Inside... Editanals S Votftr s Gu/df> Pitfjfis 9 1 * Concfirt rt>vrf>ws pn(ips 14 und /.S Looking Aht\td fy/tfje 1 fi Sports Pngr>s 1 7 2 0 VOLUME LV, NO. 35 DREXEL UNIVERSITY PHILADELPHIA. PA, FRIDAY. MAY 2. 1980 Nickerson to leave fo r Florida position r . A r . : , acting deparimcnt head In M ’icr spending the la<.i ^l\ about one ueek, a --e.irch com years as Head of the .XvLOiin- mittee smII be fi'micd to draw ling [X-panmciiI, F’rdfes^or up a list of suitable C harles A. Nukcrson will be replacements for the depart leaving this school at the end mem head These selected in­ of the term in order to assume dividuals will then be inter the role ol Head of Aecmin- viewed b> Dean Da'-cher. whti ting at ( iorida International will then discuv. his recom Lniversitv located in Sliaini. mendations with the President PrescntK, the accounting pro­ and Vice t’residenl ot gram at F lorida lnternatii)nai Ac.idemic Mlair" IS not accredited. In accepting this p()siiion, II All! be Dr Ihe Search ( i>mttiittee will Nickerson’s prime objective to suggest replacement can move the program tovsards an didate^ who possess ad accredited state. nunistralive abilitv, leadership Dr. Nickerson entered Drcx- abilitv t()wards hoih the facul el in 1974 to assume his pre­ tv and the students, and the sent title. During his past conipatabilitv needed to work years, he has worked to with both groups Av Head ol devleop and establish the ta\a Accounling, this person will Thornborgh to speak here tion program, (Iraduate be an integral part ot the students can now obtain a research based publisatu'ns t'<, hn A.,, . ' Ihe guest speaker and reci­ lime, all classes for l iigiiUTi Master of Science in Taxation which Drexcl, ranked fifth in On Thursday, May Xth, the pient of this year’s I ngineei ing and Science students will because ol his dilligence He the counirv in research pro- ^Ist annual l.ngmeermg and ing and Sciencc Day award be cancelled for the duiation has taught in the I vening Col ductivitv, supplies to the Sciencc Day, sponsored by the will be Pennsylvania (iovcrnor of the day. lege, the MHA program, and business world He will teach a NSPh and the Dean of Dick I'hornborgh. Ciovernor award have included I ee A. the iindeigraduate curriculum. m inmuun ol six hours and will ( ngmeering office will be Thornburgh will deliver a lacocca. Pres, of Chryslar According to Dr. Paul work to develop new graduate held. I'his year's theme is a speech on the day’s topic at Corp., the late inilt> lacet, Dascher, Dean of the (ollege and doctoral programs. The relevant one tor many Drexcl 1 1 :0 0 am m the main Mark Donahue and Surgeon of Bu.siness and Administra­ new department ficad ot Ac­ students, "Ciovernor Policy auditorium. E.xtra scaling, in Michael Debachy. tion, Dr. C . .Ananthachar counting will assume his title and the Hngineer.” Activities addition to seating in the The afternoon’s activities Snnivasan will be the interim in the fall seinestcr of I'JXO. will be held throughout the auditorium, will be provided (starting at 1:30 pm) Includes in room 320, main building seminars on nuclear fission where the speech will be and fusion research. Incoming broadcast on the closed circuit freshmen as well as all A C M chartered at Drexel T.V. Former recipients of this students will be invited to at­ day starting at 11:00. At that tend the days festivities. by Sherry Vecs computer graphics and several in Computer Science. Due to the growing interest in others. As a member of one or Although the ACM student the field of Computer Science, more of these special interest chapter deals mainly with Brief review a student chapter of the groups, the student will receive computer science, the chapter Association for Computing newsletters and publications is open to all students in all Machinery has been chartered on a state-of-the-art curriculums. In order to be a of congress at Drexel. The chapter, developments in their par- member of the student by Neil Schmerlira organized by several Drexel ticualr area of interest. chapter, one does not have to representatives, a president students and approved by Among the activities which be an ACM member. Drexel’s Despite the fact that Student and vice-president, from each ACM headquarters, will pro­ Drexel’s student chapter hopes student chapter hopes to pro­ Cogress elections will be held class. vide students interested in to provide are lectures by com­ vide any students interested in next week, many students are Altogether, there are 27 Computer Science with a puter professionals, plant trips computers or their applica­ unfamiliar with the functions representatives on Congress. membership in a professional to companies with computer tions, an organization which of this student group, and In addition to serving their society like that of IEEE for facilities, lectures on job op­ will benefit them now and in therefore don’t bother to vote function as a counterpart, engineers. portunities for students in the the future. in the annual elections. these members represent the The ACM was originally computer science field, and Congress is organized in students in their constituency, founded in 1947 as a profes­ possible interaction with other For more information about such a manner so that each as a senator would. As a sional society for the com­ ACM student chapters such as Drexel’s chapter of the ACM, member is a counterpart to an result, the views of the puting community. In 1961, those at Temple and Universi­ contact either Dr. Salter in the administrator. This enables students, as well as the ad- student chapters were approv­ ty of Pennsylvania. It is also Mathematics Department, these students to specialize in mininistration, are discussed ed. ACM encourages student hoped that because Drexel’s Tom Funke in the Math- one area and have a direct line at Congress meetings. membership and chapters by computer science program is Computer Science Tutorial to the administration. One major function per­ providing membership into the in its early stages, the student Center (7-313), Pete Gulotta in The President of Student formed by Congress is the society at reduced rates. chapter may be able to offer Kelly Hall Rm. 1017, Bill Congress is the counterpart of reviewing and passing of The goals of the student ideas and suggestions to the Weber in Calhoun Rm 715, or Dr. William Hagerty. Each eligibility requirements and chapter of the ACM are to ex­ faculty about the curriculum check in the Triangle for Academic Dean, and Vice- applying them to student pand ACM membershi.', serve and how it may be changes to regular meetings of the ACM President also has a counter­ organizations. Moreover, the local communitv, and benefit future Drexel student Student Chapter. part. There are also two Congress approves the budget benefit its members by pro­ recommendations for student viding information on com­ organizations made by the puting. Students will also be Student Allocation Commit­ able to maintain a close Initiation for O m icron N u tee. association with fellow Congress serves the students students and faculty with by Diane McNnt in many other capacities, similar interests, and be expos­ Omicron Nu (Nesbitt College Design, Nutrition and Foods, to membership in Omnicron however, they need your sup­ ed to professionals in the field. Honor Society) members are and the Human Behavior and Nu based on their academic port. Come out and vote on As a student member of the busy preparing for Spring In­ Development departments will record and leadership May 6 and 7. ACM, various publications itiation which will be held, on be initiated on May 6 . Initiates qualities. Those initiated are are distributed which are in­ May 6 at 6:30 pm in the Pic­ and members will be treated to the top 10 percent of the junior cluded in the membership ture Gallery, Main Bldg. guest speaker Sara Taubin, a class and the top 20 percent of dues. ACM also offers Every spring undergraduates professor in the Human the senior class. Omicron Nu Last day to membership to anyone of its and graduate students are in­ Behavior and Development offers Nesbitt students the op­ special interest groups at a vited to become members in department. Dr. Taubin will portunity to become members reduced rate to students. the Alpha Eta Chapter of speak on her career and her of a National Honorary Socie­ drop c/asses- These groups deal with various Omicron Nu. Twenty graduate research in the field of HB&D. ty as well as a chance to receive aspects of computer science students and two Juniors, seniors and recognition for academic ex­ Monday May 5 such as software engineering, undergraduates from the graduate students are invited cellence. mathematical programming. OREXEL TRIANGLE May 2, 1980 Page 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS M a y D a ze Get Rafted Happy Hour Business Majors Study in China ASME is having a happy- Are you a Junior/Senior Please contact Dean MAY DAZk is here! The Whitewater Rafting on the hour oulside the Creese business major? Are you Canavan (X2426) in the Col­ Ukc Club sponsors its annual Lehigh River on Wednesday, volleyball court, Friday May looking for a summer job and lege of Humanities and Social MAY DAZE next f-riday, May May 28 with ASME. Last day 2. Beer and volleyball from 2 would be willing to work part- Sciences for details on a possi­ 9lh from 8 pm - 2 at the New to put your SIO deposit down PM until the beer is gone.
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