%»USlJlC LIBRAR Town Council Meett Tuesday OTT^ THE WESTFIELD LEADER At 8;30 P.M. T*« LenUnf and Mot Widely Circulated Weekly Naupaper In Union County Published Clui Fo>U» HGHTY-SBCOND YEAR—No. 37 Btrarr Thuradtr WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1072 ond We.tn.id,IT.}.Pit* 'Rice Bowl9 Permit Officials GOP Picks Full Slate Denied Protesters Oppose For June 6 Primary To Agnew Visit Al Holowa, chairman at the We«t- Cables field Town Republican Committee, 1t» Board of Education has withdrawn its permission for use of Edi- has announced that five petition ton Junior High School for • IS cents a plate "poor people's" rice dioner At the request of WeitfleM offi- will be filed on the R«pufoUc«n tick- SMuntey wWch WM expected to cttmas anti-war groups' protests to the dais, as well n those of other et (or Mayor and Council in the up- appearance here of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. towns affected by a proposal by coming primary election. 1 The "rice bowl" fare was expected to be served at the tchool located Public Service Electric and Gaa Co. Mayor Donn A. Soyder, win to miy a few Mock* from the Westfletd ' te erect overhead high voltage cables seeking a gecond term, he*d» tht Nation* Guard Armory where 1,300 throufh their municipalities, the ticket locally with Alex William* Republican Mpporteri will bear New Jersey Board of Public Utilities from Ward 1; Jay Rochlin, Ward I; Vice Pmident Ajnow following a WHS Eliminates has been asked by die Union County •David Luerssen, Ward 3; and Wil- cocktail party and a *250 a plate freeholders to postpone hearings and liam Steele, Ward 4. fUet micro dinner. delay final action of the utility'! re- During Mayor Snyder'* term of ROBERT E. OHAUS RICHARD E. GRIGGS quest. Tfce board, wntcti originally had Period 1 Studies office, Westfield has eem the initia- In a letter Thursday to the Free- tion of the Conservation Center and granted permiuion to the WeiUield An the rasult of the successful eli- holdert, Mayor Donn A. Snyder said: the Youth Services Council. Mayor Union County SANG organization to mination of eighth period study Snyder has also involved more and W> Ediaon Saturday evening, with' halls at WesUfeld High School, first Ohaus, Griggs Named to Key 'This is to urge your consideration of the following points at you review more people in the work of the town drew Its permission yesterday be- period studies will be ended at the the matter of PSEfcG Company1, through the creation of various task it feels toll disclosure for school beginning Monday when »tu- Posts in Westfield YMCA proposed installation of overhead high fences (i.e. parking and traffic, whkh the building was to be uted dents return after spring vacation, tension towers for its Dean^Mdene Weat/ieU athletic facilities); many and the affair's sponsors failed to Students who do have classes dur- In a move to build continuity while nity, and how the YMCA can best transmission system in Union of their recommendations have been accompany the application. A ing Period 1 will report directly to making long-range plans for Ita fu- serve them over the lone term. County. implemented by the Town Council, apokaunan for the board said the their first period class at 8:3S a.m. ture, the Westfield YIMOA board of "Certainly, the characteristic of "The Mayor and Town Council of — ClnMlc Studio Additionally, flood problems are be- •annit waa revoked "in the best Homeroom will be eliminated. All DONN A. SNYDER directors Ifeesday nujbt named Hs our time* which stands out above all WesUield have considered Public ALEXANDER 8. WILLIAMS ing investigated and the council is lataraat of all cttitens." pupils will report to second period leadership for the next two yean, others is the acceleration of the Service'* proposal in terms of ita ef- pressing forward in the area of drug A number of residents have ex- classes at »:ll a.m. and those who Robert E. Ohaus, 58, president of rate of change, and the need to be fects on the one-family residential atftue. pressed their opposition to the use arrive at school later than ».3O a.nt Ohaus Scale Corporation, was voted open to meet it. Y Director* and area of Westfield where it would be Prior to being elected Mayor, Sny- of the school for tin anti - war must report to Office A. a third term as president of the cUN believe planning for that change built, on tkt/Town of Westfield aa a der was a first ward councilman groups' affair. Listed as sponsors on Both first and second periods Y board. is our most important responsibility whole and oa the other affected mu- and active in the Westtield Jaycees, leaflets widely ckksilrted in the have been extended by three mimi- (Richard E. Griggs, 34, a certified at this time." nicipalities both within and outside Y's Men, chairman of the Westfield area are a coalition of peace tea with third period beginning at life underwriter, was elected to the Both the staff and the board will of Union County. We have unani- Town Republican Committee and groups, students and community 10:06 am newly-created post of president-elect. mously concluded that the Public served as Deacon of the First Bap- groups and New Jersey SANG head- Students who wish to arrive early (Continued on pa«« 4) Elected vice presidents of the board Service proposal Is most undesirable tist Church, quartered in Montelair. to study are asked to use the park- were Albert Danker, Dr. Richard B. in terms of its effects on the health Williams, who is chairman of the Members of these organizations ing lot entrance and go directly to Maxwell Jr., and Lem Roberson. and safety, the environment, prop- finance committtec, is seeking a are expected to picket the appear- the cafeteria; those who want to Charles T. Farrow was re-elected To Sell Used erty values and the coning plan of (Continued oa page 4) ance of Vice President Agnew at use the library may use the Dorian secretary and Edmund T. Roberts, Westfield. treasurer. the Armory Saturday. Rd. entrance. Special supervised "Consequently, the Mayor and "Confront the war-maker," reads teacher assistance also will be Said Ohaus in explaining the nam- Books Saturday Town Council of Westfield have, by me poster widely displayed at Rut- available during the first period in ing of the first president-elect: resolution advised the Board of Pub- Cleveland Ave. fers University in Newark by an Room 935, Spanish; Room 243, "In 1972 our YMCA will embark on A number of reference books and lie (Utility Commissioners of our op- unidentified group planning a pro- French; Room 1MB, English; and long-rang studies to determine the encyclopedias will £0 on sale Sat- position to the proposal and to any test at 5:30 p.m. at the Westfield Room 104, 'mathematics. needs and interests' of our comrnu- urday when Westfield Memorial Li- approval of Public Service's petition Residents Protest Armory Saturday. "As the shrap- . brary's sale of used and donated ( flH pellets of Honeywell Corpora- . .•.,>>, ~T~ books is heM in the Wateunk room ti«'a* anti-pemoftMl guava bombs Entry to flooding Pollution rip Bite the fla* atjMpfc in Jndo- cMUi Aflnew will address the cor- Protests dren's Department, is from Bread Westfield Cultural Flooding and pollution problems porate and political elite (otherwise St. The sale opeas at 9 a.m. aad .— Classic attldlo on Cleveland Ave, are being pro- knows aa the ruling class) at a *W> continues until s pirn., no matter tested by a dozen residents of the a plate dinner ... to protest their what the weather. Day May 20 DAVID LUEUMN area, wiio claim that a Scotch interests and inflict on us four more In Scout Funding The "World Book" encyclopedias, Trinity to Name Plains parkin; lot eliminates nor- years, of war, poverty, repression, copyrights 19W and 1M7. wiU be of- The Westfield Art Association will mal rainfall run-off and that a glen inflation and misery" reads the Unequal Westfield United Fund United Fund, which distributed its fered, together with a 1966 "Inter- again sponsor a Westfield Cultural is "being turned into a swamp" statement. allocations which provide; more than money more equitably between the national Encyclopedia," a 1966 Day, with the cooperation of the School Board when it rains. Westfield Police Chief James F. $1B per year for each Westfield Boy two groups, NOW objects to the line "Encyclopedia Britannica" and a WestfieM Recreation Commission, \rfchur F. Devine of 922 Cteve- Moran said special arrangements Scout, and only 48 per Girl Scout of thinking that permits a per capita on'e-vol. "WoiWmark Eneyctope- May 20 in conjunction with the WAA A special meeting of the executive 1 md Ave and 11 of his neighbors are being prepared for Vice Preei- »ere protested today. allocation of $8 per Girl Scout and dia," copyright 1960. Annual Sidewalk Show in Mindow- board of the Parents Guild of Holy are peMioning the Town Council to dent Agnew's visit by members of Immediate and substantial nar- a per capita allocation of $18 per Miscellaneous reference books to askin Park. The art show will be Trinity High School was held CJII attention to "a deplorable coo- held on the Broad St side. Rain ditKn that has been steadily wor- hia department who will work with rowing of'the gap was urged "to Boy Scout," the protest asserted. be sold include a "Museums Direc- Thursday when major changes for date will be June 3.
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