EM Friday's flight Editor's Choice Water Usage 727 Thurs., 530 p.m., Base Chapel, Tuesday, Oct. 30 NAS Norfolk, Va. 8:00 a.m. Catholic Memorial Mass, USS Iwo Guantanamo Bay 11:00 a.m. noon Jima victims. Capt. McCamy, Storage: 11.94 MIL - 85% Kingston, Jamaica 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. offers words of remembrance. Production: 0 2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m. Guantanamo Bay MIL NAS Norfolk, Va. 6:15 p.m. Thurs. m."All Saints Day" Consumption: 1.94 See page 3 holy day of obligation Mass i GuantanamoDaily Gazette Vol. 46 -- No. 213 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Wednesday, October 31, 1990 Saddam claims CIA, Kuwaiti 'Little Shop of Horrors' tickets Intelligence plotted against him AP - Iraq claims to have found billion in overseas assets, of which a secret document showing the CIA around $800 million are in the and Kuwaiti intelligence officials United States. Pickering says Iraq is plotting against Iraq before Saddam liable for losses and damages caused by the Kuwaiti invasion. Egypt- Egypt says it has cracked Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. Iraqi 13 groups that've been trying to des- officials say the document was A former U.S. ambassador to the tabilize the country during the past found in Kuwaiti government files, United Nations says selective air two months. Cairo's interiorminister and that a copy has been sent to the strikes are a very good option to says the terrorist groups came to United Nations. A CIA spokesman consider using against Iraq. Jeane Egypt from Jordan, Iraq, Tunisia and says contents of the document are Kirkpatrick says a combination of Algeria. The minister says the total fabrications and without foun- American aerial strikes and Arab have bases in Egypt and ac- groups dation. ground operations are most likely cess to Egyptian passports. Meanwhile, U.N. diplomats are than U.S. participation in a large Yesterday, bipartisan South Africa- South African busi- considering tougher actions against ground war. Presi- ness leaders want a part in negotia- Iraq. U.S. ambassador Thomas Pick- congressional leaders urged tions to write a constitution ending ering says the security council dent Bush to use caution, and let the racial segregation. The business might order the seizure of the coun- trade embargoplay outbeforeresort- leaders say they have a stake in the try's frozen assets. Iraq has about$4 ing to force. outcome of the talks to end Apart- heid. Acquittal pre-determined for Moscow- Mikhail Gorbachev says war in the Persian Gulf is not accept- Mayor Barry trial, says judge able and the crisis must be settled - federal judge who approach the case without bias.In peacefully. The Soviet leader and AP The judge's wordsthosejuymem winner of this years Nobel Peace sentenced Washington D.C.'s the Prize suggests Saudi Arabia work mayor to jail says some of the jurors hers would not convict under any toward an "Inter-Arab" solution. who heard Marion Barry's case circumstances." Gorbachev's comments come one were determined to acquit him. In his address to the law stu- day after a Soviet envoy failed to win U.S. District Judge Thomas dents, reported today in the Wash- a promisefrom Iraq that itwould end Penfield Jackson, commenting dur- igton Post, Use judge says the cvi- its nearly three-month occupation of ing a Harvard Law School case dence against Barry was over- Theresa Ludwig, President of Gitmo's Little Theatre Group and producer of Kuwait. whelming on 10 of the 14 counts. against a defendant. their newest show, "Little Shop of Horrors," sells COMNAVBASE, Capt. Bill Jackson says he be- The mayor was convicted, on Iraq- A United Arab Emirate However, McCamy two tickets for the show. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students. newspaper quotes westem diplo- lieves that during jury selection, four single count, a misdemeanor en- Gitmoites can catch the show at Saturday's Teen Club on Thursday, Friday, or mats as saying a number of Iraqi dip- of those who were selected for the caine possession, for which he's Saturday, Nov. 1,2 or 3, at 8p.m., or during theSunday matinee, Nov. 4, at2p.m. lomats have asked for, and received, panel obviously did not tell the been sentenced to six months behind Call Brenda Miller at 3509 for details. Read Thurday's Gazette for a review. political asylum. The Al Ittihad judges the truth in saying they would bars. newspaper says European states granted refuge to the diplomats op- Iwo Jima somber USS Iwo Jima posed to their nation's invasion of award winners I Kuwait. honors beWR after fatal accident Guantanamo Bay - Mo- Leo Sanchez casualty list (Continued on page 3) AP - A Navy spokesman de- rale, Welfare and Recreation Trevor Rowland scribes the mood aboard the USS AP - Here is a partial listof held an awards ceremony re- Raymond Reid Iwo Jima as somber but determined, the names of the 10 American sail- cently. The following individu- Lovelina Aguas following yesterdays fatal boiler ors killed in accident aboard the USA als received awards: Terry Hersh room accident. Ten sailors were USS Iwo Jima. Osbert Ingram killed by super-heated steam when a - David A. Gilliland, 21 War- News Kathy Lucas boiler pipe ruptured aboard the rensburg, Miss. Letter of Appreciation Hilda Sharpe amphibious assault ship in the Per- -Mark E. Hutchinson,27,El- Washington-A legal expert says it Pamela Toms Eric Russell sian Gulf. A memorial service for kins, W. Va. may be years before Washington, Rovertlee Hamilton Training Feelings the victims is planned for today. - Daniel Lupatsky, 22, Cen- D.C., Mayor Marion Barry serves a Donna Guy Marian Budd Meanwhile, the Navy says the Rear tralia, Penn. six-month jail termfor misdemeanor Cash awards Dora Strickland - Daniel C. McKinsey, 21, The Geor- Admiral who will head the probe into cocaine possession. Astor Barnes Hanover, Penn. getown University law professor Donna Guy Stephanie Paxton the accident has arrived in Bahrain to - Fred R. Parker Jr., 24, predicts a lengthy appeals process. Donvan Fearon Kurtis Davis begin a preliminary inquiry. Herman Innis Brandy Kusak Reidsville, N.C. Florida- NASA says the shuttle Kenneth Cain Donna Hoffman - James A. Smith Jr., 22, Columbia passed a critical refueling Trevor McPherson S.A.R.A. Bush discusses Somerville, Tenn. test Tuesday, clearing the orbiter for Joseph Sliva Cindy Lynch build-up in Mid-East - John M. Snyder, 25, Mill- launch in early December. The space Kenglsey Brown Merit Step Increase town, N.J. agency has already tried to launch Thomas Savoury Tammy Schwartz - Robert L. Volden. 28. Rego Columbia four times since early AP--PresidentBush met yester- James Tuggle. Brandy Klusak Park, N.Y. May. Also, NASA has cleared the Devon Lewis Employee of the Quarter dywt ogesoa edr n w ae eewthl repaired shuttle Atlantis for blastoff i s E m p lo a y e o ft h u a r te h is N a tio na l Se c ur ity a d vis er s to pnd in g no tif tca tio n o f fa m il y in 10 days. KurtisD e v o Davisew Kuris avs GarnetGme LockeLokediscuss a continued buildup of U.S. The Iwogk Jima is based in Norfolk, forces for possible use if Iraq cannot New York- Leaders of the unions V a. *e **"*"*"*e""" ""**" ***"""* "e e "*e"****e** be pressured out of Kuwait. Senator The Marine in striking the New York Daily News whodied the met with Cardinal John O'Connor Halloween Hours William Cohen of Maine said after jeep accident inthe Saudi Arabian today- the fifth full day of a bitter 6 to 8 p.m. Please drive the meeting that he did not get the desert has been identified as 1st Lt. labor dispute. Union leaders said Halloween trick-or treat hours tonight are from ghosts and gobblins.it fmoving closer to war with Iraq. bun,Michael Wash. N. Mouroe, 27, of Au- they hoped the meeting would en- carefully and watch out for our courage the papers management to begin talks to end the walkout. But the papers publisher responded by denouncing the vandalism and vio- First Adopt a Sailor/Marine starts in Gaoay lence that has marred the walkout. first Adopt a Sailor/Marineprogram. said Nordlander. "For those living in well," added Nordlander. If you're married or live in hous- housing, you don't have to have a "I New York-A contract employee at By J03 LISA PETRILLO would like to see everyone the New York Daily News says ing you can open your home to a single person over all night. Just living in Gitmo get involved. It's a many photographers have returned Are you unable to take leave and single servicemember to share the invite someone over for a meal, to great program," said Nordlander. to work, despite a strike that'll enter spend the holidays with your family? holidays with you. watch a football game, go to the "It would be wonderful if every- it's sixth day Wednesday. But other Orare youondeployment andunable If you're single or on an unac- beach or just enjoy a few hours of one could enjoy the holidays whether workersvowto continuethe walkout to spend time with your loved ones? companied tour, you can share family fun." it's with their own family or some- against the nations second largest If you are, Gimo's Morale, Thanksgiving, Christmas or New MWR plans to match the single one else's," the Naval Station's Om- newspaper.
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