3132 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE APRIL 8 without objection, the nominations on Blessed Lord, as we lift our. eyes to torial writer..;. In spite of this fact, the the executive calendar are confirmed en Thee in prayer, we catch the impulse gentleman from Ohio [Mr. SMITH] asks, bloc. from above: "Inasmuch as ye have done "Why all the secrecy?" . Mr. BARKLEY. I ask unanimous con­ it unto one of the least of these, ye have The answer is very simple: What se­ sent that the President may be immedi­ done it unto Me." We pray that we may crecy? ately notified of the confirmation of these descend into the valley of service and of The fact that the meeting with the nominations. sacrificial giving, not in condescension, Secretary was an eJtecutive meeting, a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without but in loving humility; thus we shall see meeting which the gentleman from Ohio objection, the President will be. notified the right trail leading up. to spiritual [Mr. SMITH] attended, the only secrecy forthwith. heights where we may :find the self we about it was that the Secretary asked RECESS should be. that his answers to any questions be o:fi Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Sen­ 0 God, free us all from personal van­ the record, the reason being one of ate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon ity, from love of applause and position. courtesy because the plan had not as yet tomorrow. Allow not ambition, nor jealousy, nor been published. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 prejudice, nor any desire of advancement The distinguished gentleman assures o'clock and 13 minutes p. m.) the Senate keep us away from Thee, but rather · us that he will do all in his power to took a recess until tomorrow, Friday, bend our wil13 to the cross where we may inform his people of the peril that is April 9, 1943, at 12 o'clock noon. learn its undying lesson. Heavenly involved in this secret New Deal scheme. Father, there are those with spiritual Well, since the United States, Great windows darkened in the midst of lone­ Britain, and France have had a tripar­ NOMINATIONS liness and desolation, and the heart has tite agreement of this sort for some Executive nominations received by the become embittered; Thou knowest that years, and the result of the peril in­ Senate April 8 (legislative day of April there are long stretches which weary us. volved has been a $30,000,000 profit to 6), 1943: As the spring sun shines out of an empty the Treasury of the United States, I may WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION sky to warm and vitalize the barren be pardoned if I suggest .to the gentle­ Edmund J. O'Boyle, from the State of New earth ·that it may blossom and give man from Ohio that his effort to inform York, to be senior manpower utilization forth, so may the sad, the troubled, and comes rather late. consultant in the Division of Maiming Tables, the tempted lift~ up their souls and know The plan, which has a worthy and, I at $4,600 per annum, in the Washington that our great Companion is near. · He might adq, a vital objective, the sta­ office of the War Manpower Commission. lives and shall forever live. The Lord bilization of international currencies, is Agnes 8. Cronin, from the State of New is my Shepherd. I shall not want. In merely a plan ~o apply to the world the York, to be area director, at $4,600 per annum, His holy name. Amen. mechanism u~ed in our tripartite sta­ in the western Long Island area office of the bilization plan, and thus avoid the chaos War Manpower Commission. The Journal of the proceedings of yes- that would be inevitable, in the absence Joseph G. Dellert, from the State of Penn­ terday was read and approved. - of some plan, in the post-war world. sylvania, to be principal manpower utiliza­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS tion analyst, at $5,600 per annum, in the EXTENSION OF REMARKS Philadelphia regional office of the War Man­ Mr. EATON. Mr. ·Speaker, J: ask power Commission. unanimous consent to insert in the REc­ Mr.-LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask \man­ - Walter Lee McDonald, from the State of ORD a letter from the Governor of New imous consent to extend my own re­ Ohio, to be area director, at $4,600 per an­ Jersey and a resolution from the board marks in the RECORD and to include an num, in the Toledo area office of the war of freeholders of my home county in editorial appearing in the ·Pilot of Manpower Commission. opposition to the proposed ship canal April 3. Thomas L. Gaukel, from the State of Mis­ across the State of New Jersey. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it souri, to be area director, at $6,500 per annum, The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so ordered. in the St. Louis area office of the war Man­ There was no objection. power Commission. is so ordered. There was no objection. Mr. VOORms of California. Mr. Orville W. Erringer, froni the State of Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Texas, to be area director at $5,600 per annum, Mr. ROLPH. Mr. Speaker, I ask in the Dallas area office of. the War Manpower unanimous consent to extend my own extend my own remarks in the RECORD Commission. remarks in the RECORD in connection and to include therein a speech by Mr. Fay William Hunter, from the State of with the public service of Hon. HIRAM William Green. North Dakota, to be head employment spe­ JOHNSON, Senator from California, and - The SPEAKER. Without objection, it cialist, at $6,500 per annum, in the Agricul­ to include a newspaper article. is so ordered. tural Division in the Washington office of the The SPEAKER. Without objection, it There was no objection. War Manpower Commission. is so ordered. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I There was no objection. ask unanimous consent to extend by own CONFIRMATIONS remarks in the RECORD and to include THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY PLAN therein an editorial from the Oakwood Executive nominations confirmed by Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ ·(Ohio) Press, which I believe so well the Senate April 8 <legislative day of imous consent to address the House for evaluates present conditions as to be April 6), 1943: 1 minute. worthy of reading and study by every IN THE ARMY The SPEAKER. Without objection, it Member of Congress and by our Gov­ TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN THE ARMY OF THE is so ordered. ernment officials. UNITED STATES There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it To be brigadier generals Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker, yesterday is so ordered. Arthur Ringland Harris the distinguished gentleman from Ohio There was no objection. Claude Mitchell Adams [Mr. SMITH] called attention to what he Mr. TOWE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ POSTMASTER described as the secret plan of Secre­ imous consent to extend by own re­ MLSSOURI tary of the Treasury Morgenthau to marks in the RECORD and to include an John L. Thomas, Bevier. establish an international stabilization editorial.- fund. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it The plan is so secret that three com­ is so ordered. mittees of the House--Foreign Affairs, There was no objection. Banking and Currency, and Coinage, Mr. BALDWIN of New York. Mr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Weights, and Measures-were all invited Speaker, I ask unanimous consent. to ex­ , THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1943 to meet Secretary Morgenthau and offer tend my own remarks in the RECORD ar:.'.i any suggestions that might occur to to include several resolution passed by The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. them. the New York State Legislature. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera The plan is so secret that it has been 'l:he SPEAKER. Without objection, it Montgom~ry, D. D., offered th~ following published Nation-wide and commented .is so ordered. prayer: on both by radio commentators and edi- There was· no objection. 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3133 PAY-AS-YOU-GO TAX PLAN stands, the purpose of this bill is to sus­ Mr. STEAGALL. The bill has been Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. pend for the duration of the war and for approved by the Federal Deposit Insur­ Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to 6 l.o..1onths following the cessation of hos­ ance Corporation, by the Federal Reserve address the House for 1 minute; tilities assessments levied against banks Board, and by the Treasury. All of The SPEAKER. Without objection, it participating in the Deposit Insurance them regard the bill as an essential is so ordered. Corporation as to Government deposits measure in the promotion of the bond There was no objection. resulting from the sale of Government program immediately at hand. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. bonds under the Second Liberty Loan Mr. CRAWFORD. Unofficially there Speaker, the hope has been held forth Act. The amount lost to the Corpora­ has been no objection to the bill from that there may be an Easter recess. I tion would be so small as not in any way the standpoint of the American Bankers can appreciate the value of a short res­ to endanger the operation of the Federal Association or the Independent Bankers pite. The House has worked hard and Deposit Insurance Corporation and its Association? a rest would be helpful to the health of protection of depositors. The average of Mr. STEAGALL. I have heard -or no the Members. I believe also it would such deposits is shown to be not more objection from anywhere.
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