22106 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 November 15, 2006 Mr. Cooper is affiliated with the Academy of IN RECOGNITION OF ASSISTANT erans receive care. He has always been a re- Certified Social Workers, National Association CHIEF OF POLICE JOHN DAVID markable resource to the congressional dele- of Social Workers, National Association of LYNN gation and their staff. Dedicated public serv- Jewish Community Organization Personnel, ants like John understand the contributions CJF and UJA regional and national planning HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS that our Nation’s veterans have made and are an indispensable component of the veterans’ committees; professional advisory board of OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES healthcare system. Joint Distribution Committee; University of Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor John B. Pennsylvania School of Social Work Board of Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Bright. His long and distinguished career in Visitors; and the Beth Israel Zion Synagogue Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to service to our Nation’s veterans is commend- in Philadelphia. commend Assistant Chief of Police John able. I applaud him for all his hard work and Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- David Lynn as he retires from 34 years of success. lating Mr. Cooper on the occasion of a well service in the North Richland Hills Police De- f partment. deserved retirement. The contributions he PAYING TRIBUTE TO JOHN L. made to the Jewish community as well as the Assistant Chief Lynn began his career in 1973 as a patrolman. He was assigned to the CHURNETSKI, WILLARD G. community at large have been responsible for Criminal Investigations division, and by 1975 KRESGE, AND LEE W. ECKERT, improving the quality of life for so many peo- he had been promoted to Sergeant. Through- FOUNDERS OF QUAD THREE ple, a fact for which Mr. Cooper should be jus- out Mr. Lynn’s career, he has served as a pa- GROUP INC. IN WILKES-BARRE, tifiably proud. trol supervisor, been promoted to the rank of PENNSYLVANIA Captain, and served as the Investigative Serv- f ices Division Commander for 11 years. During HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI his service as Captain, Mr. Lynn attended the OF PENNSYLVANIA TRIBUTE TO THE 150TH ANNIVER- 139th Session of the FBI National Academy in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SARY OF THE SEBASTOPOL Quantico, Virginia. Wednesday, November 15, 2006 HOUSE STATE HISTORIC SITE In May of 1993, Mr. Lynn was promoted to his current rank of Assistant Chief of Police. Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today As commander of the Management Services to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the HON. HENRY CUELLAR Bureau, Assistant Chief Lynn was awarded his House of Representatives to pay tribute to John L. Churnetski, Willard G. Kresge and Lee OF TEXAS second Meritorious Service Award. He also served as Interim Chief of Police for several W. Eckert, founders of Quad Three Group, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES months in both 1998 and 2005 for the Police Inc. in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania. Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Department. Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- Quad Three Group is a full service architec- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ognize Assistant Chief of Police John David tural, engineering and environmental science firm that has grown from a single proprietor- honor the 150th anniversary of the Sebastopol Lynn’s 34 years of dedicated service to the North Richland Hills Police Department and ship in 1967 to a firm employing 70 people House State Historic Site in the city of Seguin, today in Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, and Pitts- located in the 28th District of Texas. Community. I am proud to serve as his rep- resentative in Washington, D.C. burgh, PA. This 3,000 square foot home was built in f From 1967 through 1987, the company was 1856 and is constructed mainly of limecrete, a multidiscipline professional engineering firm an early form of concrete, a material rarely PAYING TRIBUTE TO JOHN B. known as Utility Engineers which served a used in the area. Joshua Young, who lost his BRIGHT large number of architectural firms, commer- son in the Civil War, built the Sebastopol cial and industrial clients and municipalities. A large part of the firm’s growth came from con- House and later sold the house to his sister, HON. JON C. PORTER tracts with the U.S. Department of Defense. who then sold it to Joseph and Nettie Zorn. OF NEVADA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1987, Utility Engineers, which had em- Joseph Zorn served as alderman, postmaster, ployed 35 people, merged with the largest ar- and mayor of Seguin for 20 years, was instru- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 chitectural design firm in the Wilkes-Barre/ mental in the growth and the modernization of Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Scranton area, Pyros and Sanderson, which the city, and left a remarkable legacy in the honor John B. Bright for his service to our Na- employed 15 people, to form Quad Three creation of the trustee-managed, free public tion’s veterans. Group, Inc. school system in 1891. The house remained John was appointed by the Veterans Health Noteworthy regional projects they completed with the Zorn family until the death of Calvert Administration as the Director of Veterans Af- included Blue Cross Blue Shield of North- Zorn, when the house was rented out to fami- fairs of the Southern Nevada Healthcare Sys- eastern Pennsylvania headquarters, Luzerne lies, including that of Robert and Mary Ybarra, tem in Las Vegas, Nevada, on May 1, 2006. County Community College Technology Build- He was previously the Associate Director ing, Penn State University Wilkes-Barre and who lived in the house for many years. since May 6, 2005. Hazleton campuses, Martz Trailways Office The Sebastopol House faced the threat of Prior to his appointment in Las Vegas, John Building, InterMetro Industries Corporate demolition in the early 1960s, but was saved was the Chief Financial Officer at the VA Fa- Headquarters Building, the environmental im- by the Seguin Conservation Society to serve cilities at Big Spring and Amarillo, Texas since pact study for the Francis E. Walter Dam Hy- as a historic house museum until 1976, and 1998. He has also been the Chief Financial droelectric Project, Newport, Rhode Island and was restored to its original condition in the Officer at Phoenix, AZ and Reno, NV. He Lakehurst, New Jersey Naval Base Utility Sys- 1980s by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- began his career in 1985 at the VA in Seattle, tem Upgrade and the $85 million Steamtown ment to preserve this important piece of Texas WA and served in management positions at Mall project in downtown Scranton. VA Hospitals in Durham, NC, Prescott, AZ, They also completed the Philadelphia Naval architectural history. As we look back on the Battle Creek, MI and San Antonio, TX. John is Shipyard Base Re-Alignment and Closure past 150 years of this house and its inhab- a Veteran who served in the United States project, ten major K–12 and higher education itants with pride, we also look forward to an Army from 1972 through 1975. projects, the $45 million Wachovia Arena at enduring future for the Sebastopol House As Director of the Southern Nevada Casey Plaza and the $30 million Mount Laurel State Historic Site. Healthcare System, John has continually ad- Center for the Performing Arts. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have had this vocated for the construction of the new Las Mr. Churnetski received his bachelor of time to honor the 150th anniversary of the Vegas Veterans Hospital Complex. John is de- science in mechanical engineering from Notre Sebastopol House State Historic Site. voted to our veterans in southern Nevada and Dame University. Mr. Kresge received his goes above and beyond to ensure that vet- bachelor of electrical engineering from Penn VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:44 May 19, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR15NO06.DAT BR15NO06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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