US 2016.0017536A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0017536A1 TANG. et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 21, 2016 (54) A TREATMENT PLATE FORA GARMENT (30) Foreign Application Priority Data TREATMENT APPLIANCE Apr. 2, 2013 (EP) .................................. 13161937.1 (71) Applicant: both the PHILIPS N.V., Publication Classification (51) Int. Cl. (72) Inventors: JIECONGTANG, EINDHOVEN (NL); D6F 75/38 (2006.01) YTSEN WIELSTRA, EINDHOVEN B5D3/00 (2006.01) (NL); YA LINGLEE, EINDHOVEN BOSDI/02 (2006.01) (NL); SABRINA MAY FONG KHOO, (52) U.S. Cl. EINDHOVEN (NL); LIHONG ZHAO, CPC D06F 75/38 (2013.01); B05D 1/02 (2013.01); EINDHOVEN (NL) B05D3/007 (2013.01) (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: Koninklijke Philips N.V., Eindhoven The invention relates to a treatment plate (10) for a garment (NL) treatment appliance (100) for treating garments (30), which plate has a contact surface which is provided with a sol-gel (21) Appl. No.: 14/764,015 coating (20) that comprises an oxide of titanium, Zirconium, hafnium, Scandium, yttrium, or a mixture or combination (22) PCT Filed: Jan. 23, 2014 thereof. The layer preferably has a thickness of less than 1 lum. Such a layer shows excellent properties. A garment treatment (86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2014/051281 appliance comprising Such a treatment plate, as well as pro S371 (c)(1), cesses to produce the coating on the contact Surface of the (2) Date: Jul. 28, 2015 treatment plate are also disclosed. 1OO Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2016/0017536A1 E Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2016/0017536A1 E Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2016/0017536A1 O O O 3 V - CN CY) US 2016/0017536A1 Jan. 21, 2016 A TREATMENT PLATE FOR A GARMENT forming of the low friction metal oxide coating has to be the TREATMENT APPLIANCE same metal, which is aluminium in this case, and restricts the application of the coating. FIELD OF THE INVENTION 0006. A sol-gel coating for use on irons is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,592,765. The sol-gel coating shows good proper 0001. The invention relates to a treatment plate for a gar ties such as good wear and Scratch resistance, as well as good ment treatment appliance, which treatment plate has a contact stain resistance. Surface that in use slides on a garment being treated, which 0007 U.S. Pat. No. 7,339,142 discloses an iron having a contact surface has a coating, which has, among others, a Soleplate covered with a coating consisting of an external favorable gliding behavior as shown by a low friction. The layer, comprising at least one oxidation catalyst chosen invention also relates to a garment treatment appliance, com among oxides of platinoids, and at least one internal layer, prising said treatment plate, and to methods to produce a located between the metal support and the external layer, coating on a contact Surface of a treatment plate for a garment comprising at least one oxidation catalyst chosen among the treatment appliance. oxides of the transition elements of group 1b. Platinoids are, in this reference, deemed to be elements having properties BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION similar to those of platinum, in particular, in addition to platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, and iri 0002 Low friction coatings allow contacting surfaces to dium, thus elements of groups 8-10 of the periodic table. The rub against one another with reduced friction, reducing the coating is claimed to be self-cleaning, at the operating tem effort to move garment treatment appliances, like dewrin perature of the device. kling devices, such as an iron, or a steamer. Further, a scratch 0008. An iron having a soleplate with an oxidation catalyst resistant coating is very important for electrical appliances, present on the outer surface of the soleplate is known from and also for non-electrical domestic appliances, such as pans, U.S. Pat. No. 7,040,047. The catalytic oxidation agent is, oven plates and the like, that benefit from low friction. Hence according to this reference, any element, compound or com the use of a coating with low friction co-efficient and good position capable of oxidizing, at a temperature at least equal scratch resistance, to improve the tribological properties of to 90°C., any organic Substance Such as contained in the dirt, appliance Surfaces is constantly increasing. or stains, presently encountered in the treatment (including 0003. An example of a treatment plate for a garment treat washing and possibly softening) of textile articles or pieces ment appliance for treating garments is the soleplate of an (for example linen). As examples of catalytic active elements, iron. In general, a separate layer, here referred to as a coating palladium, platinum, Vanadium, and copper are mentioned. layer, is applied to the Surface of the Soleplate facing away To increase the catalytic effectiveness, oxides of copper, man from the housing of the iron. During ironing, this coating ganese or cobalt can be present. The catalytically active form layer directly contacts the clothes to be ironed. A prerequisite of the oxidation agent, for example platinum, can be obtained for the proper functioning of the iron is that such a coating by calcination. This reference also mentions by way of layer meets a large number of requirements. For example, the example, that the catalytic oxidation agent comprises a metal coating layer must, interalia, exhibit satisfactory low friction of group IV of the periodic table; the use of these metals has properties on the clothes to be ironed, it must be corrosion nevertheless not been illustrated. resistant, Scratch-resistant, and durable, and exhibit an opti 0009. The teaching of the above references is that “organic mum hardness and high resistance to wear and to fracture. dirt captured by the Soleplate during ironing is oxidized so The material of the coating layer must meet extra high that it will be detached from the soleplate. It is said that even requirements because the coating layer is exposed to Substan when the Soleplate is tarnished in a manner that is hardly tial variations in temperatures ranging between 10° C. and visible, it will partially lose its sliding qualities. Impercepti 300° C., with typical operational temperatures ranging from bly, with the soiling, the ironing will become more difficult, 70° C. to 23.0°C. The required gliding behavior is obtained by while the user will become apprehensive of using a tarnished having a low friction providing coating on the Soleplate and iron, fearing that it can alter the laundry. this reduces the effective force applied on the garment as well. (0010 US 2013/0247430 describes a heating appliance 0004 Several materials may be used as low friction sole including a metal Substrate, at least a part of which is covered plate coating materials for an iron, Such as silicates applied with a self-cleaning coating including at least one oxidation via sol-gel techniques, enamel, metal (e.g. nickel, chromium, catalyst selected from the platinoid oxides, and at least one stainless steel) that may be applied, for example, as sheet dopant of said oxidation catalyst selected from the rare-earth material or by thermal spraying, hard anodized aluminum, oxides. The self-cleaning coating is a bilayer coating includ and diamond-like carbon coatings. Also an organic polymer ing: an inner layer at least partially covering the metal Sub may be used as a soleplate coating, for example polytetrafluo strate and including the dopant; and an outer layer in contact roethylene (PTFE). The PTFE low friction coating shows with the ambient air and including the oxidation catalyst. Also good gliding and non-stick properties, however the mechani provided is a method for producing Such a heating appliance. cal properties like scratch and wear resistance of PTFE coat (0011 U.S. Pat. No. 4,665,637 describes a fabric pressing ing is poor. device having a composite sole plate with a base component 0005. Another type of low friction coating has been dis of metal or similar thermally conductive material that is closed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,943,799 A1, the low friction layer coupled to the heat Source of the pressing iron, and a layer of consists predominantly of aluminum oxide which is formed ceramic bonded to the base component. The ceramic layer has in an electrochemical manner, and the low friction coating a planar fabric pressing Surface that preferably has a Smooth shows good gliding behavior, as well as good scratch resis ness of about a nominal two micrometers surface roughness tance and easy to clean. However, the substrate used for or better. That ceramic Surface is highly resistant to wear and US 2016/0017536A1 Jan. 21, 2016 to impact, is easy to clean, and has excellent dynamic and If the user has cleaned the coating surface, the coefficient of static frictional characteristics on textile fabrics. friction returns to the original value, and the gliding behavior worsens again, as will be explained below. The gliding behav SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ior of the present coatings is nevertheless constantly good, 0012 For interest in stain, scratch and wear resistant and and at a low value once the very first use has taken place. Even consistent low friction elements of garment treatment appli when it is tried to clean the coating with the usual cleaning ances like on a garment dewrinkling device. Such as an iron, agents, the low value of the coefficient of friction is obtained or a steamer, it is important that the coating maintains con within seconds from the beginning of using the appliance.
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