A/.M. 15 EX-LIBRIS DHEW -MORRISON D Af.M. iò f /*** f/U^tt^ . ^^ vaults l^r** 1- r^ T c~ p***^ { r.it «y*-i H*^ w /6. Ju»<^# "? I M.M. /3 T5f y<£^m i iar<2^ breiiK ^e Montdly Magazine of Jin Qomunn ^aidfìealaef). Volume I. Oct., 1905, to Sept., 1906, inclusive. ENEAS A1ACKAY, 43 MURRAY PLACE, STIRLING. ^SX CONTENTS. Kèk, LAURISTON CAST!.EJ yJBRARYACCESSIOHl € ii a 1 1 s b Department* PAGE An Comunn Gaidhealach— Sketch and incep- News of the Societies, 39, 71, 87, 103, 127, 139 tion ... of its development, 4 Notes from our Watch Tower (Editorial), An Comunn Gaidhealach, Founders of (illus.), 73 •38) 155. >7i> 185, 200 Ourselves (Editorial), ... ... ... ... 2, 18 Another Repeath ; by Norman MacLean, 136, 152 A Crown of Sorrow, 165 Only a Medley (Editorial), 109, 133, 148,168,183, 198 Bagpipe Scale, The, Oban Conference, 105 Bagpipes and Bagpipers (illustrated), Do. Rev. Dr. Russell's Address, i'3 Book Notices— Ursgeulan Gaidhealach, Do. The Welsh Language in Wallace, Burns, R. L. Stevenson, Welsh Schools, by Prof. Anwyl, 114 Schiehallion, Do. The Training of Gaelic- Children's Competitions, ... 156,186, Speaking Teachers, by Caint agus Duthaich ; by Major Matheson,... Prof. MacKinnon, Feill a' Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich, Do. A Second Stage in the Edu- cation of a Highland boy, Gaelic ; The difficulties I encountered in by E. W. Reid, 118 learning, by Mrs. Burnley Campbell. ... Do. Scheme of Technical Educa- Gaelic Revival, The, ... tion for the Highlands, Gaelic Technical Terms, 84,96, 112, 169, 181, by D. A MacLeod, 121 Gaelic-Speaking Teachers, Training of, Personal Names in the Isle of Man, ... 97 Gaelic Deputation to London (illustrated), ... Prof. Blackie, 57 Gaelic Revival in Ireland, Some Things Women can do, by E. C. Gaelic Teaching in ... Schools, Carmichael, ... ... ... ... 8 How Caoilte failed to run against Conan, So, The Petrie Collection of Irish Tunes (Review), 14, 38 Items of Interest, 52,66. The Celtic Review, do. 98 London Notes, ... The Irish Oireachtas, ... ... ... ... 100 Mackay, John (Hereford), Death of, The Life of Modern Wales, by Prof. Anwyl, 142 Mod, The Dingwall, 1905 (illustrated), The Harp in Gaelic Legend and History, ... 158 Do. do. Group, ... The Reclamation of the Wastes, ... 162 Do. do. The Educational point of The Inverness Juvenile Mod, ... ... ... 175 View, by K. Campbell, The Proposed Welsh National Council, ... 190 Notes, Queries, and Answers, 16,56, What's in a Name, ... ... ... ... 69 " Gaelic Department. PAGE A Ghaidhealtachd, le T. D. MacAoidh, ... 3 GAELIC WORDS AND MUSIC, Annotations. Am Fiadh, le Domhnull MacEachern, 12, 35, 48, 62 With English Duanag an t-Seoladair, A Ghaidhlig anns na Sgoilean, ... 41 Dean Ba-ba, mo leanaibh, ... J^.f- 47 Ath-Bheothachadh na Gaidhlig, . ... 129 Moladh Beinn Dorainn 64 Am togail nan Creach, ... ... ... 131, 151 Chailin Og nach Stiuir thu mi, 33 An Fheill, 145 Cumha Chailein Ghlinn Iubhair, 80 Da Litir Ghaidhlig, 61 Gaidheil, 183 Dheoghail na Laoigh, 141 Na Gum mo slan do na gillean, ... ,98 Eadarainn Fhin(AmFear-deasaichidh),i57, 173, 189 Fallain, gun dith thainig thu, ... 93 Fad Monadh, ... ... ... ... ... 105 Iain Smith, Bard Iarshiadair (le 'dhealbh), ... 144 UNRECORDED GAELIC MELODIES, Luchd-labhairt na Gaidhlig, ... ... ... 17 With English Annotations. Leisgeul Anna nan Or-Chiabh, ... ... 90 "Tha 'm Pilot Ship a dol a sheoladh ;" " " Horo, Caidil M' eudail ; "Fan bho Mar a Sheachan Domhnull Politics, 77 Chois an Taillear Bliig," ... 48 MacRigh na Sorcha, ... ... ... 74 " Horo, lasaidh mi mo Phiob ;" " Bodachan Mod Dhuneideann, 154 a Phuirst Leanna ; " '' Mor, Nighean " Eoin ; ''An Drobhair a bha so an de," Na Cunnartan a tha bagradh na Gaidhlig, "Mo ghaol air na maraichean;" "Na'm le C. W. Grannd, 10, 36, 45 biodh fios anns an Apuinn ;" " An taobh ... Na tugaibh breith a reir coltais, ... 101 - " bhithinn sa ghabhainn ; Gaol nan Sgeulachd Dhuin-stuaidh, .. 108 Gillean," " Dh' eirich mi moch maduinn Earrach ; Thog sinn an Deo-Ghreine re Crann, " 'S olc an latha fhuair mi m' eudail ;" Treuntas Sheann Daoine, 47, 167 " Se an t-uisge beatha an t-oigeir uasal," 95 Turus Eoghan Bhain do 'n Roinn-Eorpa, "'S arm a bha 'n othail air cailleach a " " thriuir I59> 177, 192 ghobhainn ; Dh' fhalbh mo Nighneagan ;" "Haoi, horo, mo Mhorag," " " " BARDAC Anna Nic Ille Mhaoil ; Uilleam Glen," "Bha sibh air na stroighlichean ; " "Latha An Ataireachd Ard, 60 Bhreitheanais," ... ... Nach gorach mi 'gad chaoineadh, 137 "Oran Mor Mhic Leoid ; " " Caile Dhubh Oran an t-seana Ghille, '35 Raineach," ... 164 ILLUSTRATIONS AND PORTRAITS. Thomas Lawrie and Miss Jessie MacLennan, Views of Glen Etive, 58,59 Mod Medallists, 1905, 16 Ancient Bagpipers, .. S3 Prof. John Stuart Blackie, ... ... ... 57 Iain Smith, Bard of Iarshiadair, The late John Mackay, C.E., J. P., Hereford, 89 145 At the Dingwall Mod, 1905, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 42 The Gaelic Deputation to London, 1906, ... 148 PRE FACE. lÌEEf AN DEO-GHREINE, the first yearly Volume of which is here presented to the reader, owes its inception to a very general desire on the part of members of An Comunn Gaidhealach to have a Monthly Magazine published under the auspices of that Association which should be devoted to the interests of the Gaelic language, its literature and music. In inaugurating such a Magazine, its promoters were neither ignorant of the past history of similar undertakings in Scotland and elsewhere, nor were they unacquainted with the difficulties to be met with, and the obstacles to be surmounted in order to make it fulfil its mission in however slight a degree. Believing that there was special need for such a Magazine as An Deo-Ghreine, the purpose of which is to be primarily a propa- gandist organ on behalf of the language, literature, arts and industries of the Gael, they felt confident that Highlanders everywhere would see to the financial success of the venture, and that those of them possessed of expert knowledge of the language, the literature, and the music of the Gael, would ensure the success of its mission by their literary contributions It is gratifying to have to report that this belief has not been misplaced in either instance. Not only within the circle of the Comunn, but outside of it, the Magazine has found sympathy and help. To Miss W. Christie, Edinburgh, the Managers are indebted for the designing of the title and its representation of An Deo-Ghreine. To friends far and near their thanks are gratefully tendered, and anticipating a continuation of the support hitherto so generously given, they look forward to the com- pletion of many Volumes. — an ©eo-^n^èjNe Leabhar I. An deicheamh mios /, 1905. [Earrann 1 CONTENTS. rèidh direach agus a ghiùlan gu buaidh. Co 'ACE aige tha fios? Mur eil fins againn an tràth so, bithidh fios againn gun dàil. Thog sinn an Deo-ghreine ri crann, i Cò thusa tha 'san eisdeachd, agus boinne- Sinn fhein — Ourselves, 2 fola Ghaidhealach 'nad cridhe, is urrainn A' Ghaidhealtachd, - 3 seasamh gu diomhain anns an latha so, le do An Comunn Gaidhealach— Its Inception and Development,- 4 shuil air an làr, do làmhan 'nad phòca, do Song with Music—Duanag an t-seòladair. .... 8 chasan 'sa pholl, am feadh a tha dilsean do Some things women can do, 8 chinnidh a' streap ris an t-slighe chais a tha Na cunnartan a tha 'bagradh na Gàidhlig, - - - - 10 treòrachadh gu aigne meanmnach agus Am Fiadh, 12 buaidhean foghainteach a dh' aiseag do 'n Petrie Collection of Irish Tunes, The 14 t-sluagh d' am buin thu ? Ma 's fèarr leat gun Notes, Queries and Answers, Hook Notices, etc., - - - 16 a bhi triall gualainn ri gualainn 'nan cuideachd air an rathad so tha garbh, is gun do làmh a chur leò anns an obair chruaidh ionmholta so a tha fo iùl aca, is ùmaidh gun toirt thu agus THOG SINN AN DEO=GHREINE ion air bhi 'nad bhall magaidh aig caraid is aig eas-caraid do chinnidh. Ma 's fèarr leat RI CRANN. is sud : Truis ; am mach ort ; tha sinn rèidh thu ! Is iomadh uair, tha sinn a' creidsinn, a chaidh Ach ma 's Gaidheal a th' annad a tha na facail sin aithris an talla an trèith is mothachail air mi-aghartachd do chinnidh am both a' cheatharnaich, nuair a bhiodh an agus gur lèir dhuit gur sruth tha tràghadh t-aos-dàna a' leigeil uaidh nan dàn sin a tha iad, gur barrach tha seargadh iad, gur crodh toirt iomraidh air àgh is mi-àgh na Fèinne tha dol an diosgadh iad, gur treabhachas tha anns na linntean o chian, nuair, ma 's fior, a dol fàs iad, agus gur maith leat an sruth sin a bha na Gaidheil 'nan sluagh cumhachdach, fo bhi lionadh, am barrach sin a bhi ùrar, an mheas aca fèin agus allail am beachd nan crodh sin a bhi toirt bainne, is an treabhachas cinneach mu 'n cuairt. Ach is beag a bha an sin a bhi fo bhàrr, teann ruinne. Triall far am triath is an ceatharnach is an t-aos-dàna ud faic thu an Deo-ghrèine air a togail ri crann. an dùil gu 'n togteadh a rithis an Deo-ghreine Ar leinn gu n cluinn sinn Ao-dòchasach a' ri crann anns an naodhamh ceud deug is a cànran gu 'm bheil e tuilleadh 's anmoch air coig. Ach 's ann mar sin a thà. Tha an son ar bratach a thogail; gu 'm bheil a' ghrian triath air ar trèigsinn ; tha an ceatharnach a' cromadh air slèibhtean nan Gaidheal ; is mi-mhisneachail ; tha an t-aos-dàna, ach gann, gu 'm bheil an Deo-ghrèine a th' ann 'na balbh ; ach co aige tha fios, nuair a sgaoilear crith-sholus fann, a tha sioladh troimh neul- a rithis 'sa ghaoith a' bhratach gheal stròicte bhrat a tha 'ga còmhdach 's a' bagairt a falach 's mar a tha i —nach tig farum am measg nan gu tur.
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