W *ii~1m@ * :17!/_ W___P___W ___ &#39;;_. .._,-,;:- , . NY 92 911 &#39; &#39;.1- 5;. it &#39; !&#39; I _.= Ii 1g_ £9 30. I < 4.. I 67Q§ 15 &#39; 31&#39; ;[%H - a ,_,; 1. .. v -92 4,; 4 &#39; - " _v_ C- = i - ._; __ 7-», E:?§.. 501 Slf 52 : 52 * .334 -§ s .56. is %£ ,59 _p, __.,,_ i T; i -~--~= - .,,.. 421:3" --Y -. .r_."t_-r: E r J. H _ ~»- _ .51 , -4.-_,a.. __. -7- A--~48. ¢ NY 9: 911 0.. > 1. >a.* -- __ bZ0 :9 &#39; 30,7 3.; Tivi. _~"_ 4 . I I : ._,... 1} T :92-I - 5:1 6 52 53 3&#39;5 4-5:-YI . 55, - T 5; 92r &#39;2: 1 Ma % MW, L_-__,._..,_-:¢:1.W__@ , ____ f _.g._.;.___:,:__ _-~&#39; _ - -&#39; - 1if-q &#39; NY 92-911 § @910 §._"- ->g,_ __ 29 " 30 _ - . _92 B. _Apc_o Ab;,co*LVendinqMg<;h}pe flompanl ad? k?9 3.5 ."~&#39;=* i 5 ~;=1§ . W 9°=.-1 3&#39;_,. -_ r . .§ . 6 . / 1 m .52 ? " / I . 4n _ ~..~...+.._- H W _v -J9 1:7: ¬ »I &#39; | NY 92-911 2-, 3 E ii. rs! Y5 , . V1 -1_. _ . i , _ _ . *7! 3- 4».&#39; 4;. - F 1 ab] gr . E9 1 &#39;-1 .-H 1 I -:1 50 § 5.5- Q 53 ;:-51* " 1 ha I is:1 l 1 -.&#39;.S 5%- - ~~vwr""* "*" Q " ~ LY *nu:*- 1~!=¢-- __ 1 - ~::nL --._ -&#39; ¥ _ _ .4. .1 - -i§-r.- - .92.,-,.-_,,_.~# -- 7* NY 92-911 2% I E . L-ii 5.. 1" "*3 iii- .-1; § -1-&#39; -92 . <- -9": :_9*. L 30 I a- T _ I 6 &#39;T?-I 92 r g Kg., I i* 0 iI 1.1-. __ H. - _n 59 i 5.! E" 52 §: :1=53 " &#39;1 +&#39;5e :56 E5? a 0 &#39;76&#39; I ___ _ 7 r_ ;&#39;---- __- _-q:Jel&#39;?* .... e &#39;i" 3%o~--~-e -- r C 1-1!L_-l-;=~§¥l=-.§~r.1I1%? 7&#39;.-.--&#39; - T1 - 1 - .TT"..i &#39; ¬&#39; 1&#39;-"_.i./&#39;1-- *7 £5 _&#39;Y . ._, 3 :2.v - &#39;3- Q: _3. -1 _..,1* &#39;-. -1.-k . NY 92-911 , : =1 i? 2;/PC 3 - 6&#39;29 5% re --i &#39;>B_ 49&#39;57 ct 30_ _p7o A . -e-.» b 2 1- b 7~ 3 &#39; &#39;17,}: _ -Ln -allTH vvcnnvvv-I-um; hhbnfinh hH§&#39;hII-I-U46 van» I-All-!92JI92-alll92.-{AU-L92Jl&92v92JHr9292rc>_rv92nv-92l-&#39;92r92nnr1 PRO nvyu {&#39; hnn 4 7- Vending Company, the "owark Star Ledger on December 19, 1957, carried an article stating that CARMINE GALANTE, a n I Brooklyn raoketeer, had a direct line from the Abco- ? Vending Company to the West New York Police Headquarters, In connection with this allegation, Police Chief FREDERICK R008 of the West New York Police Department stated, "I know it the line! doesn&#39;t existnow and I never knew 5 of it existing." He did stator there was e burglar elanm eyetem from Abee to Peliee Heedqeartere when he wee e Captain. ROOS stated the alarm had been discontinued 50 § ./ §l 52 e-E./ h / a 57Zl 3 _ ...--s -~-w -.- . -arm»; &#39; "_ &#39;f&#39; ~- - .n- _ ...,-.-A-.-.-lr:__;"-&#39;__.. 4 ~ se a asA . » a Q -Q5 I.&#39;= U 1;" - ,, 1 NY 92-911 § esinoe the firm moved out of West New York some six months ago. - . 4. The Newark Office advised that it had been deteimineu that Aboo had moved from West New York and .-5 ".1 &#39; was now xnown as the ,I Star Novelty Company, 501 New York #5» - i Pvenue . n _ i U1on City; New Jersey, telephone number Union 6- I 5575. A local newspaper reported that CHARLES A. DOWD of the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company testified before eaa the NJLEC that the burglar alann connecting the Abco gs; Vending Company with the West New York Police Department £9 j was a non-talking hookup, but admitted that a signaling 30. device could be placed at either end._ ___ ~ _ &#39;-I1 - ¢ ,..-. || -iii? J. hx_ 2.: a .;F__E . t &#39;1&#39;-2&#39;. ; . VI. ownas INVESTIGATIVE AGENCIES "13 t ... INTERESTED IN was ACTIVITIES l 1 &#39;.~_ aft?-&#39; p Wfwoa caasisapoatasrsp p ;.ia H§__.._ on -Iii I . £>7C. 4sl still ted in the case of GALANTE #46 j since the murder of CA was still carried as an fs 92b;7C/ unsolved case. It was opinion that GALANTE was i _ respons 1 ble for the mu SCA and that investigation L. was being continued in hopes that sufficient evidence&#39;might so y be obtained to bring this matter to trial. 51 5 52 i s3~§ _ ~ &#39;7&#39;:__ k~3;.a__wf- F5 ...Eta - }_~/ ~5 -2 4: ti? E 38 - .5..- &#39;r 1 is ¢ } - ,4 b&#39;%JéI&#39;*&#39;"""&#39;W" &#39; t Q P __,. -. is"4. I L " i .> p NY 92-911 , i&#39;I":.| $1 -. -e-av-ff»---~. ber~*%~1955*;- -United $"teteB-freaH&#39;sY:v*__""" " _ Lil " Agent made inquiries at the New York State afr _ _-¢-- Parole oncerning GALANTE. They were attempting to verify a suspicion> that he was engaged in operations a9t giving him particularly large income and thus invalidate 30 his income tax reports which had been submitted. wt 1:.-70 -=m . en set out s report. *-gr "=1- &#39; The interest of the Immigration and Naturalization Service concerning GALAHTE has been set out in this report. _ ..."-5 ~ r "1 /i &#39;~,mo |":"92 4, &#39;I 415§ 7 it *T"&#39; 5 The Special Federal Grand Jury, Southern District of New York, issued a subpoena for the subject and other SO ; hoodlums to appear on January 9, 1958, however, the subject . did not appear and the United States Marshal has been unable 5.1 to serve this subpoena. ~ 52 Newspaper articles, previously mentioned in this 53"; report, indicate the interest of the Brooms County, New 1 York, Grand Jury in the activities of the subject. _ i Sl- .3 The interest of the NJLE, now defunct, * _} 9__W__cM_ K ___ - -. ___ .&#39;_ D - V 1 1 5! NY 92-911 2;T "___ ___VII. __ it .._.__ _.._ V _ _ _ _ . - ---- JV 77» ---- ---TRAVEL I :1? --- - 7 L * A. 1Aqtomobl1es Usedby the §ubQect f¢§ 1! Th 1 lea used bythe subject 9:] bq accordingto ¢ wr-99-20 New York .l@1~ l95F Olds 0 - d ereen 13 1 K4 5 553 sed - ck ra *§§§ k g >a :9 + 5T-26#1l New York : H/A 9J9 New Jersey 19,6C OldsmobileiQ11"Qi_-I H,-1_ B Past Travel 45 46 . _q_.153 Q9 . S 5 = - ,g .50 The subject&#39;sactivities and travel to Canada 51 have beenset out in previous sections of this report 52 53 1| _ 85- ~&#39;""" 1c ~ -~ as "Y _&#39;&#39; cas 1&#39;. ~i 1 NY 92-911 7-? i Q_ Qurrent Travel _ _ __ - - - In the "New York Journal American , dated January W. 9 1958, an article appeared stating that a law enforcement official told the New York Journal American that CARMINE GALANTE was een in Havana two days ago He stated that prior to than GALANTE was observed in Miami Beach in the company of thzee well-known gangsters This official was UQv¬u a Bayinb; HQ havg Uvcly icauuu uO b¬LL¬VE that GALANTE may be planning to move into the operations of Havana&#39;s Sans Souci gambling concession n In the "New York Daily Mirror , dated January ll 1958, an article appeared in connection with the investigation being conducted by the New York Legislative T. "watchdog" Committee It was reported that investigators had said that GALKNTI had been reported to have left the i§,_ __ "nited States LOP Italy, eat that the Interior Ministry at !§ 3O_ Home had said an extended check had failed to show his entry "f&#39;l&#39;-" T e New York Herald Tribune , dated January 8 1958, carried an article stating that GALANTE was believed ..-H: to have fled to Italy, where he could enlist the aid of --1. LUCKY LUCIHNO for whom he used to run narcotics in Harlem e New York Times , on January 11 1958 .f£ E reported that GFLANTE was reported to have flea lrom the _ Apalachin meeting, possibly to Italy but that Interior - Ministry sources in Rome had said an extended check had failed to produce any evidence that he was in that country "ea W K IS. 46 _ ,- a Q JU {1 51 1c 52 1 L an l 5 _ 1:56, b 1 spI t 1 7 ,$7¢< __.. 1&#39;- -. Qiii7T*§Ll&#39;;I;e?--:1T?Q D _ -1&#39;13 ; * 1. » - ~- _ Q J:- §- - " &#39; NY 92-911 1»;2 1»1 C L10 5 &#39; VIII. mncourwrs - New York State Parole records reflected that in l9Hl, GALANTE frequented the following establishments: &#39;3? , ._- HFt 30 4 i -Z Sprihg Valley Pleasure Club v: 238_Elizabcth Street, New York City e " The Musical Club -18 Prince Street, &#39;-&#39;__ Emmons "3 New York AvenueCity inShe-apshead Bay, .!" I A candy store on Mott Street i near East Houston Street, New York City ar .,&#39;---I - Jean&#39;s Clam Bar 45 - Brooklyn, New York 46 W 5 9l192 7 WS: s 0 f§ SO .-~ 54 &#39;551 52" 1370 53l / e I % o ___,____.-.
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