Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1939-1940 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1939 Eastern Progress - 17 Oct 1939 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1939-40/3 * . .H.- Patronize Our Advertisers! THE EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College VOLUME 18 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1939 NUMBER 4 \ Eastern Rankinmen To Meet Indiana Allphin Presides 100 Alumni Gather K. I. P. A. Convention At Bowling Teachers In Last Game Of Season In Covington Hear Green Opens Today To Decide On Indiana Home Grounds Tomorrow Dean Jones Speak Rating Of College Newspapers Tilt To Mark End Of W. R. H. O. Officers Geo. Martin Elected Featured As Speakers Careers For Several New President For Temple And Hager Are Of Eastern Regulars tyill Be Installed Northern Ky. Group For Semi Annual Meet 1939 SEASON Formally Nov. 23 ALLPHIN PRESIDES PROGRESS SECOND With the pigskin turf swiftly Candle-Light Service; Approximately 100 former stu- Today marks the opening of the giving way to the hardwood floor, dents of Eastern Teachers College semi-annual convention of the who now are teachers and school Eastern's Maroons are today pre- House Council Follows Kentucky Intercollegiate Press As- paring to ring down the curtain administrators in Northern Ken- on the 1939 football season by col- With Tea On Nov. 24 tucky attended a reunion luncheon sociation, held this year at the liding with the Indiana Teachers of the Eastern Alumni Association Western Kentucky State Teachers in Indiana tomorrow. The Hooslers BURNAM LOBBY of Northern Kentucky, Friday, No- College in Bowling Green, Ken- have a team which promises not vember 10, at the Covington Y. M. tucky. The convention will last to let the Eastern football worries C. A- end until the last whistle has The officers of the Women's Dr. W. C. Jones, dean at East- for two days under the direction sounded. If the Maroons can get Residence Hall Organization will ern, was the principal speaker. of the new president of the K, I. by this one battle they will have be formally installed at 8 o'clock He described recent changes on P. A., Mr. Robert Pay, senior at had a relatively successful season. Ci^KkESf faLfW'V the campus, which include an Bowling Green. Wednesday evening, November 23, $800,000 building program, now Tomorrow's tilt marks the end in a service that will take place in The program as scheduled for of the football careers of three of nearing completion. the meeting will begin with regis- the Maroon regulars as far as col- the lobby of Burnam Hall. Future Teachers Other speakers were Dr. D. T. tration of delegates at the Cedar lege football is concerned. Those To signify the unity of the or- Ferrell, professor of elementary House on the Western campus. of the past tense with the cessa- ganization, the two units of Bur- education at Eastern; J. A. Cay- In the afternoon an open forum tion of the game will be Captains nam Hall and Sullivan Hall will Of America Are wood, superintendent of Kenton will be led by Alvis Temple, editor Carl Yeager, end; Harry Locknane be installed at the same time. The county schools, and Edgar Arnett, of the Park City DaUy News; and Marion Morgan, guards. following officers will be formally Organizing Unit superintendent of Erlanger schools, ROBERT t- PAY Kelly Thompson, director of public Carl Kemp, disabled in a former installed: Ruth Catlett and Vir- who is state president of the relation department at Western, game, is also a senior. All men ginia Stith, presidents; Betty Alumni Association. Robert L. Pay, Louisville, presi- and L. T. iglehart, editor of the have been regulars for the past Sturm and Dorothy Pratt, vice- Songs were sung by a male dent of the Kentucky Intercol- college paper for the University three years. presidents; Vivian Weber and Vir- Dickman Elected As quartet from Highlands High legiate Press Association and of Kentucky and former president Although the Maroons are very ginia Carlson, secretaries; Mildred President Of Campus school, Fort Thomas, composed of senior at Western presides at the of the association. In the late Gortney and Kathleen Snow, treas- afternoon the delegates will leave confident of victory the Central Charles Allphin, first tenor; J. W. fail convention in Bowling Green Teachers are not to be undersold. urers. The floor representatives Club For Teachers Austin, second tenor; C. B. Suter, for a trip to Mammoth Cave where Authorities rate them about on will also be installed. Every girl in baritone, and Emery Jones, bass. today and tomorrow. they will be the guests of Mr. par with Eastern, and the Ma- the two women's halls will take 30 MEMBERS Miss Jo Mac Caldwell, Williams- Max B. Nahm. roons, being long and far from part in the candlelight service that town, played a piano solo. A breakfast will be served for will follow the administration of home, will naturally suffer effects Charles Allphin, retiring presi- Dramatic Tourney the convention delegates on Sat- that they would not have had in the oaths. An Eastern unit of the Future dent, was master of ceremonies. urday morning, followed by a busi- their own back yard. The installation service will be Teachers of America has been ness meeting in the Kentucky The new officers elected were Scheduled Here To Building. The meeting will con- Win or lose, tomorrow's game, followed the next day, November organized at Eastern during the president, George Martin, Coving- 24, by a tea given by the House past week. Dr. J. Dorland Coates clude with a luncheon at Cedar more than any other, will be the has been appointed as faculty ton, vice-president, Roy Pille, Day- House, featuring the principal deciding factor In the success or Councils of the two halls in the ton; secretary, Elizabeth Hall, Open On Monday Recreation Room from 3 o'clock to sponsor of the new organization speaker, Mr. Lawrence Hager, failure of the football season. which will meet hereafter every Covington; treasurer, Bertha Ker- publisher of the Owensboro Mes- 6. All the women of the college schill, Newport, and corresponding Eastern has well played its part are invited. second and fourth Fridays at four- senger and past president of the in the 1939 "pigskin parade." The thirty o'clock. secretary, Helen Gardner, Simon Twenty-Six Schools Kentucky Press Association. At Maroons suffered from somewhat An election of officers was held Kenton High school, Independence. Are Represented In this time the results of th\ con- i of an up and down season, winning with the results that Bob Dick- Members of the nominating com- test will be announced ana the 5 games and losing 3. Munz Scheduled man, senior from Covington, was mittee were R. E. Bridges, Vir- Annual Contests awards will be presented. The season opened with Carson- chosen as president for the first ginia Jones, and Nannie Lee Rob- The first of the semi-annual Newman being the first to fall be- For Concert Qn year Miss Loraine Estridge was erta. college newspaper contests will be fore the "Big Red," followed by a elected vice president and Miss The banquet is held annually in CUP AWARDS decided by the Kentucky Post of ■ landslide victory over Cumberland December First Virginia Carlson was selected to connection with the Northern Ken- Covington, the newspaper acting — College and- then Transylvania,. serve, as secretary-treasurer. tucky Education Association meet- . The annual_ dramatic tourna- in the capacity of judge, the re- Last year Dr. Joy Elmer Mor- sults being anounced at the lunch- Everything looked rosy up to that ing which was held' in Covington ment, sponsored by "the"' Little point until the boys from Ypsilanti gan, editor of the Journal of the this year on November 9, 10, and eon tomorrow. In the contest last way came ot town and Central Only Available Date National Education Association, 11, and Marshall Hurst, an East- Theater Club will be held on the spring, the Eastern Progress rated Michigan Teachers spoiled our Occurring During visited our campus and gave im- ern graduate formerly of Rich- campus beginning Monday and as the second-best paper, the homecoming game with a score of petus to the movement which was mond and now Instructor in the carrying over until Tuesday. Kentucky Kernel of the Univer- Thanksgiving Fete already instituted in one of the manual arts department at New- sity of Kentucky taking top 18-13 in their favor. Business Kentucky teachers' colleges at The visitors will be under the honors. picked up again with a 20-0 win port High school, is president of direction of the various chairmen Murray. this association. Other Eastern Representing the Eastern Prog- over Georgetown. The following VARIED PROGRAM Future Teachers of America, as of the committees appointed by ress at the convention will be Saturday was the heartbreaker a national movement, grew out of alumni prominent in this organi- the president, Frank Wilcox, at a game with Morehead. When the zation are J. A Caywood, secre- meeting last Tuesday. The chair- Mary Agnes Finneran, editor. the Horace Mann Centennial and tary; Franklin Webster, Mason Representatives of other colleges dust finally cleared away, it found Mieczyslaw Munz, Polish pianist, is sponsored by a National Com- men are as follows: Oscar Estes, belonging to the association will the Maroons on the short end of will appear in the Madison Fine school, president of the social sci- properties; Jimmy Stay ton, stage mittee which issues charters; de- ence department; Ivel Black, Dixie assemble from Western, Murray, a 7-6 contest and the capture of Arts Concert series on December velops materials for the use of manager; Dorothy Dunaway, reg- University of Kentucky, Transyl- the "hawg rifle" needs must be 1 in the Hiram Brock auditorium.
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