Public Document Pack abc Agenda Council Time and Date 2.00 pm on Tuesday, 25th June, 2013 Place Council Chamber - Council House Please find attached to this agenda, the 2013/14 Seating Plan for the Council Chamber 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 16th May 2013 (Pages 7 - 44) 3. Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider whether to exclude the press and public for the items of private business for the reasons shown in the report. 4. Coventry Good Citizen Award To be presented by the Lord Mayor and Judge Griffith-Jones, Honorary Recorder 5. Correspondence and Announcements of the Lord Mayor 6. Petitions 7. Declarations of Interest Matters Left for Determination by the City Council/Recommendations for the City Council 8. Outcome of Consultation on Coventry City Council's Revised Street Trading Consent Policy (Pages 45 - 78) From the meeting of the Cabinet Member (Community Safety and Equalities), 21 st March 2013 9. European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Accountable Body Report (Pages 79 - 90) From the meeting of Cabinet, 16 th April 2013 10. Changes to the Constitution (Pages 91 - 100) From the meeting of the Cabinet Member (Community Safety and Equalities), 14th June 2013. Page 1 It is anticipated that the following matters will be referred as Recommendations from the Cabinet, 18th June 2013. In order to allow Members the maximum opportunity to acquaint themselves with the proposal, the reports are attached. The relevant Recommendations will be circulated separately:- 11. High Speed 2 and Coventry (Pages 101 - 108) Report of the Director of City Services and Development. 12. Implementation of the Living Wage (Pages 109 - 116) Report of the Director of Customer and Workforce Services. 13. Review of the Members' Allowances and Expenses Scheme (Pages 117 - 134) Report of the Director of Customer and Workforce Services. 14. Starting the Friargate Business District to Regenerate the City, Transform the Council and Deliver Savings (Pages 135 - 162) Report of the Director of City Services and Development. 15. Friargate Bridge (Pages 163 - 178) Report of the Director of Finance and Legal Services. Item(s) for Consideration 16. Scrutiny Annual Report to Council 2012/13 (Pages 179 - 198) 17. Annual Report from the Leader to the Council on Key Decisions made under Special Urgency (Pages 199 - 202) Report of the Director of Customer and Workforce Services. 18. Appointments of the City Council (Pages 203 - 208) Report of the Director of Customer and Workforce Services Other Business 19. Question Time (a) Written Questions – There are no written questions (b) Oral Questions to Chairs of Scrutiny Boards/Chair of Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee (c) Oral Questions to Chairs of other meetings (d) Oral Questions to Representatives on Outside Bodies (e) Oral Questions to Cabinet Members or Deputy Cabinet Members on any matter 20. Statements (if any) Page 2 21. Debates (a) To be moved by Councillor Sawdon and seconded by Councillor Andrews: “That this Council, recognising that Coventry is renowned both nationally and internationally as the City of Peace and Reconciliation, pledges to continue to develop policies to ensure the inclusion of all its citizens.” (b) To be moved by Councillor Mrs Lucas and seconded by Councillor Townshend: “This Council reaffirms its commitment to being a City locally, nationally, and internationally of Peace and Reconciliation. It reaffirms its commitment to treating all of its citizens equally and fairly, without prejudice or discrimination and maintaining the highest bonds of community cohesion. The City Council commits to continue to work with all individuals and organisations to promote the values set out in this resolution.” Private Business Matters Left for Determinat ion by the City Council/Recommendations for the City Council It is anticipated that the following matter will be referred as a Recommendation from the Cabinet, 18th June 2013. In order to allow Members the maximum opportunity to acquaint themselves with the proposal, the report is attached. The relevant Recommendations will be circulated separately:- 22. Friargate Bridge (Pages 209 - 226) Report of the Director of City Services and Development (Listing Officer: C. Knight, tel: 024 7683 4001) Bev Messinger, Director of Customer and Workforce Services, Council House Coventry Monday, 17 June 2013 Note: The person to contact about the agenda and documents for this meeting is Carolyn Sinclair/Suzanne Bennett 024 7683 3166/3072 Membership: Councillors F Abbott, N Akhtar, M Ali, A Andrews, M Auluck, S Bains, L Bigham, J Blundell, K Caan, D Chater, J Clifford, G Crookes (Chair), G Duggins, C Fletcher, K Foster, D Galliers, D Gannon, A Gingell, M Hammon, L Harvard, P Hetherton, D Howells, J Innes, L Kelly, D Kershaw, T Khan, A Khan, R Lakha, R Lancaster, J Lepoidevin, A Lucas, K Maton, J McNicholas, C Miks, K Mulhall, J Mutton, M Mutton, H Noonan (Deputy Chair), J O'Boyle, E Ruane, R Sandy, T Sawdon, H S Sehmi, B Singh, D Skinner, T Skipper, H Sweet, K Taylor, R Thay, S Thomas, P Townshend, S Walsh, D Welsh and A Williams Please note: a hearing loop is available in the committee rooms Page 3 If you require a British Sign Language interpreter for this meeting OR it you would like this information in another format or language please contact us. Carolyn Sinclair/Suzanne Bennett 024 7683 3166/3072 PLEASE NOTE: This meeting may be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council's internet site. At the start of the meeting, the Lord Mayor will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. Generally, the public seating areas are not filmed. However, by entering the meeting room and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and/or training purposes. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the Governance Services Officer at the meeting. Page 4 Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Skinner Cllr Foster Cllr Williams Sweet T. Khan Miks Lord Mayor Cllr Crookes Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Clifford Walsh Thay Lepoidevin Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Hammon Cllr Noonan Fletcher Mullhall Auluck Cllr Cllr Cllr Taylor Cllr Sawdon Duggins Ali Labour - 43 Conservative - 11 Cllr Cllr A. khan Andrews Cllr Cllr Blundell Hetherton Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Harvard Sehmi Bigham Bains O’Boyle Welsh Chater Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Akhtar Caan Howells Lancaster Innes Abbott Thomas Singh Lakha J Mutton M Mutton Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Lucas Townshend Gannon Ruane Kershaw Gingell Kelly Maton Sandy Mc Skipper Galliers Agenda Annex Nicholas Page 5 City Council Seating Plan B – 2013/14 Page 6 Agenda Item 2 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COVENTRY 16 th May 2013 PRESENT Lord Mayor (Councillor Sawdon) Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Crookes) Councillor Abbott Councillor Lancaster Councillor Akhtar Councillor Mrs. Lucas Councillor Ali Councillor Maton Councillor Andrews Councillor McNicholas Councillor Auluck Councillor Miks Councillor Bains Councillor Mulhall Councillor Mrs. Bigham Councillor J. Mutton Councillor Blundell Councillor Mrs. M. Mutton Councillor Caan Councillor Noonan Councillor Clifford Councillor O'Boyle Councillor Duggins Councillor Ruane Councillor Fletcher Councillor Sandy Councillor Foster Councillor Singh Sehmi Councillor Galliers Councillor B. Singh Councillor Gannon Councillor Skinner Councillor Gingell Councillor Skipper Councillor Hammon Councillor Sweet Councillor Harvard Councillor Taylor Councillor Hetherton Councillor Thay Councillor Kelly Councillor Thomas Councillor Kershaw Councillor Townshend Councillor A. Khan Councillor Walsh Councillor T. Khan Councillor Welsh Councillor Lakha 1. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chater, Howells, Innes Lepoidevin and Williams 2. Correspondence and Announcements of the Lord Mayor There were no announcements. 3. Election of Chair of the Council It was moved by Councillor Blundell, seconded by Councillor Foster and supported by Councillor Mrs Lucas, that Councillor Gary Crookes be elected as Chair of the Council (being the Lord Mayor of the City) for the ensuing year. RESOLVED that Councillor Gary Crookes be elected as Chair of the Council for the 2013/14 municipal year, having made the declaration of office Page 7 prescribed by the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and having been invested with the Lord Mayor's Chain of Office and Robe. 4. Official Badge of the Lady Mayoress The retiring Lady Mayoresses, Mrs Nicky Sawdon, invested Mrs Shirley Crookes with the Badge of Office of the Lady Mayoress. 5. Lord Mayor's Address The Lord Mayor, Councillor Crookes, addressed the City Council. 6. Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Lord Mayor A vote of thanks for the retiring Lord Mayor, Councillor Timothy Sawdon, was moved by Councillor Townshend and seconded by Councillor Blundell. Councillor Sawdon responded to the vote of thanks. RESOLVED: (1) That the warmest thanks of the Council were due and were thereby given to Councillor Timothy Sawdon for the zeal and impartiality with which he has discharged the arduous duties of the office of Lord Mayor during the year 2012/13 and to Mrs Nicky Sawdon as Lady Mayoress. (2) That a copy of this resolution, under the common seal, be presented to Councillor Timothy Sawdon. 7. Medallions for the Retiring Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress The Lord Mayor, on behalf of the City Council, presented to Councillor Sawdon and Mrs Sawdon, Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress during 2012/13, medallions inscribed with their names. 8. Election of Vice Chair of the Council It was moved by Councillor Foster and seconded by Councillor Singh Auluck that Councillor Hazel Noonan be elected as Vice Chair of the Council (being the Deputy Lord Mayor of the City) for the ensuing year.
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