The Stewardship Series NATURESCAPE B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A Caring for Wildlife Habitat at Home Native Plant and Animal Booklet, The Northern Region Naturescape British Columbia IS FUNDED BY For More information, call 1-800-387-9853 National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data Wilkinson, Kathleen, 1950- Naturescape British Columbia. Native plant and animal booklet, the northern region. Cover title: Naturescape British Columbia : Caring for wildlife at home.2 v. in 1. Contents: Native plant and animal booklet, the northern region – Naturescape British Columbia : resource booklet, northern region. ISBN 0-7726-5052-7 1. Zoology - British Columbia, Northern. 2. Botany - British Columbia, Northern. 3. Biotic communities - British Columbia, Northern. 4. Nature conservation - British Columbia, Northern. I. Naturescape British Columbia. II. Title. III. Title: Naturescape British Columbia : Caring for wildlife at home. IV. Title: Naturescape British Columbia : resource booklet, northern region. QH77.C3W54 2003 578’.09711’8 C2003-960208-7 Notice: The information contained in the Naturescape British Columbia Guide and booklets is true and complete to the best of our knowledge. All recommendations are made without any guarantees on the part of the authors and Naturescape British Columbia sponsors. Because the means, materials and procedures followed by home- owners are beyond our control, the authors and Naturescape British Columbia disclaim all liability in connection with the use of this information. Naturescape British Columbia publications are copyright© 1995 by the Government of British Columbia. All rights reserved. Except for use in review, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system is forbidden without the written permission of Naturescape British Columbia and Havitat Conservation Trust Foundation Photo credits: Front Cover HCTF File photo Naturescape British Columbia Havitat Conservation Trust Foundation Back Cover Suite 107 All photos provided by Cindy Vincent 19 Dallas Road Victoria BC V8V 5A6 www.naturescapebc.ca NAT U R E S C A P E BR I T I S H CO L U M B I A Native Plant and Animal Booklet,The Northern Region W r itten and compiled by Kathleen W i l k i n s o n G r aphic Design and Electronic A s s e m bly Bobolo Graphic Design I l l u s t r a t o r Cindy V i n c e n t About Naturescape British Columbia ABOUT NATURESCAPE BRITISH COLUMBIA Naturescape British Columbia promotes caring for wildlife habitat at home. It is funded by W i l d l i fe Habitat Canada, E nvironment Canada (Canadian W i l d l i fe Serv i c e ) , B r itish Columbia M i n i s t r y of Wa t e r, Land & Air Protection, the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, and the Real Estate Foundation of BC and the participants who register in the Naturescape Progra m . The support and assistance of the Federation of British Columbia Natura l i s t s , B r itish Columbia Nurs e r y Trades A s s o c i a t i o n , B r itish Columbia Society of Landscape A r c h i t e c t s , and the Urban W i l d l i fe Committee (Va n c o u ver) is g r e a t l y appreciated. H O N O U R A RY PAT RO N The Honoura ble John A . F r a s e r,P. C . , O. C . , O. B . C . , Q. C . , L L . B . SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBU TORS N ATURESCAPE A DV I S O RY AND REVIEWERS C O M M I T T E E Ve r non C. B r i n k , Va n c o u ve r Richard Beard, Susan Campbell,Va n c o u ve r WBT Wild Bird Trust of B. C . , West Va n c o u ve r Syd Cannings,V i c t o r i a Ve r non C. B r i n k , Neil Dawe, Qualicum Beach Va n c o u ver Natural History Society,Va n c o u ve r Angela Deeri n g , V i c t o r i a Susan Campbell, Dennis Demarchi,V i c t o r i a G r i f fin Wo r k s , Va n c o u v e r L a u r a Fri i s , V i c t o r i a Gretchen Harl ow, Saila Hull,V i c t o r i a Canadian W i l d l i fe Serv i c e , D e l t a D ave Nagors e n , V i c t o r i a Theresa Duynstee, Liz Stanlake,V i c t o r i a Greater Va n c o u ver Regional Distri c t Linda Georg e , E nvironmental Educators P. S . A . , Va n c o u v e r Linda Kingston, F e d e r ation of B. C . N a t u r alists and Va n c o u v er Natural History S o c i e t y, B u r n a by Pa t r icia Leslie, To u r ism W h i s t l e r, W h i s t l e r Willie MacGillivray, Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary,V i c t o r i a B a r b a r a Stevenson Nield,Va n c o u ve r Sylvia Pincott, A bb o t s ford Backyard Habitat Program and Federation of B. C . N a t u r a l i s t s , A bb o t s f o r d D avid Reid, B. C . Society of Landscape A r c h i t e c t s , N a n a i m o Rod Silve r, Habitat Conservation Trust Fund,V i c t o r ia (Committee Chair) Paulus V r i j m o e d , B. C . N u r s e r y Trades A s s o c i a t i o n , L a n g l e y a 2 Naturescape British Columbia • PLANT AND ANIMAL BOOKLET, NORTHERN REGION A c k n ow l e d g e m e n t s AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T S I would like to express my sincere thanks to the fo l l owi ng people who helped me to find info r m a t i o n , suggested contacts, r e v i e wed text, p r ovided info r mation on native plant availability and habitat r e q u i r e m e n t s , and loaned or allowed me access to resource materi a l s : L o r na A l l e n , b i o l o g i s t , A l b e r ta Env i r o n m e n t , E d m o n t o n ; D avid Blades and Pa t r icia Wo o d s , e n t o m o l o g i s t s , R oyal British Columbia Museum,V i c t o r i a ; C h e r yl Bra d l e y, e nvironmental consultant, L e t h b r i d g e , A B ; B e r t B r i n k , P r o fessor Emeri t u s , UBC Faculty of A g r i c u l t u r al Sciences;Va n c o u ve r ; C a r la and Phil Burt o n , S y m b i o s Research and Restora t i o n , S m i t h e r s ; C a r men Cadri n , b i o l o g i s t , B. C . C o n s e r vation Data Centre,V i c t o r i a ; R o b e r t Cannings, E n t o m o l o g i s t , R oyal British Columbia Museum,V i c t o r i a ; Sydney Cannings, B. C . C o n s e r vation Data Centre,V i c t o r i a , Neil Dawe, O r n i t h o l o g i s t , Canadian W i l d l i fe Serv i c e , Qualicum Beach; Angela Deeri n g , Naturescape B. C . , V i c t o r i a ; Matt Fairbarn s , b i o l o g i s t , B. C . C o n s e r vation Data Centre, V i c t o r i a ; L a u r a Fri i s , h e r p e t o l o g i s t , B. C . M i n i s t r y of Land, Water and Air Protection,V i c t o r i a ; C r ispin Guppy, entomologist and wildlife biologist, Q u e s n e l ; Linda Hellenius, Silva Enterp r i s e s , Red Rock; Richard Hoos, e nvironmental consultant,Va n c o u ve r ; Jane Lancaster, e nvironmental consultant, C a l g a r y ; Olivia Lee of the UBC herbari u m , Va n c o u ve r, Andy MacKinnon, B.
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