TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1972 PAGE EIOBTBEN JianrIjPBter lEv^ntn^ If^raUi Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Bhded Febnuury S, 191S Variable cloudiness, cold wltti chance of flurries this evening; tonight's low near 10. Thursday 15,630 becoming fair; high 25 to 30. Manchester— A City o f Village Charm Friday’s outlook, partly cloudy. WE VOL. XCI, NO. 110 (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1972 (ClaMllled Advertising on Page S3) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS ^ '2 ’”®® CTOZEW- toWS jpjy'J® user away *<> i«- Beware U sk fog" g Nixon Hails ‘ These thoughts culled NEED from the office of a Vernon Meskill: It’s Austerity Again attorney. i “No man’s life, liberty or yjllUW*® Peace Aims, property are safe while the legislature is In session.” s ^ c e r e l y . problem is « « » sad fop From a court case in New ^ o t t a s Chr ^ n iio r s York in 1866 . comment YOU made by an attorney \riio 7% Tax Admits Barbs made a mistake In a case in which he had quoted a law, By LEWIS GVUOK not knowing the legislature had changed that law. WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon issued a On Sales NOW. SD jasaiB nv lengthy foreign-policy report today, claiming dramatic 1971 breakthroughs toward his generation-of-peace goal, but acknowledging a half-dozen “ sharp disappoint­ ments.” Girl, 14, A sked The President aJeo used his annual. “ State of the World” By SOL R. COHEN You May Need Us Later message to Congress this elec­ S la in In (Herald Reporter) tion year to urge public support for his handling of pressing for­ Cautioning the people of f -■' eign-affairs problems ahead. Middlehury Connecticut that “ auster­ Saying the diplomatic policies ity will continue to be the of the past year will be a MIDDLEBURY (AP) — State police said today they have watchword,” Gov. Thomas And We Hope W e’ll Still Be W arned springboard for Uie future, Nix­ J, Meskill today asked the no clues a n d no suspects on indicated historic agreement General Assembly to back on a first step in curUng the in the blabbing death of 14- U.S.-Soviet nuclear missiles year-old Diane Bowman, whose ' his tight-fisted control of race will be reached about the body was found ’Tuesday morn­ state spending. He recommended a 7 per cent On War time he visits Moscow In May. ing on the (rffice doorstep of a At the same time, the Presi- AUddlebury chiropractor. sales tax for fiscal 1972-73, up Here To Help You! WASHINOTON (API — Pres­ Police said the quiet, pretty one-half per cent over the cur­ ident Nixon said today he was ^ent coupled avowed h<^s of high school freshman from ’Tor- rent year, and said his recom­ willing to take criticism from improving U .S.-S^et r e la U ^ mended budget will require "no bis democratic opponents over vdth serious questioning of tlw rington was stabbed repeatedly and her body was frozen from income tax and no increase in oadly needed. funds the Vietnam war but warned “expansi^rt Im^catlons” long exposure to the cold. An ar.y other taxes.” them to be careful lest they Russian diplomatic and autopsy was planned at Water- The increase in the sales tax, give the Oominunists an In- policies. „ , THERE IS STHL A SIN®sEty, buiy Hospital. he explained, is for financing centive to keen firfiOmr ^ • ftlstel “ t farte* radiocast accompanying Diane, 5-foot-2, who weighed the estimated $10 miUimi year­ about 110 pounds and had ly interest cost of the existing the fact that during this period straight, shoulder - leng;th, light- $244 million state deficit. when I have been ending the brown hair, was last seen by SERIOUS DRUG PROBLEM war I did not beeln I have been<^ chaiiges accomplished under His proposed tax Increase is WOT i m o not oegm i imye neen administration. her friends at a Torrlngton piz­ the smallest for the state in five object to v^orous criticism,” ^he radio ad- za parlor about 8 p.m. Monday. years. Nlxon s^ d in a 1 ^ 0 sp^ch ^ ^ occasion to teU his Police say they don’t know Addressing a joint session of m MANCHESTER ... .announcing submls^on to Con- Democratic rivals tha^ candi- how she got from ’Torrlngton to the legislatore, Meskill pro­ g r ^ of his umual report on ^ te s for president should care- Middlehury, 26 miles away, but posed a $1,159 billion General j *“iiy examine any criticism of one theory is that someone of­ Fund budget for 1972-73, up $12 But Nixon also added that he administration poUcy In In- fered her a ride as she -wadked miUion over the one voted by would ^ c t any presldwitlal Bochina to make sure that their home from the pizza parlor. the legislature for this year, cai^date to 'examine his statements do not give I'the Dr. Bernard F. Oemcke, on and up $154 million over the With your support, we of statements carefully to be sure enemy an Incentive for contin-. udiose doorstep the body was amount he approved for spend­ that nothing he says might give „ing the war.” found, said he believes the vic­ ing. the enemy an incentive to pro- He said he does not question tim was stabbed elsewhere and The governor said his spend­ long the WOT until after the ____________________ carried to his office, which is In ing plan would require dropping the “Drug Advisory Center” are election.” . MMMMMNGMHHMMM the basement ot his home. the sales tax exemption on util­ Nixon’s comments were the “I ’m a fairly light sleeper,” ity bills from the present $20 latest In a series by tUgh Re­ ‘Generation he said. “ I would have heard level to $10, otherwise, he had publican and administration something if she’d been stabbed no other proposals to offer in spoketonen against the Presi­ Of Peace'* outalde.” his tax package. stnnouncing the formation of dent’s opponents since ten. Bd- Dr. Oemcke said he believes Strangely enough, his recom­ mund 8. MusMe, a leading con- GMSBBBBGMGBBGB the body was placed there BSAB mendation for a $215 ADM (Av­ tender for ttie Democratic pres- ,the patriotism or sincerity of sometime after 1 a.m. Tuesday. erage Daily Membership) grant idmtial nomination, criticised' those who have criticized his The body was found abodt 8:80 to the towns and cities drew cotning pteve»v ,^ab\e 99 S v'«® 55k Nbmn’s latest peace proposal Vietnam course but added: “ A a.m. no applause from the legisla­ that ^ ^^^SitributtoB ^/vwan®'®'' "^^TheDAC Committee o f1000 Unlimited F^b. R. candidate for president has a “She was lying on her back, tors. 'wve StaS'AtS; T h e strangest statement higher respot^blUty titan the both arms outstretched, and The legislature, last year, througbouf P^Wem came Mbciday fiton liresldentlar mdliiary critic.'*’ one leg cramped at a sharp voted an ADM grant of $210, and d e s ^ ^ assistant H. R. Haldeman, who With his radio listing ctf ad- angle,” said Dr. Oemcke. "I but Meskill cut it back to $206. of Manchester sald in a television interview mihlstration accomplishments, felt for Her pulse, but she was (Herald piloto by Pinto) It had been $200 previously. that critics of. the Nixon peace he said: dead. The body was froeen.” A Day for Business In addition to the General plan. were “ consciously aiding "These breakthroughs toward The body was fully clothed in Fund budget, Meskill proposed and abetting the enemy of the peace took place In the past blue dungarees, purple turtle­ a capital program o i $225 mil­ United States.” year tor good reason. neck sweater, Navy-type pea- lion, with $97 million of it to The White House later de- “Three years ago, we stopped coat and brown suede and go back to the municipalities, scribed the statement as Halde- reacting on the basis of yester- leather shoes. She wore wlre- for building new schools. WHAT WE HEED NOW IS . mian’s personal opinion and not ‘*®y’“ started acting rimmed glassea Taking particular note of the Nixon’s. ie deal with the realities of to- Dr. Elliott Gross, state medi­ Navy Builds Up for Red Offensive state’s $244 million deficit, held Haldeman said on NBC’s **® opportunities of to- cal examiner, would only say over from the 1969-71 biennium, “Today” show that before Nix- niorrcw.” the girl suffered multiple stab SAIGON (AP) — The U.S. The U.S. (Command said at­ plane strike force to attack sup­ The sudden return of the Con­ Meskill recommended that it be oil’s plan was cmnounced along ^ broadcast, Nixm listed grounds, but other officials Command abruptly rectJled. the tacks on American forces also ply depots and other in- stellation was also considered a paid off in ten years. with a revelation of past secret great changes which “ have said she was stabbed seven aircraft carrier Constellation to intensifed overnight and at st^lations in North Vietnam show of strength to back Presi­ "If we were to pay off the 1. Your Moral Support and : negotiationa presidential critics brtwght tiie world closer to a times In the book. Pending an deficit In two years,” ' he the Tonkin Gulf today, raising least 13 Americans were should the communist com­ dent Nixon’s repeated assur­ might have been unconsciously ^blepeace his approaches to autopsy, authorities would not the strong possibUlty of in­ wounded. mand launch the major offen­ ances that he will protect the warned, “ it would mean rais­ echoing the line desired by the ,*^®^ ®*® ®®^®^ Un- say whether riie was sexually tensive retaliatory air strikes' Communiques and incomplete sive that U.S.
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