An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE Dover Downs gets a "is1t :\ten's ba ketballlo es from the Cos , tournament game, Bl Cl 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Tuesday & Friday • • FREE Volume 130, Issue 36 _> J. · .. ~ /·. ,;·: .· . .~.;_;·-"':: ...~- ·' . March 9, 2004. Trespassing reported in residence halls. BY AUDRE\ G \RR \.\0 '' hich 0ccurred on .\1arch -L Ill\ 0h mg Flatk) ~asd no one '' ,Js inJured and building is on!) as secure as the stu­ Jeffre\ '\IJthi~. a former uns\ ersll\ stu­ JA:\HE EmtO'\DS I\\ o unknO\\ n men who trespassed in no proper!) \\as stolen during the three dents who mamtain it. dent. ~\ · a~ arrested b~ l n 'er~it) Polsce 4dml1'1'i at \ ' L Jr the Gi!bcn complex. accounts. "We arc asksng ressdents,to main­ on Sept 17. Due to recent mstances of trespass­ ··[The second of the t\\ t' 111ci­ He said Jt JS smperatJ\C studcnb tall1 the safet\ gtJdelmes \\C put in He "as arre~h.:J llli trespassmg in a ing, Public Safet) and thL Ofticc of denccs] imolvcd an older male 111 a report ~uspicious beha' ior as soon as place." she said. Cnlbcrt Ressdence Hall room and Re idence Life are urging ,tudents to \\ om::m'-; bathroom ... he sa ttl. "but b\ posssbk to increase the effect!\ enes of "Don't let strangers 111 the budding. fondlmg 1IS slcepmg o,·, upant. utilize necessary safet) precautions in the tsmc we got there. the indi\ idual Public Safctv. lock vour door at all times. and if stu­ \1Jtht-; \\as char!.!ed \\ ith second­ the residence hall . ''as g\IJH!. "\\'e ca;mot stress enough that if dents' see a stranger. the) should call degree bun.?.laf\. second-degree cnminal Capt. Jame~ Flatle) .. cnior assis­ On feb. 12 and 19, Publlc Safety something ss out of the ordmary. \\·e Publtc Safety.'' trespass and thsrd-dcgrcc unla\\ ful ~c'\­ tant di rector of Pub!Jc Saft.:t). said there rccesvcd phnnc call, concerning suspi­ encourage people to call us.'' he satd. Gilbert Ressdcnce Halls \\ere also ual contaLt. were numerous sncsdcnts Ill\ nh ing ciou persons in Gilbert RcssdcnLe Hall '·\\'c need students· cooperatiOn." the sight of other trespassing mcsdcnts Flatlc) said the LUrrent trcspas~mg unknown indi\ iduals 111 the C.!lbert rooms. he said. ,\bo. on Feb. 21. a sim­ Kathleen Kerr. dsrector of 111 2002. llli.Jdenccs \\ere tot <Ill) unrelated to the Complex and one ISOlated occurrence Ill J!Jr situation occurred in the Ra) Street Rcsidcn.:c Life. refused to comment on An anicle published m the Oct. -1. .\1atlw, ca~c the Ra} Street Complex. Complex the trespassing mstances. but sasd each 2002 issue of The Rc•tC\\' reported that Flatley reported two incidences. Oscar-tvinning Vandalism actress speaks shooting up at conference in Newark B'\ KELLY :\lCHl GH cthnicit) lunih her npportumties Ill BY .JOCED JO I• ~·,,, rR q>:>ner H lly\\OOd. (PIE "'\\omen have enormous pO\\ cr She said \\hen . he was 60 and Pranksters brnu!.!ht in the mor th of \1::m:h \\ .th a b:mg ath:s anyone who can get a bab) ,Jlread\ an ~m ard-\\ uming actress. hooting and break in~!! more than 50 car" mdO\\ , m the ~"ark through the btrth canal ts prctr;. she went tO an auditiOn tO I:-what she area with a RB cun d~srim.! the ni!!ht of Fch. 29 strong.·· the ke) note speaker at the beliewd to be a substantsve role in a Sgt. R1ck \\'ilhatm of.:\c\\atl p,1licc ' Jtd the) arc pur uin!! 20th annual Delaware \\omen\ tilm. some leads. but there arc no suspects m this tun.:. Conference satd Saturdav 111 The director told her he want­ Isolated mostlv in the noith\\ st sectson 't the ell\. he satd. Clayton Hall. · Courte'~ of Delaware Women 's Conference ed her to play the madam of a Fairfield, Cherry Hill and Barksdak E tates \\\:re all targeted. Rita orcno, the first woman . lextcan \YhOr'h01'~L ·n~te ad Actress Rita Moreno spoke about women's struggle for Williams ~aid althougl·. polic~.. haYc kal ' t!h 88 gun incs­ to \\in an Academy Award, a T r ;y m~m . "Thts '' tth one offcnsin· tquality and recognition to 600 "ttende~s at the 20th annual d,.nces before. th~s cpssodc was umquc Award. a Grammv Award and an httle statement. brought me down." '·We'\ e nc' er had an}1hmg ofthss magmtudc," he sasd. Emmy Award. spoke to an audtcncc she said. "[ told hin1. Tm som·. l Delaware Women's Conference Saturday in Clayton Hall. Police mitialh fi.1t111d out about the ,·andali~m after otlic~::rs don "t do whorehouse madams.· ,: of 600 people about the continuing "l don't like podiums because attendees:· she said. discm ered broken. car wmdmv~ "hlle patmlhng the area at struggles women flee in obtaining Although she has a thev don't shO\\ otT vour ' bod· or Junior Mman Zambrana said approximate!) -1:30 a.m .. \\'ilhams said. equality in all area~ of lite. career lllcludmc stints on Your outfit... she said, \\·alkmg she attended because of the ke;11ote Extra patrolmen have not been added. he sasd. hut pohcc­ She sa1d her cxpcnenee~ as an Broad~\ay. and -most recently across the stage to applause. "l'sn speaker and the feminist themes of men are bein!! more vigilant in those areas. immigrant and a mmont) actress nrc appearing in the HBO shO\\ ··oz." not 42 or 52. I'm 72."' the conference. Audre) CY'\Jetll, in cmployee at Parag\ Auto Gla'>s , -.aid representative of the hurdles \\·omen ~1oreno said she thinks she can still Women also face difticult ''I'm taking a femimst theof) she nottced an mcrease m busmess the mmmng after the shoot­ must O\ ercome to be successful. relate to the struggle~ of an a\ erage choices about pri01itizing their fam­ class thts semester. and it just mgs. "I have a prett) good story." \\·oman. ilies and careers, Moreno said. sparked a \\·hole new thinking in ~ "'.\1onda\ I got l 0 calls." she said. "and the\ were :111 for she aid. 'TYe come a long wav. "Everyone has a httle story like "I ha\·e turned down two me." she said. door glasses.:. - - baby:· ~ ' that, ewn if it has no thine to do with Broadway shows. because I can "t Theresa Leefers. the confer­ Pat BeisesgeL an employee dt Dsamond Auto Glass. said After lea\ ing Pueno Rico with show bu:mess. .. she said~ bear to be away from my grandchil­ ence chair, said the conference they used all of their glass 111 st0ck replacing the \\indO\\ her mother at age 5. ~lorena sasd In a speech peppered wsth dren." she said. evoh·ed from a small group 20 year~ The;. had 25 different jobs m regard to the 88 gun damage. they struggled to~get b) quotes from William Shakespeare She said she feels there ts still a ago to the widely attended event it is he sasd. and some cars had three \\indo\\ , m nccJ of replace­ As a child she said she was and anecdotes about 1960s long way to go until women have toda\ ment. embarrassed by her mother's dtffi­ Hollywood, ~lorcno dsscussed her equal oppottunitics, citing the fact ·she said there have also been "Those poor people. tmagi ·'c \Htkmg up to that '\1onda) culttes with English, which made \ icws on contcmporaf) women ·s that the 1 BA has only one female great changes 111 the li\·es of women momll1!! ... Besses!!el clld. "The' ~atd there \\ a, so much !!Ia-,~ them stand out in New York. tssucs. mcludmg \Iartha Stewart's referee and that there are a lack of since the conference began. O\ er the street tt ,~ · as like there '~as a had ,tom1." · She said e\en as a successful conYiction. female movie studio heads. 'Twent) years has71't given us Chem Hill ressdent Geor!!,e Tavlor satd ht~ 1996 Busck Hispanic actress she was constant!) \.1oreno satd although she "There are openings, but the more hours m the da\, but Jt has con­ Park A\ en~e \\as one of the 'e!.Ocles damaged. stung by racial prejudice~ she fir~t thinks Ste\\ aJt did commit acnmc. door is just ajar." she sasd. ' inced us we can squeeze more into He satd he walked out to hss car at 7 a~m . , onlv to dtsCO\ er experienced as an adolescent she belieYes she ma) hm e been :V1aria Pipptdts. conference those hours.·· she said. a hole. ;JbOUt one InCh Ill dJJJTieter. On hJ'-, driYer's side \\·JI1d0\\ While shooting a scene for unfair!\ tan!etcd board president and treasurer. sasd The conference is a nonprofit "EYef) tsme l opened and closed the door, 11 got bsgger:· "West Side Storv." ~vhich won her "( thitlk she \\as eXCCSSJ\ely :V1oreno wa · chosen to speak as part e\ent. and its founding sponsors arc Tavlor atd. an Oscar. Moreno said her character 'ilified b) the press ''hen you com­ of the O\ erarching objecll\ c of the the Delaware Commission for · \\'ith his insurance com pan) pa;. mg t0r most of the dam­ was insulted with racial slur . pare her with those guys from conference, which also featured pre­ \\omen. The Jumor League of age. it cost him $50. he sasd. and someone \\a~ uble to repatr the "I just started to sob like a Enron." she sasd. sentations fi·om \ anous local buss­ \\limington. \\'ilmmgton \\'omen in windo\\ in hi· dnw'' J\.
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