I I I NationalHighway Authority (Procurementand Contract Administration Section) 28 MauveArea, Sector G-gh,lslamabad (Pakistanf Phone:+92-5 1-9032727, Fax: +92-5 1 -92604L9 Fnifrro'.vri$r.a'Arr Documentsfor Submission To PublicProcurement Regulatory Authority FOR CONSULTANCYSERVICES FOR REVIEW, ADJUSTMENT OFROAD AND STRUCTURES DESIGN, CONSTRUCTIOT{ SUPERVISIONAND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION OF souTH ANDNORTH ACCESS ROAD (PACKAGE-II) OF 7.3 KM LENGTHEACH (TOTAL 15 KM)OF IOWARI TUNNEL February, 20Lg I I ATTACHMENT- I I (Seerequlation 2) GONTRACTAWARD PROFORMA. I I To Be FilledAnd Uploadedon PPRAWebsite in Respectof All PublicContracts of Works, NAMEOF THE ORGANIZATION/DEPTT, National Highway Authority I FEDEMUPROVINCIALGOW. FederalGovt (Atonomous Body) TITLEOF CONTRACT ConsultancyServices for Review,Adjustment of Roadand StructuresDesign, Construction Supervision and Contract I Administrationof South and North Access Road (Package-ll) of 7.3 Km LengthEach (Total15 Km) of LowariTunnel Proiect I TENDERNUMBER 6(406) BRIEFDESCRIPTION OF THE CONTRACT NationalHighway Authority (NHA) is executingWorks of LowariTunnel situatedbetween Chitral and Dir. Lowari Tunnel is part of federalizedRoad i.e. N45. lt originates I from Nowshera,passes through Mardan, Malakand, Chakdaraand culminatesat Chitral,while passingLowari Passat a heightof 3,150meter (10500 ft.). Totallength of the roadfrom Nowshera to Chitralis 313Km. I The Project of Lowari and its Access Roads is located betweenthe Townships of Dirand Drosh connecting Districts of Dirand Chitral of theKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. The main LowariRoad Tunnel(MRT) is 8.51 kilometers I supplementedby anothertwo km NorthAccess Road Tunnel (NART)on the Northof MRT.The Southportal is locatedat NirghaKawar at a distanceof about19 kilometersNorth of Dir.The North Portal is locatedat about20 kilometersSouth I of Drosh. Locationof Project:South and NorthAccess Road (Package- ll) of LowariTunnel: - SouthAccess Road from Link Access Road of SouthPortal I to Qualandi: 7.389Km (Km 1+103.884 to Km8+942.96) - NorthAccess Road from Baradamto Ashrat:7.33 Km (Km I 3+520to Km 1O+850.74'r. > TENDERVALUE Pak.Rs.153,958,046 I ENGINEER'sESTIMATE (for civil works only) NotApplicable ESTIMATEDCOMPLETION PERIOD (36months) I WHETHERTHE PROCUREMENTWAS INCLUDEDIN ANNUAL I PROCUREMENTPLAN? Yes X No { (i)PPRA Website (Federal Agencies) Yes { No x I (ii)News Papers Yes No X (lf yes,give names of newspapersand date) 16THAUGUST, 2016 I TENDEROPENED ON (Date and Time) TECHNICALBIDS OPENED ON 8THSEPTEMBER, 2016 I FINANCIALBIDS OPENED ON 23RD DECEMBER. 2016 I NATUREOF PURCHASE Procurement of Services I EXTENSIONIN DUE DATE I Page1 of 3 I I (Seerequlation 2) PUBLICPROCUREMENT REGULATORY AUTHORIry (PPRA) I CONTRACTAWARD PROFORMA - I To Be FilledAnd Uploadedon PPRAWebsite in Respectof All PublicContracts of Works, I & GoodsWorth FiftvM NUMBEROF TENDER DOCUMENTS SOLD THE REQUESTFOR PROPOSALWAS UPLOADEDON I (Attachlist of Buyers) NHAWEBSITE WHETHEROUALIFICATION CRITERIA WAS INCLUDEDIN Yes No x I BIDDING/TENDERDOCUMENTS (lf yesenclose a copy) (COPYOF QUALIFICATION CRITERIA ATTACHED) WHETHERBID EVALUATION CRITERIAWAS INCLUDED IN Yes { No x BIDDING/TENDERDOCUMENTS (ifyes enclose a copy) (COPYOF EVALUATIONCRITERIA IS ATTACHED) I WHICHMETHOD OF PROCUREMENTWAS USED:- (Tickone) a)SINGLE STAGE - ONEENVELOPE PROCEDURE x I b) SINGLESTAGE - TWOENVELOPE PROCEDURE c) TWOSTAGE BIDDING PROCEDURE x d)TWO STAGE. TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE x I - Pleasespecifv gly othermethod of procurementwas adooted with !J brief reasons (.e. Emerqencv.Direct Contractinq.Neqotiated N/A Tenderinqetc. I - WHOIS THE APPROVING AUTHORITY NHA EXECUTIVEBOARD WHETHERAPPROVAL OF COMPETENTAUTHORITY WAS OBTAINEDFOR USING A METHODOTHER THAN OPEN I COMPETITIVEBIDDING NUMBEROF BIDS RECEIVED Eight(08) I WHETHERTHE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS Yes No x LOWESTEVALUATED BIDDERYTOP MNKED I WHETHERINTEGRITY PACTWAS SIGNED Yes No x I I I I I I I I Page2 of 3 tl I ENT - I I CONTRACTAWARD PROFORMA - II To Be FilledAnd Uploadedon PPRAWebsite in Respectof All PublicContracts of Works, Services& GoodsWorth Fiftv Million or more I > NO.OF BIDDERS PRESENT AT THETIME OF OPENING OF BIDS Five (05) > NAME& ADDRESSOF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER M/sAssociated Gonsulting Engineers - ACE (Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s I Techno-Consultlnternational (Pvt.) Ltd. Address:House No.45-L, Model Town I Extension,Lahore-54700, Pakistan RANKINGOF SUCCESSFULBIDDER IN EVALUATIONREPORT HighestRanked Bidder I (i.e.1"t,2nd, 3'd EVALUATED BID) > NEEDANALYSIS (Why the procurement was necessary?) The project is aimed at providing I alternativeshort, safe and easy all weather access to Chitral, as the existingroute which is presentlythe only link crossingthe mountainousterrain I has hairpinbends with steepgradients and thus is dangerousfor plyingof heavy goods vehicles. With the constructionof Tunnelwith its Access I Roadsand alliedstructures, the areaof Chitralshall have an all-weatherlink with the rest of the country and avoid passageover Lowari Top which remains snowbound for aboutfive months in the I year.NHA intendedto hire competent and well experiencedconsultancy firm/ consortiumof consultantsto undertake I thetask outlined above. Theproject falls in remotearea and is of INCASE EXTENSION WAS MADE IN RESPONSETIME, WHATWERE unusual nature, therefore additional I REASONS(Briefly describe) responsetime was provided. WHETHERNAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR PRICES WERE Yesl{lNolx I READOUTATTHE TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS DATEOF CONTRACT SIGNING (Attach a copyof agreement) 29th Mav 2017 I (Copyattached) CONTRACTAWARDPRICE Pak.Rs.153,958,046 WHETHERCOPY OF EVALUATIONREPORT GIVEN TO ALL BIDDERS I (Attacha copyof bidevaluation report) (Copyattached) ANYCOMPLAINTS RECEIVED (lf Yes, result thereof) Yeslx I ANYDEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE TENDER Yesl x I No I NOTICE/DOCUMENTS (lfyes give details) > DEVIATIONFROM QUALIFICATION CRITERIA (lf yes give details) YeslxlNo I > SPECIAL IF ANY Brief Nil I Page3 of 3 Evaluation aualification Criteria APPENDIX. A TERMS OF REFERENCE (Including'Descriptionof Services) I Appnxnrx A - Tnnvrs or RnTERENcE Consultancy Servicesfor I Review, Adjustment of Road & Structures Design, Construction Supervision and Contract Administration of fwo (2) Contract Packagesof South and North AccessRoad (Package-Il) of I about 7.3 length each.(Total:15Km) of Loivari Tunnel Project I A. INTRODUCTION I t. Lowari Tunnel Project: National Highway Authority (NHA) is executing works of Lowari Tunnei situated between Chitral and Dir. The project is aimed at providing I alternative short, safeand easyall weather accessto Chitral, as the existing route which is presently the only link crossingthe mountainous terrain has hairpin bendswith steep gradients and thus is dangerous for plying of heavy goods vehicles. With the I construction of Tunnel with its Access Roads and allied Structures,the area of Chitral shall have an all-weatherlink with the rest of the country and avoid passageover Lowari Top which remains snow bound for about five months in the year. I The proposed Lowari Tunnel is part of federalized Road i.e. N-45. It originates from Nowshera, passesthrough Mardan, Malakand, Chakdara and culminates at Chitral, I while passingLowari Passat a height of 3,150 meter (10500 ft.). Total length of the road from Nowshera to Chitral is 313 Km. I 2. Location of Lowari Road Tunnel: The Project of Lowari and its Access Roads is located betweenthe Townshipsof Dir and Drosh connectingDistricts of Dir and Chitral of the Khyber PakhtunkhwaProvince. I The main Lowari Road Tunnel (MRT) is 8.51 kilometers supplementedby another 2Km North Access Road Tunnel on the north of portal I Q.{ART) MRT . The South is located at Nirgha Kawar at a distance of about 19 kilometers North of Dir. The North Portal is locEtedat about 20 kilometers South of Dross. I 3. Location of Project: South and North Access Road (Package-Il) of Lowari Tunnel:. I o South AccessRoad from Link AccessRoad of SouthPortal to Qualandi:7.389 Km (Km 1+103.884to Km8+942.96) I o North Access Road from Baradam to Ashrat: 7.33 Km (Km 3+520 to Km 10+850.74) I I I 1s t I l' 4. The GeographicalMap of the Project is given below:- l t I I x I I I 5. National Highway Authority is the government agency, responsible for the I implementation of the project and intends to procure/obtainthe servicesof Engineering Consultancy Firm(s) for Review, AdjustmenVRe-Designof Road & StructuresDesign, Construction and Supervisionof two (2) Contract Packagesof South and North Access I Road (Package-Il) of about 7.3 lenglh each (Approx. Total Length: l5Km) with its allied Structures(Bridges, Box Culverts, RCC & Masonry Retaining Wall, Avalanche Galleries, Slope & Rock Fall Protection Works), Drainage & Erosion Works and I Ancillary Works along with the length of the Access Roads of Lowari Tunnel Project asper following details:- I (a) Improvement, Widening of South AccessRoad from Link AccessRoad of South Portal to Qualandi(Km 1+103.884to Km 8+942.96). Total Length 7.389 Km I (b) Improvement, Widening of North Access Road Baradam (Km from to Ashrat 3+520to Km l0+850.74). Total Length: 7.330Km I B. OBJECTIVES I 6. The overall objectives of theseTerms of Referenceare to: a. Ensurethat the detailedengineering design is reviewed, and updatedif required, in accordancewith the site conditions and closely adheringto Specifications & I Parametersand timely issuance of Construction Drawings to the Contractors after incorporating the existing site conditions. I Ensure that high quality construction is achievedin
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