note: 4. 'Dependent' means parents, son(s), daughter(s), of the candidate or spouse and any other person related to the candidate whether by blood or marriage, who have no separate means of income and are dependent on the candidate for their livelihood. Note: 5. Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment.
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