21 - T HE HERALD , Sat.. Sept. 5. 1981 STUMP eSINDINQ SPECIALIST lot ^ st $80; .. page 5 HOT WATER PREESURB CLBANINQ ■LhinB:- SAL EntorpriMS MANCHESTER Tree Removel ReMUlIng Senior cnism Dtooount Qroup RatoteFrao BMiiurtooe$2S.00 MMmum / Showers tonight; 646-3425 Manchester,, Conn. BRUCE LITVINCHYK, OwiMf/Oporator cloudy Wednesday 341 LYDALL 8T., MANCHE8TER Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1981 H AS ITI — See page 2 H rra lh 25 Cents GUNUFFE AUTO BODY / 763 ROUTE 13 TALCOTTVILLE, CT. MAIN ST. 24 ML TOWING 643-1191 191 643-0016 FEATURING THIS WEEK MAIN ST. 4 miles St. Georae •COMPLETC COLLISION REPAIR MANCHESTER •FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS 643-1900 MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. Vacations are over 6 QLEN ROAD - P.O. BOX B45 m MANCHESTER, CT. 00040 DOORS HAEOWARE AWNIIMS PHONE (203) 643-5107 A A __ A WINDOWS SHUTTERS CANOnES “SUPPLIERS OF SAFETY PROTECTION” Reagan SALES—SERVICE—INSTALLA TION W lien w ork keeps you YMKEE/iUlMWUMSElIVKXS tackles fesigns. nc W CIALI8T8 IN QLA88 4 8CREBN REPAIR 20 WARREN STREET 341 BROAD STRICT MANCHfSTER CONN 0 6 (M0 out in the cold... ‘FLOYD ' MANCHESTER, CONN. econom y Manchester ProfessiO'i.it I’ . S.nieA-l Beity G.iM.mhpf, Prop. , No matter how long you’re exposed _________ 6 4 P - H 0 » to wet, -windy, sub-zero conditions, the m SiRVICE ANO INSTALL INOUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL urethane coated oxford outer shell WASHINGTON (UPI) - His month­ Atlantlc Ocean long vacation over. President Reagan 8 keeps you dry, and the 8 oz. HollofU AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION K-B AUTOMOTIVE sought today to learn from the men who HEATING and SHEET METAL insulation keeps you warm. KEN BRAITHWAITE designed his economic program why the In short. Walls is the finest, tough­ 299 BROAD ST. 643-8844 economy is resisting their promised est, warmest insulated outerwear you recovery. New England Mechanical Services, Inc. can buy for the person who makes a SPEQALIZING IN: High interest rates, Wall Street com­ living in frigid conditions. And that’s a • STARTERS FLA, plaints and a Pentagon budget fuss were 166 TUNNEL RD. cold fact. • GENERATORS eTUNE UPS on the agenda for the president's most VERNON, CT. 06066 200 miles important meeting since he returned 871-1111 • ALTERNATORS •WIRING from California last week MATCHING HOODS UPl map Laying out the e(x>homic picture will FDR CDATS, JACKETS be Treasury Secretary Donald Regan; CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER'S Srri'inic Mniii'hi'ntvr tn vr .10 yrn. Bermuda prepared today for the onslaught budget chief David Stockman; Murray TIL. 640-3528 - . p AU TO of Hurricane Floyd, carrying winds up to 100 Weidenbaum, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and Martin Ander­ miles an hour. PARTS Pentland The Florist son, the president’s top domestic policy “AUTO PARTS FOR LESS" 24 BIRCH ST. adviser. HOURS TEL. B43-6247 Despite his optimistic remarks during 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI. 643-4444 the Labor Day weekend, Reagan’s ___________8 TO S SAT. A SUN. F.T.D. proposals to revitaliZe the economy have D P I p h o to MASTER CHARGE 2 storms not yet produced the desired results. 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) President Reagan meets with his economic advisers, Weidenbaum (rignt), MANCHESTER AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE Interest rates remain high and the goal chairman of the Councii of SERVICE Treasury Secretary Donald Regan (left) and Murray Economic Advisers. BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY of a balanced budget by 1984 appears elusive. In an effort to keep his budget­ bear down balancing pledge, the president has CAP -N- CORK PACKAGE STORE decided to trim the previously off-limits 485-489 No. Main St. Defense Department bankroll. Congress has busy schedule Manchastor, Conn. A portfolio of Pentagon suggestions on s how military spending could be cut 649-0591 House and Senate by Oct. 30 to ban the without jeopardiZing national security WASHINGTON (UPI) - Summer and House debate. Urm odrlrd H F.ilinrfsril on islands sale. awaited Reagan when he returned Mon­ vacation ended today for Ck>ngress, too, Although the specifics are not yet T o H v ltrr .Scrr*’ l«i< .. ORDWH DUCK CDATS and members returning to their desks clear,_som e cuts are due to hit the Domestic issues, lost, in the glare of 191 CENTER ST. HAMILTON, Bermuda (UPI) — A weakenins day from a brief trip to New York. boOget and tax lirearactu earUer thta “ That’s going to "W my evening Wednesday w ill find an assignment m ilU ^ , a TiMwe certain to enrage con­ LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIRLS AND JACKETS SPECIAL ORDER MANCHESTER, CONN. Hurricane Floyd bore down on tourist-packed Bermuda year, are expected to appear — noisily — Large Selection of CAKE MON.-SAT. 10-5 reading,” he said on his return to the schedule that may keep them busy until gressional hawks who feel a need to beef Eiiclusive, heavy-duty Brown Duck. Snag Proof. Wind (203)646-0226 t ^ y while rains from Tropical Storm Gert inundated this fall. Imoorted & Domettic Wines THURS. 10-9 White House. CTiristmas. up the armed services. resistant. Copper rivets or thread bar tacks at stress the Leeward Islands on the way to the Virgin Islands The single-minded devotion to cutting Two of the most visible Senate issues The Senate will find itself immediately points. Detailed three-needle stitching. Traditional At noon, Reagan meets with Secretary E and Puerto Rico. immersed in a filibuster over school Carhartt durability. 100% cotton, except linings as of State Alexander Haig and Defense spending and taxes that occupied the ad­ will involve personalities. Bermuda, a rocky resort haven filled to the brim with busing that was under way for weeks marked. Preshrunk; dry clean or machine wash, warm. Secretary Caspar Weinberger ixjncer- ministration and Congress during Presi­ Reagan's first Supreme Court MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. OVER 45 stranded tourists, battened down as Floyd approached — before the August recess. A new attempt Union made In U.S.A. MANCHESTER ning the visit by Israeli Prime Minister dent Reagan's first seven months in of­ nominee, Sandra O’Connor, appears YEAR S its winds down to minimal hurricane strength of 7S mph before the Senate Judiciary Committee to cut off the talkathon is scheduled. X- XX- XXX^ xxxx- Menachem Begin Wednesday. fice resulted in a dearth of action on Three previous attempts failed SIZES SMALL MEDIUM LARGE LARGE LAR6E LARGE LARGE MEMORIAL CO. EXPERIENCE as it moved north into colder waters. Begin plans to complain frankly about almost everything else. later this week, and Sen, Harrison se' IhreaUT Out Thousands of tourists tried to leave for home Monday Led by Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., the proposed U.S. sale of special radar Now, Congress must pass 13 ap­ Williams, D-N.J., faces possible expul­ •FOUL WEATHER SUITS 34-36 3S-40 42-44 46-48 50-52 $4-56 58-60 Opp. East Cemetery when Floyd changed course and headed toward the the filibuster has blocked action on CALL 649-5807 planes to Saudi Arabia, an Arab propriations bills that will set the level of sion if an appeals court upholds his •BOOTS •HOSE island. Most of today's flights were canceled and the measures that would prevent the courts neighbor. actual spending in the fiscal year star­ Abscam conviction. •GLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS I cruise ship Volendam, headed for Bermuda with a full ting Oct. 1. The biggest controversy, and poten­ from ordering busing of pupils more than QUALITY HARRISON ST. Reagan meets with Weinberger and P load of tourists, said it would stay out at sea. 10 miles and 30 minutes roundtrip from Stockman Wednesday to review the Pen­ Although the main budget battle tially the administration’s first setback MANCHESTER In the Leeward Islands, residents of Guadeloupe and their homes and would prevent the 5 Glen Rd. • Manchester • 643-51071 M EM ORIALS tagon budget cuts, and on Thursday, the seemed to be over with adoption of in Congress, will be over the proposed Dominica, which was devastated by Hurricane David in sale of AWACS radar planes to Saudi government from filing suits to require entire Cabinet w ill be briefed o a the stringent spending ceilings earlier this 1979, felt the torrential rains of Gert as it passed by on more busing. B&L Enterprises status of the entire economic program. year, administration concern that the Arabia. its way to predicted landfalls today on the Virgin Islands The sale is opposed by Israel and its Abortion, another politically explosive The president said he has not made a cuts might not be enough could result in corps of supporters in both houses. issue that could detonate around the EVERYTHING IN GLASS and Puerto Rico. decision on how many dollars to subtract battles over additional reductions as One-time-Hurricane Emily, which never threatened each of the money bills reaches Senate' would take a majority vote in both the O’Connor nomination. ■WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT' from the m ilitary budget. ServiceMASTFR Ignd, disintegrated in chilly North Atlantic waters off Canada and hurricane forecasters said it likely would J.A. WHITE GLASS CO. cease to be a storm late today. At 6 a.m. EDT today, Gert's center was near latitude 6 4 B - 7 3 1 B Prof essional Cleaning Services 16.0 North and longitude 63.5 West, or 240 miles n l t H VI If. IKS f VPf.KIESrf southeast of San Juan, Puerto Rico. Gert has been Elderly shoppers miss Top Notch HOME A BUSINESS 131 BISSELL ST. MANCHESTER SpseMMng In wsU^ Ooon, yphotsfnd AfmffurWp moving almost due west about 20 miles per hour and is •MIRRORS •SHOWER DOORS •STORE FRONTS esrpsUng A tHtssHrmstonVon.
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