Agenda Item No 8 Revision of Speed Limits: A257 To: Dover Joint Transportation Board, 21 April 2011 Main Portfolio Area: KCC – Environment, Highways and Waste By: Head of Transport & Development, Kent Highway Services Classification: Unrestricted Ward: Dover Division : Sandwich Summary: The report summarises the proposal of altering the current speed limit on the A257. For Recommendation 1. Introduction 1.1 On behalf of Kent County Council (KCC), Kent Highway Services (KHS) are proposing the alteration of the speed limit on two sections of the A257. 1.2 A working party was organised locally which included representatives from local Parish Council and residents groups; MP’s Laura Sandys and Julian Brazier; County Councillor Leyland Ridings and District Councillors and was formed to discuss the impact traffic had on the Villages located on the A257 and surrounding roads. 1.3 Among other issues, all were concerned with the speed of traffic on the A257 and had related concerns regarding road safety. As a result of this KHS were asked to investigate the potential of lowering the speed limit on the A257. 1.4 KHS carries out a yearly examination of crash clusters on the County’s Roads. This is based on personal injury crash information supplied by Kent Police. The 2010 investigation did not reveal any recurring crash cluster sites along the length of the A257 that required action. 1.5 As the year progressed two sites developed that had several ‘damage only’ crashes: 1.5.1 On the approach to Wingham from the west (Bridge Bend), additional signing and lining improvements were organised for this location. 1.5.2 The bend on the A257 at Shatterling suffered from a spate of crashes. Although the average traffic speeds were within the posted 50mph limit, there were a number of drivers maintaining excessive speed on the approach to the bend. As a result of this, County Councillor Leyland Ridings agreed to fund two bend warning interactive signs from his Member Highway Fund. 1.6 The A257 was assessed as part of the Kent-wide speed limit review carried out by KHS Road Safety Team and Kent Police in 2010 which examined all of the counties A and B roads. This assessment was made in accordance with Department of Transport Circular 1/2006 "Setting Local Speed Limits" and primarily looks at the road environment rather than actual traffic speeds. 75 1.7 The only recommended alteration arising from the Speed Limit Review for the A257 was to extend the current 30mph entry on the western side of Wingham; to move this a further 200m to the west to locate the speed limit gateway prior to the series of bends as drivers approach the village from the west. 1.8 The characteristics defined within the Speed Limit Review for a 50mph road are as follows: "Should be considered for lower quality A and B roads which may have a relatively high number of bends, junctions or accesses. Can also be considered where speeds are below 50mph, so lower limit does not interfere with traffic flow." 1.9 Following the request of the working party, KHS agreed to re-examine the existing 4 sections of 60mph speed limit on the A257. These are expanded upon below: 1.10 Stodmarsh Road to the west of Littlebourne Village. This section of the A257 incorporates several side roads, private accesses and a series of bends bordered closely by woodland. This may be appropriate for a 50mph limit 1.11 East of Littlebourne Village to Wingham Green. This section also incorporates several side roads and private accesses (some with poor visibility); a length through a cutting where the road width narrows and a sharp bend (recently benefiting from Cllr Northy funding two interactive warning signs). This section may also be appropriate for a 50mph limit. 1.12 Gobery Hill east of Wingham, to Shatterling. The A257 in this area is extremely straight and has an open street scene, as such this section should remain 60mph. 1.13 Shatterling to the A256 . This section, mainly consisting of the Ash by-pass, has a wide and open layout benefitting from excellent visibility and should also remain at 60mph. 1.14 A briefing based on the above findings was provided for Leyland Ridings which he fed back to the working group at their meeting on the 5 th March 2011. 1.15 Kent Police Traffic Management Unit were consulted regarding the potential to lower the speed limit to 50mph at the above two locations. They returned a response stating that they do not support the lowering of the speed limit. There are various reasons for this these are summarised below, and the full response can be found in Appendix 1. 1.16 Kent Police Traffic Management Unit revisited the sites as examined in the Speed Limit Review and maintain that the original recommendations (no reduction in 60mph speed limits) are correct.. 1.17 Observed driven speeds are in the region of 60mph and as such drivers would not comply with a 50mph. 1.18 The introduction of unsuitable 50mph limits would bring 50mph limits into disrepute and result in Kent Police having to carry out constant enforcement on a road which previously did not have a speeding problem. 1.19 Kent Police Traffic Management Unit have also requested a 24hour 7day speed survey carried out for the lengths being considered for change. 1.20 Unanimous feedback from the working group was that the lowering of the speed limit to 50mph on the two sections of the A257 as mentioned above was a positive step and should be progressed was soon as possible. 1.21 County Councillors Leyland Ridings and Michael Northy have indicated that they would be willing to fund the required Traffic Regulation Order alterations and additional signing from their Member Highway Fund allocations to enable this scheme to be implemented. 76 1.22 To gauge feeling from the wider community a Traffic Regulation Order was advertised on 17 th April taking into account the lowering of the speed limit top 50mph on the aforementioned two sections of the A257 and the extension of the 30mph limit into Wingham from the west as mentioned in section 1.7. Plans for this can be seen in Appendix 2. This process will not be complete until 16th May, any objections be received prior to the JTB will be reported verbally. 2. Recommendation Subject to the views of this Board, it is recommended that, should no further objections being received to the Traffic Regulation Order, the scheme is progressed and implemented. Should objections be received after the April JTB meeting, they will be reported to the next available JTB. Please note that this report will also have to go to the Canterbury JTB for their approval as the length of the A257 west of Wingham Green is in the Canterbury District. Contact Officer: David Barton, Local Transportation & Development Manager - Dover and Shepway KHS Transport & Development (08458 247800) Background Papers Appendix 1: Correspondence from Kent Police Traffic Management Unit Appendix 2: Plans showing potential speed limit alterations. 77 Revision of Speed Limits – A257 APPENDIX 1 – Correspondence from Kent Police Traffic Management Unit 78 Traffic Management Unit, Tactical Operations, London Road, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7SL Telephone: (01622) 798542 Fax: 01622 798549 Mr. Tony Jenson Kent Highway Services Javelin Way Henwood Industrial Estate Ashford Kent TN24 8AD You Ref: MHF/10/11/LR Our Ref: 165/SL/11645/11 Date 9th March 2011 A257 Speed Limits Canterbury to Wingham Green. Dear Mr. Jenson, Thank you for your e-mail dated 25 th February 2011 regarding the above subject. The introduction of any new speed limit is an emotive subject, as is the antisocial behaviour of those motorists who exceed the present limits. In order to ensure credibility of a new speed limit we would expect all aspects of DfT Circular 01/2006 to be adhered to. Any speed limit introduced outside of this guidance will not only be ineffective but will leave the Police with the task of carrying out constant enforcement, where previously an issue of excess speed did not exist Kent Police would seek that the legislation and advice given in the Traffic Signs Manuel Chapters 3 and 5, and the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002, is complied with. Having studied these proposals and viewed the area, Kent Police have the following observations: As part of the consultation process, Kent Police would like to see 24-hour, 7-day speed data for these areas. A speed limit review conducted by Jacobs on behalf of Kent Highway Services was commenced in 2007, and the A257 Canterbury to Sandwich was part of Area 2, this was reviewed in 2009. The review team recommended that there should be no change to the current 60mph speed limit in site 6, which is located on the A257 between a point 325m west of the junction with Mill Road, Wingham Green and a point 40m west of the entrance to Lee Priory, Littlebourne. The review team also recommended that there should be no change to the current 60mph speed limit in site 8, which is located on the A257 between a point 85m west of the property entrance of ‘Little Acres, The Hill, Littlebourne and a point 80m east of the junction with Stodmarsh Road, Canterbury. 79 Kent Police Traffic Management Unit personnel visited these sites and agreed with these recommendations. Section 1 The proposed new 50mph speed limit between the west of Littlebourne and the eastern outskirts of Canterbury appears to be similar to site 8 of the speed limit review.
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