MOVEMENT ORGANIZERS STUDY 79 APPENDIX VII. PERSONAS Internationally connected Movement Internationa Faciitator Activist Aa Angga Open Wikimedia movement Promoter Activist Martin Temah Wikimedia Other motivations motivations Open Education Activist Elorm Loca Activist Cara Locally connected WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION 2019 MOVEMENT ORGANIZERS STUDY 80 International Activist: Local Activist: Movement Facilitator: ANGGA CLARA ABA Supporting local Wikimedia community via Collaborating with local Wikimedians on events. Supporting local Wikimedia community by mentoring and international connections to Receiving mentoring on events planning from providing resources and mentoring. Well respected resources. Individually supported by funds from affiliate staff. Less motivated to contribute content and known content contributor to Wikimedia a Wikimedia Foundation annual plan grant. than to support others. Balancing volunteering projects. Wants more accurate representation Employed as a regranter for a large NGO and for Wikimedia, a full time job as a journalist and of Ghana and African countries on English balancing family and work responsibilities. responsibilities for a young family. Wikipedia. Balancing freelance work as an events planner (including for Wikimedia Foundation), volunteering and family responsibilities. Open movement Activist: Open Education Activist: Wikimedia Promoter: TEMAH ELORM MARTIN Ensuring local facilitators have what they need for Volunteering to facilitate editathons with support Supporting Argentine affiliate with events successful editathons, and reporting is done well. from affiliate. Wants to access Kiwix for the planning, grant writing and reporting. Less of a Not contributing content much, but contributes students he teaches about ICT, thought they have contributor, and supports organizers who teach organizational skills. Balancing volunteer work for little access to technology. Sees the value in the others to contribute content. Loves the Wikimedia both the local Wikimedia affiliate and another NGO Wikimedia movement, but it is not easy for him movement and will do whatever he can to see it with working part time. to contribute content. Balancing full time work, grow. Balancing volunteering, full time work and a volunteering and family responsibilities. new family. WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION 2019 ANGGA –– INTERNATIONAL ACTIVIST Location Goals Jaarta osia Desired organizing experience Occupation ▲ Mutiiua corcs a itratioa events so h ca ocus o cott ista o spi Tchooy accss GO his tim traslati or his colleaus. Languages ▲ asir accss to itratioa ui ahasa ish oca osia auags Long term goals Devices ▲ Ma it asir or pop to us thir oca auags oi. ih roi smartpho cr aptop ▲ Prsrv osia cutur a auag oi. ▲ Coic cutura istitutios to shar mor opy ith th or ia procts si to r a prsrv Organizing skills cutura cott ▲ Cotiu scai ui or pop oi th or o Basic Proficient Expert lauags a cutur prsrvatio i osia Challenges Organizing career – people impacted ▼ rii th mas rom th str urs or his procts a th or orms a pctatios o th + pop h orks ith i osia ▼ h tim a ffort it tas to traslat btw ish Wikimedia projects fluency and his communitiesʼ languages; he wishes he could pay for traslatio srics. Simple skills Competent Complex skills Phot Tr Faton C0 tps://www.pexels.com/photo/busin902/ C0 Faton Tr Phot MOVEMENT ORGANIZERS STUDY WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION 2019 A Agga Organizer type and activities Background Angga ruarly atts itratioa corcs a vents a spas about th Wiimia momt a procts across outh sia is coct to a Angga has a busiss maagmt carr a spits his tim btw a a arg itratioa twor o actiist orgairs hrough his twor ga ca itratioa G ocus o iormatio a tchooy accss a his or as creat coaitios that hlp osias prsrv a shar thir auags a a WMF affiliate lead. Whenever possible, Angga works on preserving local cuture passioatly cocts th oas o th Wiimia momt ith lauags a cutur i osia re up a ent to uivrsity i aarta clear cas to actio ispiri pop to oi procts. eari a busiss ree primariy orks a spas i osia a Engish but uss svra oca osia auags ith amiy a ris is In the Indonesian affiliate, he helps his team become more organized by defining married and has 4 children, two of whom are local attending universities. Anggaʼs ros a creati accoutabiity ants to creat mor pai ros i i maags thir hom a supports thir chir i oi e i school. Wiimia or prsri osia auag a cuture mtors th pop ho sho promis i orgaii courags thm to or i othr Angga is icat to his or a amiy a hai tim or both is movements where they also find passion, so they can contribute more broadly. chai is oo at buii partrships but i osia veopi th trust for a partnership takes many face-to-face meetings, so Angga is often away rom hom. Nworkin Angga uss his pho to coct ith amiy a ris a to rea itratioa ws ooi i particuar or changs that miht impact his relatioships ith urs a partrs ruarly moitors socia mia channes a mai ists chci thm aiy a posti iormatio about procts i his commuitis. Agga’ ix Perc volvem ovement Internationally Angga orks cosly ith th osia Wiimia commuity to proi connected prossioa support as a maagr a aciitator though it has ta aot o effort, community processes are slowly becoming more streamlined because of Anggaʼs management skills and ability to find funding for his group. The Wikimedia Other itratioa G ui th maority o his saary ocuss o proii motivations motivations itrt accss to veopi commuitis a this ais e ith his Wiimia or ga sps most o his ay maai th G rranti program across Indonesia, strengthening the Wikimedia communityʼs funding Locally opportuitis a creati rant reports or th Wiimia ouatio connected MOVEMENT ORGANIZERS STUDY WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION 2019 Agga’ oles I etwork Ster Ienter Connector Ma-Oganizer Cutura rant ritr Pubicist Intrprtr Promotr auag mbassaor Traslator Partrship Stratist Manar oator Rcruitr Ier Ac –– Angga’s journey Productive Organizing Works on and Organizes an Asian Applies for a Receives Defines org Supports submitted an Wikimedia Wikimedia Wikimedia roles, Minangkabau + Motivated events grant Conference ith Foundation Foundation accountabilities and Indonesian application ith othr osias Edits more with annual plan annual plan and paths to Wikipedias ao othr iimias a sias. the help of grant ith othrs grant for affiliate accomplish goals ith ispir Neutral i osia i aarta ith othrs i th osia Attitude i aarta another Idonesian commuity oc iclui part osia Wiipias o Wikipedians Wikipedian, thy thir commuity tim pay or him affiliate. the affiliate. inspired to ta about ho to is activ ough to a th - Demotivated edit Indonesian prsrv orgaiatio Wikipedia, os a osia itt but os ot lauags a Dormancy hav ough tim cuture. to cotiu 2 month dormancy hi cotributi starti a ob as a rrantr or a arg GO. MOVEMENT ORGANIZERS STUDY WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION 2019 ▼ Accss to ish eb sits a iormatio h has ust ough ish to itratioa paishspai Wiipia momt ispiri hr to o mor to CLARA –– 2 aiat ish oy catoris o Wiimia Commos but somtims has to support Wiimia procts ai ith hr caus a across outh mrica LOA ACTIVIST us a oi traslatio tool. Organizer type and activities ▼ Teachi pop ho to it Wiipia hi sh is sti ari ho th Location Gals commuity orks. After moving back to Cordoba Clara met a photojournalist, and introduced him to Wiimia Commos ic th thy orgai two itatho sris i Coroba rgentia D ganizin xperience A a Coroba Cara promots Wiimia through hr twor by iiti pop to ▲ Mentori a support to impro at Wiimia procts events a sh a th photoouraist orgai a aciitat th vents hy Ocupation Background ithi hr commuity. hav actively rcruit two mor pop to hlp ith vent plai a Freelac ouraist Cara ants th pop o rgentia to rmai ag i thir mocracy to facilitation. The Wikimedia affiliate in Buenos Aires provides funding and ▲ Vaiatio o hr olutr or rom th itratioa sur that th huma rihts iolatios that occurr i hr coutry i ot capacity buii or hr sma roup ic Wiiata a Commos ar asir to Languages commuity. happ agai his passio or mocracy ispir hr to bcom a ouraist s us i a wcomr is struggi to it Cara a hr tam ui thm toars a student actiist at a Pata ivrsity sh coct ith othr actiists across cotributios othr tha Wiipia hrough tria a rror Cara reai that Spaish imit ish ▲ Urstai o ho hr Wiipia cotributios th pop sh ants to ag ar motivat mor by th topics thy car about impact th ay othr ouraists rit about hr rgentia Cara reis o hr p tworks i ouraism a actiism or tha th Wiimia missio o or a rct itatho sh propos current Dvices commuity. Wikimedia community organizing. After working in Buenos Aires for five years, sh a hr amiy mo to Coroba h currenty orks as a reelac event topics relevant to hr twor With itrst pople thy ci o a roi martpho aptop Lon er als ouraist or oca ws outts Cara orks o Wiimia procts h hr topic or th vent a thy sa reatr attac tha bfore Cara a hr children are asleep, and often canʼt do Wikimedia organizing at all when work gets colleaus ar ocusi o a upcomi photoraphy cotst ach ori at th ▲ Facilitate her communityʼs knowledge creation and busy capacity thy ca ith u tim obs a amiis. shari Nworkin Oganizin ills ▲ Preserve Cordobaʼs local history and current events as part o or history. Sh is hihy si at usi oi ouraism platorms i bos a Basic Proficient Expert ▲ pportuitis or prsoa veopmt so that sh ca WorPrss os rsarch usi acamic atabass a ormt ocumts b bttr at supporti hr commuity i shari oca When Spanish Wikipedia articles donʼt provide enough information, Clara refers oledg a history.
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