• ANHATTAN AND BRONX KBCOBDB BKCnON ••oriOM POUNDED IS6S REAL ESTATE BUILDERS ECORD AND WVOTEO TO tSM. ESTATE, BViLDING MANACEMENTAND CONHRUCTION IN GREATER NEW YORK AND ViaNITY Tkla aectlon Include* all recorded ConveyuicaB, Mlaoellmneous Conveyances, MortKaKes, Asslfrninenta of Mortrascs and BfttlBlM UiortKaKes and UortKage Bztenilona, Leases. Auction Salea, Voluntary Auction Salea, Advertised Lesal Salea, Foreclosuni Bult« Judsmenta in Foreclosure Suits, Lla Pendens, llechanlca' Liens. Satisfied Mechanics' Liens, Attachraents, Chattel HortcsKeb ACeotlBC Real Bstate, Building- Loan Contracts, and the recorded Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the BorouKk of Manhattan. Vol. CV (2719) NEW YORK, APRIL 24, 1920 No. 17 Bway. runs Bw65.7xel2.7xne4.7xn4.2xe7.6 li^lton St. 244 (1:82-18), ss, 20 w Wash­ xne56.5 to Canal x—21,1 to beg, 6-sty bk ington, runs s34.3xwl0.10xsg.6xw8.6xa9.5x CONVEYANCES. loft & str bldg; Michl Goldsmith to Bar­ n34.4xe20 to beg, 4-sty bk loft bldg; Ar­ c 3 clay Holding Corpn, 47 Bway; mtg $17,- row Holding Corpn to Jos P Casey & Msnkattaa. 000; PeblK; Apr20'20; A$10,000-15,000 (R S Marlon W Casey (tenants by entirety). 2 $7). O C & 100 Jones St. Jersey City, NJ; mtg $14,000; Apr APRIL 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 & 21. Cannon st, 51 (2:333-68), ws„ 75 n De­ 15; Aprl6'20; A$13,500-14,000 (R S $6.50). Albany st, 4; see Carlisle, 1. lancey, 24.10x100. 6-sty bk tnt & strs; O C & 100 Arden st, sws at nns Shermnn av| see Oscar Dobroczynskl to Saral & Isidor Gold st, 54; see Fulton, 73-79. Sherman av, 10, Hiller, 362 Hudson av, Bklyn; mlg $27,000 Grand st, 278 (2:418-55). ns, 75 e For­ Attorney st, IW (2:345-4), es, 150 n & AL; Apr20'20; A$10,000-28,000 (R S $6). syth, 25.8x87.6, 4-sty bk tnt & strs; Helen Stanton, 25x100.5, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; O C & 100 W Seamans to Bernhard Kahn, 219 W 81; Anthony Ave Realty Co, Inc, 5 Beekman, Carlisle at, 1 (l:53-thls & Carlisle st. No AL; Apr20; Apr21'20; A$26,600-30,000 (R S to Celia Romm, 345 E Houston; mtg tl8,- 3. lot 17). ns. abt 60 w Greenwich, 24.6x $39). O C & 100 900; Aprl6'20; A J12,000-20,000 (R S $4.50). 60x22x60, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; also CAR­ Greenwich at. 141-9 (1:52-22-23). nec O C & 100 LISLE ST, 3 (1:53), ns, abt 85 w Green­ Cedar (No 127). runs e34.2xn60.2xw6.4xn Barrow st, «7; see Bedford, 83. wich, 27.2x60x27,6x60, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; 53.9 to ss of Liberty xw44.4 to Greenwich Barclay «t, 90; see Wash, 222. A$21,500-30,000; also ALBANY ST, 4 (1:- XS115 to beg, 2-5 & 3-4-sty bk tnts & strs; Beaver st, 47-9 (1:25-40), ns, 150.4 w 53-26), ss, abt 65 w Greenwich, 27.7x60x Lafayette & Great Jones Street Corpn to William, 32x99.1x27.6x99.11, with AT to 27.7x54, 6-sty bk tnt & strs; A$13,000-18,- Mary N MacDonald, 52 W 98; mtg $129,400 strips adj on n & s, 4-sty bk office & str 000; Emeline T Fletcher to West Beach & AL; AprlS; Aprl6'20; A$130,000-145,000 bldg; Marine Underwriters Exchange to Realty Corpn, 46 Cedar; Apr2120 (R S (R S $78.50). O C & 100 Importers & Exporters Ins Co of N Y, 17 $85). nom Greenwich at, 141-9, nec Cedar (No 127) ; So William; mtg $70,000 Sz AL; Aprl5; Carlisle Bt, 1; also CARLISLE ST, 3; also LIBERTY ST, 124; Mary N MacDon­ Apr20'20; A$100,000-108,000 (R S $99). also ALBANY ST, 4; West Beach Realty ald to Etagloc Holding Co, o Beekman; O C & 100 Corpn to Markham Realty Corpn, 31 Nas­ mtg $161,900; Aprl5; Aprl6'20 (R S BOc). Redford st, 81; see Bedford, 83. sau; B&S; mtg $57,500; Apr21'20. nom O C & 100 Bedford st, 83 (2:584-61), swc Barrow Carlisle st, 3| see Carlisle, 1. Greenwich st, 330 (1:142-16), ws, 25 s (No 67), 23.9x50x24.5x50, 3-sty bk tnt & Cedar at, 127; see Greenwich, 141-9. Jay, 25x58, 5-sty bk loft bldg; Lillian E strs; A$9.000-11,000; also BEDFORD ST, Chambers at, 180 (1:139-19), ns, 52 w Hingslage, Yonkers, NY, to Armstrong & 81 (2:584-62), ws, 23.9 s Barrow, 25x60, Washington, 20x56.6x18.9x62, 4-sty bk loft Hesse, Inc, 321 Greenwich; Aprl4; Aprl6 3-sty bk tnt; A$6,000-7,500; Arthur R Sz str bldg; Rebecca May, 511 Lincoln pl, '20- A$15,000-24,000 (R S $48). Harft & ano, EXRS Chas Harft, to P S Bklyn, to Reuben Goldfarb, 55 Delancey; O C & IOC Mason Holding Co, 16 5 av; mtg $18,000 & B&S; all int; AprlO; Aprl6'20; A$16,000- Greenwich st, 622 (2:602-46), ws, 50 n AL; Aprl4; Aprl7'20 (R S $7). 25,000 20,000 (R S $3). nom Leroy, 25x90.3x25x89.6, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Beekman st, 52 (1:100-10), nes, 96.6 nw Chambers st, 189; Emma Smith to Reu­ Jas Mac G Smith, TRSTE Jas Rowe, to S Gold, 24.4x87.2x26.3x87, 5-sty stn loft & ben Goldfarb, 55 Delancey; Apr5; AprlO S Stafford, Inc, 609 Washington st; Aprl2; str bldg; Louise W McAllister, Newport. '20 (R S $5). 3,6««.6« Aprl6'20; A$8,500-18,000 (R S $20). 20,000 RI, & ano to Frank L Holman, 14 Euclid Chambers st, 189; Clara McN Barber et Greenwich at, 624 (2:602-45), ws, 75 n av. Summit, NJ; PM; mtg $40,000; Apr20; al to Reuben Goldfarb, 55 Delancey; ail Leroy, 90.3x25x91x25, 5-sly bk tnt & sirs; Apr21'20; A$36,000-48,000 (R S $60). int 1-6 pt; Dec26'19; Aprl6'20 (R S $4). A$8,500-18,000; also GREENWICH ST, 626 nom (2:602-44), ws, 101.1 n Leroy, 24.11x91.5x O C & 100 Chambers st, 189; Thos R Remsen et al 25.1x92.2, 5-sty bk tnt Sz strs; A$S,500-18,- Beekman st, 0» (1:94-21), sws, abt 75 to Reuben Goldfarb, 55 Delancey; Peb2; 000; Theodore J Breitwieser to S S Staf­ e Gold, 25.7x92,4x25.3x90.8, 5-sty bk loft & Aprl6'20 (R S $5). 5,500 ford, Inc, 609 Washington st; AprlO; Apr str bldg; Howard Conkling, Providence, Chambers st, 189; Ada McN Bird to Reu­ 16'20 (R S $40). O C & 100 RI, to Fredk S & Ella Hirschfleld, 50 W Greenwich st, 626; see Greenwich, 624. 77, tenants by entirety; Aprl2; AprlS 20; ben Goldfarb, 55 Delaney; B&S; all Int; A$28,000-38,000 (R S $52). O C & 100 1-6 part; Decl7'19; Aprl6'20 (R S $3). Grove st, 49-53i^; see Bleecker, 317-21. Beekman st, 105-7; see Pearl, 284-6. nom Hamilton pl, 144-54 (7:2075-36), swc Bleecker st, 317-321 (2:591-40-42), nec Chambers st, 189; Robt O'Neill by David 144lh (No 500), 108.6x82.7x99.11x125, 6-sty Grove (Nos 49-53%). runs ell7.9xn47iw O Meara, GDN, to Reuben Goldfarb, 55 - bk tnt & strs; Louis Schwartz, 150 W SO, 36.7xne29.1xw88.6xs73.3 to beg, 3-6-sty bk Delancey; Apr2; Aprl6'20 (R S $2). to Maxine Holding Corpn, 2804 3 av; mtg tnts & strs: Edw Hymes & ano, EXKS 1.833.33 $161,000; AprlS; Apr16'20; A$95,000-215,- Isidore Hammerslough, to Bleecker-Grove Chatham »q, 7-8 (1:162-39). ns, 106.2 w 000 (R S $103). O C & 100 Co, 233 Bway; mtg $75,000; Aprl5'20; A Doyer, runs w49.3xnl33xe43.1xsl28.2 to Hamilton pl, nwc 138th; see Bway, nec $56,000-117,000 (R S $20). 55,000 beg, S-sty bk loft & strs bldg; Minal Real­ 13Sth. Bleecker, 317-10-21; Rosalie Hyams to ty Co to Yuen Shing Hong Corpn, 32 Mott; Bleecker-Grove Co, Inc, 233 Bway; mtg B&S; mtg $84,000; PM mtg $33,000; Aprl5; Hamilton pi, sec 139th; see Bway, nec $75,000; Aprl5'20 (R S $20). O C & 100 Aprl6'20; A$60,000-150,000 (R S $73). 138th. Bond st, 7 (2:529-13), ss, 226 e Bway, O C & 100 Hamilton pl, swc 139th; see Bway, nec 25x114.5, wilh AT lo lane adj on s, 6-sty Chrystie st, 182 (2:421-1). es, 100 n Riv­ 138th. bk loft & str bldg; Wm L Detmold, 60 W ington, 25x100. 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Leon­ Hamilton ter, 11 (7:2050-97), es, 107.6 n 11 et al to 7 & 9 Bond St Corpn, al 7-9 ard Weill to Benj R Sliver. 349 S 9 av, 141st, 17.5x67.6x17.6x66.3, 3-sly & b bk Bond; mtg $20,000 & AL & PM mf^ $10 - Mt Vernon, NY; mtg $14,750; Apr20'20: dwg; Kentmore Operating Co, 99 Nassau, 000- April; Apr20'20; A$24,000-31,000 (R A$14,000-19,000 (R S $7.50). O C & 100 to Minna Von Draun, 365 Manhattan av; S $20) 4O.000 Crosby st, nec Broome; see Broome, 430. mtg $7,500; Jan3'17: re-recorded from Apr Bond St.
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