XA9745163 IAEA-TECDOC-956 Directory of national competent authorities' approval certificatesfor package design, special form material shipmentand radioactiveof material 1997 Edition INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Radiation Safety Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria DIRECTOR NATIONAF YO L COMPETENT AUTHORITIES' APPROVAL CERTIFICATES FOR PACKAGE DESIGN, SPECIAL FORM MATERIAL AND SHIPMEN RADIOACTIVF TO E MATERIAL 1997 EDITION IAEA, VIENNA, 1997 IAEA-TECDOC-956 ISSN 1011-4289 ©IAEA, 1997 Printed by the IAEA in Austria August 1997 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 7 TABLE 1. CURRENT CERTIFICATES................................................................................................. 9 TABLE 2. EXPIRED CERTIFICATES.................................................................................................. 23 TABL . ECURREN3 T CERTIFICATE VALIDATIOY SB N NUMBER ..................................................7 .2 TABLE 4. EXPIRED CERTIFICATES BY VALIDATION NUMBER ..................................................... 35 TABL . EMASS5 , CONTENT DESCRIPTIOD SAN CERTIFICATEL AL R NFO S AND VALIDATIONS............................................................................................................ 39 TABLE 6. CERTIFICATES LISTED BY MEMBER STATE.................................................................. 91 APPENDIX I. LIST OF MEMBER STATES AND VRI CODES.......................................................... 121 APPENDIX II. COMPETENT AUTHORITY ADDRESSES ................................................................. 123 APPENDIX III. NUMBER CURRENF SO EXPIRED TAN D CERTIFICATES......................................^ APPENDIX IV. DATA INPUT FORM ...................................................................................................127 EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this publication for press, staff of the IAEA have made up the pages from the original manuscript(s). The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the governments of the nominating Member States or of the nominating organizations. Throughout textthe names Memberof States retainedare theyas were when textthe was compiled. The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions delimitations ofthe or of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does imply intentionnot any infringeto proprietary rights, should construednor be it as endorsementan recommendationor partthe IAEA. ofon the FOREWORD eighte Thith s hi annual report being publishe Secretariae th y db Internationae th f to l Atomic Energy Agency since implementing its database on package approval certificates (PACKTRAM) at the recommendatio thee th n f no Standin g Advisory SafGroue th en pTransporo f Radioactivo t e Material (SAGSTRAM) functione Th . f SAGSTRAso M were taken ove Transpore 199n i rth y 6b t Safety Standards Advisory Committee (TRANSSAC). The reporting format was established at consecutive meetings of SAGSTRAM, whose membership consiste f nationado l competent authorities responsibl transpore th r efo f radioactivo t e material from those Member State havo swh enucleaa r industr otherd showeo yan swh keeda n interest in the IAEA's transport safety programme. TRANSSAC underscores the importance of data collecting activitie recommendd san continuee sth d publicatio thif no s annual report. Throug PACKTRAe hth M database Secretariae th , t collects administrativ technicad ean l information on package approval certificates to assist national competent authorities in regulating radioactive material movements in their country. The database carries information on extant certificate thosd san e that expired withi lase nth t complete calendar year. e 198Th 5 Editio f SafetnO "Regulatione th y , Serie6 e Saf . th er No s fo sTranspor f o t Radioactive Material", highlights the role of competent authorities in assuring regulatory compliance in their own countries. The issuance of package approval certificates is an important aspect of that function. This documen usefua t e aimb l o st referenc r competenefo t authoritier fo wels sa s a l manufacturer shipperd san radioactivf so e material. The Secretariat would like to take this opportunity to express its appreciation to Mr. John J. McLellan (Canada) who continues to provide invaluable guidance in maintaining the PACKTRAM database. NEXT PAGE(S) I left BLANK I J INTRODUCTION Safettranspore th n i y f radioactivo t e materia dependens i l packaginn o t g appropriate th r efo contents being shipped, rather than on operational and/or administrative actions required on the package. The greater the risk posed by the material being moved, the more stringent become the performance standard packagine th r sfo authorizee gb than tca contaido t . nit These principles have been expanded since 1961 into a set of regulations that have been responsible for safely moving the ever-growing number and complexity of radioactive material shipments throughou worlde tth . Those regulations, more commonly referre Safets a wideldo e t yar Serie, y6 . sNo implemented by the IAEA's Member States either by reference or through direct adoption in national legislatio througr no h compliance with modal regulations. Safety Series No. 6 elaborates requirements for the design, fabrication and maintenance of packagin wels gthosa s a l preparationr efo , consigning, handling, carriage, storag transien i receipd tan t packagee ofth finat sa l destination. Approval issue fore th mcertificatef o dn i requires i desige th r dnfo or shipment of packages. Being in a unique position to facilitate information exchange, the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency was requested by its Standing Advisory Group on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (SAGSTRAM) to collate package approval data and publish periodical reports thereon databasA . implementes ewa mainframe th n do e compute mid-1980e th n ri soot this ssbu wa n adapted for use on a personal computer. A fully menu-driven system program was designed that allows both contributing Membe rSecretariae Stateth d san t more flexibilit datn yi a processin reportingd gan . systee Th m progra adaptes mwa n 199i d 5 int 424-kbytoa e executable filer whicfo , h complete documentation is available in the form of a user guide. This report supersedes IAEA-TECDOC-903 "Directory of National Competent Authorities' Approval Certificate Packagr sfo e Design, Special Form Materia Shipmend an l f Radioactivto e Material, 1996 Edition". It is distributed worldwide to the IAEA Member States' competent authorities for transport, and other entities who have requested copies. Diskette copies of the main data file are provided to registered userPACKTRAe th f so M database. The information contained in this report is given in six tables. In each of these, information is presente alphabeticadn i l order certificatbasee th n do e number certificate Th . e numbe identicas ri l with the competent authority identification mark composes i t I .issuin e th f do g Member State's international vehicle registration identification (VRI) code, followed by a slash, then a unique number specific to a particular design or shipment that is assigned by the competent authority, another slash and finally a code identifying the type of package involved. "-85" is appended to those certificates that were approved 198basioe e nth th f 5so Editio Safetf no y Serie. 6 . sNo Table presen4 o t s1 t administrative data including issu expird ean y dates, package identification, package serial numbers, mode whicr s fo package/shipmene hth approves i t editioe th d f Safetno d an y Series No. 6 on which the approval has been based. The technical information on package mass, authorized contents detailed an ,genera d dan l descriptio package th f no containee ear Tabldn i . e5 Tabl eshow6 certificatee sth s reporte Secretariae th do t eacy tb h participating Member State. Further details on the tables follow: Table 1 - Current Certificates This table lists certificates that were vali 1997.06.18n do t doeI .t includ sno e those certificates that endors validatr eo e other Member States' certificates. Tabl - Expire e2 d Certificates This table lists certificates that expire during the current year and the last complete one. Certificates that expired earlier are automatically archived and, therefore, not included in this report Table 3 - Current Certificates by Validation Number This table lists those certificates that are endorsed/validated by other Member States and valid on 1997.06.18. In cases where there is more than one validating Member State, all are listed alphabetically by certificate number. For multilateral approvals effected by validation (and not by issu certificate)f eo validatine ,th g authority's file reference number, precede appropriate th y db e VRI code, is used as certificate number. Table 4 - Expired Certificates by Validation Number This table lists those expired certificates that have been endorsed/validated by other Member StatesTablr fo , thoss e2 A . e certificates have been listed which expire withi currene nth t year an lase dth t complete
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