TJ E LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 30, 1881. patron of the rcciory of the said parish of Low excepted and particularly described) together with Toynton, and also of the rectory of the saw the boundaries thereof is delineated and set forth parish of Toynton All Saints with Toynton Sain on the map or plan hereunto annexed and is thereon Peter, and with the consent of the Right Reve- coloured pink should be formed into one consoli- rend James, Bishop of the diocese of Manchester dated chapelry for the said church or chapel called as the patron in right of his See of the vicarag* or known as Langiiville Chapel and that the same Or perpetual curacy of the said parish or chapelry consolidated chapelry should bo named ' The Con- of Mareham-on-the-Hill with High Toynton, of solidated Chapelry of Wildmore.' the rectory of the said parish of Mareham le Fen " We therefore humbly pray that your Majesty and of the rectory of the said parish of Moorby will be graciously pleased to take the premises into with the vicarage or perpetual curacy of Wooc your Royal consideration and to make such order Enderby annexed, and with the consent of James in respect thereto as to your Majesty in your Royal Banks Stanhope of Revesby Abbey in the saic wisdom shall seem meet." county of Lincoln Esquire as the patron of the vicarage or rectory of the said parish of Revesby And whereas the said representation has been with Wilksby and with the consent of the Right approved by Her Majesty in Council; now, Honourable Hugh Earl Fortescue as the patron therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of of the vicarage or perpetual curacy of the saic Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the parish or chapelry of Tattershall and with the said representation, and to order and direct that consent of the Reverend Charles Augustus Potter, the same and every part thereof shall be effectual Clerk in Holy Orders now rector or incum- in law immediately from and after the time when bent of the rectory of the said parish of Thim- this Order shall have been duly published in the bleby, as the patron of the same rectory the said London Gazette pursuant to said Acts ; and Her consenting parties being the major part in Majesty, by and wilh the like'advice, is pleased number of the patrons of the respective parishes hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith or chapelries aforesaid (in testimony of which registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of consent they the said consenting parties have Lincoln. C. L. Peel. respectively signed and sealed this represen- tation) we the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners T -the Court at Holyrood Palace, the 26th for England humbly represent that it would in day of August, 1881. '* our opinion be expedient that all that tract of land aforesaid called or known as Wildmore Fen PRESENT, which said tract of land under and by virtue of the The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. division and allotment hereinbefore mentioned HEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners consists of and comprises portions of the said W for England have, in pursuance of the parishes or chapelries of Bolingbroke, Fishtoft, Act of the thirty-second and thirty-third years of Horncastle, Kirkby-upon-Bain (Tumby Township) Her Majesty, chapter ninety-four duly prepared Kirkstead, Low Toynton, Mareham-on-the-Hill and laid before Her Majesty in Council a scheme with High Toynton, Mareham-le-Fen, Martin, or representation bearing date the seventh day of Moorby with Wood Enderby, Revesby with July, in the year one thousand eight hundred Wilksby, Roughton with Haltham, Scrivelsby with and eighty-one, in the words following, that is to Dalderby, Tattershall, Thimbleby, Toynton All say:— Saints with Tonyton Saint Peter, West Ashby, We the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for and Woodhall and of the extra-parochial town- England acting under the provisions of the Act ships or places and lands called or known as of the thirty-second and thirty-third years of Dogdyke and Little Beets, Frith Bank, Langri- your Majesty chapter ninety-four have prepared ville, Thornton-le-Fen, and lands south of Wit- and now .humbly lay before your Majesty in ham, and of the parish of Coningsby save and Council the following scheme "or representation except all that portion of the last-named parish for altering the boundaries of the new parish of which is next hereinafter particularly described, Saint Mark Nottingham and of the new parish of that is to say, all that portion of the allotment Saint Stephen Nottingham both which new made to the parish of Coningsby aforesaid which parishes are situate in the county of the town of said portion contains by admeasurement two Nottingham and in the diocese of Lincoln. hundred and fifty acres, or thereabouts and is " Whereas by the authority of an instrument situate to the north-west of an imaginary line bearing date the twenty-seventh day of May in the commencing at or near to the north-western angle year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six a of the said Wildmore Fen at the point where part of the parish of Saint Mary Nottingham in YoleDale Bank joins Dogdyke-road and extending the county and diocese aforesaid was assigned'as thence south-eastward along the middle of the said a particular district to the church of Saint Mark Dogdyke-road for a distance of one mile and situate within the limits of the same parish. three chains or thereabouts to its intersection by " And whereas by the authority of an Order Long Dyke-road and extending thence north- of your Majesty in Council bearing date the eastward along the middle of the last-named road twenty-ninth day of April in the year one thou- for a distance of twenty-t\vo chains or thereabouts sand eight hundred and sixty-nine and published to the centre of the bridge which carries the same n the London Gazette upon the thirtieth day of road over the Catch Water Drain and extending ,he same month a separate district comprising thence south-eastward along the middle of the said )ortions of the new parish of the Holy Trinity Drain for a distance of seventy-four chains or STottingham and of the new parish of Saint thereabouts to the centre of the bridge which Matthew Nottingham both in the county and carries Langrick Ferry-road over the same drain diocese aforesaid was assigned to the church of and extending thence north-eastward along the Saint Stephen situate at Nottingham and the same middle of the last-named road for a distance of listrict was named 'The Consolidated Chapelry thirty chains or thereabouts to the northern f Saint Stephen Nottingham.' boundary of Wildmore Fen aforesaid all which " And whereas both the said particular district said tract of land called or known as Wildmore f Saint Mark Nottingham and the said consoli- Fen as aforesaid (save and except that portion of lated chapelry. of Saint Stephen Nottingham have $he said parish of Coningsby which is hereinbefore mder the provisions of the Act of the nineteenth.
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