THE CAMPUS OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE VOL. 105, No. 7 MEADVILLE,,PA. PUBLISHED SINCE 1876 November 5, 1981 Task Force Issues Rape Cards by Chris Small lem," Dean Rumsey said. force. Dean Susan Rumsey said of According to Rumsey, the She also stressed that the the Sexual Assault Task Force, group was concerned with on- cards were not distributed to "Our main objective was to campus situations which occur- scare the campus community, make sure that we were doing red last year. There were but to encourage women to be everything to make the campus instances in which some women cognizant of their surroundings. as safe as possible and to educate were harassed by a man or a Dean Skinner set up the task women in all they could do to group of men, and the task force force last year to study the prevent being involved in an did research to see if everything safety of students on the Alle- assault or rape." was being done to prevent gheny campus. The force The task force recently dis- occurrences such as these. consists of George Zubrod, Busi- tributed "rape cards" to all This committee studied the ness Manager; Edward Humph- female students living on or off physical plan of the campus to rey, Director of Security; Erna campus and to all staff in case identify and evaluate possible Heyer, a counselor at the Coun- of emergency. The cards are danger areas and found no seling Center; Mary Bras, Health wallet-sized pieces of paper consistent pattern of assaults. Center Head Nurse; Susan Rum- which supply rape prevention The group also studied pro- sey, associate Dean of Students, Molly Hatchet, t e a oys of Southern Rock, kept the . tips, a procedure to be followed cedures and emergency cards of and four students. Henderson Campus Center Auditorium rocking Saturday if one is raped and telephone other colleges to obtain ideas for numbers of College Security, the a system for Allegheny. Dean Rumsey concluded night— see page 5. VACLAV I K PH 11- 0 v....a Rape Crisis Center and two local Dean Rumsey said that the with the idea that the College hospitals. education of the college com- recognizes it can't guarantee 100 "We were formed not be- munity on how to prevent an percent safety, but through the ASG Returns Deficits cause of a significant problem, assault, along with what steps to information on the "rape cards .." but rather to develop pro-active take if one should occur, were students can be made aware and by Beth Vogt is arbitrary. Cabinet and Coun- measures to the potential prob- important goals of the task responsible. cil members will get first con- Tom Antonetti, chairman of sideration for tickets. The limit the Curriculum Committee of any student can buy is two. Allegheny Aid Counters Federal Trend ASG, reported about the pro- The Finance Committee, posed calendar change at the under Ken Knapp, suggested ASG meeting Tuesday at 6:30 that $625.00 be taken from the by Sara Rectenwald amount a family is determined already in school at that time p.m. in Edwards Lounge. General Fund to be used to buy to be able to afford. and already had their loans and Antonetti explained that the a business typewriter to be Under the Reagan Adminis- These proposals to the bud- grants, it would not have affec- committee voted in favor of a shared by ASG and the tration budget plan, the Depart- get were to be effective October ted aid for this year. Next year, revised school calendar starting CAMPUS. The motion was ment of Education's $14.9 bil- 1, 1981. Because students were cont. on p. 7 earlier in September and having passed. lion budget could be cut by winter break starting before The Committee also recom- more than $2 billion in 1982. Networks '81: Thanksgiving. Students would , mended that the deficits of the To students in colleges and return in January for second CAMPUS and WARC be re- universities across the country, term, have a short spring break, turned to their budgets, adding this cut could mean less financial The Career Connection and finish third term early in that the reasons for the deficits aid for them in the future. As a June. have been resolved and rem- result, many students may be by Diane Hinkle fields and the jobs that are Bob Coury, ASG president, edied. Council approved both unable to go to the college of available." gave the Executive Committee recommendations. their choice. What are your plans after you In between their panel dis- report, announcing that junior Joe Hallos, chairman of the The four most common fi- leave Allegheny? Do you have cussions, the alumni will be Lynn Phillips will be the new Rules Committee, reported that nancial aid programs are Pell any? Why not find out what stationed in the Campus Center chairman of the Student Judicial the committee has just begun Grants (formerly known as Basic others have done? Lobby to answer questions and Board. work on the Constitution Grants), Parent Loans, National Come to Networks '81 on talk to students on a one-to-one The Student Judicial Board changes. Direct Student Loans and Guar- Saturday, November 7 in the basis. Dr. Paul Zolbrod, moder- hears cases of a non-academic A freshman representative anteed Student Loans. Grants Campus Center where 25 former ator of the public relations and nature and is composed of two mentioned that many freshmen help pay for education, but Allegheny students will be retur- advertising panel, encourages seniors, two juniors, and two have complained that they aren't unlike loans, they do not have to ning to give you the benifit of everyone to take advantage of sophomores. receiving the specialized atten- be paid back. Loans are given at their experiences. this opportunity. "Feel perfect- Coury brought up the issue tion they deserve in large classes low interest rates and are repaid Beginning at 1 p.m., faculty- ly free to talk to the alums. of the Goals Committee but no in their majors. He also com- beginning six months after lea- moderated panel discussions will These are people who are going ideas were brought up from the mented that freshmen are com- ving school. The repayment run throughout the afternoon. to relate to Allegheny students floor. plaining of difficulty in getting period can last up to 10 years. Panelists will speak about their better than anybody else be- Tom Dowling, ASG Activi- into introductory courses. The proposed budget by the educational and working back- cause they were here them- ties director reported that peo- Coury replied that it would be Reagan Administration calls for grounds. They will be discussing selves." ple need to sign up for the trip difficult to establish limits on higher interest rates for parents their experiences at Allegheny Rita Donley, Career Services to the Penn Shore Wineries this classes or hire new faculty and and students in the Parent Loan which helped or hindered their counselor and coordinator of Sunday. He mentioned that the directed the representative to Program and the National Direct present success. Among other Networks '81, personally invites bus will be cancelled if fewer Dean Ford. cont. on p. 5 Student Loan Program. It also topics, the job market outlook every student to attend this new than 40 students sign up and, sets funding levels for the Pell and the value of a graduate Allegheny event. "We are instead, individuals' cars and INSIDE Grant lower than last year. degree will be discussed. hoping to begin laying the vans will have to be used as In the Guaranteed Student At the end of the presenta- foundation for a network of transportation. Judicial Board Reviewed Loan Program, students bor- tion, students and faculty will alumni that will help students Dowling also reported that he . p. 4 rowing money would now have have the opportunity to ques- with different phases of the is waiting to receive tickets to to pay an origination fee in tion the panelists. Professor career planning process. Please the Rolling Stones Concert in Networks Schedule addition to interest on the Chris Dubbs, moderator of the show your support for this Cleveland November 16 and 17. money. Families with a gross in- journalism and writing panel, concept by turning out and The cost is $15.00-$20.00 and . p. 6 come exceeding $30,000 would stated "I think students are too welcoming back our alumni," he is now taking names of those The Unheralded Heroes be required to take a need test. isolated from the professions slie said. interested in tickets. Need is the difference between they will get into. It is certainly For a complete schedule of Dowling mentioned that the . p. 8 educational expenses and the helpful to find out about these the Networks program, see page 6. number of tickets he will be sent Page 2 Thursday, November 5, 1981 CAMPUS INN 41 P...s.511,1,,k clA \owl \Nal_ taT IT Making Decisions MERE TO EUWWIS. mE OS .l ROSTER,‘,, *V' 11*Tb \1\11-kY *LLI WAS -nits About Drinking 1A kiZE HERc lb*/ , 017,1 1" A large part of the liberal arts education ffIRSri consists of making decisions outside the classroom. The administration, for the most Aire part, encourages students to choose their own social life, and part of this process at Allegheny inevitably involves decisions about drinking. Fraternity parties are an undeniable part of the Allegheny social life; each person is faced with the responsibility and right to decide how they will handle a situation where alcohol is avail- able in an almost unlimited supply.
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