ADDING VALUE. ADDING VALUES. HILLEL 2003 HILLELHILLEL ADDSADDS VALUE VALUE to the lives of Jewish college students. to the campus. to the Jewish community. to the world. Hillel infuses its work with the sacred values of the Jewish people. ISRAELISRAEL AnnaAnna Polishchuk,Polishchuk, aa seniorsenior atat thethe SchoolSchool ofof thethe ArtArt InstituteInstitute ofof Chicago,Chicago, hashas raisedraised pro-Israelpro-Israel activismactivism toto anan artart form.form. ISRAEL “IT IS VERY HARD FOR COMMUTER STUDENTS LIKE ME TO MAKE FRIENDS AT SCHOOL. HILLELS AROUND CHICAGO GAVE ME A COMMUNITY THAT I COULD IMMEDIATELY CALL HOME. WHEN THE ANTI-ISRAEL MOVEMENT ON MY CAMPUS BECAME OVERWHELMING AND I SET OUT – SCARED TO DEATH – TO FIND OTHER PRO-ISRAEL JEWS, HILLEL WAS THERE WITH ME EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.” ANNA POLISHCHUK Anna created Students for Peace in the Middle East to unite the pro-Israel community and to educate fellow students about Israel. In its first year, the group sponsored an Israeli coffee house, an Israeli Independence Day program and a dialogue on the Middle East called “Answer Your Questions, Question Your Answers.” Anna has also put her artistic skills to work for Israel: She sold caricatures of students attending Hillel events to raise money for the Jewish Federation’s Israel Emergency Campaign. Anna is one of thousands of students touched by Hillel’s pro-active, pro-Israel activities. Students visit Israel for the first time through Hillel’s birthright israel program. Hillel’s Students at the University of Minnesota Center for Israel Affairs provides students with resources to celebrate Israel Independence Day. create innovative peer-to-peer programs to express their University of California San Diego Hillel support for Israel. Last year, Hillel and the Charles and Lynn students join in the “Got Milk and Honey” campaign. Schusterman Family Foundation launched the Israel on Campus Coalition to coordinate 30 pro-Israel organizations Student Ruthie Warshenbrot leads a Middle East on campus. Hillel is the central address for Israel’s friends discussion program at the University of North Carolina. on campus. 3 SOCIAL JUSTICE “HILLEL IS THE FOUNDATION FOR ALL JEWISH LIFE AT YALE. IT SUPPLIES AN IMPORTANT SENSE OF IDENTITY FOR JEWS ON CAMPUS. HILLEL HAS ADDED VALUE TO MY LIFE BY PROVIDING A COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT WHERE I CAN DEVELOP AS A JEW AND WHERE I CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE BROADER COMMUNITY.” HARRY FLASTER Harry doesn’t hold back, not as an athlete or as a Hillel activist. A member of the football team who was sidelined by an injury during the Harvard-Yale game, Harry continues to compete in fencing. Passionately committed to engaging fellow students in Hillel’s work, Harry is also involved in Hillel’s social justice program. He helped organize a spring break trip to El Salvador to work in needy communities and raised money for the program by selling dozens of donuts to fellow athletes. Once in El Salvador, he immersed himself in building homes, in reaching out to the host community, and in Jewish learning. Hillel’s Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Tzedek Hillel program encourages students to engage in community service, advocacy, service and education in the areas of hunger, homelessness, the environment, and illiteracy. Hillels around Students from a low-income neighborhood the world are involved in their local communities, performing attend the Crazy Zany Science Extravaganza sponsored by Texas Hillel. acts of tikkun olam, repairing the world. U.S. students help build housing in Uruguay during alternative spring break. Hillel activists from St. Louis join with Jewish leaders to meet officials on Capitol Hill during the Charlotte B. and Jack J. Spitzer B’nai B’rith Hillel Forum on Public Policy. 4 SOCIALSOCIAL JUSTICEJUSTICE HarryHarry Flaster,Flaster, aa YaleYale UniversityUniversity senior,senior, isis contributingcontributing toto JewishJewish lifelife onon hishis campuscampus andand buildingbuilding aa betterbetter world.world. JEWISHJEWISH LEARNINGLEARNING UniversityUniversity ofof MarylandMaryland seniorsenior KarenKaren PerolmanPerolman isis makingmaking thethe richesriches ofof JewishnessJewishness accessibleaccessible toto JewishJewish studentsstudents acrossacross herher campus.campus. JEWISH LEARNING “HILLEL IS MORE THAN JUST AN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY TO ME. I’VE MET SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS. I’VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF. I’VE HAD OPPORTUNITIES TO TRAVEL TO SOUTH AMERICA. WITHOUT HILLEL, THE JEWISH COMMUNITY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND WOULD NOT HAVE 26 DIFFERENT JEWISH GROUPS. IT’S DEFINITELY THE MOST WORTHWHILE THING I’VE DONE IN COLLEGE.” KAREN PEROLMAN Karen breaks down barriers. As the Jewish Renaissance Fellow on her campus, she helped Jewish students of all backgrounds overcome their personal obstacles to studying Jewish texts by setting up weekly “Study with a Buddy” sessions and monthly group learning programs. When she noticed that first-year students were not participating in Hillel activities, she created a new Shabbat program in the area where most underclassmen live. At the same time, Karen coordinated the Reform community on campus, organizing all of its programs and arranging Friday night services. She even learned to play the guitar so she could serve as a song leader. Artist Tobi Kahn, and the Avoda organization, Hillel makes Jewish content accessible to Jewish students in work with students to create Jewish ritual traditional and innovative ways. Tens of thousands of Jewish objects. students turn to Hillel for Shabbat and holiday celebrations. Hillel’s pluralistic approach enables students Hillel’s Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Learning uses of all denominations to celebrate their Jewishness. state-of-the-art techniques, such as interactive Internet seminars, to bring ancient Jewish texts to life. Hillel helps Hillels of San Diego Executive Director Rabbi students integrate the texts and contexts of Jewish Lisa Goldstein and University of Maryland student Noam Fishman engage in Jewish civilization into their lives. learning, a keystone of Hillel activities. 7 INTERNATIONAL “WITH ALL THE STRESS OF LIFE IN ISRAEL – AND COLLEGE LIFE IN PARTICULAR – HILLEL REMINDED ME THAT IT IS POSSIBLE NOT TO BE CYNICAL. HILLEL ENABLED ME TO PRACTICE JUDAISM AS I SEE IT AND REINTRODUCED ME TO MY PEOPLE, HELPING ME FEEL A PART OF SOMETHING MUCH BIGGER.” JONATHAN DANIEL HOFFMAN As a Hillel activist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Daniel devotes his prodigious energy to helping Israeli students understand the role that Jewishness can play in their lives. Daniel was selected to participate in Hillel’s Pesach Project, a special program that brings students from Israel and North America to the former Soviet Union to lead Passover Seders for 25,000 Jews. The students join with their counterparts from the former Soviet Union to travel to large cities and small villages, meeting with elderly shut-ins, and bringing joy to thousands of lives. Hillel is increasingly international. In 2003, Hillel grew to 27 groups in the former Soviet Union and opened a new center in São Paulo, Brazil. The dedication of a Hillel building in Buenos Aires became a source of optimism for the economically devastated Jewish community of Argentina. Hillel students in different countries now regularly exchange visits, experiencing the shared bonds of the Jewish people. Hebrew University of Jerusalem student Vitali Mishaev participates in Hillel’s Pesach Project in the former Soviet Union. Students from Duke University Hillel spend spring break with fellow Hillel students in Montevideo, Uruguay. The Jewish community celebrates the opening of Hillel in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 8 INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL HebrewHebrew UniversityUniversity ofof JerusalemJerusalem lawlaw studentstudent JonathanJonathan DanielDaniel HoffmanHoffman isis buildingbuilding JewishJewish communitiescommunities inin IsraelIsrael andand thethe FormerFormer SovietSoviet Union.Union. ENGAGEMENTENGAGEMENT EastmanEastman SchoolSchool ofof MusicMusic operaopera studentstudent LauraLaura PuzioPuzio camecame toto campuscampus unableunable toto readread Hebrew.Hebrew. ThisThis year,year, asas aa junior,junior, sheshe ledled HighHigh HolyHoly DayDay services.services. ENGAGEMENT “HILLEL HAS ENABLED ME TO DISCOVER MY JEWISH IDENTITY AND REALLY EXPLORE ALL THE DIFFERENT FACETS OF JEWISH LIFE. AT EASTMAN, WE HAVE A SMALL JEWISH POPULATION. BY BRINGING US TOGETHER, HILLEL HAS GIVEN US COMFORT THAT THERE IS A COMMUNITY THAT WELCOMES AND SUPPORTS US.” LAURA PUZIO Laura was aware of her mother's Jewish roots but Judaism was rarely practiced at home. She created a Basic Judaism course through Hillel to help herself and others deepen their Jewish identity. In the process of immersing herself in Jewish education, she organized a Jewish community at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y., and became a Jewish student leader. Hillel engages thousands of Jewish students every year, giving them opportunities to explore and celebrate their Jewishness, whether it’s through art or Jewish learning, social activities or pro-Israel activism. Hillel’s Steinhardt Jewish Campus Service Corps fellows lead the way. In 2003, these recent college graduates worked on 140 campuses around the world to engage uninvolved students in Jewish life on campus. Hillel’s Soref Initiative for Emerging Campuses provides support for Jewish student organizations on campuses with fewer than 500 Jews. Steinhardt Jewish Campus Service Corps Fellows such as Brianna Bartnick at New Hillel engages Jews involved
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