746~ CONGRESSIONAL -REOORD--SENATE. .AUGUST -13, .TOSEPH T.- GARRETT. By Mr. MILLIKEN: Petition of Rev. E. lr!. Fowler and 44 others, The SPEA.KER p1·o te-mpore. The next bill reported from the Com­ citizens of the Third district of Maine, for prohibition in the District mittee of the Whoie Hous~ is the bill (H. R. 6501) granting a pension of Columbia-to the Select Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic., to Joseph T. Garrett. The question is on agreeing to the amendment By Mr. PETERS: Petition of Board ofTrade of Liberal, Kans., fa­ made in the Committee of the Whole House. · voring legislation for ''No Man's Land "-to the Committee on tho 1l:I.r. GEST. I ask unanimous consent to substitute "twenty" in­ Public Lands. stead of the amendment to make it "fifteen," agreed upon in Com­ By Mr. RICE: Petition of 56 citizens of Ramsey County, Minnesota, mittee of the Whole. for amendment of sections 3 and 10 of the interstate-commerce law­ The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and to the Committee on Commerce. the amendment to the amendment is agreed to. By Mr. J. D. STEWART: Petition of Louisa Walker, of Fulton, The bill. as amended was ordered to be engrossed and read a third Ga., for reference of her claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee time; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time, and on ·war Claims. passed. · By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of heira of M. W. Roach, of Jackson SENATE BILLS PASSED. County, Alabama, for reference of their claim to the Court of Claims­ to the Committee on War Claims. Senate bills of the following titles, reported from the Committee of By Mr. WHITTHORNE: Petition of S. A. Carroll, administrator of the Whole House without amendment, were severally ordered to a John A. Hagan, of Lawrence County, Tennessee, 1or relief-to the third reading, read the third time, and passed: Committee on War Claims. A bill (S. 3219) "increasing the pension of Keyes P. Cool; By Mr. W. L. WILSON: Petition of C. B. Wentzell, president of A bill (S. 1162) for the relief of Susan E. Alger; Jefferson County School Board; of Alexander Murphy, and of A. M. A bill (S. 2500) granting a pension to Gertrude K. Lyford; Sponseller, of Jefferson County, West Virginia, for reference of their A bill (S. 2724) ior the relief of H. Harper; c~aims to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. A bill (S. 2118) granting a pension to Richard H. Van Dorin; and A bill (S. 2833) granting a pension to Casper Blanke, of Portland, Oregon. • The bill (S. 2106) granting a pension to William Kelsey was reported SENATE. from the Committee of the Whole House with amendment. The amend­ me:It was concurred in, and the bill as amended was ordered to a third MONDAY, A.ttgust 13,1888. reading, read the third time, and passed. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. THEODORE LEWIS. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. The bill (H. R. 10735) for the removal of the political disabilities of The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and approved. Theodore Lewis, of Louisiana, reported from the Committee of the· RAILWAY MAIL TRANSPORTATION DEFICIENCY. Whole Honse without amendment, ·was ordered to be engrossed and The PRESIDENT pro tempo1·e laid before the Senate a communica­ read a-third time; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the third time, and passed (.two-thirds having voted in the affirmative). Postmaster-General, submitting an estimate of a deficiency in tbe ap­ Mr. M:ATSON moved to reconsider the sev:eral votes by which the propriation for railway mail transportation for the fiscal year ending bills reported from the Committee of the Whole House were passed; June 30, 1 88, of$562,482; which, with theaccompanyingpapers, was and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. The latter motion was agreed to. The hour of 10.30 o'clock p. m. having arrived, in accordance with PETITIONS .AND 1\Il!:Z.!ORIA.LS. the previous order, the House adjourned. Mr. EDMUNDS presented the petition of Titus Hutchinson, of Lyn­ don, Caledonia County, Vermont, praying to be allowed a pension; PRIVATE BILLS L"'iTRODUCED AND REFERRED. which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. Mr. PASCO. I present certain papers relating to the claim of the Under the rule private bills of the following titles were introduced heirs of Dr. Henry E. Perrine, now pending before the Committee on and referred as indicated below: Public Lands. I move that the papers be referred to that committee. By Mr. W. C. P. BRECKINRIDGE: A bill (H. R. 11143) for·the ben­ The motion was·a~reed to. efit ofWilliam Burton-to the Committee on War Claims. Mr. DOLPH presented a petition of the Grand Army of the Republic, ·Also, a hill (H. R. 11144) for the benefit of A. W. Harper-to the Department of Washington Territory, praying that an appropriation be Committee on War Claims. made for head-stones for ~-Union soldiers; which was referred to the By Mr. POST: A bill (H. R. 11145) granting a. pension to George W. Committee on Appropriations. Gibson-to the-Committee on Invalid Pensions. 1\fr. SHERMAN. I present the petition of Mrs. Sarah A. Woodbridge, Dy 1\Ir. RICHARDSON: A bill (H. R.l114.6) for the relief of Collin praying for a pension, accompanied with proofs and papers. In con­ Adams-to the Committee on War Claims. nection with this petition, I ask the unanimous consent of the Benate that the vote by which the bill (S. 3276) granting restoration of pen­ PETITIONS, ETC. sion to Sarah A. Woodbridge, on the report of the Committee on Pen­ The following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, sions, was indefinitely postponed be reconsidered, and that the bill und.er the rule, and referred as follows: be recommitted to the Committee on Pensions with the papers I now ~y Mr. ABBOTT: Petition of citizens of Hill County, Texas, relat­ pr ent, which furnish the proof the committee called for. in,. to interstate commerce-to the Committee on Commerce. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The vote by which the bill was in­ By Mr. J. ltl. ALLEN: Petition of W. F. Dilworth, heir of Susan definitely postponed will be reconsidered if there be no objection, and F. Dilworth; and of Sarah J. Ragan, widow of George W. Ragan, of the bill, together with the petition and accompanying papers, will be Uis'issippi, for reference of their claims to the Court of Claims-to the referred to the Committee on Pensions. The Chair hears no objection, Committee on War Claims. and it is so ordered. By Mr. BANKHEAD: Petition of John E. Cooner, heir of Samuel REPORTS OF COl\IMITIEES. E. Cooner; ofT. C. B. Morrow; of E. W. Wright; ofWilliamB. Day; Mr. EDMONDS. I am instructed by the Committee on the Judi­ and of Jo eph B. Ferguson, heir of Joseph Ferguson, of Alabama, for ciary, to which was referred the joint resolution (S. R. 71) providing reference of their claims to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on for the ascertainment and report by the Secretary of State of the claim War Claims. of the legal. representatives of Walter H. Stevens, deceased, to report By l\Ir. BARNES: Petition of depositors of the Freedman's Bank, the same back, and ask that the committee be discharged from the residing in Augusta, Ga., for the passage of the bill making an appro­ further consideration ·of the joint resolution, and that it, with the ac­ priation for settlement with the depositors-to the Committee on Bank­ companying papers, be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, inp; and Currency. which, as the Committee on the Judiciary thinks, is the proper and By .Mr. BAYNE: Resolutions of Fort Pitt Council, Junior Order regular committee for the consideration of matters of that nature. United American Mechanics, of Allegheny, Pa., in favor of Senate bill The report was agreed to. 553-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. TURPIE, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom were re­ By Mr.~ H. B. BROWNE: Petition of John L. P. Hopkins, of Ac­ ferred the following bills, reported them severally without amend- comac. County, Virginia, for reference of his claim to the Court of ment, and submitted reports thereon: . Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. A bill (H. R. 4855) granting a pension to Jacob Newhard; By 1\Ir. HEARD: Petition of 26 citizens of the Sixth district of Mis­ A bill (H. R. 5529) granting a pension to Flora Heath; souri, for prohibition in the District of Columbia-to the Select Com­ ' A bill (H. R. 549) granting a pension to JosephS. Wilson; and mittee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. .A bill (H. R. 8571) granting a pension to Margaret J. McQuary. By .Mr. HOLMAN: Papers from Jacob Berger, Fred. Berger, and Mr. HAMPTON, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom William Young, of St. Croix Falls, Wis., in relation to lihe railroad was referred the bill (S. 401) for the relief of Col. Daniell\IcClur , re­ grant from St. 9roix River to Bayfield, Wis., and praying for relief­ ported it without amendment, and submitted a report thereon.
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