CENSUS 1971 PART X-C-I DEPARTMENTAL STATISTICS AND SERIES-5 FULL COUNT GUJARAT CENSUS TABLES DISTRICT SURAT CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK C. C. DOCTOR gf the Indian Administrative Service Dir6ctor of C,nsus OperatloM GUjar1l1 CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 LIST OF· PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India 1971-Series-S-Gujarat is being published in the following parts : Part Subject covered Number I-A General Report. l-B Detailed Analysis of the Demographic, Social, Cultural and Migration Patterne_ I-C Subsidiary Tables. II-A General Population Tables ('A' Series). II-B)I Economic Tables ( IB' Series). , II-C(i) Distribution of POf-ulation, Mother Tongue and Religion, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. U-C(ii) Other Social & Cultural Tables and Fertility Tables, Tables on Household Composi­ tion, Single Year Age, Marital Status. Educational Levels, Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes, etc., Bilingualism. III Establishments Report and Tables ('E' Series). IV-A Housing Report and Housing Subsidiary Tables. IV-B Housing Tables. V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. VI-A Town Directory. VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns. VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages. VII Special Report on Graduate and Technical Personnel. VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration.} F ffi' I I or 0 cIa use on y VIIl-B Administration Report-Tabulation. IX Census Atlas. DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK X-A Town and Village Directory. X-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Ab&tract. X-C Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District Census Tables. CO NTENTS PREFACB PAGES vii-iJl:: SECTION I-DEPARTMBNTAL STATISTICS \ Introductory Note to Departmental Statistics 1-7 RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE ] .1 Maximum and Minimum Temperature, 1961 to 1970 at District Headquarter's Station 11-12 1.2 Monthly Rainfall 1961 to 1970 at District Headquarter Station 12 2 VITAL STATISTICS 2.1 Birth and Death Rate based 01) Mid-year Population Estimates 13 2.2 Deaths from Selected Causes, t.961, 1966 and 1970 14 3 AGRICULTURE 3.1 Land Utilisation, 1961-62 and 1967-68 ]4 3.2 'Area and Outturn of Principal Crops, 1961-62 to 1970-71 15 3.3 Irrigation Projects with Particulars of Capacity, Water Areas and Command Areas as on 1-4-1971 15-16 3.4 Area Irrigated by Sources, 1961-62 to 1967-68 . J6 3.5 Area Irrigated by Crops, 1961-62 and 1967-68 16 3.6 Percentage of Area under Crops, 1965-66 &. 1968-69 (Talukawise) 17-18 3.7 Agricultural Research Mations as on 1-1-1971 18 3.8 Forest Areas in Surat District, 1961-62 to 1970-71 19 3.9 Regulated Agricultural Produce Markets in the District, 1970-71 19 4 LIVESTOCK 4.1 LivestQCk and Agricultural Implements, 1961 and 1966 20 4.2 Animcll Husbandry and Poultry Farms, 1969-70 21 4.3 ActiVIties for Promotion of Animal HUSbandry aod Poultry Rearing, 1970-71 21 4.4 Veterinary Institutions as on 1-4-1971 21-22 5 CO-OPERATION 5.1 Number, Membership and Financial Positiou of Co-operative Banks and Societies, 1969-70 23 6 FISHERIES 6.1 Fishing Centres, Landing Places and Number of Fishing Boats According to Size as on 31-3-1971 24 7 REGISTERED FACTORIES 7.1 Number and Types of Working Factories showing AVerage Employment, 1960. 1965 and 1970 24-25 7.2 Statistics relating to Factory IndUs_tries, 1961-1967 (Provisional) 25 7.3 Industrial Strikes and Lockouts. 1970 26 8 ELECTRICITY Consumption of Electricity according to Purposes, 1960-61, 1965-66 and 1970-71 8.1 26 9 MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH 9.I(A) Number of Allopathic Hospitals, Dispensaries and Patients treated in 1960, 1965 and 1970 26 9.1(8) Number of Government Ayurvedic Hospitals, Dispensaries and Patien~s treated in 1961, 1966 and 1971 27 9.2 Public Health Activities, 1966-67 to 1969-70 27 9.3 public Health Activities, Persons Vaccinated, 1961 to 1970 27 9.4 Public Health Activities, B.C.G. Vaccination, 1970 27 10 EDUCATION 10.1 School, Scholars and Teachers in Primary Schools in Non-Municipal Areas 1970-71 10.2 Educ'ltion in Non-Mullicirai Areas, 1970-71 28 10.3 Number aDd Type of Educational Institutions, Number of Pupils and Teachers, 196J-62, J965-66 & 1969-70 28 10.4 Directory of Colleges and Technical Institutions etc, as on 31-3-1971 29 lU.5 Number (II Students Appearing and Passing the Secondary School Certificate Examination, 1961 to 1970 29 30 10.6 Enrolment of Students In Classes I to V, VI to VIII and IX to XI with Percentage by Sex to its Corre-sponding Estimated Population within Age group 6 to 11, II to 14, 14 to I7 lUpIOtlvely 30 PAoas )1 ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Strength of Police, 1970-71 31 J 1.2 Proportion of Area. Population and Cognisable Offences per Police, 1910 31 1 1.3(A) General Results of TrIals of Criminal Cases. 1961 to 1970 31 11.31B) Number of Cognisable Crimes reported, 1961~1970 32 11.4 JaIls, 1960, 1965 and 1970 32 11.5 Instruments registered and Value of Property transferred, 1960, 1965 and 197() 33 11.6 Land Revenue realised, 1960-61 to 1969-70 33 12 PLACES OF PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT, PRESSES AND JOURNALS 12.1 Newspapers published in Different Languages, 1960-61 and 1969 33 12.2 Printing Presses, 1961 and 1968 34 12.3 Cinema Theatres, 1970-71 34 13 TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 13.1 Rai!wav Mileages 'and Names of RaiJway Stations, 1970-71 34 13.2 Road Kilometreage by Type of Surface and Category of Roads~ 1960-61. 1965-66 and 1969-70 35 13.3 Tonnage of Import and Export Cargo handled at Different Ports, 1960-61. 1964-65 & 1969-70 35 13.4 Circuit House/InsPection Bungalow/Travellers Bung!ows maintained by P.W.D. and Local Bodies 36 14 LOCAL BODIES 14.1 Number of Local Bodies and Organs of Democratic Decentralisation, 1961-62 to 1970-71 36 14.2 Composition of Municipal Corporation and Municipalities. 1961. 1966 and 1971 37 14.3 Compo,ition of Di~trtct Panchayat as on 1-1-1971 37 14.4 Composition of raluka Panchayatl as on I-I-1971 37-38 14.5 Composition of Nagar Panchayals as on 1-1-1971 38-39 14.6 Composilion of Gram Pllllchayats as on 1-1-1971 39 14.7 Income and Expenditure of MunIcipal Corporation, 1969-70 40 14.8 Income and Expendlfure of Dis!rict Panchayat/T"luka Panchayata, 1963-64. 1966-67 and 1969-70 40 14.9 Income and Expenditure of Gram and Nagar Pancbayats, 1969-70 4) 15 WAREHOUSES AND GODOWNS IS.1 Number, Location and Capacity of Warehouses as on 1-1-1971 42 15.2 Number, Location and 'Capacity of Warehouses owned by Co-operative Societies as on 1-1-1971 42-44 15.3 Number, Lacation and Capacity of Warehouses of the Food Corporation of India as on 1-1-1971 44 16 PRICES }6.) Average RetaIl Prices of Staple Foodstuffs. 1970 45 16.2 Consumer Price Jndex Number for Industrial Workers at Ahmadabad and Bbavllagar 45-46 17 JOINT STOCK COMPANIES, BANKS AND INSURANCE (a) JOINT STOCK COMPANIES 17.1 Joint Stock Companies. 1969-70 46 (b) BANKlNG 17.2 Scheduled and Non-scheduled Banks. 1960, 1965 and 1970 47 17.3 1'.umber and Type of Co-operative Banks, 1%0-61, 1965-66 and 1969-10 47 (c) INSURANCE 17.4 Life Iosurallce Policies issued and Sum Insur.!d, 196J to 197G 47 18 FAIRS AND FESflVALS AND ANCIENT MONUMENTS 18.1 Fairs and Festivals 48-5V nu Ancient Monument 50 SECTION U-CENSUS TABLES BASED ON FULL COUNT PAGES Introductory Note to Census Tables 53-59 A-General Population Tabl" Note 61-63 Table A-I Arca, Houses and Population Appendix I Statement showins 1961 Territorial Units constituting the Present set up of Surat District 66 Annexure ~o Statement lIbowing Particulars of ViUqes involved in Changes of Territories in Col. 3 and 6 or Appendix I Appendix t 67 , Appendix II Number of Villages with a Population of 5,000 and over and Towns with a Population under 5,000 67 Appendix III Houseless and Institutional population 68 Table A-II Variation in Population during Seventy Years 69 Appendix District showing 1961 Population according to its Territorial Jurisdiction in 1961, Changes in A~a and Population of 1961 adjusted to Jurisdiction of 1971 69 Table A-III Villages classified by Population 7()"71 Villages classified by Population-Summary 70-71 Table A-IV Towns and Urban Agglomerations classified by Population in 197) with Variation since 19()1 72-73 Appendix I New Towns added in 1971 and Towns in 1961 Declassified in 1971 74 Explanatory Note-A Each New Town added in 1971 showing tile Name of Village with its Land ReveDuc Record No, Area and Population as in 1961 now constituting Town 74 Appendix II Changell in Area of Towns (with Population) between 1961 and J971 and Reasons for Changes in Area 74 Special Appendix Statement showing the Constituent Villages of each of the Towns at 1971 Census 7S B-Economic Tables Note 77 Table B-1 Part-A Workers and Non-workers accord ina to Maia Al:tivity cllllsified by Se" and Aac-Bl'ouplI 78-19 =fable a-II Worken and Non-workers in Cities and Non-city Urban Areal a~rdini to Main Activity cla!stffr'd by Sex and A-ge-groups C-Social and Cultural Tablea Note 87 Table C-V Mother Tongue (Alphabetical Order) 89-103 Table C-VII Religion 104-105 Tablo C-VUI Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part-A Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category of Workers and Non-workers accordinl to Main Activity among Scheduled Castes 106-109 Appendix Scheduled Castes classified by Literates and Illiterates 110-119 Part-B Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category of Workers and Non-workers according to Main Activity among Scheduled Tribes 120-123 Appendix Scheduled Tribes classified by Literates and IJliterates 124-139 E-Establishment Tables Note 140-142 Table E-l Distribution of Establishments by Broad Types 143 Table E-II Pa~t-A Distribution of Manufacturing, Processing or Servicing
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