March 22, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3345 in education because many years ago she best left to the American people, acting Holmgren was growling into his headset, and was the little girl whom I escorted to a junior through the Congress, to make. The stakes offensive line coach Bobb McKittrick was high school dance. are so high and the potential impacts so great preparing to vent his frustrations. As the linemen took a seat on the bench, f because national security, national competi- McKittrick stared down at veterans Guy tiveness in the global market place, national McIntyre, Bubba Paris and Jesse Sapolu and UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF health and welfare, and economic well-being ENGINEERS said calmly, ‘‘You three might want to start of the Midwest grain producers, just to men- praying about now.’’ Then he turned to Bar- tion a few considerations are at stake. And I, ton. ‘‘And Harris,’’ McKittrick added, ‘‘if you HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. as a member of this body, stand ready to re- know a Jewish prayer, you might want to OF ALABAMA view all of the alternatives and to make the say it.’’ Without swearing, getting personal or rais- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES difficult decisions that are necessary to serve ing his voice, McKittrick, a former Marine Wednesday, March 22, 2000 our great nation and the needs of my constitu- who makes Chris Rock seem vague and indi- ents. Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I have worked rect, had delivered a sharp motivational There are many outstanding public servants, message. The linemen buckled down, Mon- with the United States Army Corps of Engi- military and civilian, involved in this and other tana threw four touchdown passes in the neers for my entire service in Congress. I Corps studies. I support the Corps’ process fourth quarter, and San Francisco won by 10. have always found the integrity of the Corps and urge my colleagues to join me in express- The next day McKittrick called Montana beyond question. I have great confidence in ing confidence that the Corps, working to- into an offensive line meeting and apologized the Corps, including an outstanding group of gether with all of the interest groups, as it has for the breakdown in protection. Montana people who work in the Huntsville, Alabama, shrugged it off, but word got around, giving so often in the past for great national benefit, players another reason to respect a man who Division office of the Corps. will produce recommendations from the Upper Serious charges have been laid on the mili- may be the most successful position coach of Mississippi and Illinois Navigation Study that his era. tary leadership of the Corps by some in the will stand the test of time. In a business in which coaches get relo- press recently. These claims about the sound- f cated, recycled and removed as a matter of ness of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois River course, McKittrick, 63, has been the Niners’ Navigation Study must be fully evaluated and TRIBUTE TO BOBB MCKITTRICK offensive line coach for 20 seasons. During whatever steps these evaluations indicate to that time San Francisco has won five Super be appropriate must be taken. Until that time, HON. TOM LANTOS Bowls and put together the most successful however, I find it unacceptable and unfair to two-decade run in NFL history, and the fact OF CALIFORNIA our armed forces to challenge the professional that McKittrick has been entrenched in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES same job throughout that span, under three appointees who have given their entire profes- head coaches, is not accidental. In addition sional career to serve this country. All of these Wednesday, March 22, 2000 to routinely milking exceptional production officers have come highly recommended by Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to out of players overlooked or cast off by other their peers. Many of us have worked with invite my colleagues to join me in paying trib- teams, McKittrick has been the glue that them earlier in our careers. ute to the memory of Bobb McKittrick of San has held together the Niners’ vaunted West The Upper Mississippi and Illinois River Coast attack. Bill Walsh, recently rehired as Mateo, California. Mr. McKittrick, the longtime San Francisco’s general manager, says Navigation Study has not been completed and offensive line coach of the San Francisco is yet to be distributed for state and agency McKittrick ‘‘has developed more offensive 49ers, passed away last Wednesday after a line knowledge than anyone, ever. The con- review. To criticize the unknown outcome of lengthy battle against bile duct cancer. He tinuity of the line, its consistent ability to the study before the public review has even leaves behind a loving family and a reputation protect the quarterback and open running started may inhibit reasoned development of as one of the premiere leaders and motivators lanes, has been the cornerstone of the 49ers’ final recommendations for water improvement in the National Football League. His legacy in- success over the past 20 years, and without by the Secretary of the Army and unfairly color cludes the affection of the hundreds of ath- Bobb, I don’t think it happens. His men have Congress’ deliberations on those rec- played longer, with better technique, more letes whose lives he touched with his passion, production, fewer injuries. In every possible ommendations. There are certainly many po- determination, and commitment to excellence tential alternatives and points of view that category you can measure, he’s right at the as well as to tens of thousands of devoted top.’’ have to be considered; there is not just one. fans, for whom he was an example of dedica- The Niners are so queasy about the notion There are many uncertainties and unknowns tion and public spiritedness. of ever working without McKittrick that that we will encounter as we plan and prepare Mr. Speaker, I ask that an article by Michael they told him he’d have a job for life when he for the future, but there is one certainty: the Silver from the April 26, 1999, issue of Sports was mulling an offer to become the St. Louis importance to the national welfare of naviga- Illustrated about the courage, inspiration, and Rams’ offensive coordinator after the 1994 tion as an essential element of a sound trans- season. He recently signed a two-year deal, example of Bobb McKittrick be placed in the and in the weeks leading up to the draft, he portation infrastructure. RECORD. It chronicles his extraordinary coach- Through the Corps Civil Works program, the was busy breaking down film on top line ing record with the 49ers, his positive influ- prospects—an endeavor that in most years is Federal Government has created the world’s ence on the careers and lives of his players about as fruitful for McKittrick as Academy most advanced water resources infrastructure and friends, and his characteristically tena- Award voters viewing Brian Bosworth mov- contributing to our unprecedented standard of cious fight against cancer. Mr. Speaker, the ies. The San Francisco brass concentrates on living. The program is essentially a capital in- story of Bobb McKittrick is an inspiring one. drafting talent at other positions and relies vestment and management program that re- on McKittrick to excel with lesser-regarded turns significant economic, environmental, and ONE TOUGH CUSTOMER: OUTSPOKEN NINERS linemen. Few coaches have done so much ASSISTANT BOBB MCKITTRICK IS BATTLING other benefits to the nation. Though relatively with so little, but no one is taking CANCER AND LIVER DISEASE WITH THE SAME small in the context of total Federal expendi- McKittrick for granted anymore. FIERCE DETERMINATION THAT MADE HIM In January, four days after the 49ers were tures, investments in, and sound management ONE OF THE BEST COACHES IN THE GAME eliminated from the NFC playoffs by the At- of the Corps water resources projects have They were embattled behemoths in big lanta Falcons, McKittrick received a med- beneficial effects that touch almost every facet trouble, and they felt like the smallest men ical double whammy: Doctors told him that of modern American society—navigation on earth. Late in the third quarter of a game he had cancer and that he needed a liver projects that provide the Nation with its lowest- against the Eagles on a chilly September transplant. McKittrick, whose colon was re- cost mode of transportation for bulk commod- afternoon in Philadelphia 10 years ago, Har- moved 17 years ago after precancerous cells ities; flood control projects that protect the ris Barton and his fellow San Francisco 49ers were detected, has a malignancy on his bile lives, homes and businesses of thousands of offensive linemen trudged off the field with duct. He has begun undergoing radiation and their heads down and their ears pricked. Joe chemotherapy at Stanford Hospital in Palo Americans; and recreation facilities that enable Montana, the Niners’ fine china, had been Alto. He needs a liver transplant because he millions of visitors to relax and enjoy the beau- sacked eight times. The Eagles led by 11 is suffering from cholangiocarcinoma. He is ty of our country’s waters. points, and censure was a certainty: Coach on a waiting list for a new liver. I say that these kinds of decisions are ex- George Seifert’s face was convulsing like While his relatives, friends and colleagues tremely complex and controversial and are Mick Jagger’s, offensive coordinator Mike are worried sick, McKittrick, predictably, VerDate Aug 04 2004 12:22 Aug 12, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\E22MR0.000 E22MR0.
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