June 29, 1996 REC R Vanuatu Mission Under Attack-11 New Hostel Opens in Queensland lmost 300 guests attended the opening of an Adventist retirement village hostel at Caloundra, Qld, Adventist Aon May 26. Official guests included Peter Slipper, the Federal member for Fisher, Dr Percy Harrold, the director of the Adventist Health Department for the South Pacific Division, Pastor Chester Photo Gets Stanley, president of the South Queensland Conference, and Pastor Peter Colquhoun, president from Stamped 12 North New South Wales Conference (recently transferred from South Queensland). "The overall development theme is a 'holiday resort,' rather than a hostel," says the village manager, Barry Hiscox. Baubles, The Caloundra Adventist Retirement Village is sited on eight hectares (20 acres), with unique features being two rainforest areas and a creek passing through the middle. The hostel has 48 rooms. Bangles and By the end of July the village will have 17 independent living units. Pictured (at left) is Peter Slipper and Pastor Stanley during the opening ceremony. Beads-6 To Worship or to Witness? do, we will not question the significance Could it even become an excuse for he question of worship in the life of the church or, for neglecting, avoiding or downplaying out- Tis impor- that matter, in our own lives. It might reach? Is it possible that our concern with tant, and it will even be said that such worship is itself a what goes on within the church takes our not go away. It persuasive witness to the truth of the attention away from what is happening reflects the inter- gospel. and what is needed outside? est, perhaps even But the fundamental questions remain: Most readers of this editorial will be the tension, that Is witnessing secondary in importance to familiar with Ellen White's book has surfaced in worship? Does the worshipping commu- Evangelism. The challenge and the prin- recent years within the church and within nity of believers take precedence over the ciples set forth between the covers of that other Christian communities. What witnessing community? volume have largely been responsible for should have priority on the church's Some time ago I came across a power- the church's emphasis on faith-sharing agenda? Worship or witness? ful affirmation of evangelism. And let me and evangelistic outreach through the William Abraham, in The Logic of emphasise here that I use the word years. Can we afford to change gears and Evangelism (note the subject), states "evangelism" in its broadest sense. This move into another lane at this time in our quite categorically that "to make evange- statement has stayed with me through the history? To do so surely would be a lism the primary concern of the church is years as a forceful reminder of the recipe for even slower growth than we to give it a misplaced and exaggerated church's primary mission, its mandate to are currently experiencing and a failure position. The first task of the church preach the good news: "Compared with to live in harmony with our Lord's Great is to worship." evangelism, everything else in the church Commission. Most Seventh-day Adventists would is like rearranging the furniture when the None of this is to suggest that worship agree that worship is important. After all, house is on fire." is unimportant. We need to develop more the first of the three angels' messages is It seems to indicate that, in the writer's meaningful, uplifting and inspiring wor- clearly a call to worship. Some have even view, outreach to the lost and hurting ship services—worship experiences that argued that the focus of the great contro- takes precedence over all other activities grip and keep us in a saving relationship versy is the struggle between true wor- in the church, legitimate and necessary as with Christ. Especially is this true for our ship and false worship. Certainly in they may be to the body of Christ. I find young people. recent years we have seen a great empha- myself in agreement. So worship and witness are both sis on worship in seminars, conferences, Another writer, with equal conviction, important. The church cannot be truly articles and videos. reminds us, "The church is in the growth alive without them. But is worship a "task"? And does it business or it will die." Jesus knew that, But there is a bottom line in all this. precede evangelism in priority or in of course. The church's mandate to wit- Let me put it to you in the form of these experience? Personally, I don't like the ness and to evangelise comes directly questions: Where does the worshipping sound of "task." It suggests obligation, from Him. The Great Commission community come from? How does it requirement, perhaps even a burden. True extends to every believer and every come into existence? What happens to Christian worship is much more than believing community until the end of bring people to Christ, and then into fel- that. It is a joyous response to what God time. It is our charter and mandate to wit- lowship with the church so that they can has done for us in Christ through the ness. The Great Commission is not an worship Him? gospel. As someone has so rightly option. It is, quite literally, an imperative: Think about it. It may help to clarify observed, "Worship is the response of the "Go ye and make disciples." the relationship between worship and creature to the Eternal." It is "in the deep- Could it be that our recent preoccupa- witness. Bryan Ball est sense, creative and redemptive." tion with worship has diverted us from President If we agree with that, as I suspect we something even more fundamental? South Pacific Division Manuscripts All copy for the Record should Official Paper be sent to The Editor, Record, Signs Publishing Seventh-day Adventist Church Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799. Next Week: South Pacific Division Manuscripts or computer disks will only be returned if accompanied by a stamped, self- Editor Bruce Manners addressed envelope. Phone (059) 66 9111. Fax Assistant Editors Lee Dunstan, (059) 66 9019. Karen Miller Subscriptions South Pacific Division, Has Noah's ark been found? Copy Editor Graeme Brown $A39.00 $NZ48.75. Editorial Secretary Glenda Fairall All other regions, $A77.00 $NZ96.25. Air mail Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans postage rates on application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Cover Photo: B Hiscox Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. A.C.N. 000 003 930 Vol 101 No 25 2 RECORD June 29, 1996 LETTERS Healthy Spirit I'm sure there are many more like me imbalance of chemicals and that it is not out there. Please give us the support and devil possession or parents' poor training Health Week has been and gone, and an encouragement we need. We know our and such (yes, we get branded with this). educated guess is that very few churches weaknesses and shortcomings. Help us Natural health treatment, while good, (aside from cooking classes) spent time on find our strengths. does not cure these problems—only psy- the matter. Other factors affecting the spe- Julie Lindbeck, WA chiatric treatment and medication can cial senses, the avenues to our souls, bare- allow these patients to lead a normal life. ly rate a mention. Therefore there is a great The parable was intended to point out Isn't it better to take a drug from a psychi- need for more space in the Record on a that we are like children on the stage and atrist and stay normal, than be locked regular basis to be devoted to this matter. God is the good parent, caring for us and away forever in an institution out of one's The Greater Sydney Conference quar- accepting us particularly in times of our mind? terly production Health Today is a step in fears and mistakes. We have somehow gotten over the idea the right direction. But it does appear there that psychiatrists are of the devil and we is no provision to provide, on a regular Thank You are sinners and have no faith if we consult basis, thought-provoking material that will How thrilled I was to read Dr Percy with them. We are not living in the 1800s. stimulate thinking, and a right relationship Harrold's article on mental illness ("The Could we ask Dr Harrold to set up a to the care of our special senses through Reality of Mental Illness," Features, May Seventh-day Adventist reference centre so healthy living. 25). that we can get support from one another Lawrence Naughton, Qld At long last this illness, which is fairly instead of battling it alone and hiding? common among church members, The stress that these families and the Good Health magazine, produced by appears to be coming out of the closet. patient go through is unbelievable, but this the Signs Publishing Company, fulfilled There is a huge need for education of our is an illness, not a sin. These illnesses this need. However, it was through lack of people, so that the misunderstanding, stig- sometimes are worse than a death in the support that it was discontinued. ma and judgmental critical attitude will family, especially Seventh-day Adventists. go—replaced by love, concern and I am from one of those families. A Good Parent knowledge. Name Withheld Maybe I wrongly assumed who the There are many Seventh-day good parent was in the editorial of June 8 Adventists hiding behind all kinds of ,co , evprc.. d in I-citer` do not nece,,,,,d) "Tresent (Parable of the Two Parents).
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