of the Worldwide Church of God and Ambassador CollegeCol/ege VOLUME 4, NUMBER 9 PAGES 173-200173-200 AUGUST 24, 1976 AMBASSADOR THE WORK IN BRITAIN INTERNATIONAL A Special Report CULTURAL BelatedBelated greetings from once gree greenn and pleasantpleasant England!E ngland! 1 I say " "onceonce green" becausebecause we are now in FOUNDATION the grip of t thehe worst drought in 250 years and the long-termlong-term weather forecast does not s showhow it end­ end• ing in t thehe immed immediateiate future. So far we do not have Mr. Ted Armstrong recently asked us t too pre­ pre• tumbtumbleweedleweed blowing t throughhrough t thehe streets streets of Lon· Lon• pare a report for the min ministryistry on th thee ob objectivesjectives don a nd nobody is growing mesquite in their front and goals of AICF, with special emphasis on its don and nobody is growing mesquite in their front and goals of AICF, with special emphasis on its yards, but t here has been an outbreak of forest rrelationshipelationship to the Work Worls and to the Ch Church.urch. We yards, but there has been an outbreak of forest were already planning s suchuch a s statementtatement f foror the fires in va variousrious parts of of the country s somewhatomewhat genegeneralral pub publiclic media - and so it it is is pa particularlyrticularly reminiscent o off So Southernuthern Californ California.ia. As you may approprappropriateiate to r releaseelease it, for the lirsllime first time,, in the have read i inn the newspapers newspapers,, water is being BulletinBulletin. PartPart II, to be published published in in the the next issue issue rationed in some some parts of the cou countryntry and and in industrydustry (just(just belore before the Feast) will locus focus on on AICF AICF's's forth­ forth• hhasas begu begunn to be affected affected,. whi whichch is just one m moreore coming new new publication publication., We would certainly apprecia appreciatete any comments blblowow to the econo economicmic recove recoveryry t thathat the B Britishritish you have, as we cons constantlytantly l lookook to you fo forr have bee beenn expecting expecting for for the la lastst two years. Cer· Cer• encouencouragementragement and support. tatainlyinly God's God's people are are going going to be affected affected by - Robert Kuhn - Stan Rader - Robert Kuhn - Stan Rader these very stra strangenge events events and and we a allll h hereere do do n needeed your prayers. Things finally see seemm to have settled settled down down follow· follow• Part I: History and Objectives Part I: History and Objectives ing the upsets at at the t turnurn of of the year year,, but i itt wi willll As t thehe reputation and in influencefluence of of the Ambassa­ Ambassa• probabprobablyly take another another year for for complete complete stabil stabilityity ddoror International Cu Culturalltural Foundation continues to return to the the chu churches.rches. 1 I am sure sure you ca cann all all to grow grow throug throughh so solid,lid, recognized a accomplish•ccomplish­ understand the d deep,eep, traumatic s shockhock t thathat rippled ments in the worlds of of cu culture,lwre, international international edu· edu• through the the churches churches h hereere in in th thee U. U.K.K. a andnd those those ccation,ation, s sociologicalociological and and sc scientificientific invest investigation,igation, ththingsings are not easily easily overcome overcome or or forgotte forgotten.n. Most pubpublishing,lishing, human development, development, humanitarian ofof t thehe few few people who left the c churchhurch are are not actactivities,ivities, etc., etc., it it seems seems approp appropriateriate to produce a a aaligningligning t themselveshemselves wit withh any any particular group group and and conciseconcise hi historystory of of the formation of of A AICF ICF as as well as as ttheh e or originaliginal group group that that began to to meet now see seemsms aa c clearlear sta statementtement of of its under underlyinglying objectives. objectives. to be in disarray. disarray. A f fewew families h haveave co'me come back to to AAICF [CF Basic Philosophy: TheThe Ambassado Ambassador r the Churc Church.h. We Weare are ve veryry happy to to h haveave the themm back IntInternationalernational C Culturalultural Foundation is dedicated dedicated to to andand I do do look look for others others in in the future future to to begin servingserving ma mankind.nkind. Our Our concern concern is for for peop peoplele - • fellowfellowshippingshipping w withith us agai again.n. hehelpinglping th themem to realize and and fu fulfilllfi ll their individual TheThe big big,, exciting exciting news news in in Br Britain,itain, however however,, lies lies andand co collectivellective potentials. We We work work to to achieve achieve t thishis mainlmainlyy in in our our plans plans for for th thee next next two years. years. While While througthroughh numerous numerou~ ~manitarian,humanitarian, c culturalultural and and Mr.Mr. Ted Ted Annstrong Armstrong and and Mr. Mr. McCullough McCullough were were (Continued(Continued on on next next page) page) (Continued(Continued on on page 187) 187) Page 174 The BULLETINB U L LET I N August 24, 1976 educational projects, programs and institutions institutions throughout the world. There are two fundamental concepts underlying all goals, objectives, objectives, projects, and and activities activities of the Foundation: 1) That That man is a a unique being, possessing vast mental, moral, and spiritual potentials - the of theaWorfdwide Church of God and Ambassador College development of which should be aided and encour­ development of which should be aided and encour• EOITOREDITOR IN IN CHIEf CHIEF aged. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG 2) That it is the responsibility of all all men to attend to, and care care for, the needs of their fellow EOITOREDITOR men. GARNER TEl) TED ARMSTRONGARMSTRONG In keeping with these concepts, AICF supports activities ranging from benefits for handicapped DIRECTOR Of OF CHURCH ADMINISTRATION children to major cultural events; from agricul­ agricul• RONAI.DRONALD L. DART tural research to hospitals; from archaeological EXECUTIVE EDITOR excavations to parks for children children.. ROBERT L. KKUHNU H N The scope of the Foundation is very broad, and the possibilities are all but limitless. AICF looks to MANAGINGMANAGING EDITOR the future with great anticipation anticipation as more and and RICHARD H. SEDLlACIK SEDLlACIK more people demonstrate dem'onstrate their concern by joining hands with us in the service service of of mankind. SENIOR EDITORS How did it all all begin? There There is only one place to C. W WAYNEAY N E COI. COLE,E. CH CHARLESA Rl.ES VV.. DORDOROTHY,OTHY. start - with Founder Herbert W. Armstrong's HERMAHERMANN L. HOEH.HOEH, I3RJM BRIAN>l KNO\'\"l.E KNO\\'LES S visionary understanding of the majestic capacity ©1976©1976 by W Worldwideorldwide Chur Churchch o off G God.od. All ri rightsgh .. r reserved.ese rved. N Noo of the human mind and the transcendent purpose p;:t"part of of [hi thiss publi publicationc ~[ i on m~ may)" be be r reproduced~p«xl u ccd in ~n)' any fo formrm w; without,hn u[ perpermissionm ission i inn wr writingi'ing f fromrom ,he the copy copyrightrigh, propri~fO proprietor.r. of human life. Basing his conception of man entirely on the Bible (he is Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God) God) Mr. Armstrong has out Asia, Africa and the Middle East and increas­ increas• long taught that culture in general, and the per•per­ ingly so in Europe, Central and South America. forming and literary arts in specific, are among among the As he visited with these world leaders, highest forms of human expression and represent Mr. Armstrong desired to have a practical partici•partici­ the finest achievements of the human mind which pation in the activities particularly relevant to in turn glorifies the God who created it. Mr. Arm­ Arm• both his host country, and Mr. Armstrong's own strong has emphasized, emphasized, again fully basing his view overall understanding of man - projects which on biblical understanding, that there is a "spirit in would help people to help themselves. Con­ Con• man" which the Creator designed to transform the sequently.sequently, joint endeavors were undertaken purely physical human brain into the magnificent magnificent,. including archaeological excavations at the incomprehensible, ineffable human mind. While Temple Mount in Jerusalem in cooperation with rejecting the traditional theological doctrines of Hebrew University and the Israel Exploration the immortality of the soul, Mr. Armstrong Society (our institutions have jointly sponsored focuses upon this spirit in man as the real key to this most significant investigation since its understanding man and and his purpose. As a result, it inception in 1968); archaeological excavations in is indeed the spirit spirit in man concept concept which forms Babylon in cooperation with UCLA, the Univer•Univer­ the philosophical basis for all of the diverse activi­ activi• sity of Turin and the Government of Iraq; a joint ties of the Ambassador International Cultural Cultural Japanese-Israeli archaeological project under the Foundation. auspices of Prince Mikasa (fostering international Some ten years years ago, Mr. Armstrong began to cooperation between the two countries); anthro­ anthro• meet with heads of state, government, educational pological expeditions conducted by the King Leo­ Leo• and business leaders in many countries around the pold III Foundation; mobile schools to educate the world to bring his unique message about about man and and mountain people in Thailand and Nepal in cooper­ cooper• his potential and to discuss the problems con­ con• ation with the kings of both countries; a technical fronting mankind everywhere.
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