Aalborg Universitet The Historical Relations between UNESCO and China with a Focus on the Mutual Impacts, 1945-1950 Chen, Yarong Publication date: 2020 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication from Aalborg University Citation for published version (APA): Chen, Y. (2020). The Historical Relations between UNESCO and China with a Focus on the Mutual Impacts, 1945-1950. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. Aalborg Universitet. Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet. Ph.D.-Serien General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. ? Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. ? 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Downloaded from vbn.aau.dk on: October 06, 2021 WITH A FOCUS ON THE MUTUAL IMPACTS, 1945-1950 IMPACTS, MUTUAL THE ON FOCUS A WITH CHINA AND UNESCO BETWEEN RELATIONS HISTORICAL THE THE HISTORICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN UNESCO AND CHINA WITH A FOCUS ON THE MUTUAL IMPACTS, 1945-1950 BY YARONG CHEN DISSERTATION SUBMITTED 2020 YARONG CHEN YARONG THE HISTORICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN UNESCO AND CHINA WITH A FOCUS ON THE MUTUAL IMPACTS, 1945-1950 BY YARONG CHEN DISSERTATION SUBMITTED 2020 Dissertation submitted: May 2020 PhD supervisor: Professor Poul Duedahl Aalborg University PhD committee: Associate Professor Marianne Rostgaard Aalborg University (chair.) Former chief archivist (UNESCO Archives) Jens Boel UNESCO Archives Associate Professor Andreas Steen Aarhus University PhD Series: Faculty of Social Sciences, Aalborg University ISSN (online): 2246-1256 ISBN (online): 978-87-7210-636-6 Published by: Aalborg University Press Langagervej 2 DK – 9220 Aalborg Ø Phone: +45 99407140 [email protected] forlag.aau.dk © Copyright: Yarong Chen Printed in Denmark by Rosendahls, 2020 Standard pages: 349 pages (2,400 characters incl. spaces). CV My name is Yarong Chen, my academic background is within the field of history in general. I obtained my bachelor’s degree of museology in 2010 and obtained my master’s degree of art history in 2014. I have been enrolled at Aalborg University PhD school from 2016 to present. My doctoral dissertation is a sub-project of the Routes of Knowledge: Global History of UNESCO coordinated by my supervisor Professor Poul Duedahl. My dissertation will investigate the historical relations between UNESCO and China from 1945 to 1950 with a focus on the mutual impacts. During the past years, I have conducted archival research at UNESCO Archives, Needham Research Institute, Institute of Modern History Archives at Academia Sinica and Chinese Second National Archives and other local archives in China. I have attended a number of PhD courses and workshops in Denmark and beyond, which are very helpful for my PhD studies. As a monograph-based PhD project, I have devoted myself to writing the dissertation, but the list below represents my research outputs on the theme of my dissertation, UNESCO-China relations and mutual impacts in education, science and culture. Conference Papers 1. Interaction between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: “One World” and UNESCO in China in Post-World War II Period, presented at the 20th International Conference on Conceptual History, Concepts in the World: Politics, Knowledge and Time, held by University of Oslo, Norway, 2017.9.21-2017.09.23 2. In Search for Rebuilding a Healthy China: Chinese Intellectuals’ Engagement in UNESCO Fundamental Education, Confronting Predicament: Mentality and Patterns of Behavior of Chinese Intellectuals in the Second Millennium, workshop held by Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2018.05.25-2018.05.26 3. Inventing Scientific Internationalism: On Joseph Needham, UNESCO and China, 1945-1950, Research Talk at Needham Research Institute, 2019.12.13 The Historical Relations between UNESCO and China with a Focus on the Mutual Impacts, 1945-1950 This doctoral dissertation, being part of the project Routes of Knowledge: Global History of UNESCO and sponsored by the Chinese Scholarship Council, will investigate the historical relations between UNESCO and China from 1945 to 1950 with a focus on the mutual impacts. The research design is to resolve the challenges of the efficacy attribution faced by impact studies of international organization (IO) and the accusation of Western Centrism of “impact-response” in China studies. This dissertation mainly draws upon French Sinologist François Jullien’s treatise on Shi (势), French thinker Bruno Latour’s Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and German Sinologist Rudolf Wagner’s reflection upon transcultural conceptual history. It will sort out the conceptual translation and accommodation of UNESCO’s key concepts and initiatives between UNESCO and China and trace the actor-network that was already in existence and constantly mobilized in UNESCO-China relations. This dissertation attempts to offer a case study of IO’s impacts in member state in the post-WWII era by tracing the processual formation of UNESCO–China relations, the negotiation and diffusion of their mutual impacts in the process of translating, acting and networking. Instead of seemingly one-direction relations, casting UNESCO as an external agent exerting impacts and China being passive, rather the dissertation will map out the dialectic interactive relations between UNESCO and China and the mutual impacts in three main aspects - culture, science and education. The dissertation, taking as its point of departure an examination of UNESCO’s impacts in China, concludes by writing a short history of how China participated in the communicating over cultural internationalism, the making of global science and the experimenting of global education via UNESCO during period 1945-1950, which has much resonance for understanding China’s place in global system and for studying how the interaction between IO and member states has diffused impacts in a connected world. UNESCO og Kinas indbyrdes forhold i historisk perspektiv med særlig fokus på fælles indvirkninger, 1945-1950 Denne afhandling, som er en del af projektet Routes of Knowledge: Global History of UNESCO og sponsoreret af det Kinesiske Stipendieråd (The Chinese Scholarship Council), undersøger de historiske bånd mellem UNESCO og Kina i perioden 1945-1950 med specifik fokus på indbyrdes påvirkning. Den søger at blotlægge de historiske udfordringer forbundet med såkaldte impact studies af internationale organisationer og beskyldninger om en eurocentrisk, eller vestercentrisk, tilgang til Kina-studier. Afhandlingen tager sit udgangspunkt i den franske sinolog François Julliens tese om Shi (势), den franske tænker Bruno Latours aktør-netværksteori og den tyske sinolog Rudolf Wagners refleksioner over tværkulturel konceptuel historie. Den analyserer den konceptuelle oversættelse og efterlevelse af UNESCOs nøglepunkter og initiativer i Kina med udgangspunkt i en aktør-netværksanalyse af det netværk, som allerede eksisterede og som blev konstant mobiliseret i UNESCO og Kinas relationer gennem perioden. Gennem en dybdegående undersøgelse af processerne, som dannede rammerne for Kinas og UNESCOs forhold, samt af deres forståelse for udøvelse og netværksdannelse, udgør afhandlingen et casestudie af en international organisations indflydelse på et medlemsland i tiden efter Anden Verdenskrig. I stedet for at koncentrere opmærksomheden på et tilsyneladende ensporet forhold, med UNESCO i rollen som ekstern agent, der influerer og indvirker på et passivt medlemsland, her Kina, kortlægges det dialektiske interaktive forhold mellem UNESCO og Kina i denne afhandling med særlig fokus på tre centrale aspekter: kultur, videnskab og uddannelse. Med udgangspunkt i en undersøgelse af UNESCOs indvirkning på, og indflydelse i, Kina konkluderer denne afhandling, at Kina deltog aktivt i formidlingen af kulturel internationalisme, skabelsen af et globalt videnssamfund og i forsøg med global uddannelse igennem deres engagement med UNESCO i perioden 1945-1950. Dette skaber en forståelse af Kinas rolle i det globale system i dag og baner vejen for fremtidige studier af, hvorledes forholdet mellem internationale organisationer og medlemsstater hjælper til at sprede multilaterale indvirkningsprocesser i en verden, som er mere forbundet end nogensinde før. Contents List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................... IX Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................... X Note on Names and Romanization ......................................................................................................... XII Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Locating UNESCO in the Global History of the Post-WWII Era ..........................................................
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