Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-22-1998 The BG News September 22, 1998 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 22, 1998" (1998). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6369. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6369 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. TUESDAY,The Sept. 22, 1998 A dallyBG Independent student News press Volume 85- No. 20 Clinton's video testimony elicits reactions □ University much controversy nationwide, information," he said. "The only being human when he lied including on the University cam- For full Clinton media is taking this case and about his affair with Lewinsky. community expresses pus. Some citizens are outraged coverage, see making it entertainment, instead "It is human nature for Presi- mixed reactions to the that the President of the United of getting to the issues of impor- dent Clinton to not tell the truth. release of Clinton's States lied under oath and page 6. tance." The videotape is weakening the believe there are grounds for his However, Molly Lautzenheis- presidency; the focus is on per- taped testimony. impeachment. science. He said the video tape er, sophomore finance major, sonal information, and not Others believe Clinton is enti- should not have been released said Clinton is looked up to and focusing on real problems," tled to his personal freedom and because it is the President's per- should not have bed to the coun- Chauhan said. By JILL GOODMAN the media has overstepped the sonal problems. try. Ewart Skinner, assistant pro- The BG News bounds of informing and moved Greg Dillon, junior computer "The President chose to give fessor of telecommunications, The testimony of President into exploiting. University stu- art major, agreed. He said the up the right of privacy when he said it was ambiguous and not Clinton's video admitting to sex- dents and faculty had mixed media is turning the case into a ran for president. He is the role right to release the tape. He said ■ Falcon volleyball team ual relations with Monica reactions. spectacle. model for our country and it is a mortal blow and politically Is swept in three games. Lewinsky was released to the "How far can we take the First "In this information age, we should not have lied to the coun- motivated. Skinner said the pub- nation Monday. Amendment?" said D.S. are getting an information over- try," Lautzenheiser said. lic does have a right to know, but This videotape has stirred Chauhan, professor of political load. There is just too much Chauhan said Clinton was it depends on the level of detail. ■ BG women's tennis Campus team overtakes the skeptical BGSU Invitational with singles and doubles. Nursing of Heritage 2000 plan program ■ Florence Griffith Joyner, 'FloJo', dies at the age of 38 due to offers variety heart problems. □ Competitive admission standards shouldn't discourage prospective nurses. By TRACY WOOD The BG News ■ High winds and heavy The University's nursing surf make Hurricane major is starting to gain popular- ity among students. Georges the strongest The program provides back- for Puerto Rico's in ground for nurses to care for decades. Georges people of all ages in many differ- packed 110 mph winds ent career settings. and churned 20-foot Nancy Williams, nursing pro- seas. gram advisor, said students con- sidering a career in the nursing field should like to work with people and be competent in the sciences. ■ Because of the grow- Willimas said there are many ing economy, Ohioans different settings, shifts and hours available to choose from are creating more but the field is not for everyone. garbage than ever. "The nursing field is not for BO Newt Photo/SCOTT FAUBER people who do not like to work holidays or weekends and peo- The R&B Newstand & Games, on Main Street, is one of the several businesses opposing the Heritage 2000 changes. ple should understand it is a ser- vice job where nurses need to be available 24 hours a day for Opinion 2 □ The look of ago. From what I understand the downtown area will be letter amongst local business- staffing," Williams said. they're assessing an extra improved. es, expressing opposition to Page Three 3 Students in the nursing pro- downtown may $2500 per business, and that's "There's a lot of rumors the project. gram follow a certain curricu- World & Nation 4 change, but the for a business like ours, which going around. Yes, rents will be "The Heritage 2000 commit- lum where courses taken during Blotter 5 change could cause is only about 25 to 30 feet increased, but there will' be a tee has rammed this project their freshman and sophomore Sports 7 wide." lot of benefits," she said. "If the through," he said. "Fifteen year prepare them for admission Agate 8 businesses to leave. The project will cost about town looks great, people will business owners have already into the nursing program. Once $6.2 million. The money will come down. We will have bet- signed the letter." students are accepted into the be used to replace the concrete ter lighting and sidewalks. Aftoora noted that beautify- program, they will finish their By MIKE WENDLING sidewalks with brick, and to There will be a lot of things ing programs in other towns last two years at the Medical The BG News install "old-fashioned" lamp that will look better. With the haven't always worked, and College of Ohio, in Toledo. posts. money we will be able to hire a taxes imposed by the project Kelly Kem, senior nursing "Instead ot using The City's Heritage 2000 Municipal Administrator full-time groundskeeper. The would adversely affect the major and president of the Stu- project is well on its way to John Fawcett called the project downtown area will look spec- diversity of businesses in the dent Nurses Association, said the words, if only, fruition, yet opposition among "very artistically sophisticat- tacular all the time." downtown area. the program does a wonderful business owners is growing. ed." Stmisha disagreed and said "I've never seen a fancy job displaying all the areas try substituting the Tom Stmisha, co-owner of "We're taking Main Street it will create an inconvenience. lamp post draw anyone down- available and helps to find words, next time." R&B Newsstand, called the and creating a new look with "They're going to put in town," he said. which area is best for students. project an "exorbitant waste of the use of architectural brick brick sidewalks that will be Buskey wants business According to Williams, money." and concrete," Fawcett said. torn up in 10 years," he said. owners to have all of the rele- admission into the program is "I've been at this store since Jennifer Buskey, director of "It will create a mess." vant information before mak- considered competitive. March," Strnisha said. "I the Downtown Business Asso- Roger Aftoora, owner of Emily Diehl, sophomore nurs- received a letter three months ciation, said the appearance of Rainbow Jewelry, is passing a • See HERITAGE, page 5. ing major, has known she want- anonymous ed to be a nurse since childhood. "A career in nursing is rewarding because you know UA0 celebrates 40 years entertaining students you will be helping people every day when you go to work," Visit our new website □ UAO alters its oper- offers an experience found Diehl said. crossword puzzles from nowhere else on campus, this "UAO is always bringing in new changes Williams said the occupation ations by adding sev- makes the student different from offers many advantages, but the the past week and inter- and ideas." biggest one is the versatility. eral committies for the everyone else by allowing them Amanda Allen active reporting: to take the journey down the There is flexibility within the WWW. school year. road less traveled. vice president of UAO employment setting and the Past University President opportunity to move around to bgnews.com Ralph W. McDonald made the Some of the original purposes and nation. different jobs. Students pursuing By MELISSA NAYMIK announcement to have an activi- of UAO were: •to help achieve a higher spir- a career in nursing require more The BG News ties organization in his Dedicato- • to provide for the intellectu- itual level in our personal lives. skills than people might associ- ry Address back in 1958. al stimulation of our students, • to encourage widespread ate with nursing. Throughout the past years, UAO, originally called "Uni- our faculty, and all others who participation in activities by the Kem encourages others to get If you have a news tip or UAO has taken some turns versity Union Activities Organi- make use of the facilities of the students. into the nursing field. have an idea for a story, down different roads, but one •to provide leadership in "There is some aspect of nurs- thing remains the same — UAO zation," made its debut to the Union. call anytime and ask to • to enhance the cultural inter- planning and carrying out the ing that would fit anyone's per- offers a positive experience for University on April 12, 1958. student activities program. sonality," Kem said. "It is a won- speak with an editor.
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