Hagoraaa library 2«at Hoven.CoMM t'A'JB EIOHT THE BHANFOED REVIEW, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1042 1 pledge nlle(i;iiin«e tn tlic Flap to Mr. Ralph Olcmont Miller, The OALE .- WEiaOLD Von Help Someone T-ou (if the United Stnle.i of Amcrieii, f iind to the Hcpubliu for which it WEDDINGS marriage took place In the chapel Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wclgold ot 28 With The Boys Legal Notice THE POCKETBOOK Know at Dow Field, Bangor ,Malne last Dorman J3trcet, New Haven, an­ sliindH;one Niltinn, indiviniJIilG, nounce the coming marriage of with ljil)crt.v and Jasliop for nil. Announces Engagement Tuesday afternoon at 6:30. The In The Service NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS "When You Give to the Mr. and Mrs, John Peterson ol ceremony was performed by the their daughter, Lucy Edith, to Her­ o/ KNOWLEDGE ^^^ bert Thomas Oale, son ot Mr. and U S 0 tE^ije Ptanforb EeiJietti Tcrhuho Ave., have announced the Episcopal Chaplain at the army Mrs. Alfred E. Gale, Burdett M. Page, son of Mr. and BOROUGH OF BRANFORD ciiBagomcnt of their daughter, Ber­ base. ' Mrs Stanley E. Page of 51 Francis AND EAST HAVEN NEV/S tha to Rudolph E. Johnson, son of The wedding will take place on Street, has gone to Maxwell Field, Notice Is hereby given to the tax- | FRIOE FIVE CENTS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Man­ Saturday, June 0, at 4 o'clock at the Ala,, as an aviation cadet. payers of the Borough ot Branford, Branford, Connecticut, Thursday, June U, 1942 chester. Ktng-Barlliolomcw homo of the bride's parents,,with resident -end non-resident, that VOL XV — NO. 8 Rev. Earlc Daniels of Colllnsvllle of­ Lieut. Sidney W. Noycs of Pino taxes at the rate of 2 mills on tho Sohlas^cl-Bloombcrg A home wedding took place Sat­ ficiating. The bride will bo given list of 1041 are due and payable on urday afternoon at 4 o'clock when Orchard, formerly a trust banker. Joseph Alfred Bloomberg ot 18 In marriage by her father. Is one of the hundreds of execu­ Monday, June 1, 1042. Taxes not Tower Second Rogers Street has announced the Miss Marjorle Bartholomew, daugh­ paid by July 1,1842, shall be subject Commencement Town Pledges Junior High Diplomas ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. LoRoy Bar­ Miss Anne Dale, sl/rter of the tives of specialized businesses and coming marriage of his daughter, bridegroom, will play.4 program of to Interest at the rate ot 5/10 of iGraduation Exercises Alice Helene to James Francis tholomew, of East Main Street, be­ Industries now'being trained at the nuptial music and D^ul Behler will new Air Corps Offlcors Training Ipno per cent for each month which In East Haven To Buy $170,568 To No Other Schlagol, son of Mr. and Mrs. John came the bride of Mr. O, Wendell shall elapse from the time It .shall Schlagol of East River on Saturday King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' sing "Where'er You Walk" and "In School, MlamlBeach, Fla., to direct Distributed Tonight My Oardcn." admlnlstratlvcs and supply opera­ have become due and payable. (Rate I Held Wednesday Night June 27 at 4 P. M. In Tabor Luther­ King of Hotchkiss Grove. The cerc- of Interest—6% per year). High Tonight In War Bonds Says Blackwell an Church. menoy wos performed by the Rev. The brldo v/UI be gowned In white tions of the rapidly-expanding Ar taffeta with fingertip veil and will my Air Corps ground forces, I will be at the Town Hall every | Mliis Bloomberg has been ton- Charles R. Cooley ot Merlden, for­ day from 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. Theme of Exercises "Will Be with .seven canvassers .stUl to re­ Major Says Looa.l Observation By Milton P. Bradley deed live SUowerS: a kitchen by mer pastor of the Branford Con­ carry a modernistic arrangement In a slx-wecks'Jcourse of military i In School Auditorium Post Is Best He Has Ever In-^l of while carnations. and 1:00 P M. to 5;0O P. M and on ] "Youth in War and Peace" —' port on the campaign to secure War Mrs. Carl Dlehl of New Haven, gregational Church. Mr. Bartho­ Instruction and lihyslcal condition­ 'A Her maid of honor. Miss Marjorle ing, Llout Noycs, land other special Saturdays from 0:00 A. M. to 12:001 Principal Pagerstrom Issues Stamp and Bond Pledges the total speotod — Tower Uuiquo, sister of the bridegroom: a pyrox lomew sang "At Dawning." P. M., excepting Holidays. Musical Play Based on Boyhood and Youth of Lincoln shower by oflloe employees of War­ Miss Virginia Harrison ot East Tilling of New Haven, will wear Ists commissioned directly from cl lijoan Rosenthal, DorisT^U^^d Tessi. H^^^^^^^^ List of Graduates, number of pledges received Is 1700, Alice Blue chiffon and carry pastel vlllan life willIbe prepared to take C. A. TERHUNE, Residents ot the town haye pledg­ The Branford observation post Given As Part of Graduation Exercises — Honor ner & Whiting In Pine Orchard Haven was maid of honor, Collector of Taxes where the bride to bo Is employed; Miss Virginia Williams ot Bran- blossoms. over executive duties In Air Corps ' 4 Three Highest Honor Pupils — Kot^yf'|'^^t;^^°"°^^ "Youth In War and Pence" will ed to purchase $170,508 worth ot was Inspected by Major Blackwell Students Named. a bathroom shower by Mrs, Wal­ ford and Miss Dona Chumsoro of Carrying out a pastel arrange­ maintenance that parallel the re­ be the theme ot the sixth annual bonds during the next twelve and a staff ot enlisted personnel 1 Be It ordained by the Warden and ' ''^ Go to Chines Baldwin, Jr^^andDonsPolast^ from the First Fighter Command on Principal Clarence C. TownsUnd ter Miller of New Haven, aunt of New York acted as ribbon bearers. ment, Linda Whltcher, flower girl, sponsible positions they held In graduatioo n exercises a_t. East Ha M months. This means that every man Miss Bloomberg; linen shower, Mrs. Elliot Brand ot New Haven served will be In pink organdie and will commerce and Industry. Burgesses ot the Borough of Bran > Mendelssohn's Festival March by Tuesday afternoon. will present Junior High School pli- ford In meeting duly convened and ven HlEh School, Thursday. Speak-L^o„,^^„ and child of Branford's 8000 The Major told Chief Observer Branford One plls for graduation this evening and Leslie Hart and Miss Edith Ander­ at best man, Clifford and LoRoy carry a basket of pastel Hlled flow­ His wife, Mrs. Clara Smith Noyes, ', the school orchestra opened Senior Sergeant Gives ers win be Edward Carey, Dolores • . ^_. son; and a greenback shower, Mrs. Bartholomew, brothers ot the bride, ers. assembled: t graduation exercises Wednesday population would be buying $21 Robert Gate that tho post was one Milton P. Bradley, chairman of tho Is now at Pine Orchard. Hagerty and Ruth Judge. Carl Mangs of Indian Neck Avenue. were ushers. One ot the six ribbon bearers, Every person, firm, corporation, '•, evening In the high school audltor- worth if it worked out on.a popu­ ot the best he had ever Inspected Of 108 Towns Board ot Education will present the or par.tnershlp owning or In charge Inspiring Talk Other speakers will be: lation average basis. Mr. and Mrs. King left on an un­ Bobby Wclgold, will dress In a white Bruno MarlnelU of Silver street - lum. Invocation followed by the and that the arrangement ot the diplomas. Benediction will be by ot any place within the Borough Class President Francis Callahan, Breaking down the lotal-ot $170,- observation tower iltsclt was second Mrs, Charles Carlson of Monto announced wedding trip. • suit with a blue bciutonnlore. Oth­ was homo last week end from Nlan- I Rev. Alfred W. Jones. who will welcome the audience, and Giving Talks the Rev. Kenneth Brookes and invo­ wcsc Street has announced the ers win be Florence and Ruth Betz of Branford where meals or food or Doris Angela Polastrl gave the To Observers 508 the average pledge would bo to none. cation by the Reverend Edward J. tlc, whore he Is attending military drinks are prepared for, or fur­ Fred Pommer, who will present the $100 per person for the 1700 signers. marriage of her daughter, Ida Dahl- ot Stratford, Edna Winters, Barba­ police school, i:! ' 1 \ salutatory address which was fol- Mr. Catc feels that credit for the Dcmenske . Beldlng-IIastlngs nished to, human being's, or having class gift to the school. Actually the totals read; we,ekly success of the post Is largely due to Mrs. James Itowlund Angell, di­ qulst, to Mr. Ted Casey, son of Mrs. ra Whltcher and Claire Mason ot ; lowed by a song "Send Out Thy About 250 observers attended a Principal William E. Fngerstrom The graduates are as follows: In possession or being responsible purchases $1880.80; rh o n t h 1 y the co-operation and tireless efforts rector of Organization for the Con­ Thomas Casey. On Saturday afternoon. May 10, New Haven, whose pastel dresses Mr. and Mrs.'NlchoIas Huzar of ' Light" by the class. meeting of the sub-district in Gull- has announced the following list ot Harriet RoscUa Altermatt, Robert will bo similar, and who v/lU wear for any garbage, shall cause such $4008.40; every two months, $193.75; ot his staff. Tho deputy chief obser­ at 2 o'clock In the Old Stone Laurel Hill have with them their Essays were given by Nancy Leo­ lord Tuesday evening.
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