E1016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 8, 2013 After six years of traveling through South- 2007, an independent review found that the focused on their education and college grad- west Mississippi, Brenda saw the need to re- Smithsonian Board of Regents had violated uates should be focused on their career. Un- turn to her home and roll up her sleeves. Oc- many principles of good management during fortunately, the current loan crisis has stu- dents and graduates focused on the amount tober 2, 2006, Brenda returned to Jefferson the tenure of Lawrence Small as Secretary of of money they owe instead of studying and County as Administrator. The six year journey the Smithsonian. The report indicated that the contributing to the nation’s economy. has been a goal of hers to bring opportunities Board had failed to provide desperately need- Ensuring that all stakeholders’ voices are to the communities. Being a part of over 4 mil- ed oversight, had overcompensated the Sec- heard during the discussion is our main pri- lion dollars in funded grants, the community retary, and had allowed the creation of an ‘‘in- ority in finding a long-term solution to stu- now has a new walking track, funds for a new sular culture.’’ The report further found that the dent loan rates. We are receptive to enter- library, and many other community services. Smithsonian’s deputy secretary and chief op- taining different possible solutions until the Modest in her doing, Brenda always believes erating officer, Sheila Burke, had frequent ab- best one is found. Students and their fami- lies deserve financial stability instead of that it was God who placed her to serve the sences from her duties because of outside ac- crippling adjustments or rate increases that public and she’s going to do just that. tivities, including service on corporate boards, would hinder their success. I look forward to Brenda didn’t stop in Jefferson County. In for which she earned more than $1.2 million discussing this issue with members from the October 2012, she was selected as the Coun- over six years. Importantly, the report indi- state of Florida, and would gladly share my ty Administrator of Claiborne County, Mis- cated that Smithsonian leaders took great viewpoint with other Members of Congress. sissippi. She has always considered it as a measures to keep secret these missteps and Go Gators, second home. mismanagement. CHRISTINA BONARRIGO, Brenda is the mother of four wonderful chil- While the Smithsonian now has new lead- Student Body President, University of Florida. dren—Vincent Delon, Brittany, Brandy, and ers, who are moving away from the mistakes Tyrese. of the past, its transparency should not de- f She is a dedicated member of the Greenleaf pend on who is in charge. An entity supported HONORING FRANK R. SULLO Baptist Church, where she serves in the choir primarily by the federal government must be and as president of the Youth Department. accountable to the American people. The She believes in the order of God first, then American people have a right to know that HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL family and third, her career. Brenda is a team their interests are being served. OF NEW YORK player and encourages everyone around her I urge my colleagues to support this meas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to reach their greatest given potential because ure. Monday, July 8, 2013 they are unique creations of God. At the end f of the day, it’s not about the title she wears, Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, throughout our but the ability to know that someone in the LETTER WRITTEN BY CHRISTINA nation’s history our freedom has been pre- community is living just a little bit better be- BONARRIGO served by members of the Armed Forces, and cause of her efforts. they continue to do so today. As a Member of Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Congress, I have consistently supported vet- HON. CORRINE BROWN erans and servicemen and women. They de- in recognizing Ms. Brenda Lashay Turner- OF FLORIDA Buck for her dedication and determination to serve no less from us. We owe the preserva- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES take on the challenges of her community. tion of our freedoms and our way of life to the veterans who proudly served their country. f Monday, July 8, 2013 Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Today I join the City of Yonkers at its an- INTRODUCTION OF THE OPEN AND I submit the following letter. nual Veterans Appreciation Day in honoring TRANSPARENT SMITHSONIAN Frank R. Sullo, who served his country as an UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ACT OF 2013 Army infantryman in Vietnam and who re- STUDENT GOVERNMENT, Gainesville, FL, June 5, 2013. ceived the Bronze Star, Army Commendation HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON Hon. CORRINE BROWN, Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Viet- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Rayburn House Office Building, nam Service Medal, and the Vietnam Cam- Washington, DC. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES paign Medal. DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN BROWN: A well-edu- He is a long time resident of Yonkers who Monday, July 8, 2013 cated workforce is essential to the growth of attended Public School 18 and graduated from Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today I intro- our country. I firmly believe that higher Yonkers High School. He is an active member education is what drives our economy and duce the Open and Transparent Smithsonian gives our country its competitive advantage of the Empire Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post Act of 2013 to further ensure that the Smithso- in the current global economy. As the col- 375, and is a member of the American Legion nian Institution is accountable to the public for leges and universities in the United States and the Disabled American Veterans. the taxpayer funds it receives. The bill pro- make progress towards curing cancer and With his wife, Pearl, and their children, Ni- vides that, for the purposes of the Freedom of finding alternative energy sources, the cost cole and Frank, he has a lifetime of accom- Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act, of a college degree has increased progres- plishments that has enhanced his city. I am the Smithsonian shall be considered a federal sively. proud to join the City of Yonkers in honoring agency. According to the SFA Funds Management Frank Sullo, and thank him for his heroic serv- Report from the University of Florida, over The bill complements my Smithsonian Mod- 10,000 students have received $37,122,091 in ice to our country. ernization Act and my Smithsonian Free Ad- subsidized Stafford Loans. Across the board, f mission Act. I introduce these three bills today the cost of a college degree has increased by to make the Smithsonian accountable for the more than 1,000 percent in the past 35 years TRIBUTE TO DEUNTAE SHEARD annual federal appropriations it receives, and many students simply cannot bear the which account for 70 percent of its budget. Al- cost of a college degree. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON I do not want to see student loan rates in- though the Smithsonian was created by Con- OF MISSISSIPPI gress as a federal trust, it receives the great crease, but I recognize the need for long- term solutions to the problems that students IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES majority of its funding from the federal govern- face. I, along with the 50,000+ students at the Monday, July 8, 2013 ment, much like federal agencies, and has al- University of Florida, support a bipartisan ways been treated as a federal agency. How- solution that will contribute to the success Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- ever, in the 1990s, the U.S. Court of Appeals of students and support them in today’s er, I rise today to honor Mr. Deuntae Sheard, for the District of Columbia Circuit found that economy. This is an issue that we care about a dedicated student, who is making the dif- the Smithsonian is not a federal agency for and it is a discussion that we want to be a ference in his community. purposes of FOIA and the Privacy Act. Indeed, part of. Deuntae Sheard was born in Jackson, MS, the Smithsonian’s website clearly states that it Economics teaches us that stability is one on May 23, 1993, to the proud parents of of the greatest influences in any market. is ‘‘not an Executive Branch agency, and FOIA Students need to be able to plan for the fi- Freddie and Elaine Sheard. Elaine is a head- does not apply to the Smithsonian.’’ nancial responsibilities of college and a sta- start teacher and Freddie is a deputy for the This lack of transparency is of great con- ble loan market is crucially important to local sheriff’s department. Deuntae is the cern, particularly in light of the Smithsonian’s providing stability and security. I think that youngest of three children, Freddie Jr. and recent history of secrecy and corruption. In everyone can agree that students should be Spartel. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:52 Jul 09, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08JY8.008 E08JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 8, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1017 Deuntae was raised in Lexington, MS. He tantly, Rondo Days is a celebration of the per- ships, four conference titles, nine division ti- went to Lexington Elementary School (LES) severance and tenacity of the modern Rondo tles, and made 17 playoff appearances; and Jacob J. McClain High School and grad- community, which remains a vibrant, diverse Whereas, The 2012–2013 Miami Heat orga- uated in the top 10 from both schools.
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