Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1962 Daily Egyptian 1962 7-24-1962 The gE yptian, July 24, 1962 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1962 Volume 43, Issue 90 Recommended Citation Egyptian Staff, "The gE yptian, July 24, 1962" (1962). July 1962. Paper 3. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1962/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1962 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1962 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ?i.e EGY ··TIAN StHdA.tlfM 9tiUt4i4 'Ztlli,q.',,~ Car~ondal.e, lliinoi 5 Volume 43 Tuesday, July 24, 1962 Humbe,90 AugwtlO: WSIU-TV To Televise Summer Commencement The wSrU-TV control room cone's office J:1a s been desig- : ';~'£~~~it!i':";;~~~~':';: will be moved under the Mc­ nated as the central control Andrew sradi,Um during the headquarrers. commencement· exercises Au­ This will be the second time gust 10, according to Mar­ WSIU-TV has televised the shall Allen, producer-di­ graduation program, continu­ rector. broadcasting. ing to use a remote control system. The control room, formerly The commence ment pro­ located in the press box, will gram can be picked up by be moved under the stadium. any television receiver that behind the tunnel that the foot­ receives channel eight. ball players come out of dur­ Othe r physical changes ing SIU home ga.mes. Head must also be made, s uch as: football coach. Carmen Pic- the graduate platform will be painted white for better con­ t rast to television viewers An Apartment Full Of Furniture Stolen From SIU Awaits Its Return To Registrar Offers \.. and the platform has been The University Center And Home Economics Building. moved from the South end of A Le'gitimate Way the field to t he center, facing ' the stands on the West s ide To Cut Classes of the field. Marshall said that twO Stolen Furniture Ree.overed cameras, one to the left of With the right class com­ the platform, used for close­ A truckload of stolen uni­ ing investigations in the more parently not involved, Leffler versity furniture was r e cov­ bination the Registrar's Office up shots. and one in the stands, re cent theft of smaller items, said. The stolen furniture, recom mends a class cut. ered last week by campus used to focus on the long­ J.,effler said. valued at approximately awaited walk up the isle", security ~ lic e • . according co $1,000, had been stored in Examination pressure Will Security Office Thomas Leff­ Joseph Zaleski, assistant the apartment earlier, pos­ should be sufficient to pick­ be eased considerably for ler. dean of student affairs, said Sibly during January. those students taking eight up close-ups of the various the recovered furniture was and eleven week courses. winners of awards, special Couches. tables, lamps and found in an apartment leased The students originally ) honors and each student as he chairs, scolen last year from by students last fall. leasing the apartment will be Students who have a final accepts his diploma. the Univers ity Center and the contacted, the dean said. How­ exam scheduled at the same In case of rain the· cameras Home Economics Building, The students who subleased ever, he stressed that it is time of an eleven week class will be moved to the ball room were discovered when officers the apartment during the not known for certain who was sho'uld attend the exam, the at the University Cente r and last Wednesday were conduct- spring quaner were ap- involved in the thefts. _ Registrar's Office announced. the program will continue as The only exception would be scheduled. a special make-up exam Eugene Bybvig, film direc­ Broadway Actor In First Fall Play session arranged by the tor for broadcasting, said that instructor. there is no way of telling The first production of the search professor of theater ater and also will conduct e xactly how ma ny watch the Southern Players this fall will and former New Yo rk stage a graduate seminar. Further, they officially exercises over television. feature Broadway and televi­ deSigner, will direct th~ pro­ O'Neal, 52, studied at the urged aU eleven week HBut, we provide the service sion actOr Frede rick O'Nea1. duction. He s :!ld-the pia y has New Theatre School of the instructors not to give tests for those who find it dif­ O'Neal, a stage veteran of "long been under'wtaps due American Theatre Wing and during the two days, August ficult to attend the ceremon­ 37 years a nd vice president to musical and film versions." founded the American Negro O'Neal, known to TV fans 8-9, when final exams are i es ,'~ he said. of ActOr's Equity Association, Theatre in New York in 1940. being held for the eight week will appear in "Marseilles," as Pa trolman Wallace on the O'Neal's fall term appoint­ session. WSIU-FM will also broad­ a Sidney Howard adaptation HCar 54, Whe r e are You?" ment will be as a replacel cast the program as they have of Maurice Pag nol' s series, and to theatergoers ment for . department c9kir-. Room contlicts during the done in the past year s , but "Marius,·J bener known in its as a star of " Anna Lucas­ man ArchIbald McLeod, serv­ two-day exam period will be produ ction of the two broad­ mus ical comedy ve r sion as ta," HLost in the Stars" and ing the 1962- 63 school year cleared Ithrough each 'depart­ casting services will be "Fanny ... other Broadway hits, will be as a Fulbright Lecturer in ~ ent chairman. separate. Mordeca i Go re lik. SIU r e- a visiting professor of the- India. ·Co ::. Choirtnen Put New 'Spirit' Into ' Slumbering S/U Spirit Council The Spirit Council after four play in University activities said. "If they don't do their said. "We have r eceived little years of slumber has been jf (hey onl y wanted to," Heil­ job then we will get rid of co-operation from the Student awake ned by t~e enthusiasm of igenstein said. "It is Dick's them." C.ouncil." Frank Heiligenstein and Dick and my duty to show students Moore , co-chairman for the the opportunity they have to The Spirit Council has a "Heiligenstein said regard- coming year. Tun student government. s how bus scheduled for the Drake- less of the stud ent council's the athletiC teams we are SIU football game Sept. 22 attitude the Spirit Council will "Better co-ordination of interested and also to show at Des MOine s, Iowa. This operate all year and go to student activities is the prime is only one of several trips the students in the fall for the purpose of the Spirit Council," that stude nts are interested in all phases of the Univer­ Heiligenstein hopes the stu- necessary s uppon it needs Heiligenstein said. uWhile we dents will make. -to operate. Ilope to ar'ouse student interest sity." in the various activities, we Heiligenstein m e.n t ion e d Heiligenstein pointed out the also will work along with the student government as an difficulties he has faced in Heilige nstein ran for senior example where students claim other organizations respon­ trying to bring the Spirit c I ass vice-president last sible for the activities." intere st yet when elections are Council back to life. "Right spring but los t by a slim mar­ held less than 30 per cent now we are operating on a gin to Melinda Federer. Moore "In th·e fall we hope to take part. "It is our duty limited budget and hdw long sat on the Student Council last have a card' section at all to point out to students that . we can operate is only a year and -this year is devot­ home football games, parades, their vote can influence the matter of speculation," Heil­ ing his time to classes and PeP rallies and other activi­ to deCisions of' the stu den t i~enstein said . ... the· Spirit Council in order ties to arouse students to government officials," : he get students interested in the take part in the University said. "If the Student Council various activities. act f v i tie s , Heilgenstein "This fall we hope to work doesn't want to appropriate continued. with the New Student Week us enough money then Dick The Spirit Council was "In the past students have leaders In order to get the and 1 will work twice as hard organized i~ 1955 with the been completely unaware of best freshmen to work with and use our own money, if purpose of generating student FRANK HElUGENSTEIN the important role they could the Council." Heiligenstein nee es s a ry," Hefligenst~in interest in student activities. .\ July 24, 1962 I I Pa.. 2 THE EGYPTIAN ~ohn ' O'N , eal Explai~s Non-Vio,lence Coml11'iHee J~hn O'Nea~siu senior and A. We Investigated a nu~ber • " would' prefer to tinnie does not tors from otber cities as president of the Student Non,,:, of towns--Mt.. Vernon. Herrin. exist. umedd~ers?" Violent 'Freedom COmmittee, West Frankfon- -and found 0. 'The work of tbe cpm­ expressed- bis views on tbe some segregation in public A. No, definitely not. They II)lttee and the dentonstra­ have accepted us with open committee's formation and accommodations.
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