1 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1997 1:30 PM The Board met in accordance with the rules. The meeting was called to order by the Clerk of the Board. The roll was called showing all members present except Messrs. Kosakowski and Thompson. The Pledge of Allegiance. TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN Nominations were called for Temporary Chairman. Motion was made by Mr. Marks and seconded by Mr. Kramer that Mr. Steele act as Temporary Chairman. Mr. Marks moved and Mr. Kramer seconded to close the nominations for Temporary Chairman. Carried. The Clerk cast one ballot for Mr. Steele to act as Temporary Chairman. Adopted. Mr. Steele took the chair and called for nominations for the Chairman of the Board for the year 1997. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Motion made by Mr. Kramer and seconded by Mr. Mehlenbacher that the name of Dennis R. House be placed in nomination for the Chairman of the Board. Mr. Layland moved and Mr. Kramer seconded to close the nomination and instructed the Clerk to cast one ballot. The Temporary Chairman requested the roll to be called. The roll was called as follows: Ayes - 1,460; Noes - 0; Absent - Kosakowski, 208; Thompson, 146 Total 354 Adopted. Mr. House was declared Chairman of the Board for 1997. Mr. Steele congratulated Mr. House. Mr. Essler and Mr. Steele escorted Mr. House to the seat of the Chairman of the Board. Mr. House thanked the Board for their support throughout 1996 and stated he looks forward to working with the Board through the upcoming year. Mr. House also thanked County Administrator Dominic F. Mazza and Clerk of the Board Virginia O. Amico for all their efforts in assisting Mr. House as Chairman of the Board. Mr. House stated that when he became Chairman in 1996 there were issues to be completed and now there are issues on the horizon for 1997. Mr. House elaborated on some of those issues which will need Board support: 1. Reorganization of the Board of Supervisors - The committee structure is being reorganized to move the Health Care Facilities under the Health Committee and changing the Health Committee from three to five members. This change will allow county health care providers to coordinate their working relationship. 2 2. Ambulance Service in Livingston County - The Board will need to look at the issue involving the corps within the County and develop a way to do something to continue to provide 24-hour-a-day service to the citizens of Livingston County. 3. County to move on the economic front - The County will try to overcome the loss of Akzo Nobel Salt Mine, and the goal will be to keep the citizens of the County fully employed. 4. Promotion of the Take Pride Program - The County will continue to promote the Take Pride Program. Again, Mr. House thanked everyone for their support, and he looks forward to working with everyone during the new year. VICE CHAIRMAN Mr. House stated he would like to support of the Board of Supervisors to appoint Mr. Essler as Vice Chairman for the year 1997. Motion made by Mr. Steele and seconded by Mr. Layland that Richard J. Essler be appointed as Vice Chairman of the Board. The roll was called as follows: Ayes - 1,366; Noes - 0; Absent - Kosakowski, 208; Thompson, 146 Total 354; Abstain - Essler, 94. Adopted. Mr. Essler was declared elected. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion made by Mr. Layland and seconded by Mr. Weber that the Board adjourn and reconvene as a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining, and that Dennis R. House act as Chairman and Virginia O. Amico as Secretary of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The Board reconvened in regular session. The following report was presented. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE The Board of Supervisors having met in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining hereby reports as follows: 1. No action taken. Dated January 3, 1997 Dennis R. House, Chairman Virginia O. Amico, Secretary Motion made by Mr. Kramer and seconded by Mr. Layland that the Report of the Committee of the Whole be accepted. Carried. Motion made by Mr. Layland and seconded by Mr. Mehlenbacher to adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, January 8, 1997 at 1:30 PM. Carried. The Board adjourned at 1:51 PM. 3 REGULAR BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1997 1:30 P.M. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. The roll was called showing all members present except Mr. Stewart. The Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of 12/18/96 Regular Meeting and 1/3/97 Organizational Meeting were approved as presented. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Receipt of thank you note from Michele Rees 2. Receipt of thank you note from Virginia Amico RESOLUTION NO. 97-001. APPROVING ABSTRACT OF CLAIMS #12B-DECEMBER 31, 1996 Mr. Hart presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Livingston County Board of Supervisors approves the Abstract of Claims #12B dated December 31, 1996, in the total amount of $2,663,921.92. Dated at Geneseo, New York January 8, 1997 Finance Committee The roll was called as follows: Ayes - 1,627; Noes - 0; Absent - Stewart, 187 Adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 97-002. APPROVING ABSTRACT OF CLAIMS #1A-JANUARY 8, 1997 Mr. Hart presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Livingston County Board of Supervisors approves the Abstract of Claims #1A dated January 8, 1997, in the total amount of $308,530.69. Dated at Geneseo, New York January 8, 1997 Finance Committee The roll was called as follows: Ayes - 1,627; Noes - 0; Absent - Stewart, 187 Adopted. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR There was not a request for Privilege of the Floor. UNFINISHED BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 96 - 372. AMENDING RULES OF ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mr. Essler presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that effective immediately upon the passage of this resolution, the existing Rules of Order of the Board of Supervisors of Livingston County be, and they hereby are, amended to read as follows: RULES OF ORDER ARTICLE 1 - MEETINGS 1. ORGANIZATION. The members of the Board of Supervisors shall organize the Board and select a Chairman 4 on or before the 8th day of January in each year. The Board shall annually, by resolution duly adopted during the month of December, fix the date, time and place of the meeting to organize the Board. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall serve upon each member a notice stating that the date, time and place of each meeting to organize the Board, and that a Chairman will then be selected. The notice shall be in writing, and shall be served by mail addressed to each member at his last known post office address at least forty-eight hours before the date of the meeting. 2. REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings for the transaction of such business as may be brought before the Board, shall be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in each year, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, except when such days fall on a holiday, in which event the meeting shall be held on the day following. Furthermore, the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution approved by affirmative vote of two- thirds of the members of the Board, change the date of any meeting. Notice of any changed meeting date shall be published in the official papers of the County and mailed to each member by the Clerk of the Board at least forty-eight hours before the date fixed for holding the meeting. 3. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings shall be held at the call of the Clerk of the Board upon direction of the Chairman, or upon written request signed by a majority of the members of the Board. Notice in writing stating the time, place and purpose of the special meeting shall be served personally or by mail on each member by the Clerk of the Board at least forty-eight hours before the date fixed for holding the meeting, or a member may waive the service of the notice for such meeting by a writing signed by him. Only business specified in the notice thereof may be transacted at a special meeting. 4. PLACE OF MEETINGS. All meetings shall be held in the Livingston County Government Center, Geneseo, New York, except that any meeting can be adjourned and reconvened at another location, and except that special meetings may be held at any other place designated in the call therefore. ARTICLE 2 - ORDER OF BUSINESS At each session of the Board, business shall be taken up in the following order: 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Communications 5. Abstract of Claims 6. Privileges of the Floor 7. Unfinished Business 8. Resolutions 9. Other Business 10. Adjournment ARTICLE 3 - COMMITTEES 1. All standing committees, committee chairman and vice chairman shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board, and each member of any standing committee shall serve until the end of the calendar year in which he shall have been selected, unless the Board shall have fixed a different period, but in any event, no member can serve longer than the term for which he shall have been elected as a Supervisor. Each Committee shall be composed of three members, except the following which shall be composed of five members each; Health Committee, Highway Committee, Salary and Negotiating Committee and Social Services Committee. The 5 Chairman of the Board shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. 2. Special Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board whenever authorized by a resolution of the Board, which resolution shall specify the powers and duties of the committee and the number of its members, and the period during which they shall serve.
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