DOCUMENT RESUME ED 084 318 UD 013 879 AUTHOR Kamin, Leon; Green, Winifred TITLE Transcripts From the Southern Regional Council's Symposium on Human Intelligence, Social Science, and Social Policy. Text of Di. Kamin's Presentation Denying That Proof Exists That IQ Test Score are Hereditary; How Testing Harms Children; IQ ,sts as Instruments of Oppression--From Immigratioi ,uotas to Welfare. SPONS AGENCY Southern Regional Council, Atlanta, Ga. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 16p.; A reprint from "South Today" EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Ability Grouping; Educational Diagnosis; Environmental Influences; Genetics; *Heredity; *Intelligence Differences; *Intelligence Tests; Racial Differences; *Racial Discrimination; Research Methodology; Research Problems; Social Differences; Social Discrimination; Social Sciences; Student Grouping ABSTRACT This document comprises three presentations made on March 23 at a symposium sponsored by the Southern Regional Council focusing on Human Intelligence, Social Science and Social Policy. The first of the three parts of the document is the toxt of the principal presentation, made by Dr. Leon Kamin, Chariman of the Department of Psychology at Princeton University. The presentation first summarizes findings of his extensive research into the original studies on which some American social scientists have based writings which at least question whether environment has any effect on IQ test scores--suggesting that heredity may be the determinant. The second part of the document is the text of a presentation by Ms. Winifred Green, director of the Atlanta-based Southeastern Public Education Program of the American Friends Service Committee. The presentation argues that qr011DIng reinforces the effects of years of discriminatory treatment in the education of black children--locking them into classroom situations where curriculum, materials, teacher expectation and the resulting stigmas and hopelessness are the Fame as, or scale predict worse than, the days of separate but unequal schools. The third part is the text of Dr. Kamin's afternoon presentation on the hi.story of the use in the United States to support repressive public policy. (Author/JM) Transcripts From The Southern Regional Council's Symposium On Human Intelligence, Social Science, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION A WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO OUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM And Social Policy THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN AT MG IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY A Reprint From TODA. A Digest of SoutherreAffairs Price:Twenty-five Cents May-June, and July, 1973 Issues Vol. 4, No. 8 and 9 FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY Transcripts From leSouthern Regional Council's Symposium On Human Intelligence, Social Science, IN. REPRO J F ROM And Social Policy O R G N N IONS REPRE VOTE OF A Reprint From TORAY A Digest ofSouthern Affairs Price:Twenty-five Cents tues Vol. 4, No. 8 and 9 Atlanta, Georgia FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY Text of Dr. Kamin's Presentation Denying That Proof Exists That 10 Test Scores Are Heredita My current impressionthough 1 re- On March 23, the Southern Regional cantin effect that there is no valid evi- his article main open to persuasion by the Council sponsored a symposium with far- dence at all to support the heredity as- earliera datais that,upondetailedanalysis, reaching implications on Human Intelli- sumption. Jensen, w there is no evidence sufficiently strong to gence, Social Science and Social Policy. Since controversy over the heredity- lowing: " convince a reasonably prudent person to The principal presentation was made by environment question is one of the most genetic va abandon the null hypothesis that there is Dr. Leon Kantin, Chairman of the De- importantintellectualdebatesof our and other no hereditary determination whatsoever partment of Psychology at Princeton Uni- times, fraught with social policy implica- than diffe of intelligence test scores. In arriving at versity. tions and influence, we consider the fol- logical en that conclusion, I think it is importantfor Dr. Kamin first presented findings of lowingtranscriptofhispresentation favorable you to know that itis not based on sec- his extensive research into the original among themost importantmaterials ment are ondary sources or review articles, even studies on which some American social SOUTH TODAY has ever published. weight bet though they appear in such distinguished scientists have based writings which at (Dr. Kant:n spoke from notes; the tran- in birth w journals as theAtlanticMonthly. If one least question whether environment has script was tape-recorded. The transcript IQ differe goes back and looks at the actual experi- any effect on IQ test scoressuggesting of his second presentation. on the history The sa mental data which psychologists have that heredity may he the determinant. of the use of testing in America to sup- does Prof accumulated on heritability of human in- Dr. Kamin presented his findings in a port repressive public policy, will appear cites a sin telligence, the evidence seems to crumble quiet, almost off-hand manner. But what in asubsequent issue of SOUTH he presen under one's probing finger so to speak. Ire said was startling and highly signifi- TODAY.) Scarr,why of a num Weight of Twins sentedinfi percept which is not genetic? Well, said the statement says is that insofar as there twins we, Let me begin with an example of a Prof. Herrnstein and I quote him: "The is an environmental effect at all on human that the particular study. Not becauseitisa usual assumption that education and cul- intelligence, it's only the intrauterine en- invariably terriblyimportant one, but becauseit ture are critical is running into evidence vironment during pregnancy which has The basic illustrates, to my mind at least, the way thatthe physicalenvironment,for any major effect. Therefore, perhaps we must have in which imperfect data are amplified in example, early diet, might be more im- ought to feed welfare mothers with a in the wo public journals which are currently made portant.In fact,the twin studies that special protein supplement during preg- blood sup available to policy makers. If one reads [Prof. Arthur] Jenson [educational psy- nancy. That might help the IQ's of their The fi Prof.RichardHerrnstein'scelebrated chologist at the University of California children, but there's no sense in wasting Jensen's article in theAtlantic Monthly,what he at Berkeley] surveyed showed that the money on the cultural, social, or educa- take'. fro does there is first to review the evidence single most important influence on IQ tional environment of these children. By break twi which claims to show that about 80 per- was not education or social environment, the way, there's also no sense in feeding For some cent of the variationinintelligenceis but something prenatal, as shown by the all of their fathers, if we are going to take that each attributable to heredity. That leaves about fact that the twin heavier at birth usually this seriously, at least not to improve the For other 20 percent of the variancestillto be grew up with a higher IQ." kids' IQ's. more th. accounted for. That's arather astonishingfinding. But what's the basis for this statement? weighed I And how do we account for that 20 And it has clear policy implications. What Well, what Prof. Herrnstein has done in xt of Dr. Kamin's Presentation Denying That Proof Exists t 10 Test Scores Are Hereditary On March 23, the Southern Regional rantin effect that there is no valid evi- his articleis basically to paraphrase an is Council sponsored a symposium with far- dence at all to support the heredity as- earlierarticlebyProf.Jensen.Prof. 1S. reaching implications on Human Intelli- sumption. Jensen, writing in 1970, had said the fol- gence. Social Science and Social Policy. Since controversy over the heredity- lowing: "A major proportion of the non- to The principal presentation was made by environment question is one of the most genetic variance is attributable to prenatal IS Dr. Leon Kamin, Chairman of the De- importantintellectualdebatesofour and other biological differences, rather Cr partment of Psychology at Princeton Uni- times, fraught with social policy implica- than differences in the social or psycho- at versity. tions and influence, we consider the fol- logical environments. Differences in the Dr. Kamin first presented findings of lowingtranscriptofhispresentation favorableness of the intrauterine environ- c- his extensive research into the original among themost importantmaterials ment are reflected in differences in birth cn studies on which some American social SOUTH TODAY has ever published. weight between twins. And the differences :d scientists have based writings which at (Dr. Kamin spoke from notes; the tran- in birth weight are known to be related to Ilc least question whether environment has script was tape-recorded. The transcript IQ differences in twins." ri- any effect on IQ test scoressuggesting of his serond presentation. on the history The same thingbut on what basis ve that heredity may be the determinant. of the use of testing in America to sup- does Prof. Jensen make this claim? He ri- Dr. Kamin presented his findings in a port repressive public policy, will appear cites a single article by Sandra Scarr and de quiet, almost off-hand manner. But what in a subsequent issue ofSOUTH. he presents in his paper some data from he said was startling and highly signifi- TODAY.) Scarr, who had measured the intelligence of a number of identical twins and pre- sented information about how much those percent which is not genetic? Well, said the statement says is that insofar as there twins weighed at birth. Scarr concludes a Prof. Herrnstein and I quote him: "The is an effect at all on human that the heavier twin turns out almost a usual assumption that education and cul- intelligence, its only the intrauterine en- invariably to grow up with a higher IQ.
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