T he Courier-Gazette. V OLUM E -J8 ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1893. E n te r e d hr Second Clawi Mall Matter. N um ber 18 good nnd desirable things are drifting BONNET BLEACHERY. CITY CHAT. LOCAL LACONICS. OUR ROCKLAND HORSE TALK LADIES TAILORING The ladles of Knot County are respectfully In I this wav. formed that the Rockland Bleachtry Is now oper What Is Being Said About the Smalt for the sea-on at the old stand, 3*7 Main Street Here and There About Our Rapidly Let’s Have Some Good Races over the Willoughby store. Leslie Ross, who ilrivos a lour-horse Abbreviated Reports of Current H ap­ Lime City. Season—Blood and Speed. I have opened a room at 421 Main fitreel, 17 19 W . B BAKGKNT. Growing City. over the Crockett it Lovejoy utore and I am limerock wagon, was arrested Tuesday penings About Town. irepnred to do Cleaning, I’rcnping, Dye Ajwell kt own Hancock County busi­ fng and Repairing of Ladlea’ and Gentle, REMOVAL. AY Point is evi- by Officer Meservey for driving on NON Trotting Park men'll ontfdde ctothln. at reasonable prlcoa I wish to announce to mv friends and customers ness man. win, recently visited Rt ckland, and at abort notice. I ahull make a apec- that I have removed my dressmaking from Suffolk dently tobo in the cross streets. lie hnd been warned One 100 feet of plank walk has t ern said Io one of onr citizens: is Ihe scene of laity of Street to the Sprague Building on Limerock Street swim this year ! several times, and so Judge Hioks on added to the K. & L.depot platform------ considerable ac­ 'C u t t i n g a n d JVTzvlK.iM.ft formerly occupied by the T r ib u n e . "I believe most thoroughly Ihnt with- Ladlea' Jacketa, Conta, Capea, Ulatera and 16 IS* MRS. F. II. INGRAHAM. Applications for J W. dnosday fined him $4 84 which was Thirty-seven tickels were sold nt the j in twenty years Rockland will be the tivity nt the pres- all outGde garment*. I have a full line of accom m odations | paid. Officer Meservey is entitled to ] Rockland depot on account of the Ma­ e n t tim e. We all the latest ctyiea and colorings of Cassi Office Rooms to Rent. leading eitv of Maine, without excel - meres, Kerseys, Thlbeta. Worsteda and continue to flow I credit lor enforcing this very admirable sonic gathering in Portland last week----- hear that Berry Fancy Cloakings. W e guarantee a flt In Good office rooms In tho new and splendid Syn I tion or reservation." dlcate building. Apply to in and it seems ordinance which protects onr oross Bros, contemplate every ease and get our garments up In the 16 C. II. BERRY. Certain portions of Midtile street net d a ! While Tut: C.-O. has never made most thorough and workmanlike manner from the present j streets from the devastation of heavily, putting it in first class shape. This is by the latest New York styles 14 new sidewalk--------Thursdnys's fierce quite such a sweeping claim as tlie above outlook that lire entire capacity of the i laden rock teams. All reasonable ordi- one of the lte«t half milo tracks In Maine CIRLS WANTED. storm blew down W. li. Glover & Co’s it lias always maintained that other Three or four girls to do general housework; house, with the additional rooms now nances of the city should be enforced ; and with such horses ns Otto 2:28, Little W. I). ANDREWS, waves $3, $360 and $4 00 per Week. A ddre big sign, and smashed a window in the i Maine cities waitlil have to hustle to “DELP,” C-re LettorCarrier No. 2, Rockland. Blanche 2:29 14. Dixmont 2 :33, Arthur being fitted up, will be taxed to its full-1 all unreasonable ones should be repealed, First Baptist Church. Business men : keep tile tlie lend of Rockland,nnd evety Rockland, Maine. B 2:36. Rockland should present quite WANTED. est capacity. Bay Point has a most • • dined down town and ’twas a wild day year proves the truth of our prophecy. 421 Main Street. Experienced girls on Shirt work. Power n a good field for Ihe free-for-' U-lhis year. enviable name in tlie land. The truckmen in their petition to the generally----- Onr blacksmiths seem to T he C.-G. lias always most firmly be­ chines. E. C. CORI IlELL, Thomaston, Me There are many other premising young 16 21 • • City Government stnte that they have be busy all tile time. We called upon lieved that Rock land's future was a horses owned in nnd about Rockland The Old Folks Concert will occur been discriminated against and ask lor brawny armed James Simmons the other bright one, and believed so tint) said so AWNINGS CIRLS WANTED. nnd with a little interest awnkened in 60 smut t workers wanted at once. Good pay May 18. Memorial Kay comes on May the repeal of the ordinance that forbids day anti found him bustling with a shop at the time when our prominent busi- ind steady employm ent on shirt work. development of Knox County speed we 31 Repeating onr suggestion of several the standing of truck teams on Main full of horses awaiting their turn----- In men were striving to build up and main­ Of All Kinds, Lat­ 7-20 W. F. K E L L E R , Cam den, Me. may look for some good races here the weeks ago we would like to urge upon j street. They claim that other business Jam es Campbell’s cooper shop is a pic­ tain the city’s ctedit ami the Rockland coming season. est Styles. Designs HOUSE FOR SALE. the executive committee of Edwin Libby wagons block tho street, which are nut ture of Jam es G Blaine cut from the Ulcer clamored lor repudiation with all House and lot No. 7 High St., known as the I. K- o o and Colors. ell house. House has 7 good finished rooms, Post the desirability of securing the , disturbed. Herein tho truckmen may Rockland Republican Club's Blaine and its mieroseopic power. Rockland has everythythlng Is In good repair. K nquirn at house, chorus which gives the concert May 18 j havo some reason lor complaint, but wo Logan llag of eight years ago----- J. Fred nobly f. rgt d to tlie very Iront in enter­ The game chestnut trotter. Dixmont, Ilatle al Short Xollec I7-H■ NO. 7 HIGH STREET. to furnish appropriate music at tlie ' think they ere lame in asking for tho Hall has just completed some very hand­ prise, growth, push, progress, hustle, formerly owned hy G. L. Burgees ot mill Put l'p. A Desirable Dwelling House oration in Farwell Opera House, Mem- repeal of the ordinance. Our people are some business wagons for county par­ rustle and hustle, and the other towns Rock i oi t. is now in the stable of Berry FOR S A LE . orial evening. Some of the numbers ’ generally pleased at the location of ties There is an express wagon for W. "tip their hats to Rockland as she gaily Bros tfc Uu. The Alden house on Maple Street. A well built H. Glover & Co , a dandy turn-out for o o W. F. TIBBETTS, house and a very desirable location; also an extra now being rehearsed are very appro-1 truck teams on the side streets, and we passes by ” lot—one of the best m the city. the A. J Bird Co., while Wade, Heald priate for the memorial exercises. don't think they want the ordinance It is reporttd that Joe Howe 2 :23 1 2, F. M. 8U A W , R- al E state B roker, & Co.. Mank of South Hope, II. (). PERSONAL POINTS. 477 Main St. 17 20 420 Main St., Rockland. repealed And we also think that one formerly owned by H. J. Tibbetts of Gurdy and others are having chariots Fred W. Wight and J. E. Sherman year from now tho truckmen them­ References to People Well Known in Rockport, hut now owned in St. John, FURNITURE FOR SALE. made there----- S. II. Hall will probably and About Our County Three Htoves, Lounge, Tabic and other furniture have been appointed members of the selves will b * satisfied with the condi­ N. B . will come to Rockland this Sum­ Tlie place to . Inquire II. E. FISH, 193 Broadway. occupy the tenement over his new store, Board of Registration by Mayor Knight. tion of things. If the truckmen are W. <). Abbott was in Boston and New mer, What a grand pacing nice we Park stveet----- Mayor Knight is haying Lace HAVE FOR S A LE . Mr. Wight was formerly a member discriminated against, and to tbeir dis­ York last week migbtfjhave with Otto, Little Blanche a street laid out to the new houso he has of the Board, bill resigned, E S. Far- advantage, the ordinance should be and Joe Howe! This would be a race THEM had erected on Beacon street.——One WALKER, ROSE & CO. well being appointed to fill out the un- amended so ns to bear on all alike, but Geo Simmons of Union now owns worth going miles to see and it would ol Samuel Doe’s horses was mired here, Curtains! CLEANED expired term which emled with May 1. we don't think there is any demand, speedy Lazy Mike.
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