VolumePEMBROKEXLVni PROVIDENCE, R. 1., TUESDAY, OCTOBERRECORD24, 1967 NO. 10 From the LincolnMemorial to the Washington Monument. Washington photos by Sheila E. Crawford Mixer-Like March Washington Workhouse Cory was no emotionalism, though when By CATHY JOHNSON time given on theinstruction sheet.Months By Dean we Twenty-one Brown and Pembroke Stu- came in one of the guards said, "Hey, If They Gave a War and Nobody before recruiters on the campuses drafted "What dents spent Saturday night of Homecoming there goes a clean one." They were doing Came?" read the poster. And others joined student liberals and non-belivers for their prepared in a District of Columbia workhousein Oc- their duty. When you asked questions they — Your Antigones grow more cause. And the Pentagon for its it: "Creon coguam, Virginia. were very friendly." numerous," "If You Shoot Us Please Use seige. The students were arrested following girls group were housed in an M-16," "LBJ Withdraw, Like Your At 9:00, a convoy of Air Force National The in the sit-ins blocking one of the access roads and building. Father Should Have." Guard rolled along Constitution Avenue; another dorm-like destination: the route to the Pentagon — other demonstrations at the Pentagon. Others arrested includedBarbara Allison They spoke of dissent, an ancient and They were released Sunday at noon, after venerable right in democracies; and they across the Arlington Memorial Bridge, and Anne Caldwell, graduate students, down Washington Boulevard to the north hearings there. addressed the thousands gathered at the a experience," said seniors Susan Danforth, Richard Fein, parking lot of the symbollic Bastille, as it "Jail wasn't bad Lincoln Memorial Saturday to rally for Cohen, stu- Naomi Weintraub, Peter Whitehead, was referred to on many banners. Robert '68. He said the Brown peacein Vietnam.It was the battle ground dents shared their cell, a large dormitory- Linda Gallant, Kenneth Goldstein, Walter beginning, around the of my right for peace in Vietnam.It was In the the area type room which accomodated100 persons, Gross, Stan Griffith, and Wing Lum. the battle ground of my right against your reflecting pool at the Memorial resembled right, where youth rebelled against the a large college mixer.As students gathered dictatorship of the sage. in front of signs marking their respected But the preparations for this confronta- area contingents, squeals pierced the air tion began before 10:00 a.m. assembly with: "Oh, do you go to ... do you know — ?" IMPRESSIONS Page 3 All-Night Vigil "We need food, we need clothing, we need blankets, we need money," cried the voice over the loudspeakers in the Penta- gon's north parking lot tomarchers return- ing home Saturday. Stan Griffith, left, carries his sleeping bag to the Pentagon for the sit-in. "Those who are staying overnight need Stephan Ostrach, whomanned the banner outpost,accompanieshim. your support.Help them." with novelist Norman Mailer, Daniel Del- Juniors included: Scott Dyer, Becky Pembrokers, Jan Cooper, '67, Sue Three linger, editor of Liberator magazine and Harrison, DavidKertzer, and Sandra Orlin. Bliss, '69, and Sheila Crawford, '68, who chairman of Saturday's events, Bradford Richard Muckle and Steve Myers, sopho- heard the message and who were staying Lyttle and Jim Peck of the Mobilization mores and Greta Glavis, a freshman, were overnight in Washington, returned Satur- Committee, linguist Noam Chomsky, who also among those arrested. day evening to bring food andwater to the will speak at Pembroke tonight, and Tuli Most of them received a fine of $25 and 2,000 protesters sitting-in on the Penta- Kupferberg of the Fugs. five day suspended sentences. They were gon's front porch. "Being in jail with these people was toldnot to return to the Pentagon and not As they approached the now-deserted, very, very exciting," Mr. Cohen said. "You to be arrested for the next six months. spot-lit mall, they saw a few solitary know you're going to be out in a day or Canon John Crocker of the Episcopal campfires and a single banner, a flag two. It's later when you begin thinking College Church supplied some of the fine with BROWN emblazoned in white let- about it that you realize you're a political money with funds collectedat Brown. Over ters. The banner outpost, manned by prisoner of the UnitedStates Government." $1,000 was collected Saturday night at Demonstrator carries the "torch of Stephan Ostrach, '69, remained so that "They fed us very well," he commented, Brown and Pembroke and the money was peace." PENTAGON Page 3 "and everyone was very friendly. There wired to Canon Crocker in Washington. 2 THEPEMBROKE RECORD, TUESDAY,OCTOBER 24,1967 City Series:Superficial,Superliberal Clear Sailing Ahead To the Editor: who have recently wrestledwith Record in the "Urban Crisis" It was my hope, with the pub- the problem of whether or not to series may have been sincere, ForFathers' Weekend lishing of the Magrath Report, go. but were poorly represented by that at last Pembroke could be- For many people disgusted the writersof the articles. We do October 27, 28, and 29 will see penter and Binny Ravitch. come concerned with something with the BDH, the Pembroke feel that either the interviewers the classes of '68 and '70 (with The Deans' Reception will be larger than curfews and parie- Record is the only campus news- or the interviewees are guilty of their handsomest escorts of the held in Emery-Wooley Lounge tals. However, when the Re- paper read, and it owes those the type of thinking criticized fall season) set sail for a nautical from 5:00 to 6:00 Saturday after- cord devotes headlines to the readers more than they are get- in this letter. holiday at the annual Father- noon. Doors and Mitch Ryder and ting. Obviously, if the Record is As black students at Pem- Daughter Weekend. Then beginning at 6:30, the editorials tochocolate milk,most printed only twice a week its broke, we feel that the view of The weekend will open with a weekend banquet will Friday night. traditional hope is shattered. purpose cannot be the same as the black ghetto drawn by the Mariner's Ball on provide a "shore leave" on the Of course, the Record has the Herald,but the timebetween Record and the students inter- Fathers anddaughters, in costume, South Seas Islands.The chairmen, Re- music of Ed made its bid to be among the publications can be to the viewed suffers from naivete and will dance to the Joyce Reback and Peggy Egger, by re- advantage allowing worker Drew's band andwillbe entertain- "socially concerned" its cord's in for myopia.One miracle re- have arranged for a luau dinner. really adequate by the cent series of articles on the feature coverage. minisced about the street on ed the Chattertocks and The evening's speaker willbe Pro- crisis, my Sophomore class skit, Guys and urban but the fact that It is belief that the Record which she lived: — fessor Donald Rohr, Chairman of these articles were first assign- couldbean excitingand thought- "She heardradioreportstelling Dolls and Dads. the Brown University History De- ments for new reporters and that provoking newspaper, but if it of places where she had lived On Saturday morning, besides partment. badly in need of revi- exists only to now and then and worked destroyed by riot- the traditionalguidedtours of the articles On Sunday morning, the more sion printed, anyway, "to "scoop" the Herald and the rest ers and fires. She couldn't Rock, the Physics and Engineering were rugged men and girls fill up space", shows the off- of the time sit back on its C.C. ..sleep in her old home for a Building, and the Computer Lab, sea-farm' are invited to a tour of the Cliff handedmanner with which even York, Iseriously question the few nights because it was in Susan Blake and Karen Maziarz Walk at Newport guided by Pro- this topic was treated. value or need for such an exist- of the two mainriot areas, have arranged a special round- one fessor Alonzo W. Quinn of Having been for ence. and when she returned home, table discussion beginningat 9:15. the interviewed Geology Department. For those one of these articles, I dis- Caryl E.Carpenter '68 burned of familiarstreets Professors William McLoughlin was ruins choosing to stay at Pembroke, by the on the evident everywhere." and Durand Echeverria will lead turbed emphasis were will continental break- "juicy parts" and the resulting From reading this, a naive the discussion on academic free- there be fast in Wolley Dining Hall from oversimplification of important reader might gather that "the dom and student affaris. At 10:30, To the Editor: 10:00 to 11:30. facts. Terms such as black places whereshe hadworkedand visiting Professor Milton Miller First of a series: The Real power used with very lit- lived" were toodear and valuable from the University of California Throughout the weekend an art were Urban Crisis in America tle understanding. Just making a to the prosperity of the commu- wiil hold a literary colloquium on exhibition prepared by Marcia surface attempt at discussing the OR nity to be destroyed. We take the what he has titled "A Common Lloyd, '68, will be on display in urban problem has helped no one Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, liberty to postulate that the Confusion". the Morriss ChamplinLounges. but has instead further added to it's a goddamn Superliberal. poverty-stricken blacks who Before the Colgate football Theseas are calmandthe week- the confusion. If the proper time OR supposedly "did not support the game,Fathers and Daughters will end's chairman Robin Newsome and effort was not available to The increasing problem of riots" must have felt some satis- gather at the Pembroke Field expects smooth sailing for this do this series justice, perhaps the whiteliberalattacks on theblack faction in seeing the small, House for box lunches and a pep year's Father-Daughter Weekend- Record would have better off ghetto.
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