Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, February 1, 1999 Volume 35ÐNumber 4 Pages 109±155 1 VerDate 12-JAN-99 07:40 Feb 03, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 W:\DISC\P04JA4.000 INET03 PsN: INET03 Contents Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies See also Meetings With Foreign Leaders International financial institutions and other Arkansas international organizations and programs, Community in BeebeÐ118 memorandum on fundingÐ143 Community in Little RockÐ116 Kosovo, memorandum on assistanceÐ125 Gov. Lawton Chiles of Florida, memorial Interviews With the News Media serviceÐ136 Exchange with reporters in St. Louis, MOÐ KosovoÐ143 127 Millennium Evening at the White House, Interview with Judith Miller and William J. fifthÐ123 Broad of the New York TimesÐ109 Pacific coastal salmon, partnership, telephone Meetings With Foreign Leaders remarksÐ134 Radio addressÐ115 Vatican, Pope John Paul IIÐ126, 127 Social Security and Medicare, roundtable Proclamations discussionÐ127 National Consumer Protection WeekÐ151 Stanley Cup champion Detroit Red WingsÐ 141 Statements by the President U.S. Conference of MayorsÐ143 BP Amoco's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas Virginia, employment initiative in OaktonÐ emissionsÐ122 137 Colombia, assistance in earthquake Welfare to work initiativeÐ119 aftermathÐ135 Transportation Department's Disadvantaged Communications to Congress Business Enterprise programÐ150 Cyprus, letter transmitting reportÐ141 Supplementary Materials Terrorists who threaten to disrupt the Middle Acts approved by the PresidentÐ155 East peace process, letter transmitting Checklist of White House press releasesÐ154 reportÐ135 Digest of other White House U.S. Air Force operating location near Groom announcementsÐ152 Lake, NevadaÐ152 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ153 Editor's Note: The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http://www.gpo.gov/nara/nara003.html. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. 2 VerDate 12-JAN-99 07:40 Feb 03, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 W:\DISC\P04JA4.000 INET03 PsN: INET03 Week Ending Friday, January 29, 1999 Interview With Judith Miller and bombing of our Embassies in Africa and what William J. Broad of the New York happened in Khobar, other things. Times One of the things that I have worried January 21, 1999 about from the beginning with the break- down of the Soviet Union before my time here was how to help them deal with the Terrorist Use of Chemical and Biological aftermath of the massive nuclear system they Weapons have, and starting with the Nunn-Lugar The President. Before you ask questions, funds, going all the way up to our threat re- I just want to say that I really have appre- duction proposals in this year's budget, you ciated the stories you've done, because I know, we tried to hireÐkeep the scientists think it's so important thatÐit's sort of a bal- and the labs working and do joint projects ance thing, but I want to raise public aware- of all kinds that would be constructive. ness of this and awareness also with people But it was pretty obvious to me that, given with influence who can influence decision- the size of the Soviet biological and chemical making without throwing people into an un- programs and the fact that we know a lot necessary panic. And I think these stories of other nations are trying to develop chemi- have been exceedingly valuable. cal capacity and some biological capacity, Sandy was making fun of me today before that we had not only nuclear problems, but you came in. Sandy Berger wasÐhe said, we have a chemical and biological problem. when you started talking about this 6 years And of course, the Vice President and others ago nobody around hereÐpeople just sort of sensitized me to this whole computer didn'tÐthey hadn't thought about it. problem. We had the incident with the de- Q. Six years ago. fense computers just a few months ago. But The President. I've been asking them to before that, I kept reading about all these think about this for a long, long time. And nonÐin the line of national security, all these of course, we had it more or less in the con- computer hackers. You know, I'm techno- text of terrorism because we had the World logically challenged. I can do E-mail and a Trade Center and all the other things to few other things, you know. But it struck me worry about. But anyway. that we were going to have to find some way Q. But actually, one of my first ques- to try to deal with that, too, because of the tionsÐbecause we've heard so many rumors defense implications, as well as the other pos- about how you got interested and none of sibilities. what has happened would have happened without your interest. But what was it? And I've had all kinds ofÐI also find that The President. Well, it wasÐfirst of all, reading novels, futuristic novelsÐsometimes I spend a lot of time thinking about 5 years people with an imagination are not wrongÐ from now, 10 years from now, 15 years from Preston's novel about biological warfare, now. I think that's one of the things that which is very much based onÐÐ Presidents are supposed to do and especially Q. ``Hot Zone'' or ``Cobra Event''? Which when things are changing so much. But we one impressed you? hadÐkeep in mind, we had the World Trade The President. ``The Cobra Event.'' Center issue; we had the CIA killer; and then Q. That's the one. later you had the incident in the Tokyo sub- The President. Well, ``The Hot Zone'' was way and then Oklahoma City. We've had a interesting to me because of the Ebola thing, lot of terrorist incidents, culminating in the because that was a fact book. But I thought 109 VerDate 12-JAN-99 07:42 Feb 03, 1999 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P04JA4.026 INET03 PsN: INET03 110 Jan. 23 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 ``The Cobra Event'' was interesting, espe- pens not only in the United States but any- cially when he said what his sources were, where else. We've had enough warning signs which seemed fairly credible to me. And then out there now, enough concrete evidence, I read another book about a group of terror- and we need to close the door of the gap ists shutting down the telephone networks in between the offense and defense. the Northeast and the Midwest. Q. What was that? Do you remember? Gravity and Timing of the Threat The President. I can't remember. I read so many things. I can't remember. A couple Q. How worried should we be, and howÐ years ago. But anyway, when IÐand a lot we don't want to panic people. And research of times it's just for thrills, but a lot of times has seen some of these warning signs, and these people are not far off. You know, they readers call, and they want to know, is thisÐ sell books by imagining the future, and some- how worried should we be? Is this serious times they're right; sometimes they're wrong. today, and is the threat rising? Is it going So I've gottenÐI don't want to soundÐ be more serious in the future? I've gotten a lot of sort of solid, scientific The President. I would say that if the input. I've also solicited opinions from people issue is, how probable is it in the very near- working on the genome project, for example, term an American city or community would and about what the implications of that might be affected, I'd say you probably shouldn't be for dealing with biological warfare. And be too worried. But if the issue is, is it a last year, we had a whole group of experts near certainty that at some time in the future come in here and spend an extended amount there will be some group, probably a terrorist of time with me and then follow up with the group, that attempts to bring to bear either staff on biological issues in particular. So I've the use or the threat of a chemical or biologi- had a real interest in this, and I think we're cal operation, I would say that is highly likely about to get up to speed. to happen sometime in the next few years.
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