TH* riKEST WEEKLY ?îEWSPAJ»EB I» lAlTERM 0HTAE19 (2.00 A TEA* VOL. LVI - No 18. Alexandria, Ont.. Friday. April 30 1948 Three-Cornered Contest Foreseen D. D. Macdonell New Plant To Toronto Farewell Hybrid Corn Project Discussed Ât With Social Creditors In Field Green Valley, Dies Come Here June 1 For J. D. MacLeod Annual Meeting Cheese Board Widely Known And Montreal Manufacturer Glengardans In Queen Secretary’s Report Sho-ws Drop In Boardings ! Liberals And Prog.-Cons To Select Esteemed Resident Of Dresses To Occupy City And Other Friends In 1947 To 42,789 Boxes — Candidates In Glengarry Riding Monday Suffered Heart Attack Part Of Glove Works Make Presentation Arch. McDouffald And Other Officers Re-Elected And Wednesday Of Next Week. The annual meeting of the Alex- Green Valley mourns the passing The Stotland Dress Co. of Mont- A surprise party of interest At least a three-cornered contest In andria Cheese Board was held in the of it’s first citizen, D. D. (Dannie real, manufacturers of ladies’ and Glengarrians was held at the home!! I Insemination Unit Glengarry is promised for the June Fire Hall on ’Thursday evening, AprU A. A. Fraser Reported Donald) Maodonell whose death oc- children’s dresses and blouses, is of Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Catton, JQ Lochicl ToWnstio 1 Provincial general election and it curred, early Wednesday evening In moving one of It plants to Alexan- ' 26 Lynd Avenue. Toronto, on Wednes ; 8th Horace Marperison was voted is possible there may be four candi- Returning Officer Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall. Mr dria and win occupy part of Mr. to tire chair and S. O’Connor acted day night of last week when almost A sufficient number of contracts dates in the field. It has been de- MacdoneU suffered a heart attack George Barbara’s new Alexandria as secretary. Alex A. Fraser of Apple Hill, a fifty relatives and friends assembled have now been signed to war- finitely announced that the Social A'hile in Ottawa, Saturday for the Gloves Works plant. ’The firm plans to bid adieu to Mr. and Mrs John The minutes of last meeting were Credit group will have a candidate fornier reeve of Kenyon and past marriage of a niece and since then lant forming of a sub-unit of the read by the secretary and adopted as president of the Progressive - Con- to install from 75 to 100 machines, D, MacLeod and family prior to their In this riding and though no word had been In hospital at Cornwall. liert, and will employ some one hun- Eastern Ontario Cattle Breeding As- was also the secretary’s report for servative Assoclatiorr of Glengarry, departure for their future home Jn sociation in Lochiel township, B. O. has yet been received of a 0.0.F. News of the.^death of one of Glen- dred, mostly girls and women, when Glengarry. Mr. MacLeod recently 1947, this report indicated that the man. it has been amnounced by their Is to be the Returning Officer for garry’s most widely known residenta Bennett, Agricultural Reprœentatlve, number of cheese boanded In 1947 this riding, It Is reported. 'While no in fuU production. It is expected resigned from his position as Dlreo- Frovinotal leader, Mr. JoUlIfe, that was received with regret by very production wlU bet underway about reported yesterday. Compete or- was down somewhat from 1846. ’There official amnouncement has yet been or of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds ganization of the sub-unit will take bis party will have a candidate in many friends. June 1st. , Division, Ontario Department of A- were boarded In 1946, a total of 43,751 every constituency. made In Toronto, It Is said Mr. Fra- The bodyy Is resting at the McMil- place next week and any farmer in boxes of cheese while In 1947 the ser has received notice of his appoint Mr Hyman Stotland, owner of the griculture, to return to active agri- Social Credit followers are meeting lan and Steinberg Funeral Home, Company is a friend of Mr. Lewis the township wishing to become » number boarded was 42,789 down by ment. culture on the farm he recently ac- tonight, here, to discuss strategy ami Alexandria, and the funeral will be Greenspon, proprietor of Alex- member should contact the canvas- 962 boxes. A meeting of the Election Board quired from the Misses Urquhart in sers or Mr. Bennett. ft is possible announcement of their held, Monday morning May 3rd, for dna Oufitters„and. it was through the VUlage of Dunvegan and adjoin- After the adoption of üie secre- candidate will follow the meeting. foi the United Counties was held at arrival at St. Raphael’s Church at ir Skpëcted service wUl com- tary’s report, the election of officers Cornwall, yesterday, and was attend- Mr. Greenspon’s efforts that the ing his birthplace the MacLeod home- On Monday night Libemls of the 8.30 o’clock. mencé HTâlSûür œa days . was held and the officers of 1947 ed by Stephen O’Connor, Glengarry plantt was secured for Alexandria. stead. Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod were riding meet in Alexander Hall here A Bister Miss CüUlBrtn» Msodonoil both prominent in the work of oraal- - —O —^ were re-elected for 1948. ’They are to choose their candidate and there Registrar, who has Sêën appointed to R N.; of New York City, arrived. Sun as follows: the Board. zatlon and later staging the several t; little doubt but that Edmund A. day night, while his btoUiar, Mr May Lose Eye As gatherings" held In the Queen City Many Ât Funeral President — Archie A. McDougald; MacGllUvray will be returned as John D MacdoneU is ert route from and Mr MacLeod held the office of Secretary — S, O’Connor; Directors standard bearer. Nelson, B C. Another sister. Rev. Sr President since the inception of the Of D. J. McDonald —Kenyon, Cleveland MoPhee; Lo- Two nights later on Wednesiday, Couple Honored M of St Berthold of the Holy Name Result Of Robbery Assoclatlou. chiel, Gilbert McRae; Lancaster. delegates of the Progressive Conser- Order at Windsor, Ont , is also ex- Hod McLeod; Charlottenburgh, Fin- The evening’s activities were start- Members of the diocesan clergy, re vative party will convene in the same Prior To Departure pected. .John D McCrimmon, 58, of RR2 ed off with an enthusiastic sing-song ley M'eintosh. hall to decide on their candidate. It A member of a pioneer Glengarry Dalkeith, may lose the sight of bis presentatives of the Town CouncU The chairman then addressed the under the leadership of Harold Pat- and £M large number of businessmen Is expected Osie P. Villeneuve, reeve Mr. and Mrs. Leopold lAlondA family which at one time owned left eye as the result of what police tlson. TThe Gaelic choruses were led meeting and stressed the importance of Maxville will again be In the run- practically all the property on which believe to have been an attempted were among the many relatives and oi keeping up Cheese Boards and were guests of honor at a farewell by Miss Edith Ferguson and Mrs. f."lends in attendance at the funeral ning although other names are ru- Green Valley is built, Mr. MacdoneU robbery, here Wednesday night. Mr. otha Dairy and Farm organizations party tendered them Monday even- Gordon Blair. Contributing to the of the lâtê Donald J. McDonald held moured as possible contenders. was born at lot 1 in the 9th Char- McCrimmon was operated on in O019 He announced that the Ontario ing In the K. of C. Rooms, prior instrumental numbers were Edith Per Friday morning AprU 23rd from his Members of the executive of the lotienburgh and had resided there ■wall General Hospital, yesterday, In Government would continue to pay to their departure early next week guson, Norma Catton, Oliver A. Mao late home 0 St. Finnan’s Cathedral Progressive Conservative party met throughout his lifetime He was 70 an effort to save the eye. a subsidy of 2 cents per lb. this year to reside at St. Donat, In the Laur- Bae, Donald J. Kippen and Dunca'd and cemetery, nie dean of Alexan- In the K. of C. Rooms, here, last years of age, a son of Donald Mac- Rene Leroux a local taxi driver, He explained why the paying for the entlans. ’The party was organized by Fletcher. Following luncheon, Cuth- dria merchant, Mr. McDonald died Friday nl^, to discuss orrange- doneU andhis wile, Sarah Mac- was entering town on Highway testing of milk by the Ontario Cheese olflcers of Glengarry Council Knights 48, bert GoUan, a former schoolmate, suddenly, early Wednesday, April 21 ffielits' ror~tSie cdinlng contest. Wed- donald . about 1 30 Thursday morning when Producers was discontinued thlk' of Columbus, and the many relatives anoressed a message to Mr. aria I St, In his 70th year. | nesday’s date for the holding of a and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lalonde Very conversant with the early at a point near the former Schell’s year. MacLeod and family and Miss Jes- Rev. Ewen J. Macdonald, P. P. I convention wax set at that, meeting present Included many members of history of Glengarry and possessing mill property, he found Mr. Mc- Donald A. Macdonald, K.C., was sie K. MacLeod made the presenta- of Greenfield, sang the Funeral Mass' ■which was presUed over by Osle P the K. of C. and their wives. a -fund of anecdote with which he Crimmon apparently the victim of a caUed upon by the chairman to give tion of a set of dishes.
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