FUGRO Site Survey at Alve NE NCS 6607/12 and 6608/10, PL127C ABP19307 Survey Period: 27 September to 6 October 2019 Fugro Report No.: 133392.V01 AkerBP ASA Volume 3 of 3: Environmental Habitat Report Draft Issue Fugro Document No. 133392.V01 Page 1 of 36 FUGRO Site Survey at Alve NE NCS 6607/12 and 6608/10, PL127C ABP19307 Survey Period: 27 September to 6 October 2019 Fugro Report No.: 133392.V01 Volume 3 of 3: Environmental Habitat Report Draft Issue Draft Issue Prepared by: Fugro GB Marine Limited Trafalgar Wharf, Unit 16, Hamilton Road Portchester, Portsmouth, PO6 4PX United Kingdom T +44 (0)2392 205 500 www.fugro.com Prepared for: AkerBP ASA Jåttåvågveien 10 Hinna Park 4020 Stavanger Norway Client Reference No.: ABP19307 01 Draft Issue R. Cox J. Lusted J. Lusted 22 November 2019 Issue Document Status Prepared Checked Approved Date Fugro GB Marine Limited. Registered in England No. 1135456. VAT No. GB 579 3459 84 A member of the Fugro Group of Companies with offices throughout the world Fugro Document No. 133392.V01 AKERBP ASA SITE SURVEY AT ALVE NE, NCS 6607/12 AND 6608/10, ABP19307 FRONTISPIECE Fugro Report No. 133392.V01 Page i of vi AKERBP ASA SITE SURVEY AT ALVE NE, NCS 6607/12 AND 6608/10, ABP19307 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction On the instruction of AkerBP ASA, Fugro performed an environmental site survey at the Alve NE survey area in Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) Blocks 6607/12 and 6608/10 located in the Norwegian Sea. Table S.1 defines the surface coordinates of the Alve NE proposed well locations. The survey was conducted onboard the MV Fugro Meridian during the survey period 27 September to 6 October 2019. Table S.1: Proposed Well Locations, Alve NE Geodetic Parameters: ED50 (North of 62°N) UTM Zone 32N, CM 9°E Easting Northing Location Latitude Longitude [m] [m] Alve NE proposed well location 454 055.0 7 327 272.0 66° 03′ 39.765″ N 007° 59′ 07.031″ W Alve NE alternative well location 453810.0 7 326 981.5 66° 03′ 30.255″ N 007° 58′ 47.975″ W Survey Strategy The objective of the environmental survey was to acquire sufficient data to describe the sensitive habitats and species that may occur at the proposed well location (PWL), alternative well location, and nearby potential areas of interest identified from the geophysical survey data. The most relevant sensitive habitats for the current survey are ‘cold-water corals’, ‘coral gardens’ and ‘deep-sea sponge aggregations’ as well as other vulnerable species associated with them. If any such habitats were discovered, a sensitive habitat assessment was to be carried out according to Norwegian guidelines and standards. Bathymetry Depths across the survey area ranged from approximately 355 m Mean Sea Level (MSL) at the top of the shoulder of an iceberg ploughmark to 380 m MSL at an iceberg ploughmark crossing. Seabed Features The seabed throughout the survey area was heavily scarred with iceberg ploughmarks, which had widths of up to 140 m and depths of up to 15 m. Two pipelines were observed within the survey area, the closest to the PWL is approximately 2898 m to the south-south-east and one cable was observed approximately 2971 m to the south- south-east of PWL. Seabed Habitats The sediment observed across the survey area was predominately muddy sand/sandy mud with occasional and varying proportions of coarser sediments (pebbles, cobbles and boulders) . This corresponded to the EUNIS level 3 habitat ‘Deep-sea mud’ (A6.5). Patches of pebbles, cobbles and boulders corresponded to the EUNIS level 3 habitat ‘Deep-sea mixed substrata’ (A6.2). The dominant epifauna included faunal turf (Hydrozoa/Bryozoa), gorgonian coral (Paragorgia arborea), stalked sponges (Stylocordyla borealis), mud-covered sponges (possible Biemnidae/Thethyidae/Tetillidae/Theneidae), encrusting sponges (including Hymedesmia paupertas and Aplysilla sulfurea), glass sponges (Hexactinellida), erect sponges (including Geodia sp., Polymastia sp., Axinellidae, Phakelia sp. and Mycale lingua), sea pens (Kophobelemnon stelliferum and Virgularia sp.), tube worms (Serpulidae), anemones (Actiniaria, including Fugro Report No. 133392.V01 Page ii of vi AKERBP ASA SITE SURVEY AT ALVE NE, NCS 6607/12 AND 6608/10, ABP19307 Bolocera tuediae), sea cucumbers (Parastichopus tremulus), cushion star (Valvatida), feather star (Crinoidea), sea urchin (Echinoidea), squat lobster (Munida sp.), shrimp (Caridea) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). Fish recorded in the survey area included saithe (Pollachius virens), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Norway pout (Trisopterus esmakii), ling (Molva molva), greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides), torsk (Brosme brosme), four spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) and rabbitfish (Chimaera monstrosa). Potentially Sensitive Habitats or Species The density of soft-bottom sponges ranged from ‘no sponges/single specimen’ to ‘scattered’ (1 % to 5 % cover). Hard-bottom sponges were observed across the survey area predominantly as either ‘no sponges/single specimens’ or ‘scattered’ (1 % to 5 % cover). To represent the OSPAR habitat ‘Deep-sea sponge aggregations’ soft-bottom sponges must be classified as ‘high’ (> 10 %) density. No areas of soft-bottom sponges were recorded as ‘high’ (> 10 % cover) within the survey area and therefore the sponge communities recorded across the Alve NE survey area do not constitute the OSPAR (2010a) listed habitat ‘Deep-sea sponge aggregations’. The gorgonian coral Paragorgia arborea was the only cold-water coral species observed across the survey area and was categorised as either a ‘single specimen’ or ‘poor’ (< 5 coral colonies per 25 m2). No areas were classified as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ across the Alve NE survey area. Sea pens and the burrows of burrowing megafauna were observed throughout the survey area. Areas were recorded as predominately ‘absent’ or ‘poor’ (< 5 sea pens per 25m2) on all transects.. The highest density occurred along a short section (17 m) of transect TR11 where sea pens were recorded as ‘fair’ (5 to 10 sea pens per 25 m2). The gorgonian coral Paragoriga arborea is currently listed as ‘Near threatened’ on the Norwegian Red List. Within the family Sebastidae (redfish) there are three possible species occurring in Norwegian waters and Sebastes norvegicus is listed as ‘Endangered’. The rest of the taxa recorded in the Alve NE survey area were assessed as ‘Least concern’ or ‘not evaluated’. No other sensitive habitats or species were identified from either the geophysical or photographic data. Fugro Report No. 133392.V01 Page iii of vi AKERBP ASA SITE SURVEY AT ALVE NE, NCS 6607/12 AND 6608/10, ABP19307 DOCUMENT ARRANGEMENT Volume 1 Field Operations Report Volume 2 Geophysical Interpretation Report Volume 3 Environmental Habitat Report (this volume) CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Scope of Work 1 1.2.1 Environmental Survey 1 1.3 Environmental Legislation 1 1.4 Potentially Sensitive Habitats and Species 3 1.4.1 Cold-water Corals 4 1.4.2 Coral Gardens 4 1.4.3 Deep-sea Sponges 5 1.4.4 Sea Pens and Burrowing Megafauna 5 1.4.5 Coordinate Reference System 6 2. SURVEY STRATEGY 7 2.1 Habitat Assessment 7 3. METHODS 10 3.1 Survey Methods 10 3.2 Interpretation Methods 10 3.2.1 Seabed Habitats/Biotopes Classification 10 3.2.2 Sensitive Habitats and Species 11 4. RESULTS 14 4.1 Field Operations 14 4.2 Bathymetry and Seabed Features 15 4.3 Seabed Habitats and Fauna 17 4.3.1 Deep-sea mixed substrata (A6.2) 17 4.3.2 Deep-sea mud (A6.5) 18 4.4 Potential Sensitive Habitats And Species 21 4.4.1 Hard-Bottom Coral Gardens 21 4.4.2 Deep-Sea Sponge Aggregations 23 CONCLUSIONS 32 5. REFERENCES 32 Fugro Report No. 133392.V01 Page iv of vi AKERBP ASA SITE SURVEY AT ALVE NE, NCS 6607/12 AND 6608/10, ABP19307 APPENDICES A. GUIDELINES ON USE OF REPORT B. LOGS B.1 SURVEY LOG B.2 VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG C. SEABED PHOTOGRAPHS TABLES IN THE MAIN TEXT Table 1.1: Proposed Well Locations, Alve NE 1 Table 1.2: Relevant Regulations 3 Table 1.3: Potential Sensitive Species/Habitats, Alve NE 3 Table 1.4: Project Geodetic Parameters 6 Table 2.1: Proposed Environmental Survey Camera Transects, Alve NE 7 Table 3.1: Sediment Particle Size and Classification Terms 10 Table 3.2: EUNIS (2012) Biotope Classification Hierarchy Example 11 Table 3.3: Sponge Density Classifications Derived from DNV (2019) Assessment Criteria 11 Table 3.4: Sea Pen Classifications Derived from DNV (2019) Assessment Criteria 13 Table 3.5: Det Norske Veritas Coral Garden Assessment Criteria (2019) 13 Table 4.1: Completed Environmental Survey Camera Transects, Alve NE 14 Table 4.2: Habitat Classifications, Alve NE 17 Table 4.3: Summary of soft-bottom sponge cover classification, Alve NE 23 Table 4.4: Summary of hard-bottom sponge cover classification, Alve NE 26 Table 4.5: Summary of sea pen cover classification, Alve NE 29 Table 4.6: Norwegian Red List Species within Alve NE 31 FIGURES IN THE MAIN TEXT Figure 2.1: Side scan sonar data with proposed environmental camera transects, Alve NE 9 Figure 3.1: Example photographs illustrating sponge cover classifications 12 Figure 4.1: Bathymetry data with completed environmental transects, Alve NE 16 Figure 4.2: Example seabed photographs of ‘Deep-sea mixed substrata’ (A6.2), Alve NE 19 Figure 4.3: Example seabed photographs of ‘Deep-sea mud’ (A6.5), Alve NE 20 Figure 4.4: Summary of Hard-bottom Coral Garden Condition and Location in Relation to the Alve NE PWL 21 Figure 4.5: Spatial distribution of Paragorgia arborea across the Alve NE survey area 22 Figure 4.6: Soft-bottom sponge densities observed across the Alve NE survey area 25 Figure 4.7: Hard-bottom sponge densities observed across the Alve NE survey area 27 Figure 4.8: Sea pen densities observed across the Alve NE survey area 30 Fugro Report No.
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