DISTRICT OFFICERS PAST DISTRiCT DEPUTV GRAND MASTERS ':'1973 Lionel Douglas, Murray 408 Beaverton "'1974 A. Gordon Oliver, Verulam 268 Bobcaygeon *19t6 James B. Begg, Faithful Brethren 77 Lindsay Chairman of Public Relations *' 1975 Hugh M. Carter, Faithful Brethren 77 Lindsay "1917 J. F. Allin, Peterborough Peterborough '1976 Jack Hughes, Victoria 398 Kirklield GRAND lODGE Bro. Darian Bacon 705-201-1013 "1918 E. Fitzgerald, The Spry Fenelon Falls "1977 Carl J. Hepburn, The Spry 406 Fenelon Falls A.F. & A.M. OF CANADA *1919 David W. Walb. Murray 408 Beaverton 25 Redwing St., Lindsay, ON K9V 41'4 "'197B Deane Wellman, Lome 375 Omcmee IN THE PROViNCE OF ONTARIO Email: [email protected] *1920 H. J. Townley, The Spry 406 Fenelon Falls ':'t979 William McDougall, King Edward 464 Sunderland ':'1921 Albert E. HOllum. Verulam 268 BobcaygeolJ ':'1980 Morley J. McKague.King George V 498 Coboconk Chairman of Benevolence and Charity "'1922 R. W. Groves, Failhful Brethren 77 Lindsay 1981 Gordon E. Brown, Harding 477 Woodville *1923 William .lobe, Victoria 398 KirkfieJd '·'1982 Lance !'attcrson, Brock 354 Cannington Bro. Jeff Anderson 705-324-0213 '1924 C. W. Burgoyne, The Spry 406 Fenelon Falls "1983 Lloyd Johnson, Arcadia 440 Minden 77 Pickerel Point Rd, Lindsay, ON K9V 4R6 '1925 G. W. HaJJ, Faithful Brethren 77 Lindsay 1984 Gordon R. Henry, Gothic 608 Lindsay Email: [email protected] *1926 Sidney Johleston, Faithful Brethren 77 Lindsay 1985 Earl A. Cooper, North Entrance 463 Haliburton *1927 Cyrus R. Hart, Lome 375 Omemee *1986 Austin R. Hcnderson, Somerville 451 Kinmount Chairman of Buildings "1928 Charles M. Callan, King George V 498 Coboconk 1987 Gary S. Morgan, Murray 408 Beaverton "1929 EJJsworth Jackson, Somerville 451 Kinmount Bro. William Wheater 905-999-6434 1988 AHan W. Whitc, Vemlam 268 Bobeaygeon ':'1930 F. Cecil T. Smith, Harding 477 Woodville '" J989 W. K. Richards, Faithful Brethrcn 77 Lindsay 1771 Bacon Road, Minden, ON KOM 2KO "1931 Wilbert MacArthur, Arcadia 440 Minden ':'1990 Hugh Grant, Victoria 398 Kirkfield 2014-2015 Email: [email protected] "1932 Wil1iam MacMillan, Gothic 608 Lindsay 1991 James Nesbitt, The Spry 406 Fenelon Falls *1933 Ron J. Curry, North Entrance 463 Haliburton 1992 Norman G. Stacey, Lome 375 Omcmee VICTORIA DISTRICT Chairman of Computor Resources *1934 George R. Yule, Murray 408 Beaverton 1993 Murray B. Bailey, King Edward 464 Sunderland EST. 1916 V.W. Bro. Ron McMillan 705-324-9891 *1935 Cecil H. Pardy, Verulam 268 Bo!Jcaygeol1 1994 Edward W. Brohm, King George V 498 Coboconk 111 Sanderling Cres., Lindsay, ON K9V 4N5 "1936 H. S. Johnston. Faithful Brethren 77 Lindsay 1995 Walter A. Andruslko, Harding 477 Woodville *1937 Walter W. Fin~ie. Victoria 398 Kirkfic1d *1996 Gordon A. .Monk, Arcadia 440 Gr. Rgtr. Minden Email: [email protected] *1938 F. M. Graham, T'he Spry 406 Fenelon FaIts "199'} Lee A. Smith, Brock 354 Cannington TRESTLE BOARD *1939 William Greig, Lome 375 Omemee "1998 Floyd W. Hall, Gothic 608 Lindsay Chairman of District Regalia *]940 R. T. Robertson, King George V 498 Coboconk ':'1999 William H. Hobden, North Entrance 463 Haliburton www.victoriadistrictmasons.ca R.W. Bro. Walter Andruszko 705-439-2453 "1941 John R. Kelsey, Harding 477 Woodville 2000 Robert B. Graham, Somerville 451 Kinmount *1942 1. A. Pritchard, Arcadia 440 Minden 334 The Glcn Road, R.R. #1, 2001 John G. Appleby, Murray 408 Beaverton DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER "1943 W. Ewart Rogers, Gothic 608 Lindsay Woodville, ON KOM 21'0 2002 J. Douglas Anderson, Verulam 268 Bobcaygcon "'1944 J. A. Robertson. North Entrance 463 Haliburton 2003 William A. Elliolt, Faithful Brethren 77 Lindsay R.W. BRO. Richard W. Wackernagel Email: [email protected] *J945 J. Roy Umphries, Somerville 451 Kinmounl. 2004 John H. Sperrino, Victoria 398 Kirkficld *1946 Thomas R. Harrison, Murray 408 Beaverl.on 2005 Clifford V. Arscott, The Spry 406 Fenelon Falls P.O. Box 245, 699 Reid Street Chairman of MasoniCHiP Program *J 947 Ernest C. Anderson, Verulam 268 13obcaygeon 2006 Donald M. Burgomaster, Lorne 375 Omemee Kinmount, ON KOM 2AO W. Bro. Robert W. Hale 705-423-2985 *1948 C. H. Heels, Faithful Brethren 77 Lindsay 2007 Bill Storry, King Edward 464 Sunderland 705-886-0051 34 Albert St., Cannington, ON LOE lEO *1949 John D. MneMillan, Victoria 398 Kirktle1d 2008 Erick R. Watson, King George V 498 Coboconk *j950 Fred W. Warren. Tho Spry 406 Fenelon Falls 2009 John B. Gorrill, Harding 477 Woodville Email: [email protected] Email: robertwhale(il;eastlink.ca "'1951 T. Chester Best, I~orne 375 Ome.mee 2010 Gareth K. Kellett, Arcadia 440 Minden District Webmastcr "1952 W. H. R. Ilryant, King George V 498 Coboconk 2011 John W. Elburg, Brock 354 Canniugton DISTRICT SECRETARY "'1953 S. Clilford Benson, Harding 477 Woodville 2012 Darren J. Byrne, Gothic 608 Lindsay Bro. Joshua Walton 705-887-9542 *1954 William J. Beard, Brock 354 Cannington 20] 3 John A. Deak, North Entrance 463 Haliburton W. BRO. Stephen Kyle 1189 County Rd 121, Fenelon Falls, ON KOM 1NO *1955 A. Vinton Loucks, Arcadia 440 Mmden "Deceased *1956 Herbert H. McFadden, Gothic 608 Lindsay 2629 Highway 121 Email: [email protected] *1957 F. McIntyre. North Entrance 463 Haliburton Burnt River, ON KOM 1CO District Pipers "1958 W. Harold Carr, Somerville 451 KinDlount VICTORIA DISTRICT lODGES 705-344-0858 "1959 Cephus Doherty, Murray 408 Beaverton Bro. Alan Cooper- .:.:....... ""'"'-,. 70~3Q6-1472 "1960 William J. Mulligan, Verulam 268 Bobc'lygeol1 No. 77 Faithful Brethrcn 7:30 2nd Tues 1857 Email: [email protected] R.W. Bro. Earl Cooper- 705··754-2278 *'1961 S. J. Moore, Faithfu.l Brethren 77 No. 268 Verularn 8:00 3rd Fri 1872 Lindsay No. 35tj Brock 8:00 2nd Fri 1876 Bro. Craig Faas 705-878-6304 "'1962 G. Varnon Grant, Victoria 398 Kirkfie1d No. 375 Lorne 8:00 2nd Wed 1879 DISTRICT PROJECT Bro. John Lindsay 905-260-3757 ., 1963 Joseph Nesbitt, The Spry 406 Fenelon !"alls "No. 398 Victoria 7:30 1st Wed 1882 *1964 Harry L. Jackson, Lome 375 Omemee No. 406 Thc Spry 7:30 4th Wed 1884 Kawartha Lakes Humane Society V.W. Bro. Reid Torrey- 705-426-7741 *1965 G. G. Pinkham, King Edward 464 Sundertand No. 408 Murray 7:30 1st Tues 1885 *1966 C. F. Godwin, King George V 498 Coboconk J'10. 440 Arcadia 7:30 4th Thurs 1896 Kawartha Lakes Navy League ONTARiO MASON MAGAZINE *1967 Hugh O. Imrie, Harding 477 Woodville ':'No.451 SomervjJJe 7:30 1st Thurs 1901 District Correspondent Victorian Newsletter "1968 Lloyd G. Parliament, Brock 354 No. 463 North Entrancc 7:30 3rd Wed 1903 CanninglOn No. 464 King Edward 8:00 3rd Tues 1904 1601h ANNUAL COMMUNICATION Bro. Darian Bacon 705-201-1013 *1969 T. L. Prentice, Arcadia 440 Minden No. 477 Harding 8:00 2nd Mon 1905 OF GRAND LODGE "'1970 Ivan G. Rodd, Gothic 608 Lindsay No. 498 King George 7:30 1st Mon 1911 25 Redwing St., Lindsay, ON K9V 41'4 *1971 A. E. Rotcrton, North Entrance 463 Haliburton No. 608 Gothic 7:30 3rd Mon 1922 Wednesday, July 15, 2015-Toronto Email: [email protected] *1972 Alan D. Brown, Somerville 451 Kinmount "CLOSED January and February. Opcn July and August. DlSTR.ICT OFFICIAL VISITS DISTRICT MEETINGS GRAND REGISTRAR DISTRICT OFFICERS R.W. Bro. Roger James Hillier, F.C,F. -2{H4- I'as! and l)rcscnt Grand IA)dge Officers Meeting P.O, Box 1304, Haliburton, ON KOM ISO District Chaplam Victoria Lodge 398, Kirl\field.. Wed., Oct. 1,7:30 B Lindsay Masonic Temple 705-447-2767 Bro, Mel Smith 705-324·8174 Brad, Lodge 354, Cannington Fri., Oct. 10, 8:00 B Monday, Sept(::~Jber 22,2014 -- 7:30 p,m. 8 Regent Street, Lindsay, ON K9V 31'7 ~i:30 North Entrance 463, Haliburton Wed., Oct. 15, B Fa!! District Meeting GRAND STEWARDS Email: [email protected] Arcadia Lodge 440, Minden .. Thurs" Oct. 23, 7:30 B V. W, Bro. Kenneth Goodall 705-754-2826 Somerville Lodge #451, Kinmount, ON I\ing Edward 464, Sunderland Tues" Nov. 18,8:00 B 2596 Kennisis Lake Rd, Haliburton, ON KOM' 1SO District Organist Monday, OCIober 27, 2014----7:30 p.m. Somerville 451, Kinmount Thurs" Dec, 4, 7:30 B Email: [email protected] R,W, Bro, James M, Brown 7D5-878-4264 Long R.ange Planning Meeting 28 Champlain Blvd., Lindsay, ON K9V 4Rl V,W. Bro, Kenneth Campbell 705·324-7438 Email: [email protected] -2015- Lindsay Masonic Temple 195 Mary St. W" Lindsay, ON K9V 5N2 Friday, November 21,2014-7:30 p.m. Faithful Brethren 77, Lindsay ..Tues .. , Feb, 10,5:30 B Email: [email protected] District Historian Lome Lodge 375, Omemee Wed" Mar, 11,8:00 B Spring District Meeting V,W, Bro. Gregory Sooley 705-953-9528 R,W. Bro. Gareth K. Kellett Gothic Lodge 608, Lindsay Mon" Mar, 16,7:30 B Box 946, 14 Stouffer St., Minden, ON KOM Verulam Lodge 268, BobcaygeonFri., Mar. 20, 8:00 B Murray Lodge #408, Beaverton 783 Whiterock, R.R. 1, Oakwood, ON KOM 2MO Spry Lodge 406, Fenelon Falls Fri., Apr, 3, 5:00 B Friday, May 22, 2015--7: 30 p.m, Email: [email protected] Emll.il: gkellett@intcl'bopnet Murray Lodge 408, Beaverton Tues" l\pr. 7, 7:30 B William Mercer Wilson Medal Recipient Chairman of Masonic Education Harding Lodge 477, Woodville \VIon., IIpi', 13,8:00 B DISTRICT EVENTS Bro, Ron Mark 705-457-9559 R.W. Bro. John B. Gorrill 705-359-1513 King George V498, Coboconk Mon" May 4,7:30 B 1053 AmaJcen Road, Haliburton, ON KOM ISO 210 Country Lane, R.R, :#2 Junior Wardens' Committee Degree Team lodge Times as shown.
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