1903. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 287 SENATE. of the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of North Elba; of sundry citizens of Northfield; of the congregation of the TUESDAY, November 17, 1903. Methodist Episcopal Church of Chazy; of sundry citizens of Islip; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Islip; of the Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington. congregation of the Sixth A venue Baptist Church, of Troy; of ANSELM J. McLAURIN, a Senator from the State of Mississippi; the congregation of the Third A venue Church of Christ, of Troy; JosEPH H. Ml::LLA.Rn, a Senator from the State of Nebraska., and of the congregation of the Memorial Baptist Church, of Troy; of JAMES P. TALIAFERRO, a Senator from the State of Florida, ap- the congregation of the Grace Methodist Church, of Troy; of the peared in their seats to-day. congregation of ·the English Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, · The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ of Troy; of the Young Men's Christian Association of Troy; of ceedings, when, on request of Mr. BuRRows, and by unanimous the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Troy; of the Chris­ consent, the further reading was dispensed with. tian Endeavor Society of Jasper; of the Woman's Home and For­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. If there be no objection, the eign Missionary Society of Seneca Castle; of the congregation of Jom·nal will stand approved. The Chair hears none. It is ap­ the First Presbyterian Church of Arkport; of the congregations proved. of the Methodist Episcopal churches and Woman's Christian Tem­ MIDWA. Y ISLANDS. perance Union of Jasper; of the Woman's Christian Temperance The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Union of Union Springs; of the Woman's Christian Temperance munication from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a copy Union of Bay Shore; of the Woman's Branch of the City Missions of a letter from Mr. George G. Ward, vice-president and general of Brooklyn; of sundry citizens of Islip; of the congregation of manager of the Commercial Pacific Cable Company, requesting the Methodist Episcopal Church of Smithtown; of the Woman's the enactment of certain legislation for the relief of the conditions Christian Temperance Union of Smithtown; of the congregation in the Midway Islands by providing appropriations for the estab­ of the First Congregational Church of Bay Shore; of the con­ lishment of a suitable harbor, buoys, and light-house; for the con­ gregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Islip; of the struction of landing facilities, and for the establishment of ma­ Presbytery of Brooklyn; of sundry citiz·ens of Brooklyn; of the rines or other guards to maintain order and enforce the laws at Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Brooklyn; of that place; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to sundry citizens of Northport; of the Woman's Christian Temper­ the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be printed. ance Union of Syracuse; of the congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Montgomery; of the Woman's Christian Temperance PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Union of Montgomery; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Mr. BURROWS presented a petition of the Michigan Hay Union of Troy; of sundry citizens of Grnmville; of the congrega­ Association, of Owosso, Mich., and a petition of the National Hay tion of the Geddes Congregational Church, of Syracuse; of the Association, of Detroit, Mich., praying for the enactment of legis­ Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Syracuse; of the lation to enlarge the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commis­ Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Lawrence; of the con­ sion; which were referred to the Committee on Interstate Com­ gregation of the University Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, merce. of Syracuse; of the congregation of the Olivet Baptist Church, of He also presented the memorial of George F. Dimond. president Syracuse; of the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the Michigan Hay Dealers' Association, of Mayville, Mich., of Stamford; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of remonstrating against the enactment of legislation to enlarge the Auburn; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Still­ powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission; which was water; of the Young Men's Christian Association of Rochester; referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Plattekill; of the He also presented petitions of the Epworth League of Hender­ Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Port Jervis; of the con­ son, of the Temperance Alliance of Henderson, of sundry citizens gregation of the Firs~ Presbyterian Church of Williamson; of the of West Bay City, of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union Epworth League of Stamford; of the congregation of the First of Henderson, and of sundry citizens of Douglas, all in the State German Baptist Church of Rochester; of theWoman's Christian of Michigan, praying for an investigation of the charges made Temperance Union of Fort Plain; of the Woman's Christian and filed against Ron. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Temperance Union of Cohocton; of theYoung Woman's Christian Utah; which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Temperance Union of Sandy Hill; of sundry citizens of Mount Elections. Vernon; of the congregation of the New York Presbyterian Mr. PENROSE presented petitions of the congregation of the Church, of New York City; of the congregation of the Methodist United Presbyterian Church of Bellevue; of the Woman's Chris­ Episcopal Church of Cohocton; of the Woman's Christian Tem­ tian Temperance Union of Newville; of the congregation of the perance Union of Horseheads; of the congregation of the Pres­ South A venue Methodist Episcopal Church, of Wilkinsburg; of byterian Church of Cohocton; of the Christian Endeavor Society the congregation of the Christian Church of Bellevue; of the con­ of Atlanta; of sundry citizens of New York City; of the congrega­ gregation of the Episcopal Church of Bellevue; of the congrega­ tion of the Baptist Church of Pulaski; of the Woman's Christian tion of the Methodist Protestant Church of Bellevue; of the con­ Temperance Union of Pulaski;· of the congregation of the Congre­ gregation of the Presbyterian Church of Bellevue; of the United gational Church of Pulaski; of the congregation of the Baptist Presbyterian Seminary, of Allegheny; of the congregation of the Church of Rochester; of the congregation of the Methodist Protes­ Methodist Episcopal Church of Bellevue; of ClassE, Organization tant Church of Gerry; of sundry citizens of Stamford; of the con-­ of the Patterson Memorial Presbyterian Sunday School, of Phila­ gregation of the ·Free Baptist Church of Horseheads; of the delphia; of sundry citizens qf Philadelphia; of the Evangelical As­ Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Hornellsville; sociation of Rochester; of sundry citizens of Morris Run; of the con­ of the congregation of the Brighton Heights Reformed Church, of gregation of the Evangelical Church of Connellsville; of sundry New Brighton; of the Brighton Heights Young People's Society of citizens of Somerton; of the congregation of the First Luther.an Christian Endeavor, of New York City; of sundry citizensof New Church of Altoona; of the Woman's Missionary Society of Con­ Brighton; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Hope­ nellsville; of the Prohibition Alliance of Meadville; of the session well; of the Woman's Synodical Society of Hudson; of sundry citi­ of the First Presbyterian Church of Shenandoah; of the congre­ zens of Verona; of sundry citizensofHornellsville; of sundry citi­ gation of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Mahanoy City; zens of Arkport; of the congregation of the First Presbyterian of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Reedsville; of Church of Wolcott; of the congregation of the First Presbyterian the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Cochranville; of the Church of Waterloo; of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Bap­ congregation of the United Evangelical Church of Milton; of tist Church of Esperance; of the Woman's Christian Temperance the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Lake Pleasant; of Union of Flycreek; of the congregation of the Methodist Epis­ the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of Oxford, copal Church of Sherman; of sundry citizens of New York City; and of sundry citizens of Milesburg, all in the State of Pennsyl­ of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Seneca; of the· vania, praying for an investigation of the charges made and filed EpwoTth League of New York City; of the congregation of against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; St. James Church, of New York City; of the Woman's Cluistian which were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Temperance Union of Oneida County; of the Woman's Christian Mr. DEPEW presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Rockland County; of the Ladies' Aid Soci­ Temperance Union of Berlin; of the Epworth League of Mount ety of the Lenox Church, of New York City; of the Woman's Vernon; of the congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Broad­ Christian Temperance Union of Hobart; of sundry citizens of albin; of the East Wayne Christian Endeavor Union, of Wayne Rockland County; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union County; of the congregation of the Baptist Church of Findley of Rochester; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Lake; of sundry citizens of Arkport; of the Woman's Christian ·Buffalo; of the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church Temperance Union of Mina; of the Woman's Missionary Society of Tyrone: of the Pro~ibition Alliance of Perry; of the Ries Park of Westchester; of the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Baptist Mission, of Rochester; of sundry citizens of Otsego; of the Church of Williamson; of the Christian Endeavor Society of Syra­ congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Bedford; of cuse; of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of North Elba; the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Madison County; of 288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.
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